// NEO. Protocol description

//go:generate sh -c "go run protogen.go >proto-marshal.go"

package neo

// XXX move imports out of here
import (


const (

	MIN_PACKET_SIZE = 10	// XXX unsafe.Sizeof(PktHead{}) give _typed_ constant (uintptr)
	PktHeadLen	= MIN_PACKET_SIZE	// TODO link this to PktHead.Encode/Decode size ? XXX -> pkt.go ?
	MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 0x4000000

	RESPONSE_MASK   = 0x8000

type ErrorCode int
const (
	ACK ErrorCode = iota

type ClusterState int32
const (
	// NOTE cluster states descriptions is in protocol.py
	RECOVERING ClusterState = iota
	CLUSTER_RUNNING			// XXX conflict with NodeState.RUNNING

type NodeType int32
const (
	MASTER NodeType = iota

type NodeState int32
const (
	RUNNING NodeState = iota //short: R     // XXX tag prefix name ?
	DOWN                     //short: D
	BROKEN                   //short: B
	HIDDEN                   //short: H
	PENDING                  //short: P
	UNKNOWN                  //short: U

type CellState int32
const (
	// NOTE cell states description is in protocol.py
	UP_TO_DATE CellState = iota //short: U     // XXX tag prefix name ?
	OUT_OF_DATE                 //short: O
	FEEDING                     //short: F
	DISCARDED                   //short: D
	CORRUPTED                   //short: C

// An UUID (node identifier, 4-bytes signed integer)
type UUID int32


var ErrDecodeOverflow = errors.New("decode: bufer overflow")

// NEOEncoder is interface for marshaling objects to wire format
type NEOEncoder interface {
	// compute how much space is needed to encode
	NEOEncodedLen() int

	// perform the encoding.
	// len(buf) must be >= NEOEncodedLen()
	NEOEncode(buf []byte)

// NEODecoder is interface for unmarshalling objects from wire format
type NEODecoder interface {
	NEODecode(data []byte) (nread int, err error)

type Address struct {
	Host string
	Port uint16

// NOTE if Host == "" -> Port not added to wire (see py.PAddress):
// func (a *Address) NEOEncode(b []byte) int {
// 	n := string_NEOEncode(a.Host, b[0:])
// 	if a.Host != "" {
// 		BigEndian.PutUint16(b[n:], a.Port)
// 		n += 2
// 	}
// 	return n
// }
// func (a *Address) NEODecode(b []byte) int {
// 	n := string_NEODecode(&a.Host, b)
// 	if a.Host != "" {
// 		a.Port = BigEndian.Uint16(b[n:])
// 		n += 2
// 	} else {
// 		a.Port = 0
// 	}
// 	return n
// }

// A SHA1 hash
type Checksum [20]byte

// Partition Table identifier
// Zero value means "invalid id" (<-> None in py.PPTID)
type PTid uint64	// XXX move to common place ?

// XXX move -> marshalutil.go ?
func byte2bool(b byte) bool {
	return b != 0

func bool2byte(b bool) byte {
	if b {
		return 1
	} else {
		return 0

// NOTE py.None encodes as '\xff' * 8	(-> we use NaN for None)
// NOTE '\xff' * 8 represents FP NaN but many other NaN bits representation exist
func float64_NEOEncode(b []byte, f float64) {
	var fu uint64
	if !math.IsNaN(f) {
		fu = math.Float64bits(f)
	} else {
		// convert all NaNs to canonical \xff * 8
		fu = 1<<64 - 1

	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, fu)

func float64_NEODecode(b []byte) float64 {
	fu := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b)
	return math.Float64frombits(fu)

// NOTE original NodeList = []NodeInfo
type NodeInfo struct {
	IdTimestamp float64

