# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2018-2024  Nexedi SA and Contributors.
#                          Kirill Smelkov <kirr@nexedi.com>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
# option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
# the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
# Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
# source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
# software used.
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See https://www.nexedi.com/licensing for rationale and options.

"""Module wcfs.py provides python gateway for spawning and interoperating with wcfs server.

Serve(zurl) starts and runs WCFS server for ZODB at zurl.
Start(zurl) starts WCFS server for ZODB at zurl and returns corresponding Server object.

Join(zurl) joins wcfs server for ZODB at zurl and returns WCFS object that
represents filesystem-level connection to joined wcfs server. If wcfs server
for zurl is not yet running, it will be automatically started if join is given
`autostart=True` option.

The rest of wcfs.py merely wraps C++ wcfs client package:

- `WCFS` represents filesystem-level connection to wcfs server.
- `Conn` represents logical connection that provides view of data on wcfs
  filesystem as of particular database state.
- `FileH` represent isolated file view under Conn.
- `Mapping` represents one memory mapping of FileH.

A path from WCFS to Mapping is as follows:

    WCFS.connect(at)                    -> Conn
    Conn.open(foid)                     -> FileH
    FileH.mmap([blk_start +blk_len))    -> Mapping

Classes in wcfs.py logically mirror classes in ZODB:

    wcfs.WCFS   <->  ZODB.DB
    wcfs.Conn   <->  ZODB.Connection

Please see wcfs/client/wcfs.h for more thorough overview and further details.

Environment variables

The following environment variables can be used to control wcfs.py client:

      yes       join: spawn wcfs server if no one was found and no explicit
                      autostart=X was given   (default)
      no        join: don't spawn wcfs server unless explicitly requested via autostart=True

      ""        serve/start/join: additional options to pass to wcfs server when spawning it

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import os, sys, hashlib, subprocess, stat
import logging; log = logging.getLogger('wcfs')
from os.path import dirname
from stat import S_ISDIR
from errno import ENOENT, ENOTCONN, EEXIST
from signal import SIGTERM, SIGQUIT, SIGKILL

from golang import chan, select, default, func, defer, b
from golang import context, errors, sync, time
from golang.gcompat import qq

from persistent import Persistent
from zodbtools.util import ashex as h

from wendelin.lib.zodb import zurl_normalize_main
from wendelin.wcfs.client._wcfs import \
    PyWCFS          as _WCFS,       \
    PyWatchLink     as WatchLink    \

from wendelin.wcfs.internal import os as xos

# Server represents running wcfs server.
# Use start to create it.
class Server:
    # ._mnt         mount entry
    # ._proc        wcfs process
    # ._fuseabort   opened /sys/fs/fuse/connections/X/abort for this server
    # ._stopOnce

# WCFS represents filesystem-level connection to wcfs server.
# Use join to create it.
# The primary way to access wcfs is to open logical connection viewing on-wcfs
# data as of particular database state, and use that logical connection to create
# base-layer mappings. See .connect and Conn in C++ API for details.
# Raw files on wcfs can be accessed with ._path/._read/._stat/._open .
# WCFS logically mirrors ZODB.DB .
class WCFS(_WCFS):
    # .mountpoint   path to wcfs mountpoint
    # ._fwcfs       /.wcfs/zurl opened to keep the server from going away (at least cleanly)
    # ._njoin       this connection was returned for so many joins

    # ._wcsrv       wcfs Server if it was opened by this WCFS | None

# ---- WCFS raw file access (primarily for tests) ----

# _path returns path for object on wcfs.
# - str:        wcfs root + obj;
# - Persistent: wcfs root + (head|@<at>)/bigfile/obj
def _path(wc, obj, at=None):
    if isinstance(obj, Persistent):
        #assert type(obj) is ZBigFile   XXX import cycle
        objtypestr = type(obj).__module__ + "." + type(obj).__name__
        assert objtypestr == "wendelin.bigfile.file_zodb.ZBigFile", objtypestr
        head = "head/" if at is None else ("@%s/" % h(at))
        obj  = "%s/bigfile/%s" % (head, h(obj._p_oid))
        at   = None
    assert isinstance(obj, str)
    assert at is None  # must not be used with str
    return os.path.join(wc.mountpoint, obj)

# _read reads file corresponding to obj on wcfs.
def _read(wc, obj, at=None):
    path = wc._path(obj, at=at)
    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
        return f.read()

