# vim: set ft=cfg:

{% import 'parts' as parts %}
{% import 'replicated' as replicated %}

eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
offline = true

# += because we need to take up parts (like instance-custom, slapmonitor etc) from the profile we extended
parts +=
  {{ parts.replicate("apache", "3") }}

{{ replicated.replicate("apache", "3", "apache-export", "apache-import") }}

# Bubble up the parameters
return = url ssh-public-key ssh-url notification-id ip url backend_url
# XXX: hardcoded values
config = domain number authorized-key notify ip-list namebase postgres1-computer-guid pbs-postgres1-computer-guid postgres2-computer-guid pbs-postgres2-computer-guid postgres3-computer-guid pbs-postgres3-computer-guid maarch-sql-data-file
config-postgres1-computer-guid = ${slap-parameter:postgres1-computer-guid}
config-pbs-postgres1-computer-guid = ${slap-parameter:pbs-postgres1-computer-guid}
config-postgres2-computer-guid = ${slap-parameter:postgres2-computer-guid}
config-pbs-postgres2-computer-guid = ${slap-parameter:pbs-postgres2-computer-guid}
config-postgres3-computer-guid = ${slap-parameter:postgres3-computer-guid}
config-pbs-postgres3-computer-guid = ${slap-parameter:pbs-postgres3-computer-guid}
config-domain = ${slap-parameter:domain}
config-maarch-sql-data-file = ${slap-parameter:maarch-sql-data-file}

recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
backend_url = ${request-apache:connection-backend_url}
url = ${request-apache:connection-url}

# Default parameters for distributed deployment
# I.e state "backup1 of postgres should go there, ..."
# XXX-Cedric: Hardcoded number of backups. Should be dynamically generated.
postgres1-computer-guid =
pbs-postgres1-computer-guid =
postgres2-computer-guid =
pbs-postgres2-computer-guid =
postgres3-computer-guid =
pbs-postgres3-computer-guid =
# XXX-Cedric: Hardcoded parameters. Should be dynamically generated.
domain =
# the following parameters are specific to maarch
maarch-sql-data-file =