//type CellList []struct {
type CellInfo struct {

//type RowList []struct {
type RowInfo struct {
	Offset   uint32  // PNumber
	CellList []CellInfo

type XXXTest struct {
	qqq	uint32
	aaa	uint32
	Zzz	map[int32]string

// // XXX link request <-> answer ?
// // XXX naming -> PktHeader ?
// type PktHead struct {
// 	ConnId  be32	// NOTE is .msgid in py
// 	MsgCode be16
// 	Len	be32	// whole packet length (including header)
// }

// General purpose notification (remote logging)
type Notify struct {
	Message string

// Error is a special type of message, because this can be sent against
// any other message, even if such a message does not expect a reply
// usually. Any -> Any.
type Error struct {
	Code    uint32  // PNumber
	//Code    ErrorCode  // PNumber
	Message string

// Check if a peer is still alive. Any -> Any.
type Ping struct {
	// TODO _answer = PFEmpty

// Tell peer it can close the connection if it has finished with us. Any -> Any
type CloseClient struct {

// Request a node identification. This must be the first packet for any
// connection. Any -> Any.
type RequestIdentification struct {
	ProtocolVersion uint32		// TODO py.PProtocol upon decoding checks for != PROTOCOL_VERSION
	NodeType        NodeType        // XXX name
	UUID            UUID
	Address				// where requesting node is also accepting connections
	Name            string
	IdTimestamp	float64

// XXX -> ReplyIdentification? RequestIdentification.Answer somehow ?
type AcceptIdentification struct {
	NodeType        NodeType        // XXX name
	MyUUID          UUID
	NumPartitions   uint32          // PNumber
	NumReplicas     uint32          // PNumber
	YourUUID        UUID
	Primary         Address
	KnownMasterList []struct {

// Ask current primary master's uuid. CTL -> A.
type PrimaryMaster struct {

type AnswerPrimary struct {

// Announce a primary master node election. PM -> SM.
type AnnouncePrimary struct {

// Force a re-election of a primary master node. M -> M.
type ReelectPrimary struct {

// Ask all data needed by master to recover. PM -> S, S -> PM.
type Recovery struct {

type AnswerRecovery struct {
	BackupTID   zodb.Tid
	TruncateTID zodb.Tid

// Ask the last OID/TID so that a master can initialize its TransactionManager.
// PM -> S, S -> PM.
type LastIDs struct {

type AnswerLastIDs struct {
	LastOID zodb.Oid
	LastTID zodb.Tid

// Ask the full partition table. PM -> S.
// Answer rows in a partition table. S -> PM.
type PartitionTable struct {

type AnswerPartitionTable struct {
	RowList []RowInfo

// Send rows in a partition table to update other nodes. PM -> S, C.
type NotifyPartitionTable struct {
	RowList []RowInfo

// Notify a subset of a partition table. This is used to notify changes.
// PM -> S, C.
type PartitionChanges struct {
	CellList []struct {
		// XXX does below correlate with Cell inside top-level CellList ?
		Offset    uint32  // PNumber
		UUID      UUID
		CellState CellState

// Tell a storage nodes to start an operation. Until a storage node receives
// this message, it must not serve client nodes. PM -> S.
type StartOperation struct {
	// XXX: Is this boolean needed ? Maybe this
	//      can be deduced from cluster state.
	Backup bool

// Tell a storage node to stop an operation. Once a storage node receives
// this message, it must not serve client nodes. PM -> S.
type StopOperation struct {

// Ask unfinished transactions  S -> PM.
// Answer unfinished transactions  PM -> S.
type UnfinishedTransactions struct {
	RowList []struct{
		Offset uint32	// PNumber

type AnswerUnfinishedTransactions struct {
	MaxTID  zodb.Tid
	TidList []struct{
		UnfinishedTID zodb.Tid

// Ask locked transactions  PM -> S.
// Answer locked transactions  S -> PM.
type LockedTransactions struct {

type AnswerLockedTransactions struct {
	TidDict map[zodb.Tid]zodb.Tid     // ttid -> tid

