# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019  Nexedi SA and Contributors.
#                          Kirill Smelkov <kirr@nexedi.com>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
# option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
# the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
# Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
# source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
# software used.
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See https://www.nexedi.com/licensing for rationale and options.

"""Module wcfs.py provides python gateway for spawning and interoperating with wcfs server

Join(zurl) joins wcfs server. If wcfs server for zurl is not yet running, it
will be automatically started if `autostart=True` parameter is passed to join.
It will also be automatically started by default unless
$WENDELIN_CORE_WCFS_AUTOSTART=no is specified in environment.

WCFS represents connection to wcfs server obtained by join.
FileH ... XXX


import os, sys, hashlib, tempfile, subprocess, time, re
import logging as log
from os.path import dirname
from errno import ENOENT, EEXIST

from golang import chan, select, default, func, defer
from golang import sync, context
from golang.gcompat import qq
import threading

from persistent import Persistent
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
from ZODB.utils import z64, u64, p64
from zodbtools.util import ashex, fromhex

from .internal import mm

from six import reraise

# WCFS represents filesystem-level connection to wcfs server.
# Use join to create it.
# The primary way to access wcfs is to open logical connection viewing on-wcfs
# data as of particular database state, and use that logical connection to
# create base-layer mappings. See .connect and Conn for details.
# Raw files on wcfs can be accessed with ._path/._read/._stat/._open .
# WCFS logically mirrors ZODB.DB .
class WCFS(object):
    # .mountpoint   path to wcfs mountpoint
    # ._fwcfs       /.wcfs/zurl opened to keep the server from going away (at least cleanly)
    # ._njoin       this connection was returned for so many joins

    # XXX for-testing only?
    # ._proc        wcfs process if it was opened by this WCFS | None

# Conn represents logical connection viewing data on wcfs filesystem as of
# particular database state.
# It uses /head/bigfile/* and notifications received from /head/watch to
# maintain isolated database view while at the same time sharing most of data
# cache in OS pagecache of /head/bigfile/*.
# Use .mmap to create new Mappings.
# Conn logically mirrors ZODB.Connection .
class Conn(object):
    # ._wc          WCFS
    # .at           Tid
    # ._wlink       WatchLink watch/receive pins for created mappings

    # ._filemu      threading.Lock
    # ._filetab     {} foid -> _File

# _File represent isolated file view under Conn.
class _File(object):
    # .wconn    Conn
    # .foid     hex of ZBigFile root object ID
    # .blksize  block size of this file
    # .headf    file object of head/file
    # .pinned   {} blk -> rev   that wcfs already sent us for this file
    # .mmaps    []_Mapping ↑blk_start    mappings of this file

# _Mapping represents one mapping of _File.
class _Mapping(object):
    # .file         _File
    # .blk_start    offset of this mapping in file
    # .mem          mmaped memory

    # XXX property .blk_stop = blk_start + len(mem) // blksize      & assert len(mem) % blksize == 0

# connect creates new Conn viewing WCFS state as of @at.
def connect(wc, at): # -> Conn
    wconn = Conn()

    # XXX support !isolated mode
    wconn._wc       = wc
    wconn.at        = at
    wconn._wlink    = WatchLink(wc)
    wconn._filemu   = threading.Lock()
    wconn._filetab  = {}

    # XXX wg.go(wconn._pinner, xxxctx)

    return wconn

# close releases resources associated with wconn.
# XXX what happens to file mmappings?
def close(wconn):
    # XXX stop/join pinner

# _pinner receives pin messages from wcfs and adjusts wconn mappings.
def _pinner(wconn, ctx):
    while 1:
        req = wconn._wlink.recvReq(ctx)
        if req is None:
            return  # XXX ok? (EOF - when wcfs closes wlink)

        # we received request to pin/unpin file block. perform it
        with wconn._filemu:
            f = wconn._filetab.get(req.foid)
            if f is None:
                1/0     # XXX we are not watching the file - why wcfs sent us this update?