# _stat stats file corresponding to obj on wcfs.
def _stat(wc, obj, at=None):
    path = wc._path(obj, at=at)
    return os.stat(path)

# _open opens file corresponding to obj on wcfs.
def _open(wc, obj, mode='rb', at=None):
    path = wc._path(obj, at=at)
    return open(path, mode, 0)  # unbuffered

# ---- join/run wcfs ----

_wcmu = sync.Mutex()
_wcregistry    = {} # mntpt -> WCFS
_wcautostarted = [] # of WCFS, with ._wcsrv != None, for wcfs we ever autostart'ed  (for tests)

def __init__(wc, mountpoint, fwcfs, wcsrv):
    wc.mountpoint = mountpoint
    wc._fwcfs     = fwcfs
    wc._njoin     = 1
    wc._wcsrv     = wcsrv

# close must be called to release joined connection after it is no longer needed.
def close(wc):
    with _wcmu:
        wc._njoin -= 1
        if wc._njoin == 0:
            del _wcregistry[wc.mountpoint]
            # NOTE not unmounting wcfs - it either runs as separate service, or
            # is spawned on demand with -autoexit.
            # NOTE ._fwcfs.close can raise IOError (e.g. ENOTCONN after wcfs server crash)

# _default_autostart returns default autostart setting for join.
# Out-of-the-box we want wcfs to be automatically started, to ease developer
# experience when wendelin.core is standalone installed. However in environments
# like SlapOS, it is more preferable to start and monitor wcfs service explicitly.
# SlapOS & co. should thus set $WENDELIN_CORE_WCFS_AUTOSTART=no.
def _default_autostart():
    autostart = os.environ.get("WENDELIN_CORE_WCFS_AUTOSTART", "yes")
    autostart = autostart.lower()
    return {"yes": True, "no": False}[autostart]

# join connects to wcfs server for ZODB @ zurl.
# If wcfs for that zurl is already running, join connects to it.
# Otherwise it starts wcfs for zurl if autostart is True.
# For the same zurl join returns the same WCFS object.
def join(zurl, autostart=_default_autostart()): # -> WCFS
    mntpt = _mntpt_4zurl(zurl)
    with _wcmu:
        # check if we already have connection to wcfs server from this process
        wc = _wcregistry.get(mntpt)
        if wc is not None:
            wc._njoin += 1
            return wc

        # no. try opening .wcfs - if we succeed - wcfs is already running.
        fwcfs, trylockstartf = _try_attach_wcsrv(mntpt)
        if fwcfs is not None:
            # already have it
            wc = WCFS(mntpt, fwcfs, None)
            _wcregistry[mntpt] = wc
            return wc

        if not autostart:
            raise RuntimeError("wcfs: join %s: server not running" % zurl)

        # start wcfs with telling it to automatically exit when there is no client activity.
        trylockstartf() # XXX retry access if another wcfs was started in the meantime

        wcsrv, fwcfs = _start(zurl, "-autoexit")
        wc = WCFS(mntpt, fwcfs, wcsrv)
        assert mntpt not in _wcregistry
        _wcregistry[mntpt] = wc

        return wc

# _try_attach_wcsrv tries to attach to running wcfs server.
# if successful, it returns fwcfs - opened file handle for /.wcfs/zurl
# if unsuccessful, it returns fwcfs=None, and trylockstartf function that can
# be used to prepare to start new WCFS server.
def _try_attach_wcsrv(mntpt): # -> (fwcfs, trylockstartf)
    # try opening .wcfs - if we succeed - wcfs is already running.
    unclean = False
        fwcfs = open(mntpt + "/.wcfs/zurl")
    except IOError as e:
        if   e.errno == ENOENT:     # wcfs cleanly unmounted
        elif e.errno == ENOTCONN:   # wcfs crashed/killed
            unclean = True
        return (fwcfs, None)

    # the server is not running.
    # return func to prepare start of another wcfs server
    def trylockstartf():
        # XXX race window if external process starts after ^^^ check
        # TODO -> fs-level locking
        if unclean:
    return (None, trylockstartf)

# start starts wcfs server for ZODB @ zurl.
# optv can be optionally given to pass flags to wcfs.
def start(zurl, *optv): # -> Server
    # verify that wcfs is not already running
    mntpt = _mntpt_4zurl(zurl)

    fwcfs, trylockstartf = _try_attach_wcsrv(mntpt)
    if fwcfs is not None:
        raise RuntimeError("wcfs: start %s: already running" % zurl)

