Commit 5e786e3b authored by Clint's avatar Clint

Merge pull request #2250 from mitchellh/b-amazon-block-docs

Document Amazon Block Device Mapping fields
parents 523a3342 d22c4173
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ func (s *StepRunSourceInstance) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepActi
latestInstance, err := WaitForState(&stateChange)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error waiting for instance (%s) to become ready: %s", *s.instance.InstanceID, err)
err := fmt.Errorf("Error waiting for instance (%s) to become ready: %s", instanceId, err)
state.Put("error", err)
return multistep.ActionHalt
......@@ -62,10 +62,25 @@ each category, the available configuration keys are alphabetized.
* `ami_block_device_mappings` (array of block device mappings) - Add the block
device mappings to the AMI. The block device mappings allow for keys:
"device\_name" (string), "virtual\_name" (string), "snapshot\_id" (string),
"volume\_type" (string), "volume\_size" (integer), "delete\_on\_termination"
(boolean), "encrypted" (boolean), "no\_device" (boolean), and "iops"
- `device_name` (string) – The device name exposed to the instance (for
example, "/dev/sdh" or "xvdh")
- `virtual_name` (string) – The virtual device name. See the documentation on
[Block Device Mapping][1] for more information
- `snapshot_id` (string) – The ID of the snapshot
- `volume_type` (string) – The volume type. gp2 for General Purpose (SSD)
volumes, io1 for Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes, and standard for Magnetic
- `volume_size` (integer) – The size of the volume, in GiB. Required if not
specifying a `snapshot_id`
- `delete_on_termination` (boolean) – Indicates whether the EBS volume is
deleted on instance termination
- `encrypted` (boolean) – Indicates whether to encrypt the volume or not
- `no_device` (boolean) – Suppresses the specified device included in the
block device mapping of the AMI
- `iops` (integer) – The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the
volume supports. See the documentation on [IOPs][2] for more information
* `ami_description` (string) - The description to set for the resulting
AMI(s). By default this description is empty.
......@@ -255,3 +270,7 @@ Here is an example using the optional AMI tags. This will add the tags
......@@ -82,10 +82,24 @@ each category, the available configuration keys are alphabetized.
* `ami_block_device_mappings` (array of block device mappings) - Add the block
device mappings to the AMI. The block device mappings allow for keys:
"device\_name" (string), "virtual\_name" (string), "snapshot\_id" (string),
"volume\_type" (string), "volume\_size" (integer), "delete\_on\_termination"
(boolean), "encrypted" (boolean), "no\_device" (boolean), and "iops" (integer).
See [amazon-ebs](/docs/builders/amazon-ebs.html) for an example template.
- `device_name` (string) – The device name exposed to the instance (for
example, "/dev/sdh" or "xvdh")
- `virtual_name` (string) – The virtual device name. See the documentation on
[Block Device Mapping][1] for more information
- `snapshot_id` (string) – The ID of the snapshot
- `volume_type` (string) – The volume type. gp2 for General Purpose (SSD)
volumes, io1 for Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes, and standard for Magnetic
- `volume_size` (integer) – The size of the volume, in GiB. Required if not
specifying a `snapshot_id`
- `delete_on_termination` (boolean) – Indicates whether the EBS volume is
deleted on instance termination
- `encrypted` (boolean) – Indicates whether to encrypt the volume or not
- `no_device` (boolean) – Suppresses the specified device included in the
block device mapping of the AMI
- `iops` (integer) – The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the
volume supports. See the documentation on [IOPs][2] for more information
* `ami_description` (string) - The description to set for the resulting
AMI(s). By default this description is empty.
......@@ -318,3 +332,6 @@ sudo -i -n ec2-upload-bundle \
The available template variables should be self-explanatory based on the
parameters they're used to satisfy the `ec2-upload-bundle` command.
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