            # XXX relock wconn -> f ?

            for mmap in f.mmaps:    # XXX use ↑blk_start for binary search
                if not (mmap.blk_start <= req.blk < mmap.blk_stop):
                    continue    # blk ∉ mmap

                # FIXME check if virtmem did not mapped RW page into this block already
                mmap._remmapblk(req.blk, req.at)

            # update f.pinned
            if req.at is None:
                f.pinned.pop(req.blk, None)     # = delete(f.pinned, req.blk)  -- unpin to @head
                f.pinned[req.blk] = req.at

# mmap creates file mapping representing file[blk_start +blk_len) data as of wconn.at database state.
def mmap(wconn, foid, blk_start, blk_len): # -> Mapping
    assert blk_len >= 0
    blk_stop = blk_start + blk_len
    with wconn._filemu:
        f = wconn._filetab.get(foid)
        if f is None:
            f = _File()
            f.wconn     = wconn
            f.foid      = foid
            f.headf     = wconn._wc._open("head/bigfile/%s" % (ashex(foid),), "rb")
            f.blksize   = os.fstat(f.headf.fileno()).st_blksize
            f.pinned    = {}
            f.mmaps     = []
            wconn._filetab[foid] = f

        # XXX relock wconn -> f ?

        # create memory with head/f mapping and applied pins
        mem = mm.map_ro(f.headf.fileno(), blk_start*f.blksize, blk_len*f.blksize)
        mmap = _Mapping()
        mmap.file      = f
        mmap.blk_start = blk_start
        mmap.mem       = mem
        for blk, rev in f.pinned.items():  # XXX keep f.pinned ↑blk and use binary search?
            if not (blk_start <= blk < blk_stop):
                continue    # blk out of this mapping
            mmap._remmapblk(blk, rev)

        f.mmaps.append(mmap)    # XXX keep f.mmaps ↑blk_start

    return mmap

# _remmapblk remmaps mapping memory for file[blk] to be viewing database as of @at state.
# at=None means unpin to head/ .
# NOTE this does not check wrt virtmem already mapped blk as RW     XXX ok?
def _remmapblk(mmap, blk, at):
    assert mmap.blk_start <= blk < mmap.blk_stop
    f = mmap.file
    if at is None:
        fsfile = f.headf
        # TODO share @rev fd until wconn is resynced?
        fsfile = f.wconn._wc._open("@%s/bigfile/%s" % (ashex(at), ashex(f.foid)), "rb")
        assert os.fstat(fsfile.fileno()).st_blksize == f.blksize  # FIXME assert

    mm.map_into_ro(mmap.mem[(blk-mmap.blk_start)*blksize:][:blksize], fsfile.fileno(), blk*blksize)

# remmap_blk remmaps file[blk] in its place again.
# virtmem calls this to remmap a block after RW dirty page was e.g. discarded.
def remmap_blk(mmap, blk):
    # XXX locking
    assert (mmap.blk_start <= blk < mmap.blk_stop)
    blkrev = mmap.pinned.get(blk, None) # rev | @head
    mmap._remmapblk(blk, blkrev)

# unmap is removes mapping memory from address space.
# virtmem calls this when VMA is unmapped.
def unmap(mmap):
    # XXX locking
    mmap.mem = None


# WatchLink represents /head/watch link opened on wcfs.
# .sendReq()/.recvReq() provides raw IO in terms of wcfs invalidation protocol messages.
# XXX safe/not-safe to access from multiple threads?
class WatchLink(object):

    def __init__(wlink, wc):
        wlink._wc = wc

        # head/watch handle.
        # python/stdio lock file object on read/write, however we need both
        # read and write to be working simultaneously.
        # -> use 2 separate file objects for rx and tx.
        # fdopen takes ownership of file descriptor and closes it when file
        # object is closed -> dup fd so that each file object has its own fd.
        wh  = os.open(wc._path("head/watch"), os.O_RDWR)
        wh2 = os.dup(wh)
        wlink._wrx = os.fdopen(wh, 'rb')
        wlink._wtx = os.fdopen(wh2, 'wb')