    # seems to be ok to start
    trylockstartf() # XXX -> "already running" if lock fails

    wcsrv, fwcfs = _start(zurl, *optv)
    return wcsrv

# _optv_with_wcfs_defaults returns optv prepended with default WCFS options taken from environment.
def _optv_with_wcfs_defaults(optv): # -> optv
    optv_defaults = os.environ.get("WENDELIN_CORE_WCFS_OPTIONS", "").split()
    return tuple(optv_defaults) + tuple(optv)

# _start serves start and join.
def _start(zurl, *optv): # -> Server, fwcfs
    mntpt = _mntpt_4zurl(zurl)
    optv  = _optv_with_wcfs_defaults(optv)
    log.info("starting for %s ...", zurl)

    # XXX errctx "wcfs: start"

    # spawn wcfs and wait till filesystem-level access to it is ready
    wcsrv = Server(None, None, None)
    wg = sync.WorkGroup(context.background())
    fsready = chan(dtype='C.structZ')
    def _(ctx):
        # XXX errctx "spawn"
        argv = [_wcfs_exe()] + list(optv) + [zurl, mntpt]
        proc = subprocess.Popen(argv, close_fds=True)
        while 1:
            ret = proc.poll()
            if ret is not None:
                raise RuntimeError("exited with %s" % ret)

            _, _rx = select(
                ctx.done().recv,    # 0
                fsready.recv,       # 1
                default,            # 2
            if _ == 0:
                raise ctx.err()
            if _ == 1:
                # startup was ok - don't monitor spawned wcfs any longer
                wcsrv._proc = proc


    def _(ctx):
        # XXX errctx "waitmount"
        fwcfs = _waitmount(ctx, zurl, mntpt)
        wcsrv._fwcfs = fwcfs

    wcsrv._mnt = _lookup_mnt(mntpt)
    log.info("started pid%d @ %s", wcsrv._proc.pid, mntpt)

    fwcfs = wcsrv._fwcfs
    del wcsrv._fwcfs

    # open fuse abort control file
    # shutdown wcsrv if that open fails
        x = os.minor(os.stat(wcsrv.mountpoint).st_dev)
        wcsrv._fuseabort = open("/sys/fs/fuse/connections/%d/abort" % x, "wb")

    return wcsrv, fwcfs

# _waitmount waits for wcfs filesystem for zurl @mntpt to become ready.
def _waitmount(ctx, zurl, mntpt): # -> fwcfs
    while 1:
            f = open("%s/.wcfs/zurl" % mntpt)
        except IOError as e:
            # ENOTCONN (wcfs crashed/killed) is an error here
            if e.errno != ENOENT:
            dotwcfs = f.read()
            if dotwcfs != zurl:
                raise RuntimeError(".wcfs/zurl != zurl  (%s != %s)" % (qq(dotwcfs), qq(zurl)))

            return f

        _, _rx = select(
            ctx.done().recv,    # 0
            default,            # 1
        if _ == 0:
            raise ctx.err()


def __init__(wcsrv, mnt, proc, ffuseabort):
    wcsrv._mnt       = mnt
    wcsrv._proc      = proc
    wcsrv._fuseabort = ffuseabort
    wcsrv._stopOnce  = sync.Once()

# mountpoint returns path to wcfs mountpoint.
def mountpoint(wcsrv):
    return wcsrv._mnt.point

# stop shutdowns the server.
def stop(wcsrv, ctx=None):
    if ctx is None:
        ctx, cancel = context.with_timeout(context.background(), 20*time.second)

def _stop(wcsrv, ctx, _onstuck=None):
    def _():
        wcsrv.__stop(ctx, _onstuck)

def __stop(wcsrv, ctx, _onstuck):
    log.info("unmount/stop wcfs pid%d @ %s", wcsrv._proc.pid, wcsrv.mountpoint)

    deadline = ctx.deadline()
    if deadline is None:
        deadline = float('inf')
    timeoutTotal = (deadline - time.now())
    if timeoutTotal < 0:
        timeoutTotal = 0.
    # timeoutFrac returns ctx with `timeout ~= fraction·totalTimeout`
    # however if the context is already cancelled, returned timeout is 0.1s to
    # give chance for an operation to complete.
    def timeoutFrac(fraction):
        if _ready(ctx.done()):
            tctx, _ = context.with_timeout(context.background(), 0.1*time.second)
            tctx, _ = context.with_timeout(ctx, fraction*timeoutTotal)
        return tctx

