{# common macros for gitlab instance #} {# cfg(name) -> instance_parameter:configuration.<name> #} {% macro cfg(name) %}{{ instance_parameter[str("configuration." + name)] }}{% endmacro %} {# cfg_bool(name) - like cfg(name), but returns 'true'/'' NOTE macros can return only strings - that's why '' is used for false #} {% macro cfg_bool(name) %}{{ 'true' if (cfg(name).lower() in ('true', 'yes')) else '' }}{% endmacro %} {# deduce whether to use https from external url ( here - becasue we cannot use jinja2 logic in instance-gitlab.cfg.in to process instance parameters ) #} {% set external_url = urlparse.urlparse(cfg('external_url')) %} {% set cfg_https = (true if external_url.scheme == 'https' else false) %} {# for convenience #} {% set fqdn = external_url.hostname %}