        # XXX vvv -> test only?
        wlink.rx_eof = chan()   # becomes ready when wcfs closes its tx side
        wlink.fatalv = []       # fatal messages received from wcfs

        # inv.protocol message IO
        wlink._acceptq  = chan() # (stream, msg)    server originated messages go here
        wlink._rxmu     = threading.Lock()
        wlink._rxtab    = {}     # stream -> rxq    server replies go via here
        wlink._accepted = set()  # of stream        streams we accepted but did not replied yet

        wlink._txmu     = threading.Lock()  # serializes writes
        wlink._txclosed = False

        serveCtx, wlink._serveCancel = context.with_cancel(context.background())
        wlink._serveWG = sync.WorkGroup(serveCtx)

        # this tWatchLink currently watches the following files at particular state.
        # XXX back -> tWatchLink ?
        wlink._watching = {}    # {} foid -> tWatch

    def _closeTX(wlink):
        if wlink._txclosed:

        # ask wcfs to close its tx & rx sides; close(wcfs.tx) wakes up
        # _serveRX on client (= on us). The connection can be already closed by
        # wcfs - so ignore errors when sending bye.
            wlink._send(1, b'bye')
        except IOError:
        wlink._txclosed = True

    def close(wlink):
        # XXX we can get stuck here if wcfs does not behave as we want.
        # XXX in particular if there is a silly - e.g. syntax or type error in
        #     test code - we currently get stuck here.
        # XXX -> better pthread_kill(SIGINT) instead of relying on wcfs proper behaviour?
        # XXX -> we now have `kill -QUIT` to wcfs.go on test timeout - remove ^^^ comments?
        except Exception as e:
            # canceled is expected and ok
            if e != context.canceled:
                reraise(e, None, e.__traceback__)


        # disable all established watches
        for w in wlink._watching.values():
            w.at     = z64
            w.pinned = {}
        wlink._watching = {}

    # _serveRX receives messages from ._wrx and dispatches them according to streamID.
    def _serveRX(wlink, ctx):
        # when finishing - wakeup everyone waiting for rx
        def _():
            with wlink._rxmu:
                rxtab = wlink._rxtab
                wlink._rxtab = None     # don't allow new rxtab registers
            for rxq in rxtab.values():

        while 1:
            # NOTE: .close() makes sure ._wrx.read*() will wake up
            l = wlink._wrx.readline()
            print('C: watch  : rx: %r' % l)
            if len(l) == 0:     # peer closed its tx

            # <stream> ... \n
            stream, msg = l.split(' ', 1)
            stream = int(stream)
            msg = msg.rstrip('\n')

            if stream == 0: # control/fatal message from wcfs
                # XXX print -> receive somewhere?
                print('C: watch  : rx fatal: %r' % msg)

            reply = bool(stream % 2)
            if reply:
                with wlink._rxmu:
                    assert stream in wlink._rxtab           # XXX !test assert - recheck
                    rxq = wlink._rxtab.pop(stream)
                _, _rx = select(
                    ctx.done().recv,    # 0
                    (rxq.send, msg),    # 1
                if _ == 0:
                    raise ctx.err()
                with wlink._rxmu:
                    assert stream not in wlink._accepted    # XXX !test assert - recheck
                _, _rx = select(
                    ctx.done().recv,                        # 0
                    (wlink._acceptq.send, (stream, msg)),   # 1
                if _ == 0:
                    raise ctx.err()

    # _send sends raw message via specified stream.
    # multiple _send can be called in parallel - _send serializes writes.
    # XXX +ctx?
    def _send(wlink, stream, msg):
        assert '\n' not in msg
        pkt = b"%d %s\n" % (stream, msg)

    def _write(wlink, pkt):
        with wlink._txmu:
            #print('C: watch  : tx: %r' % pkt)

