@@ -7010,6 +7013,11 @@ One can revert the last command(s) by executing the <<cmd revert>> s
@@ -7010,6 +7013,11 @@ One can revert the last command(s) by executing the <<cmd revert>> s
You can not revert to a previous state when the <<path todo.txt>> file was modified with other editors / applications than topydo in the meantime.</pre>
You can not revert to a previous state when the <<path todo.txt>> file was modified with other editors / applications than topydo in the meantime.</pre>
<pre>* New: <<cmd ls>> can [[group|Group]] items with the `-g` flag, accepting a [[group expression|GroupExpression]] (which has the same format as a [[sort expression|SortExpression]]). To group items by project, run: `topydo ls -g project`.
<pre>* New: <<cmd ls>> can [[group|Group]] items with the `-g` flag, accepting a [[group expression|GroupExpression]] (which has the same format as a [[sort expression|SortExpression]]). To group items by project, run: `topydo ls -g project`.
* New: <<cmd ls>> can print todo items in the [[Graphviz Dot format|DotOutput]], such that [[dependencies|Dependencies]] can be visualized. Use `ls -f dot`, or `topydo ls -f dot +ProjectA | dot -Tsvg -o projectA.svg` to make a graph for [[project|Project]] A.
* New: <<cmd ls>> can print todo items in the [[Graphviz Dot format|DotOutput]], such that [[dependencies|Dependencies]] can be visualized. Use `ls -f dot`, or `topydo ls -f dot +ProjectA | dot -Tsvg -o projectA.svg` to make a graph for [[project|Project]] A.
@@ -7043,6 +7051,76 @@ will interpret value as a [[relative date|RelativeDates]] and convert to an
@@ -7043,6 +7051,76 @@ will interpret value as a [[relative date|RelativeDates]] and convert to an
* Change: output in [[column UI|ColumnUI]] remains visible when `:` is pressed (in contrast to `Enter` or `Escape` which discards output).</pre>
* Change: output in [[column UI|ColumnUI]] remains visible when `:` is pressed (in contrast to `Enter` or `Escape` which discards output).</pre>
<pre>* New: make the [[text editor|edit]] configurable. It can be specified in the [[configuration|Configuration]] file or the editor can be passed with `topydo edit -E nano`. This makes it also much easier to introduce 'filters', to process (a selection of) todo items through an [[external command|ExternalCommands]].
* New: with `revert ls` you can list all [[backups|Backups]], with `revert NUM` you can restore backup NUM (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* New: [[tab-completion|AutoCompletion]] in [[column mode|ColumnUI]] (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* New: the [[commandline in column mode|ColumnUICommandLine]] understands basic readline shortcuts:<div>
* Ctrl-a: move cursor to the beginning
* Ctrl-e: move cursor to the end
* Ctrl-u: delete from the cursor back to the beginning
* Ctrl-k: delete from the cursor to the end
(thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).</div>
* New: 'Mark all' in column mode: simply use Ctrl-A (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* New [[list format specifiers|FormatStrings]] (for `ls -F`):<div>
* %n: line number
* %N: padded line number
* %u: text-based ID
* %U: padded text-based ID
The [[identifiers|Identifiers]] `%i` and `%I` print whatever is configured (default: line
* New: `dep ls` was extended to understand the words `before` and `after`. For example `topydo dep ls before 1` is equivalent to `topydo dep ls 1 to` (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* New: introduce [[identifier_alphabet|ConfigIdentifierAlphabet]] option in the [[configuration|Configuration]], allowing you to choose which characters should be used for the text-based [[identifiers|Identifiers]]. This is a convenience for Dvorak typists (like me), to only use characters on the base row (and other conveniently positioned characters).
* Fix: crash when running `help` in column mode.
* Fix: better handling of incorrect dates. The <<cmd postpone>> command would crash when a todo item has an invalid due date (e.g. 2016-06-31).
* Fix: take [[hide tags|ConfigHiddenItemTags]] into account in column mode.
* Fix: print the correct todo IDs in the <<cmd do>> or <<cmd del>> output (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* Fix: make `add -f` more robust when the file does not exist (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* Fix: `ls -n` would not print anything under some circumstances, e.g. when todos are [[hidden|ConfigHiddenItemTags]].
* Fix: Do not apply [[numerical/date filtering|FilterExpressions]] (<, >, =) when a tag appears more than once.
* Fix: crash when launching [[column mode|ColumnUI]] in Windows. This mode is not supported, you may use Cygwin instead.
* Fix: crash when an option appears twice in the [[configuration|Configuration]] file. The last value for an option will be used (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* Fix: fix padding for todo IDs.
* Fix: instruct users to use `pip3` instead of `pip` (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* Change: <<cmd tag>>, <<cmd append>> and <<cmd dep>> can work with multiple todo IDs. This allows you to apply these commands on all marked items. Use `{}` as a placeholder for the multiple IDs, e.g. `tag {} due today` (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* Change: completed items have a grey [[progress color|ProgressColors]].
* Change: show [[group|Group]] names with [[relative|RelativeDates]] (humanized) dates when they represent dates.
* Change: print empty output when `dep ls` has no output. Improves feedback to the user in [[column mode|ColumnUI]] (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* Change: show an error message when parsing the [[list format|FormatStrings]] fails (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* Change: use [[filter expression|FilterExpressions]] when no title was given for a [[column|Column]] in the column definition file (thanks to <<ghuser mruwek>>).
* Change: `Ctrl-C` does not abort [[column mode|ColumnUI]] anymore, use `:quit` or `:exit` instead.
<div bag="default" created="20160620172437687" modified="20160715052254865" revision="0" summary="The default UI that can be invoked right from the shell (Bash, zsh, ...)" tags="UI" title="CLI" type="text/vnd.tiddlywiki">
<div bag="default" created="20160620172437687" modified="20160715052254865" revision="0" summary="The default UI that can be invoked right from the shell (Bash, zsh, ...)" tags="UI" title="CLI" type="text/vnd.tiddlywiki">
<pre>This is the traditional user interface, where topydo is invoked from the shell using [[subcommands|Command]]. Topydo exits after each invocation (exit code 0 if successful, otherwise a value larger than 0).
<pre>This is the traditional user interface, where topydo is invoked from the shell using [[subcommands|Command]]. Topydo exits after each invocation (exit code 0 if successful, otherwise a value larger than 0).
@@ -7896,9 +7974,6 @@ The <<cmd dep>> command is also Dot aware, which allows you to gener
@@ -7896,9 +7974,6 @@ The <<cmd dep>> command is also Dot aware, which allows you to gener
<div bag="default" created="20160715052254901" modified="20160715052254901" revision="0" title="Draft of 'CLI'" type="text/vnd.tiddlywiki">
<div bag="default" created="20160715052254901" modified="20160715052254901" revision="0" title="Draft of 'CLI'" type="text/vnd.tiddlywiki">
<div modified="20170813120723149" title="Draft of 'ConfigIdentifierAlphabet'">
<div bag="default" command-description="The `edit` subcommand launches a text editor to edit todo items." created="20160503072039997" modified="20170813104546373" revision="0" tags="Command FilterExpressions" title="edit" type="text/vnd.tiddlywiki">
<div bag="default" command-description="The `edit` subcommand launches a text editor to edit todo items." created="20160503072039997" modified="20170813104546373" revision="0" tags="Command FilterExpressions" title="edit" type="text/vnd.tiddlywiki">
<pre>The `edit` subcommand launches a text editor to edit todo items.
<pre>The `edit` subcommand launches a text editor to edit todo items.