// Return final tid if ttid has been committed. * -> S. C -> PM.
type FinalTID struct {
	TTID    zodb.Tid

type AnswerFinalTID struct {
	Tid     zodb.Tid

// Commit a transaction. PM -> S.
type ValidateTransaction struct {
	TTID zodb.Tid
	Tid  zodb.Tid

// Ask to begin a new transaction. C -> PM.
// Answer when a transaction begin, give a TID if necessary. PM -> C.
type BeginTransaction struct {
	Tid     zodb.Tid

type AnswerBeginTransaction struct {
	Tid     zodb.Tid

// Report storage nodes for which vote failed. C -> M
// True is returned if it's still possible to finish the transaction.
type FailedVote struct {
	Tid	 zodb.Tid

	// XXX _answer = Error

// Finish a transaction. C -> PM.
// Answer when a transaction is finished. PM -> C.
type FinishTransaction struct {
	Tid	 zodb.Tid
	OIDList     []zodb.Oid
	CheckedList []zodb.Oid

type AnswerFinishTransaction struct {
	TTID    zodb.Tid
	Tid     zodb.Tid

// Notify that a transaction blocking a replication is now finished
// M -> S
type NotifyTransactionFinished struct {
	TTID    zodb.Tid
	MaxTID  zodb.Tid

// Lock information on a transaction. PM -> S.
// Notify information on a transaction locked. S -> PM.
type LockInformation struct {
	Ttid zodb.Tid
	Tid  zodb.Tid

// XXX AnswerInformationLocked ?
type AnswerLockInformation struct {
	Ttid zodb.Tid

// Invalidate objects. PM -> C.
// XXX ask_finish_transaction ?
type InvalidateObjects struct {
	Tid     zodb.Tid
	OidList []zodb.Oid

// Unlock information on a transaction. PM -> S.
type UnlockInformation struct {
	TTID    zodb.Tid

// Ask new object IDs. C -> PM.
// Answer new object IDs. PM -> C.
type GenerateOIDs struct {
	NumOIDs uint32  // PNumber

// XXX answer_new_oids ?
type AnswerGenerateOIDs struct {
	OidList []zodb.Oid

// Ask master to generate a new TTID that will be used by the client
// to rebase a transaction. S -> PM -> C
type Deadlock struct {
	TTid		zodb.Tid
	LockingTid	zodb.Tid

// Rebase transaction. C -> S.
type RebaseTransaction struct {
	TTid		zodb.Tid
	LockingTid	zodb.Tid

type AnswerRebaseTransaction struct {
	OidList	[]zodb.Oid

// Rebase object. C -> S.
type RebaseObject struct {
	TTid	zodb.Tid
	Oid	zodb.Oid

type AnswerRebaseObject struct {
	// FIXME POption('conflict')
        Serial		zodb.Tid
        ConflictSerial	zodb.Tid
	// FIXME POption('data')
		Compression	bool
		Checksum	Checksum
		Data		[]byte	// XXX was string

// Ask to store an object. Send an OID, an original serial, a current
// transaction ID, and data. C -> S.
// As for IStorage, 'serial' is ZERO_TID for new objects.
type StoreObject struct {
	Oid             zodb.Oid
	Serial          zodb.Tid
	Compression     bool
	Checksum        Checksum
	Data            []byte          // TODO separately (for writev)
	DataSerial      zodb.Tid
	Tid             zodb.Tid

type AnswerStoreObject struct {
	Conflict	zodb.Tid

// Abort a transaction. C -> S and C -> PM -> S.
type AbortTransaction struct {
	Tid		zodb.Tid
	UUIDList	[]UUID		// unused for * -> S

// Ask to store a transaction. C -> S.
// Answer if transaction has been stored. S -> C.
type StoreTransaction struct {
	Tid	     zodb.Tid
	User            string
	Description     string
	Extension       string
	OidList         []zodb.Oid
	// TODO _answer = PFEmpty

// Ask to store a transaction. C -> S.
// Answer if transaction has been stored. S -> C.
type VoteTransaction struct {
	Tid     zodb.Tid
	// TODO _answer = PFEmpty

