Commit aa33cee3 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

Allow to only unshare (slapns -U) without creating separate chroot

It is handy to reuse slapns uid setup, because e.g. `unshare -U...` does
not allow to use newuidmap & friends, and so with just unshare it is
hard to create a user namespace where e.g. screen will work (openpty
wants to chown(:tty), gid(tty)=5)
parent a150da84
......@@ -139,6 +139,10 @@ def idmap_trysetup_viashadow(kind, pid):
def main():
slappart = sys.argv[1]
unshareonly = (slappart == "-U")
if unshareonly:
slappart = ""
if not unshareonly:
# create directories inside container
dirv = ["/proc", "/sys",
"/bin", "/sbin", "/lib", "/lib64", "/usr/bin", "/usr/lib",
......@@ -208,6 +212,7 @@ def main():
mount("none", slappart + "/tmp", "tmpfs")
mount("none", slappart + "/run", "tmpfs")
if not unshareonly:
# read-only bind mount bin, lib, ... from SR
# FIXME stub: here we bind from base system for now
bind("/bin", slappart + "/bin", MS_RDONLY)
......@@ -235,9 +240,10 @@ def main():
os.system("/sbin/ifconfig lo") # XXX at least loopback works
# chroot to container
if not unshareonly:
slappart = abspath(slappart)
os.chroot(slappart) # XXX -> try pivot_root
# FIXME stub: -> $SHELL
os.execv("/bin/bash", ["bash"])
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