    # sendReq sends client -> server request and returns server reply.
    # only 1 sendReq must be used at a time.    # XXX relax?
    def sendReq(wlink, ctx, req): # -> reply | None when EOF
        rxq = wlink._sendReq(ctx, req)

        _, _rx = select(
            ctx.done().recv,    # 0
            rxq.recv,           # 1
        if _ == 0:
            raise ctx.err()
        return _rx

    def _sendReq(wlink, ctx, req): # -> rxq
        stream = 1  # XXX -> dynamic

        rxq = chan()
        with wlink._rxmu:
            assert stream not in wlink._rxtab   # XXX !test assert - recheck
            wlink._rxtab[stream] = rxq

        wlink._send(stream, req)
        return rxq

    # recvReq receives client <- server request.
    # multiple recvReq could be used at a time.
    def recvReq(wlink, ctx): # -> SrvReq | None when EOF
        _, _rx = select(
            ctx.done().recv,        # 0
            wlink._acceptq.recv,    # 1
        if _ == 0:
            raise ctx.err()

        rx = _rx
        if rx is None:
            return rx

        stream, msg = rx
        return SrvReq(wlink, stream, msg)

# SrvReq represents 1 server-initiated wcfs request received over /head/watch link.
# XXX struct place -> ^^^ (nearby WatchLink) ?
class SrvReq(object):
    def __init__(req, wlink, stream, msg):
        req.wlink  = wlink
        req.stream = stream
        req.msg    = msg

    def reply(req, answer):
        #print('C: reply %s <- %r ...' % (req, answer))
        wlink = req.wlink
        with wlink._rxmu:
            assert req.stream in wlink._accepted

        wlink._send(req.stream, answer)

        with wlink._rxmu:
            assert req.stream in wlink._accepted

        # XXX also track as answered? (and don't accept with the same ID ?)

    def _parse(req): # -> (foid, blk, at|None)
        # pin <foid> #<blk> @(<at>|head)
        m = re.match(b"pin (?P<foid>[0-9a-f]{16}) #(?P<blk>[0-9]+) @(?P<at>[^ ]+)$", req.msg)
        if m is None:
            raise RuntimeError("message is not valid pin request: %s" % qq(req.msg))
        foid = fromhex(m.group('foid'))
        blk  = int(m.group('blk'))
        at   = m.group('at')
        if at == "head":
            at = None
            at = fromhex(at)

        return foid, blk, at

    def foid(req):    return req._parse()[0]
    def blk(req):     return req._parse()[1]
    def at(req):      return req._parse()[2]

# ---- WCFS raw file access ----

# _path returns path for object on wcfs.
# - str:        wcfs root + obj;
# - Persistent: wcfs root + (head|@<at>)/bigfile/obj
def _path(wc, obj, at=None):
    if isinstance(obj, Persistent):
        #assert type(obj) is ZBigFile   XXX import cycle
        objtypestr = type(obj).__module__ + "." + type(obj).__name__
        assert objtypestr == "wendelin.bigfile.file_zodb.ZBigFile", objtypestr
        head = "head/" if at is None else ("@%s/" % ashex(at))
        obj  = "%s/bigfile/%s" % (head, ashex(obj._p_oid))
        at   = None
    assert isinstance(obj, str)
    assert at is None  # must not be used with str
    return os.path.join(wc.mountpoint, obj)

# _read reads file corresponding to obj on wcfs.
def _read(wc, obj, at=None):
    path = wc._path(obj, at=at)
    with open(path, 'rb') as f:     # XXX -> readfile
        return f.read()

# _stat stats file corresponding to obj on wcfs.
def _stat(wc, obj, at=None):
    path = wc._path(obj, at=at)
    return os.stat(path)

# _open opens file corresponding to obj on wcfs.
def _open(wc, obj, mode='rb', at=None):
    path = wc._path(obj, at=at)
    return open(path, mode, 0)  # unbuffered

