Add tt-rss Software Release.

parent 84ee5d1f
# Run a SQL script to populate DB at first run
recipe = slapos.cookbook:apachephpconfigure
table_name = db.ttrss_users
#constraint = `pn_id`>0
lampconfigure = ${buildout:bin-directory}/lampconfigure
htdocs = $${apache-php:htdocs}
mysql-username = $${apache-php:mysql-username}
mysql-password = $${apache-php:mysql-password}
mysql-database = $${apache-php:mysql-database}
mysql-host = $${apache-php:mysql-host}
mysql-port = $${apache-php:mysql-port}
configureinstall-location = $${basedirectory:scripts}/configureInstall
sql-script = ${sql-script:location}/${sql-script:filename}
\ No newline at end of file
create table ttrss_users (id integer primary key not null auto_increment,
login varchar(120) not null unique,
pwd_hash varchar(250) not null,
last_login datetime default null,
access_level integer not null default 0,
theme_id integer default null,
email varchar(250) not null default '',
full_name varchar(250) not null default '',
email_digest bool not null default false,
last_digest_sent datetime default null,
salt varchar(250) not null default '',
created datetime default null,
twitter_oauth longtext default null,
otp_enabled boolean not null default false,
index (theme_id)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
insert into ttrss_users (login,pwd_hash,access_level) values ('admin',
'SHA1:5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8', 10);
create table ttrss_feed_categories(id integer not null primary key auto_increment,
owner_uid integer not null,
title varchar(200) not null,
collapsed bool not null default false,
order_id integer not null default 0,
parent_cat integer,
foreign key (parent_cat) references ttrss_feed_categories(id) ON DELETE SET NULL,
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_archived_feeds (id integer not null primary key,
owner_uid integer not null,
title varchar(200) not null,
feed_url text not null,
site_url varchar(250) not null default '',
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_counters_cache (
feed_id integer not null,
owner_uid integer not null,
value integer not null default 0,
updated datetime not null,
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
create index ttrss_counters_cache_feed_id_idx on ttrss_counters_cache(feed_id);
create index ttrss_counters_cache_owner_uid_idx on ttrss_counters_cache(owner_uid);
create index ttrss_counters_cache_value_idx on ttrss_counters_cache(value);
create table ttrss_cat_counters_cache (
feed_id integer not null,
owner_uid integer not null,
value integer not null default 0,
updated datetime not null,
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
create index ttrss_cat_counters_cache_owner_uid_idx on ttrss_cat_counters_cache(owner_uid);
create table ttrss_feeds (id integer not null auto_increment primary key,
owner_uid integer not null,
title varchar(200) not null,
cat_id integer default null,
feed_url text not null,
icon_url varchar(250) not null default '',
update_interval integer not null default 0,
purge_interval integer not null default 0,
last_updated datetime default 0,
last_error varchar(250) not null default '',
site_url varchar(250) not null default '',
auth_login varchar(250) not null default '',
auth_pass varchar(250) not null default '',
parent_feed integer default null,
private bool not null default false,
rtl_content bool not null default false,
hidden bool not null default false,
include_in_digest boolean not null default true,
cache_images boolean not null default false,
hide_images boolean not null default false,
cache_content boolean not null default false,
auth_pass_encrypted boolean not null default false,
last_viewed datetime default null,
last_update_started datetime default null,
always_display_enclosures boolean not null default false,
update_method integer not null default 0,
order_id integer not null default 0,
mark_unread_on_update boolean not null default false,
update_on_checksum_change boolean not null default false,
strip_images boolean not null default false,
pubsub_state integer not null default 0,
favicon_last_checked datetime default null,
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
foreign key (cat_id) references ttrss_feed_categories(id) ON DELETE SET NULL,
foreign key (parent_feed) references ttrss_feeds(id) ON DELETE SET NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create index ttrss_feeds_owner_uid_index on ttrss_feeds(owner_uid);
create index ttrss_feeds_cat_id_idx on ttrss_feeds(cat_id);
insert into ttrss_feeds (owner_uid, title, feed_url) values
(1, 'Tiny Tiny RSS: New Releases', '');
insert into ttrss_feeds (owner_uid, title, feed_url) values
(1, 'Tiny Tiny RSS: Forum', '');
create table ttrss_entries (id integer not null primary key auto_increment,
title text not null,
guid varchar(255) not null unique,
link text not null,
updated datetime not null,
content longtext not null,
content_hash varchar(250) not null,
cached_content longtext,
no_orig_date bool not null default 0,
date_entered datetime not null,
date_updated datetime not null,
num_comments integer not null default 0,
plugin_data longtext,
comments varchar(250) not null default '',
