Commit cae83204 authored by Mayoro Diagne's avatar Mayoro Diagne

Initial version of for parsing Scribus files using lxml

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent ca4af7b6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Mayoro DIAGNE <>
# Guy Oswald OBAMA <>
# thomas <>
# Mame C.Sall <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from lxml import etree
class ScribusParser:
Scribus parser API provide methods wich allow to parse a scribus file.
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def __init__(self, scribus_file_descriptor):
initialise with scribus_file_descriptor if string's
The __init__ function can take either a filename, an open file object
or the content of the file
if scribus_file_descriptor is None:
raise ValueError, "No Scribus file provided, please choose a Scibus Form"
if type(scribus_file_descriptor) == 'str':
data = scribus_file_descriptor
elif hasattr(scribus_file_descriptor, "read"):
data =
source = open(scribus_file_descriptor, "rb")
data =
data = data.replace('&#x5;', '\n')
data = data.replace('&#x4;', '\t') = data
def getData(self):
Return the content file in XML structured
def getEtreeXMLObject(self):
Return the content file in XML structured
return etree.XML(self.getData())
def getXMLObjectByTagName(self, tag_name):
return a list containing all objects with tag name tag_name
root = self.getEtreeXMLObject()
tag_list = []
for node in root.iterdescendants():
if node.tag == tag_name:
return tag_list
def getScribusFileVersion(self):
Return the scribus version of the file with content content_file
root = self.getEtreeXMLObject()
if 'Version' in root.keys():
return root.attrib['Version']
return None
def getPageCount(self):
Return the page count of the scribus file
page_count = 0
# a scribus document has just one tag DOCUMENT
document_list = self.getXMLObjectByTagName('DOCUMENT')
if len(document_list) != 0:
document = document_list[0]
if 'ANZPAGES' in document.attrib.keys():
page_count = document.attrib['ANZPAGES']
return int(page_count)
def getPageGap(self):
version = self.getScribusFileVersion()
document_list = self.getXMLObjectByTagName('DOCUMENT')
page_list = self.getXMLObjectByTagName('PAGE')
page_gap = 0
if version is not None and len(page_list) != 0:
page0 = page_list[0]
if 'BORDERTOP' in page0.attrib.keys():
page_gap = page0.attrib['BORDERTOP']
if len(document_list) != 0:
document = document_list[0]
if 'BORDERTOP' in document.attrib.keys():
page_gap = document.attrib['BORDERTOP']
return int(page_gap)
def getPageWidth(self):
Return the page width of the scribus file in pixel (px)
page_width = 0
# a scribus document has just one tag DOCUMENT
document_list = self.getXMLObjectByTagName('DOCUMENT')
if len(document_list) != 0:
document = document_list[0]
if 'PAGEWIDTH' in document.attrib.keys():
page_width = document.attrib['PAGEWIDTH']
return float(page_width)
def getPageHeight(self):
Return the page height of the scribus file in pixel (px)
page_height = 0
# a scribus document has just one tag DOCUMENT
document_list = self.getXMLObjectByTagName('DOCUMENT')
if len(document_list) != 0:
document = document_list[0]
if 'PAGEHEIGHT' in document.attrib.keys():
page_height = document.attrib['PAGEHEIGHT']
return float(page_height)
def getDocumentAttributeByName(self, attribute_name):
Generic function for page's attributes. Return the page attribute value
corresponding of attribute_name of the scribus file document
page_attribute = 0
document_list = self.getXMLObjectByTagName('DOCUMENT')
if len(document_list) != 0:
document = document_list[0]
if attribute_name in document.attrib.keys():
page_attribute = document.attrib[attribute_name]
return page_attribute
def getAttributeValueXMLObject(self, xml_object, attribute):
return the value of the attribute attribute for xml_object
for exemple obj refer to <PAGEOBJECT PTYPE="4" ...