// Ask a stored object by its OID and a serial or a TID if given. If a serial
// is specified, the specified revision of an object will be returned. If
// a TID is specified, an object right before the TID will be returned. C -> S.
// Answer the requested object. S -> C.
type GetObject struct {
	Oid     zodb.Oid
	Serial  zodb.Tid
	Tid     zodb.Tid

// XXX answer_object ?
type AnswerGetObject struct {
	Oid             zodb.Oid
	Serial		zodb.Tid	// XXX strictly is SerialStart/SerialEnd in proto.py
	NextSerial      zodb.Tid	// XXX but there it is out of sync
	Compression     bool
	Checksum        Checksum
	Data            []byte          // TODO separately (for writev)
	DataSerial      zodb.Tid

// Ask for TIDs between a range of offsets. The order of TIDs is descending,
// and the range is [first, last). C -> S.
// Answer the requested TIDs. S -> C.
type TIDList struct {
	First           uint64  // PIndex       XXX this is TID actually ? -> no it is offset in list
	Last            uint64  // PIndex       ----//----
	Partition       uint32  // PNumber

// XXX answer_tids ?
type AnswerTIDList struct {
	TIDList []zodb.Tid

// Ask for length TIDs starting at min_tid. The order of TIDs is ascending.
// C -> S.
// Answer the requested TIDs. S -> C
type TIDListFrom struct {
	MinTID          zodb.Tid
	MaxTID          zodb.Tid
	Length          uint32  // PNumber
	Partition       uint32  // PNumber

// XXX answer_tids ?
type AnswerTIDListFrom struct {
	TidList []zodb.Tid

// Ask information about a transaction. Any -> S.
// Answer information (user, description) about a transaction. S -> Any.
type TransactionInformation struct {
	Tid     zodb.Tid

type AnswerTransactionInformation struct {
	Tid             zodb.Tid
	User            string
	Description     string
	Extension       string
	Packed          bool
	OidList         []zodb.Oid

// Ask history information for a given object. The order of serials is
// descending, and the range is [first, last]. C -> S.
// Answer history information (serial, size) for an object. S -> C.
type ObjectHistory struct {
	Oid     zodb.Oid
	First   uint64  // PIndex       XXX this is actually TID
	Last    uint64  // PIndex       ----//----

type AnswerObjectHistory struct {
	Oid         zodb.Oid
	HistoryList []struct {
	        Serial  zodb.Tid
	        Size    uint32  // PNumber

// All the following messages are for neoctl to admin node
// Ask information about partition
// Answer information about partition
type PartitionList struct {
	MinOffset   uint32      // PNumber
	MaxOffset   uint32      // PNumber
	UUID        UUID

type AnswerPartitionList struct {
	RowList []RowInfo

// Ask information about nodes
// Answer information about nodes
type X_NodeList struct {

type AnswerNodeList struct {
	NodeList []NodeInfo

// Set the node state
type SetNodeState struct {

	// XXX _answer = Error ?

// Ask the primary to include some pending node in the partition table
type AddPendingNodes struct {

	// XXX _answer = Error

// Ask the primary to optimize the partition table. A -> PM.
type TweakPartitionTable struct {

	// XXX _answer = Error

// Notify information about one or more nodes. PM -> Any.
type NotifyNodeInformation struct {
	IdTimestamp	float64
	NodeList	[]NodeInfo

// Ask node information
type NodeInformation struct {
	// XXX _answer = PFEmpty

// Set the cluster state
type SetClusterState struct {
	State   ClusterState

	// XXX _answer = Error

// XXX only helper: should not be presented as packet
type repairFlags struct {
	DryRun   bool
	// pruneOrphan bool

	// XXX _answer = Error

// Ask storage nodes to repair their databases. ctl -> A -> M
type Repair struct {

// See Repair. M -> S
type RepairOne struct {

// Notify information about the cluster
type ClusterInformation struct {
	State   ClusterState

