Commit 84d9d959 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

ERP5Type: make XMLMatrix a mixin

This way, it becomes pretty easy to add matrix functionnality to any portal
type TTW
parent 919191b8
......@@ -26,600 +26,15 @@
from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass, PersistentMapping
from Acquisition import aq_base
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.Folder import Folder
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import cartesianProduct
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import TempBase
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.Constant import PropertyGetter as ConstantGetter
from zLOG import LOG
INFINITE_SET = type('', (object,), {'__contains__': lambda *args: True})()
class XMLMatrix(Folder):
A mix-in class which provides a matrix like
access to objects. Matrices are of any dimension.
A single XMLMatrix may contain multiple matrices,
of different dimension. Each matrix is associated to
a so-called 'base_id'.
We still must make XMLMatrix a subclass of Base so
that we can inherit from ExtensionClass.Base
which is required for multiple inheritance to work
as expected. Read this for more information:
In our case, we will use Folder because we want to inherit
from Folder consistency checking
# Declarative security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
# Matrix Methods
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCell' )
def getCell(self, *kw , **kwd):
"""Access a cell by its coordinates and base_id.
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return None
base_id = kwd.get('base_id', "cell")
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return None
cell_id = self.keyToId(kw, base_id = base_id)
if cell_id is None:
return None
return self.get(cell_id)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellProperty' )
def getCellProperty(self, *kw , **kwd):
"""Get a property of a cell by its coordinates and base_id.
base_id= kwd.get('base_id', "cell")
cell = self.getCell(*kw, **kwd)
if cell is None:
return None
return cell.getProperty(base_id)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'hasCell' )
def hasCell(self, *kw , **kwd):
"""Checks if matrix corresponding to base_id contains cell specified by
*kw coordinates.
return self.getCell(*kw, **kwd) is not None
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'hasCellContent' )
def hasCellContent(self, base_id='cell'):
Checks if matrix corresponding to base_id contains cells.
aq_self = aq_base(self)
if getattr(aq_self, 'index', None) is None:
return 0
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return 0
for i in self.getCellIds(base_id=base_id):
if hasattr(self, i): # We should try to use aq_self if possible but XXX
return 1
return 0
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'hasInRange' )
def hasInRange(self, *kw , **kwd):
"""Checks if coordinates are in the range of the matrix for this base_id
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return 0
base_id = kwd.get('base_id', "cell")
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return 0
base_item = self.index[base_id]
for i, my_id in enumerate(kw):
if not base_item.has_key(i) or not base_item[i].has_key(my_id):
return 0
return 1
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent,
'_setCellRange' )
def _setCellRange(self, *args, **kw):
"""Set a new range for a matrix
Each value for each axis is assigned an integer id.
If the number of axis changes, everything is reset.
Otherwise, ids are never changed, so that cells never need to be renamed:
this means no sort is garanteed, and there can be holes.
base_id = kw.get('base_id', 'cell')
# Get (initialize if necessary) index for considered matrix (base_id).
index = aq_base(self).index
except AttributeError:
index = self.index = PersistentMapping()
to_delete = []
index = index[base_id]
if len(args) != len(index):
# The number of axis changes so we'll delete all existing cells and
# renumber everything from 1.
to_delete = INFINITE_SET,
except KeyError:
index[base_id] = index = PersistentMapping()
# For each axis ...
for i, axis in enumerate(args):
# ... collect old axis keys and allocate ids for new ones.
axis = set(axis)
last_id = -1
id_dict = index[i]
except KeyError:
index[i] = id_dict = PersistentMapping()
delete = set()
for k, v in id_dict.items():
if last_id < v:
last_id = v
except KeyError:
del id_dict[k]
# At this point, last_id contains the greatest id.
for k in sorted(axis):
last_id += 1
id_dict[k] = last_id
# Remove old cells if any.
if any(to_delete):
prefix = base_id + '_'
prefix_len = len(prefix)
for cell_id in list(self.objectIds()):
if cell_id.startswith(prefix):
for i, j in enumerate(cell_id[prefix_len:].split('_')):
if int(j) in to_delete[i]:
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setCellRange' )
def setCellRange(self, *kw, **kwd):
"""Update the matrix ranges using provided lists of indexes (kw).