author varchar(250) not null default '') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create index ttrss_entries_date_entered_index on ttrss_entries(date_entered);
create index ttrss_entries_guid_index on ttrss_entries(guid);
create index ttrss_entries_updated_idx on ttrss_entries(updated);
create table ttrss_user_entries (
int_id integer not null primary key auto_increment,
ref_id integer not null,
uuid varchar(200) not null,
feed_id int,
orig_feed_id int,
owner_uid integer not null,
marked bool not null default 0,
published bool not null default 0,
tag_cache text not null,
label_cache text not null,
last_read datetime,
score int not null default 0,
note longtext,
last_marked datetime,
last_published datetime,
unread bool not null default 1,
index (ref_id),
foreign key (ref_id) references ttrss_entries(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (feed_id),
foreign key (feed_id) references ttrss_feeds(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (orig_feed_id),
foreign key (orig_feed_id) references ttrss_archived_feeds(id) ON DELETE SET NULL,
index (owner_uid),
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create index ttrss_user_entries_owner_uid_index on ttrss_user_entries(owner_uid);
create index ttrss_user_entries_ref_id_index on ttrss_user_entries(ref_id);
create index ttrss_user_entries_feed_id on ttrss_user_entries(feed_id);
create index ttrss_user_entries_unread_idx on ttrss_user_entries(unread);
create table ttrss_entry_comments (id integer not null primary key,
ref_id integer not null,
owner_uid integer not null,
private bool not null default 0,
date_entered datetime not null,
index (ref_id),
foreign key (ref_id) references ttrss_entries(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (owner_uid),
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_filter_types (id integer primary key,
name varchar(120) unique not null,
description varchar(250) not null unique) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
insert into ttrss_filter_types (id,name,description) values (1, 'title', 'Title');
insert into ttrss_filter_types (id,name,description) values (2, 'content', 'Content');
insert into ttrss_filter_types (id,name,description) values (3, 'both',
'Title or Content');
insert into ttrss_filter_types (id,name,description) values (4, 'link',
insert into ttrss_filter_types (id,name,description) values (5, 'date',
'Article Date');
insert into ttrss_filter_types (id,name,description) values (6, 'author', 'Author');
insert into ttrss_filter_types (id,name,description) values (7, 'tag', 'Article Tags');
create table ttrss_filter_actions (id integer not null primary key,
name varchar(120) unique not null,
description varchar(250) not null unique) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
insert into ttrss_filter_actions (id,name,description) values (1, 'filter',
'Delete article');
insert into ttrss_filter_actions (id,name,description) values (2, 'catchup',
'Mark as read');
insert into ttrss_filter_actions (id,name,description) values (3, 'mark',
'Set starred');
insert into ttrss_filter_actions (id,name,description) values (4, 'tag',
'Assign tags');
insert into ttrss_filter_actions (id,name,description) values (5, 'publish',
'Publish article');
insert into ttrss_filter_actions (id,name,description) values (6, 'score',
'Modify score');
insert into ttrss_filter_actions (id,name,description) values (7, 'label',
'Assign label');
create table ttrss_filters (id integer not null primary key auto_increment,
owner_uid integer not null,
feed_id integer default null,
filter_type integer not null,
reg_exp varchar(250) not null,
filter_param varchar(250) not null default '',
inverse bool not null default false,
enabled bool not null default true,
cat_filter bool not null default false,
cat_id integer default null,
action_id integer not null default 1,
action_param varchar(250) not null default '',
index (filter_type),
foreign key (filter_type) references ttrss_filter_types(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (owner_uid),
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (feed_id),
foreign key (feed_id) references ttrss_feeds(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (cat_id),
foreign key (cat_id) references ttrss_feed_categories(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (action_id),
foreign key (action_id) references ttrss_filter_actions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_filters2(id integer primary key auto_increment,
owner_uid integer not null,
match_any_rule boolean not null default false,
enabled boolean not null default true,
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_filters2_rules(id integer primary key auto_increment,
filter_id integer not null references ttrss_filters2(id) on delete cascade,
reg_exp varchar(250) not null,
filter_type integer not null,
feed_id integer default null,
cat_id integer default null,
cat_filter boolean not null default false,
index (filter_id),
foreign key (filter_id) references ttrss_filters2(id) on delete cascade,
index (filter_type),
foreign key (filter_type) references ttrss_filter_types(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (feed_id),
