# Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                   Jean-Paul Smets <jp@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# This program as such is not intended to be used by end users. End
# users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


  This product is a proof of concept for hard core Zope developers.
  Wait version 0.2 to get something usable


  You will need a Zope system with "CMF":http://cmf.zope.org
  and with "Localizer":http://www.nuxeo.org/localizer

Mail list

  You may want to subscribe to the Base18 mail list::


Installation Instructions

  Download the Base18 tarball::


  or the latest CVS::


  Install it in your local Zope product directory (ex. /var/lib/zope/Products on
  Debian systems). Untar it.

  Copy the files translation_workflow.zexp and migrate_content.zexp in the
  Base18 directory into to your Zope import directory (ex. /var/lib/zope/import
  on a   Debian  system).

  Copy the file Extensions/MigrateContent.py to your Zope
  Extensions directory (ex. /var/lib/zope/Extensions
  on a Debian  system).

  Create a CMF site.

  Import migrate_content.zexp at the root of your CMF site.

  Import translation_workflow.zexp the content of your portal_worflow.

  Execute the migrate_content external method at the root of your CMF
  site (click on it and then on the Test button).

  This will modify the default portal types and register the Base18 portal
  types. You may at this point eventually need to reinder your CMF. The
  migrate_content external method can also be used to migrate an entire site.

  At this step, you need to modifiy the portal_workflow workflow associations
  in order to associate the Translation portal type to the translation_workflow


  There are two ways to use Base18.

  For sites which do not contain much content and which are centralized,
  it is sufficient to manage translations through a single gettext message
  catalog. Thanks to Base18, content is automatically cut into small paragraphs
  or sentences. It is then possible to export sentences with the Localizer
  export feature into .pot or .po files. Such files can then be translated
  mith toolds such as KBabel (see kbabel.png).

  This first approach is used on "Storever":http://www.storever.com for

  For sites which contain many documents for which different people
  may want to translate single documents in multiple languages,
  it is then recommended to proceed in 3 steps:

  - Use the *Translate* menu of the document you want to translate
    in order to download a .pot file which can be edited with kbabel

  - Create a new *Translation* document in your personal folder
    (My Stuff) within the CMF and upload the .pot file which
    you translated at the previous step. At this step, you
    must define the target language and the target document
    of your translation

  - Submit this translation to the portal reviewers so that
    they can register your translation for that document
    (use the menu on the left)

  This process involves two new portal types

  - a Translation portal type which is used to store
    translations (ie. .po files for 1 language for 1 document)

  - a portal_translations which registers the relations
    between documents and translations (this tool also
    implements the heuristics to find the most appropriate
    translation for a given document and a given language)

  The whole system allows to split the work of translation
  accross all members of a given portal.

  This second approach is being tested on the "ERP5 portal":http://www.erp5.org

  We recommend to become member of ERP5 (a project to design a Zope based ERP)
  in order to try Base18 first.

Localizer Patch

  We patched Localizer in order to improve its operation with KBabel and
  with cookies.


    � - improved export procedure
    � � so that it generates multi-line strings properly
    � � (all lines are exported)

    � - improved export procedure
    � � to escape quotes
    ��������" -> \"

    � Exported messages can now be read without errror by KBabel


    � - changed language value from string type to tuple type
    � � so that it is now consistent with AcceptLanguage
    � � list-based algorithm


    � - improved import procedure so that it handles
    � � multi-line strings (all lines are now
    � � read into the message catalog)

    � - improved export procedure
    � � to unescape quotes
    ��������\" -> \

    � KBabel .po files can now be read