self._setCellRange(*kw, **kwd)
def _updateCellRange(self, base_id, **kw):
"""Update cell range based on asCellRange type based method.
script = self._getTypeBasedMethod('asCellRange', **kw)
if script is None:
raise UnboundLocalError,\
"Did not find cell range script for portal type: %r" %\
cell_range = script(base_id=base_id, matrixbox=0, **kw)
self._setCellRange(base_id=base_id, *cell_range)
def updateCellRange(self, base_id='cell', **kw):
""" same as _updateCellRange, but reindex the object. """
self._updateCellRange(base_id=base_id, **kw)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent,
'_renameCellRange' )
def _renameCellRange(self, *kw, **kwd):
"""Rename a range for a matrix, this method can also handle a change in
the size of a matrix
base_id = kwd.get('base_id', 'cell')
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
self.index = PersistentMapping()
# Return if previous range is the same
current_range = self.getCellRange(base_id=base_id) or []
if current_range == list(kw): # kw is a tuple
LOG('XMLMatrix',0,'return form _setCellRange - no need to change range')
current_len = len(current_range)
new_len = len(kw)
len_delta = new_len - current_len
# We must make sure the base_id exists
# in the event of a matrix creation for example
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
# Create an index for this base_id
self.index[base_id] = PersistentMapping()
cell_id_list = []
for cell_id in self.getCellIdList(base_id = base_id):
if self.get(cell_id) is not None:
# First, delete all cells which are out of range.
size_list = map(len, kw)
if len_delta < 0:
size_list.extend([1] * (-len_delta))
def is_in_range(cell_id):
for i, index in enumerate(cell_id[len(base_id)+1:].split('_')):
if int(index) >= size_list[i]:
return False
return True
cell_id_list = filter(is_in_range, cell_id_list)
# Secondly, rename coordinates. This does not change cell ids.
for i in range(max(new_len, current_len)):
if i >= new_len:
del self.index[base_id][i]
if i >= current_len:
self.index[base_id][i] = PersistentMapping()
for place in self.index[base_id][i].keys():
if place not in kw[i]:
del self.index[base_id][i][place]
for j, place in enumerate(kw[i]):
self.index[base_id][i][place] = j
# Lastly, rename ids and catalog/uncatalog everything.
if len_delta > 0:
# Need to move, say, base_1_2 -> base_1_2_0
appended_id = '_0' * len_delta
for old_id in cell_id_list:
cell = self.get(old_id)
if cell is not None:
new_id = old_id + appended_id
cell.isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=False) = new_id
self._setObject(new_id, aq_base(cell))
cell.isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=True)
#cell.unindexObject(path='%s/%s' % (self.getUrl(), old_id))
elif len_delta < 0:
# Need to move, say, base_1_2_0 -> base_1_2
removed_id_len = 2 * (-len_delta)
for old_id in cell_id_list:
cell = self.get(old_id)
if cell is not None:
new_id = old_id[:-removed_id_len]
cell.isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=False) = new_id
self._setObject(new_id, aq_base(cell))
cell.isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=True)
#cell.unindexObject(path='%s/%s' % (self.getUrl(), old_id))
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent,
'renameCellRange' )
def renameCellRange(self, *kw, **kwd):
"""Update the matrix ranges using provided lists of indexes (kw).
This keep cell values when dimensions are added or removed.
self._renameCellRange(*kw, **kwd)
def getCellRange(self, base_id='cell'):
Returns the cell range as a list of index ids
cell_range = aq_base(self).index[base_id]
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
return []
return [x.keys() for _, x in sorted(cell_range.iteritems())]
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'newCell' )
def newCell(self, *kw, **kwd):
This method creates a new cell
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return None
base_id = kwd.get('base_id', "cell")
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return None
cell_id = self.keyToId(kw, base_id = base_id)
if cell_id is None:
raise KeyError, 'Invalid key: %s' % str(kw)
cell = self.get(cell_id)
if cell is not None:
return cell
return self.newCellContent(cell_id,**kwd)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'newCellContent' )
def newCellContent(self, cell_id, portal_type=None, **kw):
"""Creates a new content as a cell.