    # unmount and wait for wcfs to exit
    # kill wcfs and abort FUSE connection if clean unmount fails
    # at the end make sure mount entry and mountpoint directory are removed

    def _():
        # when stop runs:
        # - wcsrv could be already `fusermount -u`'ed from outside
        # - the mountpoint could be also already removed from outside

    def _():
        # second unmount, if first unmount failed and we had to abort FUSE connection
        # -z (lazy) because this one has to succeed, but there could be still
        # client file descriptors left pointing to the mounted filesystem.
        if _is_mountpoint(wcsrv.mountpoint):
            log.warn("-> unmount -z ...")
            _fuse_unmount(wcsrv.mountpoint, "-z")

    def _():
        if wcsrv._fuseabort is not None:

    def _():
        # kill wcfs.go in case it is deadlocked and does not exit by itself
        if _procwait_(timeoutFrac(0.5), wcsrv._proc):

        log.warn("wcfs.go does not exit")
        log.warn("-> kill -QUIT wcfs.go ...")
        os.kill(wcsrv._proc.pid, SIGQUIT)

        if _procwait_(timeoutFrac(0.25), wcsrv._proc):
        log.warn("wcfs.go does not exit (after SIGQUIT)")
        log.warn("-> kill -KILL wcfs.go ...")
        os.kill(wcsrv._proc.pid, SIGKILL)

        if _procwait_(timeoutFrac(0.25), wcsrv._proc):
        log.warn("wcfs.go does not exit (after SIGKILL; probably it is stuck in kernel)")
        log.warn("-> nothing we can do...")  # XXX dump /proc/pid/task/*/stack instead  (ignore EPERM)
        if _onstuck is not None:
            _procwait(context.background(), wcsrv._proc)

        if _is_mountpoint(wcsrv.mountpoint): # could be unmounted from outside
    except Exception as e:
        # if clean unmount failed -> kill -TERM wcfs and force abort of fuse connection.
        # aborting fuse connection is needed in case wcfs/kernel will be stuck
        # in a deadlock even after being `kill -9`. See comments in tWCFS for details.
        def _():
            log.warn("-> kill -TERM wcfs.go ...")
            os.kill(wcsrv._proc.pid, SIGTERM)
            if wcsrv._fuseabort is not None:
                log.warn("-> abort FUSE connection ...")

        # treat first unmount failure as temporary - e.g. due to "device or resource is busy".
        # we'll be retrying to unmount the filesystem the second time after kill/fuse-abort.
        if not isinstance(e, _FUSEUnmountError):

# ---- misc ----

# _wcfs_exe returns path to wcfs executable.
def _wcfs_exe():
    return '%s/wcfs' % dirname(__file__)

# _mntpt_4zurl returns wcfs should-be mountpoint for ZODB @ zurl.
# it also makes sure the mountpoint exists.
def _mntpt_4zurl(zurl):
    # normalize zurl so that even if we have e.g. two neos:// urls coming
    # with different paths to ssl keys, or with different order in the list of
    # masters, we still have them associated with the same wcfs mountpoint.
    zurl = zurl_normalize_main(zurl)

    m = hashlib.sha1()

    # WCFS mounts are located under /dev/shm/wcfs. /dev/shm is already used by
    # userspace part of wendelin.core memory manager for dirtied pages.
    # In a sense WCFS mount provides shared read-only memory backed by ZODB.

