Commit 2a6ac7f8 authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

simulation: Do not perform migration for Handle MultiPropertyEquivalenceTester (quantity).

Followup of: "simulation: improve equivalence testers explanations messages".
parent ebdde7ef
......@@ -226,8 +226,9 @@ class EquivalenceTesterMixin:
have on this equivalence tester.
tested_property = getattr(self, 'tested_property', None)
if tested_property != None:
if isinstance(tested_property, tuple):
if (getattr(self, '_baseGetTestedPropertyList', None) is None and
isinstance(tested_property, tuple)):
if len(tested_property) == 1:
new_value = tested_property[0]
......@@ -242,12 +243,15 @@ class EquivalenceTesterMixin:
return self._baseGetTestedProperty()
def getTestedPropertyList(self):
if getattr(self, '_baseGetTestedPropertyList', None) is None:
return [self.getTestedProperty()]
return self._baseGetTestedPropertyList()
def getTestedPropertyTitle(self):
tested_property_title = getattr(self, 'tested_property_title', None)
if tested_property_title != None:
if isinstance(tested_property_title, tuple):
if (getattr(self, '_baseGetTestedPropertyTitleList', None) is None and
isinstance(tested_property_title, tuple)):
if len(tested_property_title) == 1:
new_value = tested_property_title[0]
......@@ -262,4 +266,7 @@ class EquivalenceTesterMixin:
return self._baseGetTestedPropertyTitle()
def getTestedPropertyTitleList(self):
if getattr(self, '_baseGetTestedPropertyTitleList', None) is None:
return [self.getTestedPropertyTitle()]
return self._baseGetTestedPropertyTitleList()
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