foreign key (feed_id) references ttrss_feeds(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (cat_id),
foreign key (cat_id) references ttrss_feed_categories(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_filters2_actions(id integer primary key auto_increment,
filter_id integer not null,
action_id integer not null default 1 references ttrss_filter_actions(id) on delete cascade,
action_param varchar(250) not null default '',
index (filter_id),
foreign key (filter_id) references ttrss_filters2(id) on delete cascade,
index (action_id),
foreign key (action_id) references ttrss_filter_actions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_tags (id integer primary key auto_increment,
owner_uid integer not null,
tag_name varchar(250) not null,
post_int_id integer not null,
index (post_int_id),
foreign key (post_int_id) references ttrss_user_entries(int_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (owner_uid),
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_version (schema_version int not null) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
insert into ttrss_version values (106);
create table ttrss_enclosures (id integer primary key auto_increment,
content_url text not null,
content_type varchar(250) not null,
post_id integer not null,
title text not null,
duration text not null,
index (post_id),
foreign key (post_id) references ttrss_entries(id) ON DELETE cascade) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create index ttrss_enclosures_post_id_idx on ttrss_enclosures(post_id);
create table ttrss_settings_profiles(id integer primary key auto_increment,
title varchar(250) not null,
owner_uid integer not null,
index (owner_uid),
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_prefs_types (id integer not null primary key,
type_name varchar(100) not null) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
insert into ttrss_prefs_types (id, type_name) values (1, 'bool');
insert into ttrss_prefs_types (id, type_name) values (2, 'string');
insert into ttrss_prefs_types (id, type_name) values (3, 'integer');
create table ttrss_prefs_sections (id integer not null primary key,
order_id integer not null,
section_name varchar(100) not null) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
insert into ttrss_prefs_sections (id, section_name, order_id) values (1, 'General', 0);
insert into ttrss_prefs_sections (id, section_name, order_id) values (2, 'Interface', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs_sections (id, section_name, order_id) values (3, 'Advanced', 3);
insert into ttrss_prefs_sections (id, section_name, order_id) values (4, 'Digest', 2);
create table ttrss_prefs (pref_name varchar(250) not null primary key,
type_id integer not null,
section_id integer not null default 1,
short_desc text not null,
help_text varchar(250) not null default '',
access_level integer not null default 0,
def_value text not null,
foreign key (type_id) references ttrss_prefs_types(id),
foreign key (section_id) references ttrss_prefs_sections(id)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create index ttrss_prefs_pref_name_idx on ttrss_prefs(pref_name);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('PURGE_OLD_DAYS', 3, '60', 'Purge articles after this number of days (0 - disables)',1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL', 3, '30', 'Default interval between feed updates',1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('DEFAULT_ARTICLE_LIMIT', 3, '30', 'Amount of articles to display at once',2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('ALLOW_DUPLICATE_POSTS', 1, 'true', 'Allow duplicate posts',1, 'This option is useful when you are reading several planet-type aggregators with partially colliding userbase. When disabled, it forces same posts from different feeds to appear only once.');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('ENABLE_FEED_CATS', 1, 'true', 'Enable feed categories',2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('SHOW_CONTENT_PREVIEW', 1, 'true', 'Show content preview in headlines list',2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('SHORT_DATE_FORMAT', 2, 'M d, G:i', 'Short date format',3);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('LONG_DATE_FORMAT', 2, 'D, M d Y - G:i', 'Long date format',3);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE', 1, 'false', 'Combined feed display',2, 'Display expanded list of feed articles, instead of separate displays for headlines and article content');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('HIDE_READ_FEEDS', 1, 'false', 'Hide feeds with no unread messages',2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('ON_CATCHUP_SHOW_NEXT_FEED', 1, 'false', 'On catchup show next feed',2, 'Automatically open next feed with unread articles after marking one as read');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('FEEDS_SORT_BY_UNREAD', 1, 'false', 'Sort feeds by unread articles count',2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('REVERSE_HEADLINES', 1, 'false', 'Reverse headline order (oldest