This method is meant to be overriden by subclasses.
if portal_type is None:
for x in self.allowedContentTypes():
portal_type_id = x.getId()
if portal_type_id.endswith(' Cell'):
portal_type = portal_type_id
return self.newContent(id=cell_id, portal_type=portal_type, **kw)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellKeyList' )
def getCellKeyList(self, base_id = 'cell'):
"""Returns a list of possible keys as tuples
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return ()
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return ()
index = self.index[base_id]
id_tuple = [v.keys() for v in index.itervalues()]
if len(id_tuple) == 0:
return ()
return cartesianProduct(id_tuple)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellKeys' )
getCellKeys = getCellKeyList
# We should differenciate in future existing tuples from possible tuples
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellRangeKeyList' )
getCellRangeKeyList = getCellKeyList
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'keyToId' )
def keyToId(self, kw, base_id = 'cell'):
"""Converts a key into a cell id
index = self.index[base_id]
cell_id_list = [base_id]
append = cell_id_list.append
for i, item in enumerate(kw):
except KeyError:
return None
return '_'.join(cell_id_list)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellIdList' )
def getCellIdList(self, base_id = 'cell'):
"""Returns a list of possible ids as tuples
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return ()
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return ()
result = []
append = result.append
for kw in self.getCellKeys(base_id = base_id):
cell_id = self.keyToId(kw, base_id = base_id )
if cell_id is not None:
return result
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellIds' )
getCellIds = getCellIdList
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'cellIds' )
cellIds = getCellIdList
# We should differenciate in future all possible ids for existing ids
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellRangeIdList' )
getCellRangeIdList = getCellIdList
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellValueList' )
def getCellValueList(self, base_id = 'cell'):
"""Returns a list of cell values as tuples
result = []
append = result.append
for id in self.getCellIdList(base_id=base_id):
o = self.get(id)
if o is not None:
return result
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'cellValues' )
cellValues = getCellValueList
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getMatrixList' )
def getMatrixList(self):
"""Return possible base_id values
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return ()
return self.index.keys()
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'delMatrix' )
def delMatrix(self, base_id = 'cell'):
"""Delete all cells for a given base_id
XXX BAD NAME: make a difference between deleting matrix and matrix cells
ids = self.getCellIds(base_id = base_id)
my_ids = []
append = my_ids.append
for i in self.objectIds():
if i in ids:
if len(my_ids) > 0:
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'delCells' )
delCells = delMatrix
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'_checkConsistency' )
def _checkConsistency(self, fixit=0):
"""Constraint API.
# Check useless cells
to_delete_set = set()
error_list = []
def addError(error_message):
if fixit:
error_message += ' (fixed)'
error = (self.getRelativeUrl(),
'XMLMatrix inconsistency',
# We make sure first that there is an index
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
self.index = PersistentMapping()
