Commit d34d3844 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

slapos_crm: Test fixup

   Ensure it wont find any unexpected published notification message.
parent d4f9815c
......@@ -1876,9 +1876,14 @@ class TestSlapOSPerson_getSlapOSPendingTicket(TestCRMSkinsMixin):
class TestSlapOSPerson_getSlapOSPendingTicketMessageTemplate(TestCRMSkinsMixin):
'assert reference == "slapos-crm-person-pending-ticket-notification"\n' \
'return None')
@simulate('Person_getSlapOSPendingTicket', '*args, **kwargs','return range(99)')
def test_getSlapOSPendingTicketMessageTemplate(self):
person = self.makePerson()
# Test without notification message
title, message = person.Person_getSlapOSPendingTicketMessageTemplate()
self.assertEqual(""" You have 99 pending tickets """, title)
self.assertEqual(""" You have 99 pending tickets """, message)
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