first)',2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('DIGEST_ENABLE', 1, 'false', 'Enable e-mail digest',4, 'This option enables sending daily digest of new (and unread) headlines on your configured e-mail address');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('CONFIRM_FEED_CATCHUP', 1, 'true', 'Confirm marking feed as read',2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('CDM_AUTO_CATCHUP', 1, 'false', 'Automatically mark articles as read',2, 'This option enables marking articles as read automatically while you scroll article list.');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_DEFAULT_VIEW_MODE', 2, 'adaptive', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_DEFAULT_VIEW_LIMIT', 3, '30', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_PREFS_ACTIVE_TAB', 2, '', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('STRIP_UNSAFE_TAGS', 1, 'true', 'Strip unsafe tags from articles', 3, 'Strip all but most common HTML tags when reading articles.');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('BLACKLISTED_TAGS', 2, 'main, generic, misc, uncategorized, blog, blogroll, general, news', 'Blacklisted tags', 3, 'When auto-detecting tags in articles these tags will not be applied (comma-separated list).');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('FRESH_ARTICLE_MAX_AGE', 3, '24', 'Maximum age of fresh articles (in hours)',2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('DIGEST_CATCHUP', 1, 'false', 'Mark articles in e-mail digest as read',4);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('CDM_EXPANDED', 1, 'true', 'Automatically expand articles in combined mode',2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('PURGE_UNREAD_ARTICLES', 1, 'true', 'Purge unread articles',3);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('HIDE_READ_SHOWS_SPECIAL', 1, 'true', 'Show special feeds when hiding read feeds',2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED', 1, 'false', 'Group headlines in virtual feeds',2, 'When this option is enabled, headlines in Special feeds and Labels are grouped by feeds');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('STRIP_IMAGES', 1, 'false', 'Do not embed images in articles', 2);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_DEFAULT_VIEW_ORDER_BY', 2, 'default', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('ENABLE_API_ACCESS', 1, 'false', 'Enable external API', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_COLLAPSED_SPECIAL', 1, 'false', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_COLLAPSED_LABELS', 1, 'false', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_COLLAPSED_UNCAT', 1, 'false', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_COLLAPSED_FEEDLIST', 1, 'false', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_MOBILE_ENABLE_CATS', 1, 'false', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_MOBILE_SHOW_IMAGES', 1, 'false', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_MOBILE_HIDE_READ', 1, 'false', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_MOBILE_SORT_FEEDS_UNREAD', 1, 'false', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_THEME_ID', 2, '0', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('USER_TIMEZONE', 2, 'UTC', 'User timezone', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('USER_STYLESHEET', 2, '', 'Customize stylesheet', 2, 'Customize CSS stylesheet to your liking');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('SORT_HEADLINES_BY_FEED_DATE', 1, 'true', 'Sort headlines by feed date',2, 'Use feed-specified date to sort headlines instead of local import date.');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_MOBILE_BROWSE_CATS', 1, 'true', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('SSL_CERT_SERIAL', 2, '', 'Login with an SSL certificate',3, 'Click to register your SSL client certificate with tt-rss');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id,help_text) values('DIGEST_PREFERRED_TIME', 2, '00:00', 'Try to send digests around specified time', 4, 'Uses UTC timezone');
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_PREFS_SHOW_EMPTY_CATS', 1, 'false', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_CHILDREN', 1, 'false', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('AUTO_ASSIGN_LABELS', 1, 'true', 'Assign articles to labels automatically', 3);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_ENABLED_PLUGINS', 2, '', '', 1);
insert into ttrss_prefs (pref_name,type_id,def_value,short_desc,section_id) values('_MOBILE_REVERSE_HEADLINES', 1, 'false', '', 1);
update ttrss_prefs set access_level = 1 where pref_name in ('ON_CATCHUP_SHOW_NEXT_FEED',
create table ttrss_user_prefs (
owner_uid integer not null,
pref_name varchar(250),
value longtext not null,
profile integer,
index (profile),
foreign key (profile) references ttrss_settings_profiles(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (owner_uid),
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
index (pref_name),
foreign key (pref_name) references ttrss_prefs(pref_name) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create index ttrss_user_prefs_owner_uid_index on ttrss_user_prefs(owner_uid);
