2. Click on the project you want to use Packer with (or create one if you
2. Click on the project you want to use Packer with (or create one if you
don't have one yet).
don't have one yet).
3. Click "APIs & auth" in the left sidebar
3. Click "APIs & auth" in the left sidebar
4. Click "Registered apps" in the left sidebar
4. Click "Credentials" in the left sidebar
5. Click "Register App" and register a "Web Application". Choose any
5. Click "Create New Client ID" and choose "Service Account"
name you'd like.
6. A private key will be downloaded for you. Note the password for the private key! This private key is your _client private key_.
7. After creating the app, click "Certificate" (below the OAuth 2.0 Client
7. After creating the account, click "Download JSON". This is your _client secrets JSON_ file. Make sure you didn't download the JSON from the "OAuth 2.0" section! This is a common mistake and will cause the builder to not work.
ID section), and click "Download JSON". This is your _client secrets JSON_
file. Make sure you didn't download the JSON from the "OAuth 2.0" section!
This is a common mistake and will cause the builder to not work.
8. Next, click "Generate Certificate". You should be prompted to download
a private key. Note the password for the private key! This private key
is your _client private key_.
Finally, one last step, you'll have to convert the `p12` file you
Finally, one last step, you'll have to convert the `p12` file you
got from Google into the PEM format. You can do this with OpenSSL, which
got from Google into the PEM format. You can do this with OpenSSL, which