From 99b525a14e5aa353ff908ac79cea77ad0b8af3bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thetechguy <>
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 18:08:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed multiple import errors in Jupyter

Copypasta from the other MR [here]( I found a problem and tried again from scratch. I will close that Merge Request once this one has been approved...

Currently, when running a Jupyter notebook using some types of imports leads to errors. With this fix the following ways to import things are working:
import string                  # worked before fix
import string as s             # worked before fix
from string import ascii_lowercase             # worked before fix
from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase, digits           # fixed - used to import only the first thing
from string import ascii_lowercase as a, ascii_uppercase as b         # fixed - used to give "Error at Server Side"
from string import *                                                  # fixed - used to give "Error at Server Side"
from string import Template                                           # works
This was happening because after executing every cell the code would move between SlapOS nodes and lose the imported modules/classes/stuff. This was partially fixed before, but this fix should cover all use cases. I have also added tests for these cases in testExecuteJupyter...

 .../          | 125 ++++++++++++++----
 .../           | 121 +++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bt5/erp5_data_notebook/ExtensionTemplateItem/portal_components/ b/bt5/erp5_data_notebook/ExtensionTemplateItem/portal_components/
index a1c92c966b..6f7151b314 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_data_notebook/ExtensionTemplateItem/portal_components/
+++ b/bt5/erp5_data_notebook/ExtensionTemplateItem/portal_components/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import json
 import transaction
 import Acquisition
 import astor
+import importlib
 from Products.ERP5Type.Log import log
 def Base_executeJupyter(self, python_expression=None, reference=None, \
@@ -677,38 +678,101 @@ class ImportFixer(ast.NodeTransformer):
     and environment function which setups the module and return it to be merged
     with the user context.
-    module_name = node.names[0].name
     test_import_string = None
+    result_name = ""
+    root_module_name = ""
+    module_names = []
     if getattr(node, "module", None) is not None:
       # case when 'from <module_name> import <something>'
-      test_import_string = "from %s import %s" %(node.module, module_name)
-      # XXX: handle sub case when "from <module_name> import *"
-      #if module_name == '*':
-      #  module_name = '%s_ALL' %(node.module)
-      #else:
-      #  module_name = '%s_%s' %(node.module, module_name)
-    if getattr(node.names[0], 'asname'):
-      # case when 'import <module_name> as <name>'
-      module_name = node.names[0].asname
-      test_import_string = "import %s as %s" %(node.names[0].name, module_name)
+      root_module_name = node.module
+      if (node.names[0].name == '*'):
+        # case when "from <module_name> import *"
+        mod = importlib.import_module(node.module)
+        tmp_dict = mod.__dict__
+        for name in tmp_dict.keys():
+          if (name[0] != '_'):
+            module_names.append(name)
-    if test_import_string is None:
-      # case 'import <module_name>
+        test_import_string = "from %s import *" %(node.module)
+        result_name = "%s_ALL" %(node.module)
+      else:
+        # case when "from <module_name> import a as b, c as d, ..."
+        original_names = []
+        as_names = []
+        for name in node.names:
+          original_names.append(
+          if getattr(name, "asname", None) is None:
+            as_names.append(None)
+          else:
+            as_names.append(name.asname)
+        test_import_string = "from %s import " %(node.module)
+        for i in range(0, len(original_names)):
+          test_import_string = test_import_string + original_names[i]
+          if as_names[i]!=None:
+            test_import_string = test_import_string + ' as %s' %(as_names[i])
+          test_import_string = test_import_string + ', '
+        test_import_string = test_import_string[:-2]
+        module_names = []
+        for i in range(0, len(original_names)):
+          if as_names[i]!=None:
+            module_names.append(as_names[i])
+          else:
+            module_names.append(original_names[i])
+        for i in range(0, len(original_names)):
+          if as_names[i]!=None:
+            result_name = result_name + '%s_' %(as_names[i])
+          else:
+            result_name = result_name + '%s_' %(original_names[i])
+        result_name = result_name[:-1]
+    elif getattr(node.names[0], 'asname'):
+      # case when "import <module_name> as <name>""
+      module_names = [(node.names[0].asname), ]
+      test_import_string = "import %s as %s" %(node.names[0].name,
+                                               module_names[0])
+      result_name = node.names[0].asname
+      root_module_name = node.names[0].name
+    else:
+      # case when "import <module_name>"
+      module_names = [(node.names[0].name), ]
       test_import_string = "import %s" %node.names[0].name
+      result_name = node.names[0].name
+      root_module_name = node.names[0].name
+    final_module_names = []
+    for name in module_names:
+      if not self.import_func_dict.get(name):
+        final_module_names.append(name)
+    log("module_names[0]: " + module_names[0])
+    log("result_name: " + result_name)
-    #log('%s : %s' %(module_name, test_import_string))
-    if not self.import_func_dict.get(module_name):
+    if final_module_names:
       # try to import module before it is added to environment
       # this way if user tries to import non existent module Exception
       # is immediately raised and doesn't block next Jupyter cell execution
-      empty_function = self.newEmptyFunction("%s_setup" % module_name)
-      return_dict = self.newReturnDict(module_name)