# We will check each cell of the matrix the matrix
# XXX This code assumes the following predicate:
# each subobject of an XMLMatrix is either a Cell that needs
# consistency checking OR ( is not a Cell, and has an id that is
# not like "(\w+_)+(\d+_)*\d+" )
# But Documents inheriting XMLMatrix can have unrelated, non-cell
# subobjects, possibly with id looking like some_id_2. If it ever happens,
# an error will be wrongly raised.
for obj in self.objectValues():
object_id = obj.getId()
# obect_id is equal to something like 'something_quantity_3_2'
# So we need to check for every if the value
# looks like good or not. We split the name
# check each key in index
# First we make sure this is a cell
object_id_split = object_id.split('_')
base_id = None
cell_coordinate_list = []
while object_id_split:
coordinate = None
coordinate = int(object_id_split[-1])
except ValueError:
# The last item is not a coordinate, object_id_split hence
# only contains the base_id elements
base_id = '_'.join(object_id_split)
cell_coordinate_list.insert(0, coordinate)
# the last item is a coordinate not part of base_id
current_dimension = len(cell_coordinate_list)
if current_dimension > 0 and base_id is not None:
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
# The matrix does not have this base_id
addError("There is no index for base_id %s" % base_id)
# Check empty indices.
empty_list = []
base_item = self.index[base_id]
for key, value in base_item.iteritems():
if value is None or len(value) == 0:
addError("There is no id for the %dth axis of base_id %s" % (key, base_id))
if fixit:
for i in empty_list:
del base_item[key]
len_id = len(base_item)
if current_dimension != len_id:
addError("Dimension of cell is %s but should be %s" % (current_dimension,
else :
for i, coordinate in enumerate(cell_coordinate_list):
if coordinate not in base_item[i].values():
addError("Cell %s is out of bound" % object_id)
if fixit and len(to_delete_set) > 0:
return error_list
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent' )
def notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent(self, previous_category_url, new_category_url):
"""Hook called when a category is renamed.
We must do some matrix range update in the event matrix range
is defined by a category
LOG('XMLMatrix notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent', 0, str(new_category_url))
update_method = self.portal_categories.updateRelatedCategory
for base_id in self.getMatrixList():
cell_range = self.getCellRange(base_id=base_id)
new_cell_range = []
for range_item_list in cell_range:
new_range_item_list = map(lambda c: update_method(c, previous_category_url, new_category_url), range_item_list)
kwd = {'base_id': base_id}
LOG('XMLMatrix notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent matrix', 0, str(base_id))
LOG('XMLMatrix notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent _renameCellRange', 0, str(new_cell_range))
class TempXMLMatrix(XMLMatrix):
"""Temporary XMLMatrix.
from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.Folder import Folder
from Products.ERP5Type.mixin import matrix
If we need Base services (categories, edit, etc) in temporary objects
we shoud used TempBase
isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=False)
class XMLMatrix(matrix.Matrix, Folder):
"""A mix-in class which provides a matrix like access to objects.
def newCellContent(self, id):
Creates a new content in a cell.
Compatibility class, XMLMatrix functionality is now in Matrix mixin.
new_temp_object = TempBase(id)
self._setObject(id, new_temp_object)
return self.get(id)
def reindexObject(self, *args, **kw):
def unindexObject(self, *args, **kw):
def activate(self):
return self
# Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass, PersistentMapping
from Acquisition import aq_base
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import cartesianProduct
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.Constant import PropertyGetter as ConstantGetter
from zLOG import LOG
INFINITE_SET = type('', (object,), {'__contains__': lambda *args: True})()
class Matrix(object):
"""A mix-in class which provides a matrix like access to objects.
Matrices are of any dimension.
A single Matrix may contain multiple matrices, of different dimension.
Each matrix is associated to a so-called 'base_id'.
# Declarative security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
# Matrix Methods
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCell' )
def getCell(self, *kw , **kwd):
"""Access a cell by its coordinates and base_id.
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return None
base_id = kwd.get('base_id', "cell")
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return None
cell_id = self.keyToId(kw, base_id = base_id)
if cell_id is None:
return None
return self.get(cell_id)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellProperty' )
def getCellProperty(self, *kw , **kwd):
"""Get a property of a cell by its coordinates and base_id.
base_id= kwd.get('base_id', "cell")
cell = self.getCell(*kw, **kwd)
if cell is None:
return None
return cell.getProperty(base_id)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'hasCell' )
def hasCell(self, *kw , **kwd):
"""Checks if matrix corresponding to base_id contains cell specified by
*kw coordinates.
return self.getCell(*kw, **kwd) is not None
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'hasCellContent' )
def hasCellContent(self, base_id='cell'):
Checks if matrix corresponding to base_id contains cells.