    # open creates wcfs file handle, which can be mmaped to give data of ZBigFile.
    # XXX more text
    # All mmapings of one FileH share changes.
    # There can be several different FileH for the same (at, oid), and those
    # FileH do not share changes.
    def open(self, zfile):    # -> FileH
        #assert isinstance(zfile, ZBigFile)     # XXX import cycle

        zconn = zfile._p_jar
        # XXX ._start is probably ZODB5 only -> check ZODB4 and ZODB3
        zat   = p64(u64(zconn._storage._start)-1)    # before -> at
        # XXX pinned to @revX/... for now   -> TODO /head/bigfile/...

        path = '%s/@%s/bigfile/%s' % (self.mountpoint, ashex(zat), ashex(zfile._p_oid))
        fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDONLY)
        return FileH(fd)

# FileH is handle to opened bigfile/X.
# XXX it mimics BigFileH and should be integrated into virtmem (see fileh_open_overlay)
# XXX it should implement wcfs invalidation protocol and remmap head/... parts
# to pinned as requested.
import mmap
from bigarray import pagesize           # XXX hack
from bigarray.array_ram import _VMA     # XXX hack
class FileH(object):
    # .fd

    def __init__(self, fd):
        self.fd = fd

    def __del__(self):

    def mmap(self, pgoffset, pglen):
        return _VMA(self.fd, pgoffset, pglen, pagesize, mmap.PROT_READ)

# ---- join/run wcfs ----

_wcmu = threading.Lock()
_wcregistry = {} # mntpt -> WCFS

def __init__(wc, mountpoint, fwcfs, proc):
    wc.mountpoint = mountpoint
    wc._fwcfs     = fwcfs
    wc._njoin     = 1
    wc._proc      = proc

# close must be called to release joined connection after it is no longer needed.
def close(wc):
    with _wcmu:
        wc._njoin -= 1
        if wc._njoin == 0:
            # XXX unmount wcfs as well?
            del _wcregistry[wc.mountpoint]

# _default_autostart returns default autostart setting for join.
# Out-of-the-box we want wcfs to be automatically started, to ease developer
# experience when wendelin.core is standalone installed. However in environments
# like SlapOS, it is more preferable to start and monitor wcfs service explicitly.
# SlapOS & co. should thus set $WENDELIN_CORE_WCFS_AUTOSTART=no.
def _default_autostart():
    autostart = os.environ.get("WENDELIN_CORE_WCFS_AUTOSTART", "yes")
    autostart = autostart.lower()
    return {"yes": True, "no": False}[autostart]

# join connects to wcfs server for ZODB @ zurl.
# If wcfs for that zurl was already started, join connects to it.
# Otherwise it starts wcfs for zurl if autostart is True.
# For the same zurl join returns the WCFS object.
def join(zurl, autostart=_default_autostart()): # -> WCFS
    mntpt = _mntpt_4zurl(zurl)
    with _wcmu:
        # check if we already have connection to wcfs server from this process
        wc = _wcregistry.get(mntpt)
        if wc is not None:
            wc._njoin += 1
            return wc

        # no. try opening .wcfs - if we succeed - wcfs is already mounted.
            f = open(mntpt + "/.wcfs/zurl")
        except IOError as e:
            if e.errno != ENOENT:
            # already have it
            wc = WCFS(mntpt, f, None)
            _wcregistry[mntpt] = wc
            return wc

        if not autostart:
            raise RuntimeError("wcfs: join %s: server not started" % zurl)

        # start wcfs with telling it to automatically exit when there is no client activity.
        optv_extra = os.environ.get("WENDELIN_CORE_WCFS_OPTIONS", "").split()
        return _start(zurl, "-autoexit", *optv_extra)

# _start starts wcfs server for ZODB @ zurl.
# optv can be optionally given to pass flags to wcfs.
# called under _wcmu
def _start(zurl, *optv):    # -> WCFS
    mntpt = _mntpt_4zurl(zurl)
    log.info("wcfs: starting for %s ...", zurl)