getAttributeValueXMLObject(obj, 'PTYPE') retur "4"
value = None
if attribute in xml_object.keys():
value = xml_object.attrib[attribute]
return value
def getFieldIdList(self):
Return a list of field ids of the scribus document
page_object_list = self.getXMLObjectByTagName('PAGEOBJECT')
filed_id_list = []
for element in page_object_list:
field_name = self.getAttributeValueXMLObject(element, 'ANNAME')
if field_name is not None:
field_name = field_name.replace(' ','_')
if field_name != '' and element.attrib['PTYPE']=="4":
return filed_id_list
def getFieldItemList(self):
Return a list of fields of the scribus document with attributes
page_object_list = self.getXMLObjectByTagName('PAGEOBJECT')
filed_item_list = []
for element in page_object_list:
field_name = self.getAttributeValueXMLObject(element, 'ANNAME')
if field_name is not None:
field_name = field_name.replace(' ','_')
if field_name != '' and element.attrib['PTYPE']=="4":
return filed_item_list
def getFieldIdListFor(self, page=0):
Return a list of field ids at page: page
page_object_list = self.getXMLObjectByTagName('PAGEOBJECT')
filed_id_list = []
for element in page_object_list:
field_name = self.getAttributeValueXMLObject(element, 'ANNAME')
if field_name is not None:
field_name = field_name.replace(' ','_')
field_page = self.getAttributeValueXMLObject(element, 'OwnPage')
if field_page is not None:
field_page = int(field_page)
if field_name is not None and field_page is not None:
if field_name != '' and field_page==page and element.attrib['PTYPE']=="4":
return filed_id_list
def getFieldItemListFor(self, page=0):
Return a list of fields at page:page with attributes
page_object_list = self.getXMLObjectByTagName('PAGEOBJECT')
filed_item_list = []
for element in page_object_list:
field_name = self.getAttributeValueXMLObject(element, 'ANNAME')
if field_name is not None:
field_name = field_name.replace(' ','_')
field_page = self.getAttributeValueXMLObject(element, 'OwnPage')
if field_page is not None:
field_page = int(field_page)
if field_name is not None and field_page is not None:
if field_name != '' and field_page==page and element.attrib['PTYPE']=="4":
filed_item_list.append((field_name, element.attrib))
return filed_item_list
def getPropertyFieldDictFor(self, field_name):
Return a dictionnary containing properties of a given field
property_dict = {}
for field in self.getFieldItemList():
if field[0] == field_name:
property_dict = field[1]
return property_dict
def getERP5PropertyDict(self):
Return a dict containing properties of fields by page
like: {0:[(field_name, {properti1:value1,...}),...]}
After transforming scribus attributes into usable ERP5 one
#scratch_left: Space in pixel at the left of the scratch space
document_scratch_left = self.getDocumentAttributeByName('ScratchLeft')
#scratch_top: Space at the top of the scratch space, before the pages
document_scratch_top = self.getDocumentAttributeByName('ScratchTop')
erp5_property_dict = {}
for page in range(self.getPageCount()):
erp5_property_list = []
for property_id, scribus_property_dict in self.getFieldItemListFor(page):
usable_property = {}
usable_property['position_x'] = \
int(float(scribus_property_dict['XPOS']) - float(document_scratch_left))
usable_property['position_y'] = \
int(float(scribus_property_dict['YPOS']) - float(document_scratch_top))
usable_property['size_x'] = int(float(scribus_property_dict['WIDTH']))
usable_property['size_y'] = int(float(scribus_property_dict['HEIGHT']))
user_property = self.getERP5AttributesFieldDict(property_id)
usable_property['title'] = ''
if user_property.has_key('title'):
usable_property['title'] = user_property['title']
temp_order = 'left'
if user_property.has_key('order'):
temp_order = user_property['order']
# generating erp5 attribute order position for erp5 form
if temp_order not in ['left','right']:
# temp_order is invalid
# trying to get it from its position in original Scribus file
if user_property['position_x'] > 280 :
temp_order = 'right'
usable_property['order'] = temp_order
# defining global variables for ANFLAG tag values
# these values can be found at
# for File Format Specification for Scribus
def_noScroll = 8388608
def_noSpellCheck = 4194304
def_editable = 262144
def_password = 8192
def_multiLine = 4096
def_noExport = 4
def_required = 2
def_readOnly = 1
# initialising properties for default values
usable_property['noScroll'] = 0
usable_property['noSpellCheck'] = 0
usable_property['editable'] = 0
usable_property['password'] = 0
usable_property['multiline'] = 0
usable_property['noExport'] = 0
usable_property['required'] = 0
usable_property['editable'] = 1
# updating properties with real values after tests
temp_ANFLAG = long(scribus_property_dict['ANFLAG'])
if temp_ANFLAG - def_noScroll >= 0:
# substracting value
temp_ANFLAG = temp_ANFLAG - def_noScroll
# 'do not scroll' field
# adding property
usable_property['noscroll'] = 1
if temp_ANFLAG - def_noSpellCheck >= 0:
temp_ANFLAG = temp_ANFLAG - def_noSpellCheck
# 'do not spell check' field
usable_property['noSpellCheck'] = 1
if temp_ANFLAG - def_editable >= 0:
temp_ANFLAG = temp_ANFLAG - def_editable
# 'editable' field
usable_property['editable'] = 1
if temp_ANFLAG - def_password >= 0:
temp_ANFLAG = temp_ANFLAG - def_password
# 'password' field
usable_property['password'] = 1
if temp_ANFLAG - def_multiLine >= 0:
temp_ANFLAG = temp_ANFLAG - def_multiLine
# 'multiline' field
usable_property['multiline'] = 1
if temp_ANFLAG - def_noExport >= 0:
temp_ANFLAG = temp_ANFLAG - def_noExport
# 'do not export data' field
usable_property['noExport'] = 1