    # mkdir /dev/shm/wcfs with stiky bit. This way multiple users can create subdirectories inside.
    wcfsroot = "/dev/shm/wcfs"
    wcfsmode = 0o777 | stat.S_ISVTX
    if _mkdir_p(wcfsroot):
        os.chmod(wcfsroot, wcfsmode)
        # migration workaround for the situation when /dev/shm/wcfs was created by
        # code that did not yet set sticky bit.
        _ = os.stat(wcfsroot)
        if _.st_uid == os.getuid():
            if _.st_mode != wcfsmode:
                os.chmod(wcfsroot, wcfsmode)

    mntpt = "%s/%s" % (wcfsroot, m.hexdigest())
    return mntpt

# _lookup_mnt returns mount entry corresponding to mntpt mountpoint.
def _lookup_mnt(mntpt, nomount_ok=False): # -> xos.Mount  (| None if nomount_ok)
    mdbc = xos.MountDB.open()
    _ = mdbc.query(lambda mnt: mnt.point == mntpt)
    _ = list(_)
    if len(_) == 0:
        if nomount_ok:
            return None
        raise RuntimeError("no mount entry for %s" % mntpt)
    if len(_) >  1:
        # NOTE if previous wcfs was lazy unmounted - there won't be multiple mount entries
        #      because MNT_DETACH (what lazy-unmount uses) removes entry from mount registry
        raise RuntimeError("multiple mount entries for %s" % mntpt)
    mnt = _[0]
    return mnt

# mkdir -p.
def _mkdir_p(path, mode=0o777): # -> created(bool)
        os.makedirs(path, mode)
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != EEXIST:
        return False
    return True

# rmdir if path exists.
def _rmdir_ifexists(path):
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != ENOENT:

# _fuse_unmount calls `fusermount -u` + logs details if unmount failed.
# Additional options to fusermount can be passed via optv.
class _FUSEUnmountError(RuntimeError):
def _fuse_unmount(mntpt, *optv):
    mdbc = xos.MountDB.open()
    _ = mdbc.query(lambda mnt: mnt.point == mntpt)
    _ = list(_)
    if len(_) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("not a mountpoint: %s" % mntpt)
    assert len(_) == 1, _
    mnt = _[0]
    return _mnt_fuse_unmount(mnt, *optv)

def _mnt_fuse_unmount(mnt, *optv):
    ret, out = _sysproccallout(["fusermount", "-u"] + list(optv) + [mnt.point])
    if ret != 0:
        # unmount failed, usually due to "device is busy".
        # Log which files are still opened by who and reraise
        def _():
            log.warn("# lsof %s" % mnt.point)
                _ = _lsof(mnt)
                log.exception("lsof failed")

        out = out.rstrip() # kill trailing \n\n
        opts = ' '.join(optv)
        if opts != '':
            opts += ' '
        emsg = "fuse_unmount %s%s: failed: %s" % (opts, mnt.point, out)
        raise _FUSEUnmountError("%s\n(more details logged)" % emsg)

# lsof returns text description of which processes and which their file
# descriptors use specified mount.
def _lsof(mnt): # -> str
    # NOTE lsof(8) fails to work after wcfs goes into EIO mode
    #      fuser(1) works a bit better, but we still do it ourselves because we
    #      anyway need to customize output and integrate it with ktraceback
    s = ""
    for (proc, use) in mnt.lsof():
        s += "  %s %s\n" % (proc, proc.get("argv", eperm="strerror", gone="strerror"))
        for key, path in use.items():
            s += "\t%s\t-> %s\n" % (key, path)
    return s

# _is_mountpoint returns whether path is a mountpoint
def _is_mountpoint(path):    # -> bool
    # NOTE we don't call mountpoint directly on path, because if FUSE
    # fileserver failed, the mountpoint will also fail and print ENOTCONN
        _ = os.lstat(path)
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == ENOENT:
            return False
        # "Transport endpoint is not connected" -> it is a failed FUSE server
        # (XXX we can also grep /proc/mounts)
        if e.errno == ENOTCONN:
            return True

    if not S_ISDIR(_.st_mode):
        return False

    mounted = (0 == _sysproccall(["mountpoint", "-q", path]))
    return mounted

# _sysproc creates subprocess.Popen for "system" command.
# System commands are those that reside either in /bin or /usr/bin and which
# should be found even if $PATH does no contain those directories. For example
# runUnitTest in ERP5 sets $PATH without /bin, and this way executing
# fusermount via subprocess.Popen instead of _sysproc would fail.
def _sysproc(argv, **kw): # -> subprocess.Popen
    env = kw.get('env', None)
    if env is None:
        env = os.environ
    env = env.copy()
    path = env.get('PATH', '')
    if path:
        path += ':'
    path += '/bin:/usr/bin'
    env['PATH'] = path
    return subprocess.Popen(argv, env=env, close_fds=True, **kw)

# _sysproccall calls _sysproc and waits for spawned program to complete.
def _sysproccall(argv, **kw): # -> retcode
    return _sysproc(argv, **kw).wait()