    # XXX errctx "wcfs: start"

    # spawn wcfs and wait till filesystem-level access to it is ready
    wc = WCFS(mntpt, None, None)
    wg = sync.WorkGroup(context.background())
    fsready = chan()
    def _(ctx):
        # XXX errctx "spawn"
        argv = [_wcfs_exe()] + list(optv) + [zurl, mntpt]
        proc = subprocess.Popen(argv, close_fds=True)
        while 1:
            ret = proc.poll()
            if ret is not None:
                raise RuntimeError("exited with %s" % ret)

            _, _rx = select(
                ctx.done().recv,    # 0
                fsready.recv,       # 1
                default,            # 2
            if _ == 0:
                raise ctx.err()
            if _ == 1:
                # startup was ok - don't monitor spawned wcfs any longer
                wc._proc = proc


    def _(ctx):
        # XXX errctx "waitmount"
        while 1:
                f = open("%s/.wcfs/zurl" % mntpt)
            except IOError as e:
                if e.errno != ENOENT:
                dotwcfs = f.read()
                if dotwcfs != zurl:
                    raise RuntimeError(".wcfs/zurl != zurl  (%s != %s)" % (qq(dotwcfs), qq(zurl)))

                wc._fwcfs = f

            _, _rx = select(
                ctx.done().recv,    # 0
                default,            # 1
            if _ == 0:
                raise ctx.err()



    assert mntpt not in _wcregistry
    _wcregistry[mntpt] = wc
    return wc

# ---- misc ----

# _wcfs_exe returns path to wcfs executable.
def _wcfs_exe():
    return '%s/wcfs' % dirname(__file__)

# _mntpt_4zurl returns wcfs should-be mountpoint for ZODB @ zurl.
# it also makes sure the mountpoint exists.
def _mntpt_4zurl(zurl):
    # XXX what if zurl is zconfig://... ? -> then we have to look inside?
    #     -> zstor_2zurl extracts zurl in canonical form and zconfig:// is not possible there.
    m = hashlib.sha1()
    mntpt = "%s/wcfs/%s" % (tempfile.gettempdir(), m.hexdigest())
    return mntpt

# zstor_2zurl converts a ZODB storage to URL to access it.
# XXX -> unexport?
def zstor_2zurl(zstor):
    # There is, sadly, no unified way to do it, as even if storages are created via
    # zodburi, after creation its uri is lost. And storages could be created not
    # only through URI but e.g. via ZConfig and manually. We want to support all
    # those cases...
    # For this reason extract URL with important for wcfs use-case parameters in
    # ad-hoc way.
    if isinstance(zstor, FileStorage):
        return "file://%s" % (zstor._file_name,)

    # TODO ZEO + NEO support
    raise NotImplementedError("don't know how to extract zurl from %r" % zstor)

# mkdir -p.
def _mkdir_p(path):
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != EEXIST:

# serve starts and runs wcfs server for ZODB @ zurl.
# it mounts wcfs at a location that is with 1-1 correspondence with zurl.
# it then waits for wcfs to exit (either due to unmount or an error).
# it is an error if wcfs was already started.
# XXX optv
# if exec_ is True, wcfs is not spawned, but executed into.
# serve(zurl, exec_=False).
def serve(zurl, optv, exec_=False):
    mntpt = _mntpt_4zurl(zurl)

    # try opening .wcfs - it is an error if we can do it.
    # XXX -> option to wcfs itself?
        f = open(mntpt + "/.wcfs/zurl")
    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno != ENOENT:
        raise RuntimeError("wcfs: start %s: already started" % zurl)

    # seems to be ok to start
    # XXX race window if something starts after ^^^ check
    argv = [_wcfs_exe()] + list(optv) + [zurl, mntpt]
    if not exec_:
        subprocess.check_call(argv, close_fds=True)
        os.execv(argv[0], argv)

# if called as main just -> serve()
def main():
    argv = sys.argv[1:]
    # XXX usage
    zurl = argv[-1]     # -a -b zurl    -> zurl
    optv = argv[:-1]    # -a -b zurl    -> -a -b
    serve(zurl, optv, exec_=True)