if temp_ANFLAG - def_required >= 0:
temp_ANFLAG = temp_ANFLAG - def_required
# 'required field
usable_property['required'] = 1
if temp_ANFLAG == def_readOnly:
# 'read only" field
usable_property['editable'] = 0
if user_property.has_key('maximum_input'):
usable_property['maximum_input'] = user_property['maximum_input']
usable_property['maximum_input'] = scribus_property_dict['ANMC']
# getting object type :
# first checking for user-specified type in 'tooltip' properties
if user_property.has_key('type'):
# 'type' id in tooltip : using it and ignoring scribus 'type'
usable_property['type'] = user_property['type']
elif scribus_property_dict.has_key('ANTYPE'):
# from scribus type (selected in the scribus PDF-form properties)
object_type = scribus_property_dict['ANTYPE']
if object_type == '2':
#type 2 = PDF-Button : InputButtonField
usable_property['type'] = 'InputButtonField'
elif object_type == '3':
#type 3 = PDF-Text : Stringfield by default
usable_property['type'] = 'StringField'
if usable_property['multiline'] == 1:
# Stringfield is multiline, converting to TextAreaField
usable_property['type'] = 'TextAreaField'
elif scribus_property_dict.has_key('ANFORMAT'):
object_format = scribus_property_dict['ANFORMAT']
# checking kind of Stringfield
if object_format == '1':
#type is number
usable_property['type'] = 'IntegerField'
elif object_format == '2':
#type is percentage
usable_property['type'] = 'FloatField'
elif object_format == '3':
#type is date
usable_property['type'] = 'DateTimeField'
elif object_format == '4':
#type is time
usable_property['type'] = 'DateTimeField'
elif object_type == '4':
# type 4 = PDF-Checkbox
usable_property['type'] = 'CheckBoxField'
elif object_type == '5':
# type 5 = PDF-Combobox
usable_property['type'] = 'ListField'
elif object_type == '6':
# type 6 = PDF-ListBox
usable_property['type'] = 'MultiListField'
# object type not found in user-properties neither in
# document-properties. Use by default StringField
usable_property['type'] = 'StringField'
# getting data_type relative to object type
# (used in property_sheet to save field values).
usable_property['data_type'] = 'string'
usable_property['default_data'] = ''
if usable_property['type'] == 'MultiListField':
usable_property['data_type'] = 'tokens'
if usable_property['type'] == 'IntegerField':
usable_property['data_type'] = 'int'
usable_property['default_data'] = 0
if usable_property['type'] == 'FloatField':
usable_property['data_type'] = 'float'
usable_property['default_data'] = 0.0
if usable_property['type'] == 'CheckBoxField':
usable_property['data_type'] = 'boolean'
usable_property['default_data'] = 0
if usable_property['type'] == 'DateTimeField':
usable_property['data_type'] = 'date'
usable_property['default_data'] = '1900/01/01'
# checking for user data if required and editable properties are defined
# in ANTOOLTIP otherwise keep scribus one
if user_property.has_key('required'):
usable_property['required'] = user_property['required']
if user_property.has_key('editable'):
usable_property['editable'] = user_property['editable']
# getting type properties for special types
usable_property['rendering'] = 'single'
# Stringfields handle properties
# checkbox objects belongs to a group of checkbox
if usable_property['type'] == 'CheckBoxField' :
# checking if THIS checkbox is in a group
usable_property['group'] = '0'
if user_property.has_key('group'):
usable_property['group'] = user_property['group']
# object is datetimefield and need several informations
if usable_property['type'] == 'DateTimeField':
# has been tested successfully
usable_property['rendering'] = 'multiple'
# checking if field has input_order property
usable_property['input_order'] = 'ymd'
if user_property.has_key('input_order'):
usable_property['input_order'] = user_property['input_order']
usable_property['date_only'] = '1'
if user_property.has_key('date_only'):
usable_property['date_only'] = user_property['date_only']
# checking if special date separator is specified
# most of PDF forms already have '/' character to differenciate
# date fields, in this case no separator is needed and the script
# will automatically insert ' ' between element.
# > this value is not used in , but in
# when creating the fdf file to fill the PDF form.
if usable_property['editable'] == 1:
usable_property['date_separator'] = ''
usable_property['time_separator'] = ''
usable_property['date_separator'] = '/'
if user_property.has_key('date_separator'):
usable_property['date_separator'] = user_property['date_separator']
usable_property['time_separator'] = ':'
if user_property.has_key('time_separator'):
usable_property['time_separator'] = user_property['time_separator']
# getting creation order from 'tooltip' properties
# used to create ERP5 objects in a special order
if user_property.has_key('nb') and str(user_property['nb']).isdigit():
# object has a nb properties containing its creation position
usable_property['nb'] = user_property['nb']
erp5_property_list.append((property_id, usable_property))
erp5_property_dict[page] = erp5_property_list
return erp5_property_dict
def getERP5AttributesFieldDict(self, field_name):
Return a dictionnary containing ERP5 attributes of a given field
like: nb(creation order), type, title
erp5_attribute_dict = {}
for field in self.getFieldItemList():
if field[0] == field_name:
for attributes in field[1]["ANTOOLTIP"].split("#"):
if attributes != "":
key,value = attributes.split(":")
if key == "nb":
value = int(value)
return erp5_attribute_dict
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