// Copyright (C) 2017  Nexedi SA and Contributors.
//                     Kirill Smelkov <kirr@nexedi.com>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Open Source Initiative approved licenses and Convey
// the resulting work. Corresponding source of such a combination shall include
// the source code for all other software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.

gotrace gen generates code according to tracing annotations and imports

gotrace gen package
gotrace list package	TODO

XXX tracepoints this package defines
XXX tracepoints this package imports
package main

import (


// traceEvent represents 1 trace:event declaration
type traceEvent struct {
	// TODO += Pos token.Position
	Pkgi		*loader.PackageInfo

	// declaration of function to signal the event
	// the declaration is constructed on the fly via converting e.g.
	//	//trace:event traceConnRecv(c *Conn, msg Msg)
	// into
	//	func traceConnRecv(c *Conn, msg Msg)
	// the func declaration is not added anywhere in the sources - just its
	// AST + package is virtually constructed.
	typinfo *types.Info
	typpkg  *types.Package	// XXX needed ?

// traceImport represents 1 trace:import directive
type traceImport struct {
	Pos	token.Position
	PkgPath string

// Package represents tracing-related information about a package
type Package struct {
	Pkgi	*loader.PackageInfo
	Eventv  []*traceEvent  // trace events this package defines
	Importv []*traceImport // packages this package trace imports

// byEventName provides []*traceEvent ordering by event name
type byEventName []*traceEvent
func (v byEventName) Less(i, j int) bool { return v[i].Name.Name < v[j].Name.Name }
func (v byEventName) Swap(i, j int)      { v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] }
func (v byEventName) Len() int           { return len(v) }

// byPkgPath provides []*traceImport ordering by package path
type byPkgPath []*traceImport
func (v byPkgPath) Less(i, j int) bool { return v[i].PkgPath < v[j].PkgPath }
func (v byPkgPath) Swap(i, j int)      { v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] }
func (v byPkgPath) Len() int           { return len(v) }

// progImporter is types.Importer that imports packages from loaded loader.Program
type progImporter struct {
	prog *loader.Program

func (pi *progImporter) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) {
	pkgi := pi.prog.Package(path)
	if pkgi == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("package %q not found", path)

	return pkgi.Pkg, nil

// parseTraceEvent parses trace event definition into traceEvent
// text is text argument after "//trace:event "
func parseTraceEvent(prog *loader.Program, pkgi *loader.PackageInfo, srcfile *ast.File, pos token.Position, text string) (*traceEvent, error) {
	posErr := func(format string, argv ...interface{}) error {
		return fmt.Errorf("%v: "+format, append([]interface{}{pos}, argv...)...)

	if !strings.HasPrefix(text, "trace") {
		return nil, posErr("trace event must start with \"trace\"")

	// prepare artificial package with trace event definition as func declaration
	buf := &Buffer{}  // XXX package name must be from trace definition context ?
	buf.emit("package xxx")

	// add
	//   1. all imports from original source file
	//   2. dot-import of original package
	// so that inside it all looks like as if it was in original source context
	buf.emit("\nimport (")

	for _, imp := range srcfile.Imports {
		impline := ""
		if imp.Name != nil {
			impline += imp.Name.Name + " "
		impline += imp.Path.Value
		buf.emit("\t%s", impline)

	buf.emit("\t. %q", pkgi.Pkg.Path())

	// func itself
	buf.emit("\nfunc " + text)

	// now parse/typecheck
	tfset := token.NewFileSet()
	filename := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v+trace:event %v", pos.Filename, pos.Line, text)
	tf, err := parser.ParseFile(tfset, filename, buf.String(), 0)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err // should already have pos' as prefix

	// must be:
	// GenDecl{IMPORT}
	// FuncDecl
	if len(tf.Decls) != 2 {
		return nil, posErr("trace event must be func-like")

	declf, ok := tf.Decls[1].(*ast.FuncDecl)
	if !ok {
		return nil, posErr("trace event must be func-like, not %v", tf.Decls[0])
	// XXX ok to allow methods (declf.Recv != nil) ?
	if declf.Type.Results != nil {
		return nil, posErr("trace event must not return results")

	// typecheck prepared package to get trace func argument types
	conf := types.Config{
			Importer: &progImporter{prog},

			// we took imports from original source file verbatim,
			// but most of them probably won't be used.
			DisableUnusedImportCheck: true,

	tinfo := &types.Info{Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue)}

	tpkg, err := conf.Check("xxx", tfset, []*ast.File{tf}, tinfo)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err	// should already have pos' as prefix