create index ttrss_user_prefs_pref_name_idx on ttrss_user_prefs(pref_name);
create table ttrss_sessions (id varchar(250) unique not null primary key,
data text,
expire integer not null,
index (id),
create table ttrss_feedbrowser_cache (
feed_url text not null,
site_url text not null,
title text not null,
subscribers integer not null) DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_labels2 (id integer not null primary key auto_increment,
owner_uid integer not null,
caption varchar(250) not null,
fg_color varchar(15) not null default '',
bg_color varchar(15) not null default '',
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
create table ttrss_user_labels2 (label_id integer not null,
article_id integer not null,
foreign key (label_id) references ttrss_labels2(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
foreign key (article_id) references ttrss_entries(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
create table ttrss_access_keys (id integer not null primary key auto_increment,
access_key varchar(250) not null,
feed_id varchar(250) not null,
is_cat bool not null default false,
owner_uid integer not null,
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_linked_instances (id integer not null primary key auto_increment,
last_connected datetime not null,
last_status_in integer not null,
last_status_out integer not null,
access_key varchar(250) not null unique,
access_url text not null) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_linked_feeds (
feed_url text not null,
site_url text not null,
title text not null,
created datetime not null,
updated datetime not null,
instance_id integer not null,
subscribers integer not null,
foreign key (instance_id) references ttrss_linked_instances(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
create table ttrss_plugin_storage (
id integer not null auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(100) not null,
owner_uid integer not null,
content longtext not null,
foreign key (owner_uid) references ttrss_users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8;
extends =
recipe =
url =
#md5sum = a81cea71701404cebf64c07b7ac6c948
strip-top-level-dir = true
recipe =
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/template/
#md5sum = Student may put here md5sum of this file, this is good idea
filename =
mode = 0644
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
location = config.php
recipe =
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/script/tt-rss.sql
#md5sum = c4d5f87d8f02cad3f20e679160195f48
filename = tt-rss.sql
mode = 0744
# XXX Should disappear and be integrated into apachephpconfigure
recipe =
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
#md5sum = c4d5f87d8f02cad3f20e679160195f48
filename =
mode = 0744
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance-custom.cfg
#md5sum = 283cb53ff8cd34635703e771062db919
mode = 0644
path = ${custom-application-deployment-template:output}
part-list = tt-rss-init
// *******************************************
// *** Database configuration (important!) ***
// *******************************************
define('DB_TYPE', "mysql"); // or mysql
define('DB_HOST', "%(mysql_host)s");
define('DB_USER', "%(mysql_user)s");
define('DB_NAME', "%(mysql_database)s");
define('DB_PASS', "%(mysql_password)s");
define('MYSQL_CHARSET', 'UTF8');
// Connection charset for MySQL. If you have a legacy database and/or experience
// garbage unicode characters with this option, try setting it to a blank string.
// ***********************************
// *** Basic settings (important!) ***
// ***********************************
//FIXME set frontend URL
define('SELF_URL_PATH', 'http://%(ip)s:%(port)s');
// Full URL of your tt-rss installation. This should be set to the
// location of tt-rss directory, e.g. http://yourserver/tt-rss/
// You need to set this option correctly otherwise several features
// including PUSH, bookmarklets and browser integration will not work properly.
define('SINGLE_USER_MODE', true);
// Operate in single user mode, disables all functionality related to
// multiple users.
define('SIMPLE_UPDATE_MODE', false);
// Enables fallback update mode where tt-rss tries to update feeds in
// background while tt-rss is open in your browser.
// If you don't have a lot of feeds and don't want to or can't run
// background processes while not running tt-rss, this method is generally
// viable to keep your feeds up to date.
// Still, there are more robust (and recommended) updating methods
// available, you can read about them here:
// *****************************
// *** Files and directories ***
// *****************************
define('PHP_EXECUTABLE', '/usr/bin/php');
// Path to PHP executable, used for various command-line tt-rss programs
define('LOCK_DIRECTORY', 'lock');
// Directory for lockfiles, must be writable to the user you run
// daemon process or cronjobs under.
define('CACHE_DIR', 'cache');
// Local cache directory for RSS feed content.
define('ICONS_DIR', "feed-icons");
define('ICONS_URL', "feed-icons");
// Local and URL path to the directory, where feed favicons are stored.