// Ask state of the cluster
// Answer state of the cluster
type X_ClusterState struct {	// XXX conflicts with ClusterState enum
	State   ClusterState

// Ask storage the serial where object data is when undoing given transaction,
// for a list of OIDs.
// C -> S
// Answer serials at which object data is when undoing a given transaction.
// object_tid_dict has the following format:
//     key: oid
//     value: 3-tuple
//         current_serial (TID)
//             The latest serial visible to the undoing transaction.
//         undo_serial (TID)
//             Where undone data is (tid at which data is before given undo).
//         is_current (bool)
//             If current_serial's data is current on storage.
// S -> C
type ObjectUndoSerial struct {
	Tid             zodb.Tid
	LTID            zodb.Tid
	UndoneTID       zodb.Tid
	OidList         []zodb.Oid

// XXX answer_undo_transaction ?
type AnswerObjectUndoSerial struct {
	ObjectTIDDict map[zodb.Oid]struct {
		CurrentSerial   zodb.Tid
		UndoSerial      zodb.Tid
		IsCurrent       bool

// Verifies if given serial is current for object oid in the database, and
// take a write lock on it (so that this state is not altered until
// transaction ends).
// Answer to AskCheckCurrentSerial.
// Same structure as AnswerStoreObject, to handle the same way, except there
// is nothing to invalidate in any client's cache.
type CheckCurrentSerial struct {
	Tid     zodb.Tid
	Oid     zodb.Oid
	Serial  zodb.Tid

// XXX answer_store_object ?	(was _answer = StoreObject._answer in py)
type AnswerCheckCurrentSerial AnswerStoreObject
//type AnswerCheckCurrentSerial struct {
//	Conflict	bool

// Request a pack at given TID.
// C -> M
// M -> S
// Inform that packing it over.
// S -> M
// M -> C
type Pack struct {
	Tid     zodb.Tid

type AnswerPack struct {
	Status  bool

// ctl -> A
// A -> M
type CheckReplicas struct {
	PartitionDict map[uint32]UUID        // partition -> source	(PNumber)
	MinTID  zodb.Tid
	MaxTID  zodb.Tid

	// XXX _answer = Error

// M -> S
type CheckPartition struct {
	Partition uint32  // PNumber
	Source    struct {
		UpstreamName string
		Address      Address
	MinTID    zodb.Tid
	MaxTID    zodb.Tid

// Ask some stats about a range of transactions.
// Used to know if there are differences between a replicating node and
// reference node.
// S -> S
// Stats about a range of transactions.
// Used to know if there are differences between a replicating node and
// reference node.
// S -> S
type CheckTIDRange struct {
	Partition uint32        // PNumber
	Length    uint32        // PNumber
	MinTID    zodb.Tid
	MaxTID    zodb.Tid

type AnswerCheckTIDRange struct {
	Count    uint32         // PNumber
	Checksum Checksum
	MaxTID   zodb.Tid

// Ask some stats about a range of object history.
// Used to know if there are differences between a replicating node and
// reference node.
// S -> S
// Stats about a range of object history.
// Used to know if there are differences between a replicating node and
// reference node.
// S -> S
type CheckSerialRange struct {
	Partition       uint32  // PNumber
	Length          uint32  // PNumber
	MinTID          zodb.Tid
	MaxTID          zodb.Tid
	MinOID          zodb.Oid

type AnswerCheckSerialRange struct {
	Count           uint32  // PNumber
	TidChecksum     Checksum
	MaxTID          zodb.Tid
	OidChecksum     Checksum
	MaxOID          zodb.Oid

// S -> M
type PartitionCorrupted struct {
	Partition       uint32  // PNumber
	CellList        []UUID

// Ask last committed TID.
// C -> M
// Answer last committed TID.
// M -> C
type LastTransaction struct {

type AnswerLastTransaction struct {
	Tid     zodb.Tid

// Notify that node is ready to serve requests.
// S -> M
type NotifyReady struct {

// replication