	_ = tpkg

	// XXX +pos? -> pos is already there in tfunc
	return &traceEvent{Pkgi: pkgi, FuncDecl: declf, typinfo: tinfo, typpkg: tpkg}, nil

// packageTrace returns tracing information about a package
func packageTrace(lprog *loader.Program, pkgi *loader.PackageInfo) *Package {
	eventv  := []*traceEvent{}
	importv := []*traceImport{}

	// go through files of the package and process //trace: directives
	for _, file := range pkgi.Files {			 // ast.File
		for _, commgroup := range file.Comments {	 // ast.CommentGroup
			for _, comment := range commgroup.List { // ast.Comment
				pos := lprog.Fset.Position(comment.Slash)
				//fmt.Printf("%v %q\n", pos, comment.Text)

				// only directives starting from beginning of line
				if pos.Column != 1 {

				if !strings.HasPrefix(comment.Text, "//trace:") {

				textv := strings.SplitN(comment.Text, " ", 2)
				if len(textv) != 2 {
					log.Fatalf("%v: invalid directive format")

				directive, arg := textv[0], textv[1]
				switch directive {
				case "//trace:event":
					event, err := parseTraceEvent(lprog, pkgi, file, pos, arg)
					if err != nil {

					eventv = append(eventv, event)

				case "//trace:import":
					// reject duplicate imports
					for _, imported := range importv {
						if arg == imported.PkgPath {
							log.Fatalf("%v: duplicate trace import of %v (previous at %v)", pos, arg, imported.Pos)
					importv = append(importv, &traceImport{Pos: pos, PkgPath: arg})

					log.Fatalf("%v: unknown tracing directive %q", pos, directive)

	// events and imports go in canonical order

	return &Package{Pkgi: pkgi, Eventv: eventv, Importv: importv}

// ----------------------------------------

// TypedArgv returns argument list with types
func (te *traceEvent) TypedArgv() string {
	//format.Node(&buf, fset, te.FuncDecl.Type.Params)
	argv := []string{}

	// qualifier
	qf := func(pkg *types.Package) string {
		// original package - unqualified
		if pkg == te.Pkgi.Pkg {
			return ""

		// default qualification
		return pkg.Name()

	for _, field := range te.FuncDecl.Type.Params.List {
		namev := []string{}
		for _, name := range field.Names {
			namev = append(namev, name.Name)

		arg := strings.Join(namev, ", ")
		//arg += " " + types.ExprString(field.Type)
		typ := te.typinfo.Types[field.Type].Type
		fmt.Printf("AAA %v\n", typ)
		arg += " " + types.TypeString(typ, qf)

		argv = append(argv, arg)

	return strings.Join(argv, ", ")

// Argv returns comma-separated argument-list
func (te *traceEvent) Argv() string {
	argv := []string{}

	for _, field := range te.FuncDecl.Type.Params.List {
		for _, name := range field.Names {
			argv = append(argv, name.Name)

	return strings.Join(argv, ", ")

// traceEventCodeTmpl is code template generated for one trace event
var traceEventCodeTmpl = template.Must(template.New("traceevent").Parse(`
// traceevent: {{.Name}}({{.TypedArgv}})	XXX better raw .Text (e.g. comments)

{{/* probe type for this trace event */ -}}
type _t_{{.Name}} struct {
	probefunc     func({{.TypedArgv}})

{{/* list of probes attached (nil if nothing) */ -}}
var _{{.Name}} *_t_{{.Name}}

{{/* function which event producer calls to notify about the event
   * after https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19348 is done this separate
   * checking function will be inlined and tracepoint won't cost a function
   * call when it is disabled */ -}}
func {{.Name}}({{.TypedArgv}}) {
	if _{{.Name}} != nil {

{{/* function to notify attached probes */ -}}
func _{{.Name}}_run({{.TypedArgv}}) {
	for p := _{{.Name}}; p != nil; p = (*_t_{{.Name}})(unsafe.Pointer(p.Next())) {

{{/* function to attach a probe to tracepoint */ -}}
func {{.Name}}_Attach(pg *tracing.ProbeGroup, probe func({{.TypedArgv}})) *tracing.Probe {
	p := _t_{{.Name}}{probefunc: probe}
	tracing.AttachProbe(pg, (**tracing.Probe)(unsafe.Pointer(&_{{.Name}})), &p.Probe)
	return &p.Probe