aq_self = aq_base(self)
if getattr(aq_self, 'index', None) is None:
return 0
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return 0
for i in self.getCellIds(base_id=base_id):
if hasattr(self, i): # We should try to use aq_self if possible but XXX
return 1
return 0
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'hasInRange' )
def hasInRange(self, *kw , **kwd):
"""Checks if coordinates are in the range of the matrix for this base_id
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return 0
base_id = kwd.get('base_id', "cell")
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return 0
base_item = self.index[base_id]
for i, my_id in enumerate(kw):
if not base_item.has_key(i) or not base_item[i].has_key(my_id):
return 0
return 1
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent,
'_setCellRange' )
def _setCellRange(self, *args, **kw):
"""Set a new range for a matrix
Each value for each axis is assigned an integer id.
If the number of axis changes, everything is reset.
Otherwise, ids are never changed, so that cells never need to be renamed:
this means no sort is garanteed, and there can be holes.
base_id = kw.get('base_id', 'cell')
# Get (initialize if necessary) index for considered matrix (base_id).
index = aq_base(self).index
except AttributeError:
index = self.index = PersistentMapping()
to_delete = []
index = index[base_id]
if len(args) != len(index):
# The number of axis changes so we'll delete all existing cells and
# renumber everything from 1.
to_delete = INFINITE_SET,
except KeyError:
index[base_id] = index = PersistentMapping()
# For each axis ...
for i, axis in enumerate(args):
# ... collect old axis keys and allocate ids for new ones.
axis = set(axis)
last_id = -1
id_dict = index[i]
except KeyError:
index[i] = id_dict = PersistentMapping()
delete = set()
for k, v in id_dict.items():
if last_id < v:
last_id = v
except KeyError:
del id_dict[k]
# At this point, last_id contains the greatest id.
for k in sorted(axis):
last_id += 1
id_dict[k] = last_id
# Remove old cells if any.
if any(to_delete):
prefix = base_id + '_'
prefix_len = len(prefix)
for cell_id in list(self.objectIds()):
if cell_id.startswith(prefix):
for i, j in enumerate(cell_id[prefix_len:].split('_')):
if int(j) in to_delete[i]:
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setCellRange' )
def setCellRange(self, *kw, **kwd):
"""Update the matrix ranges using provided lists of indexes (kw).
self._setCellRange(*kw, **kwd)
def _updateCellRange(self, base_id, **kw):
"""Update cell range based on asCellRange type based method.
script = self._getTypeBasedMethod('asCellRange', **kw)
if script is None:
raise UnboundLocalError,\
"Did not find cell range script for portal type: %r" %\
cell_range = script(base_id=base_id, matrixbox=0, **kw)
self._setCellRange(base_id=base_id, *cell_range)
def updateCellRange(self, base_id='cell', **kw):
""" same as _updateCellRange, but reindex the object. """
self._updateCellRange(base_id=base_id, **kw)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent,
'_renameCellRange' )
def _renameCellRange(self, *kw, **kwd):
"""Rename a range for a matrix, this method can also handle a change in
the size of a matrix
base_id = kwd.get('base_id', 'cell')
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
self.index = PersistentMapping()
# Return if previous range is the same
current_range = self.getCellRange(base_id=base_id) or []
if current_range == list(kw): # kw is a tuple
LOG('XMLMatrix',0,'return form _setCellRange - no need to change range')
current_len = len(current_range)
new_len = len(kw)
len_delta = new_len - current_len
# We must make sure the base_id exists
# in the event of a matrix creation for example
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
# Create an index for this base_id
self.index[base_id] = PersistentMapping()
cell_id_list = []
for cell_id in self.getCellIdList(base_id = base_id):
if self.get(cell_id) is not None:
# First, delete all cells which are out of range.
size_list = map(len, kw)
if len_delta < 0:
size_list.extend([1] * (-len_delta))
def is_in_range(cell_id):
for i, index in enumerate(cell_id[len(base_id)+1:].split('_')):
if int(index) >= size_list[i]:
return False
return True
cell_id_list = filter(is_in_range, cell_id_list)
