Commit e405b3f0 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 4fe5706a
......@@ -44,7 +44,12 @@
com_addr: "{{ slap_configuration['configuration.com_addr'] }}:{{ slap_configuration['configuration.com_ws_port'] }}",
{%- endif %}
{%- if len(list(icell_dict|dictsort | selectattr('1._.cell_type', '==', 'lte'))) > 0 %}
{# do we have LTE cells and/or NR cells ? #}
{%- set do_lte = len(list(icell_dict|dictsort | selectattr('1._.cell_type', '==', 'lte'))) > 0 %}
{%- set do_nr = len(list(icell_dict|dictsort | selectattr('1._.cell_type', '==', 'nr'))) > 0 %}
{% if do_lte %}
// LTE core network + XXX X2 peers
mme_list: [
{%- for _, mme in slapparameter_dict.get('mme_list',
{'1':{'mme_addr': slap_configuration['configuration.mme_addr']}})
......@@ -56,7 +61,8 @@
{%- endif %}
// XXX only if slapparameter_dict.get('afm_list') || has NR cell ?
{% if do_nr %}
// NR core network + XXX Xn pers
afm_list: [
{%- for _, afm in slapparameter_dict.get('afm_list',
{'1':{'afm_addr': slap_configuration['configuration.amf_addr']}})
......@@ -66,10 +72,12 @@
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{#- X2/Xn TODO: add info about peers as shared instances - one instance per peer *ENB*.
then query SlapOS Master about cells configured on that peer ENB and
depending on whether LTE and/or NR cells are there add X2 and/or Xn peers #}
{# XXX move ^^^ ? #}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('xn_peers', '') %}
xn_peers: [
{%- for k in slapparameter_dict['xn_peers'] -%}
......@@ -88,10 +96,14 @@
gtp_addr: "{{ slap_configuration['configuration.gtp_addr'] }}",
{% endif %}
{%- if do_lte %}
enb_id: {{ cfg('enb_id') }},
{%- endif %}
{%- if do_nr %}
gnb_id: {{ cfg('gnb_id') }},
gnb_id_bits: {{ cfg('gnb_id_bits') }},
en_dc_support: true,
{%- endif %}
// LTE cells
cell_list: [
......@@ -22,13 +22,19 @@
tx_gain: [-21, -21, -11, -11],
rx_gain: [-22, -12],
com_addr: "",
// LTE core network + XXX X2 peers
mme_list: [
mme_addr: "",
// XXX only if slapparameter_dict.get('afm_list') || has NR cell ?
// NR core network + XXX Xn pers
afm_list: [
afm_addr: "",
......@@ -37,8 +43,8 @@
gtp_addr: "",
gtp_addr: "",
enb_id: 0x1A2D0,
gnb_id: 0x12345,
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