// traceEventImportTmpl is code template generated for importing one trace event
// FIXME func args types must be qualified
var traceEventImportTmpl = template.Must(template.New("traceimport").Parse(`
//go:linkname {{.Pkgi.Pkg.Name}}_{{.Name}}_Attach {{.Pkgi.Pkg.Path}}.{{.Name}}_Attach
func {{.Pkgi.Pkg.Name}}_{{.Name}}_Attach(*tracing.ProbeGroup, func({{.TypedArgv}})) *tracing.Probe

// magic begins all files generated by gotrace
const magic = "// Code generated by lab.nexedi.com/kirr/go123/tracing/cmd/gotrace; DO NOT EDIT.\n"

// checkCanWrite check whether it is safe to write at path
// it is safe to write when either
// - the file does not exist, or
// - it exits but was previously generated by us
func checkCanWrite(path string) error {
	f, err := os.Open(path)
	if e, ok := err.(*os.PathError); ok && os.IsNotExist(e.Err) {
		return nil

	defer f.Close()
	bf := bufio.NewReader(f)

	headline, err := bf.ReadString('\n')
	if err != nil || headline != magic {
		return fmt.Errorf("refusing to make output: %v exists but was not generated by gotrace", path)

	return nil

// writeFile writes data to a file at path after checking it is safe to write there
func writeFile(path string, data []byte) error {
	err := checkCanWrite(path)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return ioutil.WriteFile(path, data, 0666)

type Buffer struct {

func (b *Buffer) emit(format string, argv ...interface{}) {
	fmt.Fprintf(b, format + "\n", argv...)

// tracegen generates code according to tracing directives in a package @ pkgpath
func tracegen(pkgpath string) error {
	// XXX  typechecking is much slower than parsing + we don't need to
	//	load anything except the package in question
	// TODO	-> use just AST parsing for loading?
	conf := loader.Config{
		ParserMode: parser.ParseComments,
		TypeCheckFuncBodies: func(path string) bool { return false },

	// load package + all its imports
	// XXX ignore trace.go & trace.s on load here? -> TODO remove the first
	lprog, err := conf.Load()
	if err != nil {

	pkgi := lprog.InitialPackages()[0]

	// determine package directory
	if len(pkgi.Files) == 0 {
		log.Fatalf("package %s is empty", pkgi.Pkg.Path)

	pkgdir := filepath.Dir(lprog.Fset.File(pkgi.Files[0].Pos()).Name())
	//println("pkgpath", pkgpath)
	//println("pkgdir", pkgdir)
	//return nil

	// tracing info for this specified package
	pkg := packageTrace(lprog, pkgi)

	buf := &Buffer{}

	// prologue
	buf.emit("\npackage %v", pkg.Pkgi.Pkg.Name())
	buf.emit("// code generated for tracepoints")
	buf.emit("\nimport (")
	buf.emit("\t%q", "lab.nexedi.com/kirr/neo/go/xcommon/tracing")
	buf.emit("\t%q", "unsafe")
	// TODO import all packages for used types

	// code for trace:event definitions
	for _, event := range pkg.Eventv {
		err = traceEventCodeTmpl.Execute(buf, event)
		if err != nil {
			panic(err)	// XXX

	// TODO export hash

	// code for trace:import imports
	for _, timport := range pkg.Importv {
		buf.emit("\n// traceimport: %v", timport.PkgPath)

		impPkgi := lprog.Package(timport.PkgPath)
		if impPkgi == nil {
			// TODO do not require vvv
			log.Fatalf("%v: package %s must be also regularly imported", timport.Pos, timport.PkgPath)

		impPkg := packageTrace(lprog, impPkgi)

		for _, event := range impPkg.Eventv {
			err = traceEventImportTmpl.Execute(buf, event)
			if err != nil {
				panic(err)	// XXX

	// TODO check export hash

	// write output to trace.go
	err = writeFile(filepath.Join(pkgdir, "trace.go"), buf.Bytes())
	if err != nil {

	// write empty trace.s so go:linkname works
	buf.emit("// empty .s so `go build` does not use -complete for go:linkname to work")

	trace_s := filepath.Join(pkgdir, "trace.s")
	err = writeFile(trace_s, buf.Bytes())
	if err != nil {

	// trace.s is needed only if there are trace imports
	// (but still we do want to verify ^^^ we can write to it)
	if len(pkg.Importv) == 0 {
		err = os.Remove(trace_s)
		if err != nil {

	return nil	// XXX

func main() {
	log.SetPrefix("gotrace: ")

	flag.Usage = func() {
`gotracegen [options] [package]
TODO ...


	argv := flag.Args()
	if len(argv) < 1 {
	pkgpath := argv[0]

	err := tracegen(pkgpath)
	if err != nil {