# Secondly, rename coordinates. This does not change cell ids.
for i in range(max(new_len, current_len)):
if i >= new_len:
del self.index[base_id][i]
if i >= current_len:
self.index[base_id][i] = PersistentMapping()
for place in self.index[base_id][i].keys():
if place not in kw[i]:
del self.index[base_id][i][place]
for j, place in enumerate(kw[i]):
self.index[base_id][i][place] = j
# Lastly, rename ids and catalog/uncatalog everything.
if len_delta > 0:
# Need to move, say, base_1_2 -> base_1_2_0
appended_id = '_0' * len_delta
for old_id in cell_id_list:
cell = self.get(old_id)
if cell is not None:
new_id = old_id + appended_id
cell.isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=False) = new_id
self._setObject(new_id, aq_base(cell))
cell.isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=True)
#cell.unindexObject(path='%s/%s' % (self.getUrl(), old_id))
elif len_delta < 0:
# Need to move, say, base_1_2_0 -> base_1_2
removed_id_len = 2 * (-len_delta)
for old_id in cell_id_list:
cell = self.get(old_id)
if cell is not None:
new_id = old_id[:-removed_id_len]
cell.isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=False) = new_id
self._setObject(new_id, aq_base(cell))
cell.isIndexable = ConstantGetter('isIndexable', value=True)
#cell.unindexObject(path='%s/%s' % (self.getUrl(), old_id))
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent,
'renameCellRange' )
def renameCellRange(self, *kw, **kwd):
"""Update the matrix ranges using provided lists of indexes (kw).
This keep cell values when dimensions are added or removed.
self._renameCellRange(*kw, **kwd)
def getCellRange(self, base_id='cell'):
Returns the cell range as a list of index ids
cell_range = aq_base(self).index[base_id]
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
return []
return [x.keys() for _, x in sorted(cell_range.iteritems())]
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'newCell' )
def newCell(self, *kw, **kwd):
This method creates a new cell
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return None
base_id = kwd.get('base_id', "cell")
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return None
cell_id = self.keyToId(kw, base_id = base_id)
if cell_id is None:
raise KeyError, 'Invalid key: %s' % str(kw)
cell = self.get(cell_id)
if cell is not None:
return cell
return self.newCellContent(cell_id,**kwd)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'newCellContent' )
def newCellContent(self, cell_id, portal_type=None, **kw):
"""Creates a new content as a cell.
This method is meant to be overriden by subclasses.
if portal_type is None:
for x in self.allowedContentTypes():
portal_type_id = x.getId()
if portal_type_id.endswith(' Cell'):
portal_type = portal_type_id
return self.newContent(id=cell_id, portal_type=portal_type, **kw)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellKeyList' )
def getCellKeyList(self, base_id = 'cell'):
"""Returns a list of possible keys as tuples
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return ()
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return ()
index = self.index[base_id]
id_tuple = [v.keys() for v in index.itervalues()]
if len(id_tuple) == 0:
return ()
return cartesianProduct(id_tuple)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellKeys' )
getCellKeys = getCellKeyList
# We should differenciate in future existing tuples from possible tuples
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellRangeKeyList' )
getCellRangeKeyList = getCellKeyList
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'keyToId' )
def keyToId(self, kw, base_id = 'cell'):
"""Converts a key into a cell id
index = self.index[base_id]
cell_id_list = [base_id]
append = cell_id_list.append
for i, item in enumerate(kw):
except KeyError:
return None
return '_'.join(cell_id_list)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellIdList' )
def getCellIdList(self, base_id = 'cell'):
"""Returns a list of possible ids as tuples
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return ()
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
return ()
result = []
append = result.append
for kw in self.getCellKeys(base_id = base_id):
cell_id = self.keyToId(kw, base_id = base_id )
if cell_id is not None:
return result
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellIds' )
getCellIds = getCellIdList
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'cellIds' )
cellIds = getCellIdList
# We should differenciate in future all possible ids for existing ids
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellRangeIdList' )
getCellRangeIdList = getCellIdList
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getCellValueList' )
def getCellValueList(self, base_id = 'cell'):
"""Returns a list of cell values as tuples
result = []
append = result.append
for id in self.getCellIdList(base_id=base_id):
o = self.get(id)
if o is not None:
return result
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'cellValues' )
cellValues = getCellValueList
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getMatrixList' )
def getMatrixList(self):
"""Return possible base_id values
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
return ()
return self.index.keys()
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'delMatrix' )
def delMatrix(self, base_id = 'cell'):
"""Delete all cells for a given base_id
XXX BAD NAME: make a difference between deleting matrix and matrix cells
ids = self.getCellIds(base_id = base_id)
my_ids = []
append = my_ids.append
for i in self.objectIds():
if i in ids:
if len(my_ids) > 0:
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'delCells' )
delCells = delMatrix
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'_checkConsistency' )
def _checkConsistency(self, fixit=0):
"""Constraint API.
