[buildout] versions = versions extends = ../../component/wendelin.core/buildout.cfg ../../component/msgpack-python/buildout.cfg ../../component/scipy/buildout.cfg ../../software/erp5/software.cfg parts += wendelin scipy msgpack-python ipython wendelin.core ipython-notebook wendelin_test_suite_runner wendelin_testrunner [eggs] initialization = import scipy.stats # load our own libstdc++ explicitly at the very beginning extra-paths += ${wendelin:location} eggs += astor ${scipy:egg} ${msgpack-python:egg} ${wendelin.core:egg} ${ipython:egg} [generic_testrunner_init] initialization = # The 4 lines below will replace the process with another one, with the proper # LD_PRELOAD environment variable. This is necessary because LD_PRELOAD is only # taken into account when the process starts. Modifying it in runtime doesn't # work. import struct, os arch = 8 * struct.calcsize("P") rerun = not os.getenv('LD_PRELOAD') if rerun: os.environ['LD_PRELOAD'] = '''${gcc-fortran:location}/lib%s/libstdc++.so''' % arch if rerun: os.execve(os.path.realpath(__file__), sys.argv, os.environ) [wendelin_test_suite_runner] <= test_suite_runner # we need to override the test suite runner to add our custom libstdc++ dynamic # library to the path initialization = ${generic_testrunner_init:initialization} ${test_suite_runner:initialization} [wendelin_testrunner] <= testrunner # we need to override the test suite runner to add our custom libstdc++ dynamic # library to the path initialization = ${generic_testrunner_init:initialization} ${testrunner:initialization} [erp5_repository_list] repository_id_list += wendelin [local-bt5-repository] # we need to override it list = ${erp5:location}/bt5 ${erp5:location}/product/ERP5/bootstrap ${wendelin:location}/bt5/ # Jupyter is by default enabled in Wendelin [erp5-defaults] jupyter-enable-default = true [wendelin] <= erp5 repository = https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/wendelin.git branch = master [versions] msgpack-python = 0.4.8 wendelin.core = 0.9