Commit f167c384 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 6baa7257
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ func (node *_MasteredNode) TalkMaster(ctx context.Context, f func(context.Contex
node.mlink = nil
err := node.talkMaster1(ctx, ctx0, f)
log.Warning(ctx, err) // XXX Warning ok? -> Error?
log.Warning(ctx, err) // XXX Warning -> Error?
if errors.Is(err, cmdShutdown) {
return err // M commands to shutdown
......@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@ func (node *_MasteredNode) talkMaster1(ctx, ctxPreTalkM context.Context, f func(
// keep mlink=nil on shutdown so that
// .operational does not change to y.
node.mlink = mlink
// XXX also set node.state.NodeTab[Mnid].link = mlink ?
......@@ -277,11 +276,11 @@ func (node *_MasteredNode) recvδstate(ctx context.Context, msg proto.Msg) (δpt
// <- δ(partTab)
case *proto.NotifyPartitionChanges:
δpt = true
panic("TODO δ(partTab)")
panic("TODO δ(partTab)") // XXX
// <- δ(nodeTab)
case *proto.NotifyNodeInformation:
err = node.updateNodeTab(ctx, msg) // XXX recheck return (might be command to shutdown)
err = node.updateNodeTab(ctx, msg) // err might be command to shutdown
case *proto.NotifyClusterState:
log.Infof(ctx, "<- state: %s", msg.State)
......@@ -377,8 +376,7 @@ func (node *_MasteredNode) updateNodeTab(ctx context.Context, msg *proto.NotifyN
if nodeInfo.NID == node.MyInfo.NID {
// XXX recheck locking
// XXX do .myInfo = nodeInfo ?
node.MyInfo.IdTime = nodeInfo.IdTime
node.MyInfo = nodeInfo
// NEO/py currently employs this hack
// FIXME -> better it be separate command and handled cleanly
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