Commit c7b66a4c authored by Bram Schoenmakers's avatar Bram Schoenmakers

Simplify pp_number() now number() can handle multiple sorts of IDs.

parent 242c169e
......@@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ class TodoListBase(object):
self.dirty = True
def number(self, p_todo):
Returns the line number or text ID of a todo (depends on the
if config().identifiers() == 'text':
return self._todo_id_map[p_todo]
......@@ -238,10 +242,6 @@ class TodoListBase(object):
A filter for the pretty printer to append the todo number to the
printed todo.
if config().identifiers() == 'text':
return lambda p_todo_str, p_todo: \
"|{:>3s}| {}".format(self._todo_id_map[p_todo], p_todo_str)
return lambda p_todo_str, p_todo: \
"|{:>3}| {}".format(self.number(p_todo), p_todo_str)
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