# Check useless cells
to_delete_set = set()
error_list = []
def addError(error_message):
if fixit:
error_message += ' (fixed)'
error = (self.getRelativeUrl(),
'XMLMatrix inconsistency',
# We make sure first that there is an index
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'index', None) is None:
self.index = PersistentMapping()
# We will check each cell of the matrix the matrix
# XXX This code assumes the following predicate:
# each subobject of an XMLMatrix is either a Cell that needs
# consistency checking OR ( is not a Cell, and has an id that is
# not like "(\w+_)+(\d+_)*\d+" )
# But Documents inheriting XMLMatrix can have unrelated, non-cell
# subobjects, possibly with id looking like some_id_2. If it ever happens,
# an error will be wrongly raised.
for obj in self.objectValues():
object_id = obj.getId()
# obect_id is equal to something like 'something_quantity_3_2'
# So we need to check for every if the value
# looks like good or not. We split the name
# check each key in index
# First we make sure this is a cell
object_id_split = object_id.split('_')
base_id = None
cell_coordinate_list = []
while object_id_split:
coordinate = None
coordinate = int(object_id_split[-1])
except ValueError:
# The last item is not a coordinate, object_id_split hence
# only contains the base_id elements
base_id = '_'.join(object_id_split)
cell_coordinate_list.insert(0, coordinate)
# the last item is a coordinate not part of base_id
current_dimension = len(cell_coordinate_list)
if current_dimension > 0 and base_id is not None:
if not self.index.has_key(base_id):
# The matrix does not have this base_id
addError("There is no index for base_id %s" % base_id)
# Check empty indices.
empty_list = []
base_item = self.index[base_id]
for key, value in base_item.iteritems():
if value is None or len(value) == 0:
addError("There is no id for the %dth axis of base_id %s" % (key, base_id))
if fixit:
for i in empty_list:
del base_item[key]
len_id = len(base_item)
if current_dimension != len_id:
addError("Dimension of cell is %s but should be %s" % (current_dimension,
else :
for i, coordinate in enumerate(cell_coordinate_list):
if coordinate not in base_item[i].values():
addError("Cell %s is out of bound" % object_id)
if fixit and len(to_delete_set) > 0:
return error_list
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent' )
def notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent(self, previous_category_url, new_category_url):
"""Hook called when a category is renamed.
We must do some matrix range update in the event matrix range
is defined by a category
LOG('XMLMatrix notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent', 0, str(new_category_url))
update_method = self.portal_categories.updateRelatedCategory
for base_id in self.getMatrixList():
cell_range = self.getCellRange(base_id=base_id)
new_cell_range = []
for range_item_list in cell_range:
new_range_item_list = map(lambda c: update_method(c, previous_category_url, new_category_url), range_item_list)
kwd = {'base_id': base_id}
LOG('XMLMatrix notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent matrix', 0, str(base_id))
LOG('XMLMatrix notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent _renameCellRange', 0, str(new_cell_range))
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