# _sysproccallout calls _sysproc, waits for spawned program to complete and returns combined out/err.
def _sysproccallout(argv, **kw): # -> retcode, output
    proc = _sysproc(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, **kw)
    out, _ = proc.communicate()
    return proc.returncode, out

# _procwait waits for a process (subprocess.Popen) to terminate.
def _procwait(ctx, proc):
    _waitfor(ctx, lambda: proc.poll() is not None)

# _procwait_, similarly to _procwait, waits for a process (subprocess.Popen) to terminate.
# it returns bool whether process terminated or not - e.g. due to context being canceled.
def _procwait_(ctx, proc):   # -> ok
    return _waitfor_(ctx, lambda: proc.poll() is not None)

# _waitfor waits for condf() to become true.
def _waitfor(ctx, condf):
    wg = sync.WorkGroup(ctx)
    def _(ctx):
        while 1:
            if _ready(ctx.done()):
                raise ctx.err()
            if condf():

# _waitfor_, similarly to _waitfor, waits for condf() to become true.
# it returns bool whether target condition was reached or not - e.g. due to
# context being canceled.
def _waitfor_(ctx, condf):   # -> ok
        _waitfor(ctx, condf)
    except Exception as e:
        if errors.Is(e, context.canceled) or errors.Is(e, context.deadlineExceeded):
            return False
    return True

# _ready reports whether chan ch is ready.
def _ready(ch):
    _, _rx = select(
        default,    # 0
        ch.recv,    # 1
    return bool(_)

# serve starts and runs wcfs server for ZODB @ zurl.
# it mounts wcfs at a location that is with 1-1 correspondence with zurl.
# it then waits for wcfs to exit (either due to unmount or an error).
# it is an error if wcfs is already running.
# optv is list of options to pass to wcfs server.
# if exec_ is True, wcfs is not spawned, but executed into.
# serve(zurl, exec_=False).
def serve(zurl, optv, exec_=False, _tstartingq=None):
    mntpt = _mntpt_4zurl(zurl)
    optv  = _optv_with_wcfs_defaults(optv)
    log.info("serving %s ...", zurl)

    # try opening .wcfs - it is an error if we can do it.
    fwcfs, trylockstartf = _try_attach_wcsrv(mntpt)
    if fwcfs is not None:
        raise RuntimeError("wcfs: serve %s: already running" % zurl)

    # seems to be ok to start
    trylockstartf() # XXX -> "already running" if lock fails

    if _tstartingq is not None:
    argv = [_wcfs_exe()] + list(optv) + [zurl, mntpt]
    if not exec_:
        subprocess.check_call(argv, close_fds=True)
        os.execv(argv[0], argv)

# if called as main -> serve as frontend to wcfs service:
# wcfs serve  <zurl>
# wcfs status <zurl>
# wcfs stop   <zurl>
def _usage(w):
    progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    print("Wcfs serves WCFS filesystem for ZODB at zurl for wendelin.core .\n", file=w)
    print("Usage: %s (serve|stop|status) [-h | wcfs.go options] zurl" % progname, file=w)

def main():
    argv = sys.argv[1:]
    if len(argv) < 2 or argv[0] == '-h':

    cmd  = argv[0]
    argv = argv[1:]
    zurl = argv[-1]     # -a -b zurl    -> zurl
    optv = argv[:-1]    # -a -b zurl    -> -a -b

    # setup log.warn/error to go to stderr, so that details could be seen on
    # e.g. "fuse_unmount: ... failed (more details logged)"
    logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.WARNING,
            # FIXME -> LMMDD hh:mm:ss.ssssss  tid file:line]
            format="%(levelname)s %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d  %(process)d %(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(name)s: %(message)s",
            datefmt="%m%d %H:%M:%S")

    if cmd == "serve":
        if argv[0] == '-h':
            os.execv(_wcfs_exe(), [_wcfs_exe(), '-h'])
        serve(zurl, optv, exec_=True)

    elif cmd == "status":
        wc = join(zurl, autostart=False) # raises if wcfs is not started
        print("wcfs<%s>: serving ok" % zurl)

    elif cmd == "stop":
        mntpt = _mntpt_4zurl(zurl)

        print("wcfs: unknown command %s" % qq(cmd), file=sys.stderr)