+      empty_function = self.newEmptyFunction("%s_setup" %result_name)
+      return_dict = self.newReturnDict(final_module_names)
+      log(return_dict)
       empty_function.body = [node, return_dict]
-      environment_set = self.newEnvironmentSetCall("%s_setup" % module_name)
-      warning = self.newImportWarningCall(module_name)
+      environment_set = self.newEnvironmentSetCall("%s_setup" %result_name)
+      warning = self.newImportWarningCall(root_module_name, result_name)
       return [empty_function, environment_set, warning]
       return node
@@ -721,13 +785,16 @@ class ImportFixer(ast.NodeTransformer):
     func_body = "def %s(): pass" % func_name
     return ast.parse(func_body).body[0]
-  def newReturnDict(self, module_name):
+  def newReturnDict(self, module_names):
       Return an AST.Expr representing a returned dict with one single key named
-      `'module_name'` (as string) which returns the variable `module_name` (as 
+      `'module_name'` (as string) which returns the variable `module_name` (as
-    return_dict = "return {'%s': %s}" % (module_name, module_name)
+    return_dict = "return {"
+    for name in module_names:
+      return_dict = return_dict + "'%s': %s, " % (name, name)
+    return_dict = return_dict + '}'
     return ast.parse(return_dict).body[0]
   def newEnvironmentSetCall(self, func_name):
@@ -739,18 +806,18 @@ class ImportFixer(ast.NodeTransformer):
     tree = ast.parse(code_string)
     return tree.body[0]
-  def newImportWarningCall(self, module_name):
+  def newImportWarningCall(self, module_name, function_name):
       Return an AST.Expr representanting a print statement with a warning to an
       user about the import of a module named `module_name` and instructs him
       on how to fix it.
     warning = ("print '"
-               "WARNING: Your imported the module %s without using "
-               "the environment object, which is not recomended. "
+               "WARNING: Your imported from the module %s without "
+               "using the environment object, which is not recomended. "
                "Your import was automatically converted to use such method."
-               "The setup function was named as: %s_setup.\\n" 
-               "'") % (module_name, module_name)
+               "The setup function was named as: %s_setup.\\n"
+               "'") % (module_name, function_name)
     tree = ast.parse(warning)
     return tree.body[0]
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_data_notebook/TestTemplateItem/portal_components/ b/bt5/erp5_data_notebook/TestTemplateItem/portal_components/
index 786a9ee774..82efd32977 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_data_notebook/TestTemplateItem/portal_components/
+++ b/bt5/erp5_data_notebook/TestTemplateItem/portal_components/
@@ -735,3 +735,124 @@ context.Base_renderAsHtml(iframe)
     self.assertTrue(pivottable_frame_display_path in json_result['code_result'])
+  def testConsecutiveImports(self):
+    '''
+      This test guarantees that importing a module's variables consecutively in
+      Jupyter works.
+    '''
+    self.login('dev_user')
+    import_code = '''
+from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase, digits
+    reference = 'Test.Notebook.EnvironmentObject.Errors.Import'
+    result = self.portal.Base_executeJupyter(
+      reference=reference,
+      python_expression=import_code
+    )
+    self.tic()
+    result = json.loads(result)
+    self.assertEquals(result['status'], 'ok')
+    jupyter_code = '''
+print ascii_lowercase
+    result = self.portal.Base_executeJupyter(
+      reference=reference,
+      python_expression=jupyter_code
+    )
+    self.tic()
+    result = json.loads(result)
+    self.assertEquals(result['status'], 'ok')
+    self.assertEquals(result['code_result'].strip(), 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
+    jupyter_code = '''
+print ascii_uppercase
+    result = self.portal.Base_executeJupyter(
+      reference=reference,
+      python_expression=jupyter_code
+    )
+    self.tic()
+    result = json.loads(result)
+    self.assertEquals(result['status'], 'ok')
+    self.assertEquals(result['code_result'].strip(), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
+    jupyter_code = '''
+print digits
+    result = self.portal.Base_executeJupyter(
+      reference=reference,
+      python_expression=jupyter_code
+    )
+    self.tic()
+    result = json.loads(result)
+    self.assertEquals(result['status'], 'ok')
+    self.assertEquals(result['code_result'].strip(), '0123456789')
+  def testStarImport(self):
+    '''
+      This test guarantees that "from x import *" works in Jupyter.
+    '''
+    self.login('dev_user')
+    import_code = '''
+from string import *
+    reference = 'Test.Notebook.EnvironmentObject.Errors.Import'
+    result = self.portal.Base_executeJupyter(
+      reference=reference,
+      python_expression=import_code
+    )
+    self.tic()
+    result = json.loads(result)
+    self.assertEquals(result['status'], 'ok')
+    jupyter_code = '''
+print ascii_lowercase
+    result = self.portal.Base_executeJupyter(
+      reference=reference,
+      python_expression=jupyter_code
+    )
+    self.tic()
+    result = json.loads(result)
+    self.assertEquals(result['status'], 'ok')
+    self.assertEquals(result['code_result'].strip(), 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
+  def testAsImport(self):
+    '''
+      This test guarantees that "from x import a as b" works in Jupyter.
+    '''
+    self.login('dev_user')
+    import_code = '''
+from string import digits as dig
+    reference = 'Test.Notebook.EnvironmentObject.Errors.Import'
+    result = self.portal.Base_executeJupyter(
+      reference=reference,
+      python_expression=import_code
+    )
+    self.tic()
+    result = json.loads(result)
+    self.assertEquals(result['status'], 'ok')
+    jupyter_code = '''
+print dig
+    result = self.portal.Base_executeJupyter(
+      reference=reference,
+      python_expression=jupyter_code
+    )
+    self.tic()
+    result = json.loads(result)
+    self.assertEquals(result['status'], 'ok')
+    self.assertEquals(result['code_result'].strip(), '0123456789')