Commit 09817dc3 authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Do not use hard coded ids to get gadget instance, instead use dom tree

and traverse to parent gadget. This allos multiple gadget instances in
one page.
parent 141f1e6e
......@@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
<h2> Color picker</h2>
<div id="body"></div>
<div class="body"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
gadget = RenderJs.GadgetIndex.getGadgetById("gadget-color-picker");
// dirty way to get which is actual gadget we are used for
gadget_id = $(".body").parent().attr("id")
gadget = RenderJs.GadgetIndex.getGadgetById(gadget_id);
gadget.render = function (){
var body = $("body");
var body = $(".body");
// Home route. Redirect to sub app /color/
.route("add", "", 1)
......@@ -39,23 +41,23 @@
page += "<li style='text-align: center;'><a style='text-decoration: none; display: block; width: 2em;' href='" +
$.url.generateUrl("/color/X/X/X") + "'>XXX<a><\/li>";
page += "<\/ul>";
page += "<div style='display: block;' id='select-color'><\/div>"
page += "<div style='display: block;' class='select-color'><\/div>"
page += "<a href='" + $.url.generateUrl("/gadget-one/") + "'>Gadget 1</a>";
page += "&nbsp;<a href='" + $.url.generateUrl("/gadget-two/") + "'>Gadget 2</a>";
page += "<div id='container'></div>";
page += "<div class='container'></div>";
// Create sub routed in the container
container = $(this).find("div");
.route("add", "/color/", 2)
.done(function () {
$('#select-color').text("Please select a color");
$('.select-color').text("Please select a color");
.route("add", "/color/<int:red>/<int:green>/<int:blue>/", 2)
.done(function (red, green, blue) {
"<div style='background-color:rgb(" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + ");'>&nbsp;<\/div>" +
"<p>Color (" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + ") selected at " + new Date() + "<\/p>"
......@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@
.route("go", $.url.getPath(), 2)
.fail(function () {
$('#select-color').html("Unknown color (" + $.url.getPath() + ")");
$('.select-color').html("Unknown color (" + $.url.getPath() + ")");
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