From bed98b6f5d33175f192d84878bf486f8f9ed67d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Pelletier <>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 14:39:26 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] testERP5Catalog: Drop disabled incomplete test for

ZSQLCatalog/ERP5Catalog is only supposed to work on catalog table, by
 product/ERP5Catalog/tests/ | 111 -------------------
 1 file changed, 111 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/ b/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/
index 83ecaea3b3..e4bb99f026 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/
+++ b/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/
@@ -514,117 +514,6 @@ class TestERP5Catalog(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
-  # TODO: this test is disabled (and maybe not complete), because this feature
-  # is not implemented
-  @todo_erp5
-  def test_18_buildSQLQueryAnotherTable(self):
-    """Tests that buildSQLQuery works with another query_table than 'catalog'"""
-    portal = self.getPortal()
-    portal_catalog = self.getCatalogTool()
-    # clear catalog
-    portal_catalog.manage_catalogClear()
-    self.commit()
-    # create some content to use destination_section_title as related key
-    # FIXME: create the related key here ?
-    module = portal.getDefaultModule('Organisation')
-    source_organisation = module.newContent( portal_type='Organisation',
-                                        title = 'source_organisation')
-    destination_organisation = module.newContent( portal_type='Organisation',
-                                        title = 'destination_organisation')
-    source_organisation.setDestinationSectionValue(destination_organisation)
-    source_organisation.recursiveReindexObject()
-    destination_organisation.recursiveReindexObject()
-    self.tic()
-    # buildSQLQuery can use arbitrary table name.
-    query_table = "node"
-    sql_squeleton = """
-    SELECT %(query_table)s.uid,
-           %(query_table)
-    FROM
-      <dtml-in prefix="table" expr="from_table_list">
-        <dtml-var table_item> AS <dtml-var table_key>
-        <dtml-unless sequence-end>, </dtml-unless>
-      </dtml-in>
-    <dtml-if where_expression>
-    WHERE
-      <dtml-var where_expression>
-    </dtml-if>
-    <dtml-if order_by_expression>
-      ORDER BY <dtml-var order_by_expression>
-    </dtml-if>
-    """ % {'query_table' : query_table}
-    portal_skins_custom = portal.portal_skins.custom
-    portal_skins_custom.newContent(
-          portal_type='SQL Method',
-          id='testMethod',
-          title='',
-          connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
-          arguments_src="\n".join([ 'from_table_list',
-                                  'where_expression',
-                                  'order_by_expression' ]),
-          src=sql_squeleton)
-    testMethod = portal_skins_custom['testMethod']
-    default_parametrs = {}
-    default_parametrs['portal_type'] = 'Organisation'
-    default_parametrs['from_table_list'] = {}
-    default_parametrs['where_expression'] = ""
-    default_parametrs['order_by_expression'] = None
-    # check that we retrieve our 2 organisations by default.
-    kw = default_parametrs.copy()
-    kw.update( portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(
-                  query_table = query_table,
-                  **kw) )
-    LOG('kw', 0, kw)
-    LOG('SQL', 0, testMethod(src__=1, **kw))
-    self.assertEqual(len(testMethod(**kw)), 2)
-    # check we can make a simple filter on title.
-    kw = default_parametrs.copy()
-    kw.update( portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(
-                  query_table = query_table,
-                  title = 'source_organisation',
-                  **kw) )
-    LOG('kw', 1, kw)
-    LOG('SQL', 1, testMethod(src__=1, **kw))
-    self.assertEqual( len(testMethod(**kw)), 1,
-                       testMethod(src__=1, **kw) )
-    self.assertEqual( testMethod(**kw)[0]['uid'],
-                        source_organisation.getUid(),
-                        testMethod(src__=1, **kw) )
-    # check sort
-    kw = default_parametrs.copy()
-    kw.update(portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(
-                  query_table = query_table,
-                  sort_on = [('id', 'ascending')],
-                  **kw))
-    LOG('kw', 2, kw)
-    LOG('SQL', 2, testMethod(src__=1, **kw))
-    brains = testMethod(**kw)
-    self.assertEqual( len(brains), 2,
-                       testMethod(src__=1, **kw))
-    self.assertFalse( brains[0]['id'] > brains[1]['id'],
-                 testMethod(src__=1, **kw) )
-    # check related keys works
-    kw = default_parametrs.copy()
-    kw.update(portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(
-                  query_table = query_table,
-                  destination_section_title = 'organisation_destination'),
-                  **kw)
-    LOG('kw', 3, kw)
-    LOG('SQL', 3, testMethod(src__=1, **kw))
-    brains = testMethod(**kw)
-    self.assertEqual( len(brains), 1, testMethod(src__=1, **kw) )
-    self.assertEqual( brains[0]['uid'],
-                       source_organisation.getUid(),
-                       testMethod(src__=1, **kw) )
   def test_19_SearchFolderWithNonAsciiCharacter(self):
     person_module = self.getPersonModule()