// Unless you really know what you're doing, please keep those relative
// to tt-rss main directory.
// **********************
// *** Authentication ***
// **********************
// Please see PLUGINS below to configure various authentication modules.
define('AUTH_AUTO_CREATE', true);
// Allow authentication modules to auto-create users in tt-rss internal
// database when authenticated successfully.
define('AUTH_AUTO_LOGIN', true);
// Automatically login user on remote or other kind of externally supplied
// authentication, otherwise redirect to login form as normal.
// If set to true, users won't be able to set application language
// and settings profile.
// *********************
// *** Feed settings ***
// *********************
// When this option is not 0, users ability to control feed purging
// intervals is disabled and all articles (which are not starred)
// older than this amount of days are purged.
// *** PubSubHubbub settings ***
define('PUBSUBHUBBUB_HUB', '');
// URL to a PubSubHubbub-compatible hub server. If defined, "Published
// articles" generated feed would automatically become PUSH-enabled.
define('PUBSUBHUBBUB_ENABLED', false);
// Enable client PubSubHubbub support in tt-rss. When disabled, tt-rss
// won't try to subscribe to PUSH feed updates.
// *********************
// *** Sphinx search ***
// *********************
define('SPHINX_ENABLED', false);
// Enable fulltext search using Sphinx (
// Please see for more information.
define('SPHINX_INDEX', 'ttrss');
// Index name in Sphinx configuration. You can specify multiple indexes
// as a comma-separated string.
// ***********************************
// *** Self-registrations by users ***
// ***********************************
define('ENABLE_REGISTRATION', false);
// Allow users to register themselves. Please be vary that allowing
// random people to access your tt-rss installation is a security risk
// and potentially might lead to data loss or server exploit. Disabled
// by default.
define('REG_NOTIFY_ADDRESS', 'user@your.domain.dom');
// Email address to send new user notifications to.
define('REG_MAX_USERS', 10);
// Maximum amount of users which will be allowed to register on this
// system. 0 - no limit.
// **********************************
// *** Cookies and login sessions ***
// **********************************
define('SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME', 86400*30);
// Default lifetime of a session (e.g. login) cookie. In seconds,
// 0 means cookie will be deleted when browser closes.
// Setting this to zero will affect several user preferences
// like widescreen mode not saving.
define('SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME', 86400*30);
// Hard expiration limit for sessions. Should be
// greater or equal to SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME
// Check client IP address when validating session:
// 0 - disable checking
// 1 - check first 3 octets of an address (recommended)
// 2 - check first 2 octets of an address
// 3 - check entire address
// *********************************
// *** Email and digest settings ***
// *********************************
define('SMTP_FROM_NAME', 'Tiny Tiny RSS');
define('SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS', 'noreply@your.domain.dom');
// Name, address and subject for sending outgoing mail. This applies
// to password reset notifications, digest emails and any other mail.
define('DIGEST_SUBJECT', '[tt-rss] New headlines for last 24 hours');
// Subject line for email digests
define('SMTP_HOST', '');
// SMTP Host to send outgoing mail. Blank - use system MTA.
// SMTP port to sent outgoing mail. Default is 25.
define('SMTP_LOGIN', '');
define('SMTP_PASSWORD', '');
// These two options enable SMTP authentication when sending
// outgoing mail. Only used with SMTP_HOST
// ***************************************
// *** Other settings (less important) ***
// ***************************************
define('CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION', false);
// Check for new versions of tt-rss automatically.
define('ENABLE_GZIP_OUTPUT', false);
// Selectively gzip output to improve wire performance. This requires
// PHP Zlib extension on the server.
// Enabling this can break tt-rss in several httpd/php configurations,
// if you experience weird errors and tt-rss failing to start, blank pages
// after login, or content encoding errors, disable it.
define('PLUGINS', 'auth_remote, auth_internal, note');
// Comma-separated list of plugins to load automatically for all users.
// System plugins have to be specified here. Please enable at least one
// authentication plugin here (auth_*).
// Users may enable other user plugins from Preferences/Plugins but may not
// disable plugins specified in this list.
define('CONFIG_VERSION', 26);
// Expected config version. Please update this option in config.php
// if necessary (after migrating all new options from this file).
// vim:ft=php
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