Commit 3a23639b authored by Ershad Kunnakkadan's avatar Ershad Kunnakkadan

Create directly_addressed Todos when mentioned in beginning of a line

parent 11d33873
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module TodosHelper
when Todo::MARKED then 'added a todo for'
when Todo::APPROVAL_REQUIRED then 'set you as an approver for'
when Todo::UNMERGEABLE then 'Could not merge'
when Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED then 'directly addressed you on'
......@@ -88,7 +89,8 @@ module TodosHelper
{ id: Todo::ASSIGNED, text: 'Assigned' },
{ id: Todo::MENTIONED, text: 'Mentioned' },
{ id: Todo::MARKED, text: 'Added' },
{ id: Todo::BUILD_FAILED, text: 'Pipelines' }
{ id: Todo::BUILD_FAILED, text: 'Pipelines' },
{ id: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, text: 'Directly addressed' }
......@@ -44,9 +44,16 @@ module Mentionable
def all_references(current_user = nil, extractor: nil)
extractor ||= Gitlab::ReferenceExtractor.
# Use custom extractor if it's passed in the function parameters.
if extractor
@extractor = extractor
@extractor ||= Gitlab::ReferenceExtractor.
new(project, current_user)
self.class.mentionable_attrs.each do |attr, options|
text = __send__(attr)
options = options.merge(
......@@ -55,16 +62,20 @@ module Mentionable
skip_project_check: skip_project_check?
extractor.analyze(text, options)
@extractor.analyze(text, options)
def mentioned_users(current_user = nil)
def directly_addressed_users(current_user = nil)
# Extract GFM references to other Mentionables from this Mentionable. Always excludes its #local_reference.
def referenced_mentionables(current_user =
refs = all_references(current_user)
class DirectlyAddressedUser
class << self
def reference_pattern
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ class Todo < ActiveRecord::Base
APPROVAL_REQUIRED = 5 # This is an EE-only feature
ASSIGNED => :assigned,
......@@ -14,7 +15,8 @@ class Todo < ActiveRecord::Base
BUILD_FAILED => :build_failed,
MARKED => :marked,
APPROVAL_REQUIRED => :approval_required,
UNMERGEABLE => :unmergeable
UNMERGEABLE => :unmergeable,
DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED => :directly_addressed
belongs_to :author, class_name: "User"
......@@ -243,6 +243,12 @@ class TodoService
def create_mention_todos(project, target, author, note = nil)
# Create Todos for directly addressed users
directly_addressed_users = filter_directly_addressed_users(project, note || target, author)
attributes = attributes_for_todo(project, target, author, Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note)
create_todos(directly_addressed_users, attributes)
# Create Todos for mentioned users
mentioned_users = filter_mentioned_users(project, note || target, author)
attributes = attributes_for_todo(project, target, author, Todo::MENTIONED, note)
create_todos(mentioned_users, attributes)
......@@ -282,10 +288,18 @@ class TodoService
def filter_todo_users(users, project, target)
reject_users_without_access(users, project, target).uniq
def filter_mentioned_users(project, target, author)
mentioned_users = target.mentioned_users(author)
mentioned_users = reject_users_without_access(mentioned_users, project, target)
filter_todo_users(mentioned_users, project, target)
def filter_directly_addressed_users(project, target, author)
directly_addressed_users = target.directly_addressed_users(author)
filter_todo_users(directly_addressed_users, project, target)
def reject_users_without_access(users, project, target)
title: Added a feature to create a 'directly addressed' Todo when mentioned in the beginning of a line.
merge_request: 7926
author: Ershad Kunnakkadan
module Banzai
module Querying
# Searches a Nokogiri document using a CSS query, optionally optimizing it
# whenever possible.
# document - A document/element to search.
# query - The CSS query to use.
# reference_options - A hash with nodes filter options
# Returns a Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet.
def self.css(document, query)
# Returns an array of Nokogiri::XML::Element objects if location is specified
# in reference_options. Otherwise it would a Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet.
def css(document, query, reference_options = {})
# When using "" Nokogiri compiles this to "//a[...]" but
# "descendant::a[...]" is quite a bit faster and achieves the same result.
xpath = Nokogiri::CSS.xpath_for(query)[0].gsub(%r{^//}, 'descendant::')
xpath = restrict_to_p_nodes_at_root(xpath) if filter_nodes_at_beginning?(reference_options)
nodes = document.xpath(xpath)
filter_nodes(nodes, reference_options)
def restrict_to_p_nodes_at_root(xpath)
xpath.gsub('descendant::', './p/')
def filter_nodes(nodes, reference_options)
if filter_nodes_at_beginning?(reference_options)
def filter_nodes_at_beginning?(reference_options)
reference_options && reference_options[:location] == :beginning
# Selects child nodes if they are present in the beginning among other siblings.
# nodes - A Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet.
# Returns an array of Nokogiri::XML::Element objects.
def filter_nodes_at_beginning(nodes)
parents_and_nodes = nodes.group_by(&:parent)
filtered_nodes = []
parents_and_nodes.each do |parent, nodes|
children = parent.children
nodes = nodes.to_a
children.each do |child|
next if child.text.blank?
node = nodes.shift
break unless node == child
filtered_nodes << node
......@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ module Banzai
def reset_memoized_values
@html_documents = nil
@texts_and_contexts = []
def html_documents
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Banzai
# they have access to.
class BaseParser
class << self
attr_accessor :reference_type
attr_accessor :reference_type, :reference_options
# Returns the attribute name containing the value for every object to be
......@@ -182,9 +182,10 @@ module Banzai
# the references.
def process(documents)
type = self.class.reference_type
reference_options = self.class.reference_options
nodes = documents.flat_map do |document|
Querying.css(document, "a[data-reference-type='#{type}'].gfm").to_a
Querying.css(document, "a[data-reference-type='#{type}'].gfm", reference_options).to_a
module Banzai
module ReferenceParser
class DirectlyAddressedUserParser < UserParser
self.reference_type = :user
self.reference_options = { location: :beginning }
module Gitlab
# Extract possible GFM references from an arbitrary String for further processing.
class ReferenceExtractor < Banzai::ReferenceExtractor
REFERABLES = %i(user issue label milestone merge_request snippet commit commit_range)
REFERABLES = %i(user issue label milestone merge_request snippet commit commit_range directly_addressed_user)
attr_accessor :project, :current_user, :author
def initialize(project, current_user = nil)
@project = project
@current_user = current_user
@references = {}
......@@ -21,6 +20,11 @@ module Gitlab
super(type, project, current_user)
def reset_memoized_values
@references = {}
REFERABLES.each do |type|
define_method("#{type}s") do
@references[type] ||= references(type)
......@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ FactoryGirl.define do
action { Todo::MENTIONED }
trait :directly_addressed do
trait :on_commit do
target_type "Commit"
......@@ -42,14 +42,85 @@ describe Gitlab::ReferenceExtractor, lib: true do
> @offteam
expect(subject.users).to match_array([])
describe 'directly addressed users' do
before do
@u_foo = create(:user, username: 'foo')
@u_foo2 = create(:user, username: 'foo2')
@u_foo3 = create(:user, username: 'foo3')
@u_foo4 = create(:user, username: 'foo4')
@u_foo5 = create(:user, username: 'foo5')
@u_bar = create(:user, username: 'bar')
@u_bar2 = create(:user, username: 'bar2')
@u_bar3 = create(:user, username: 'bar3')
@u_bar4 = create(:user, username: 'bar4')
@u_tom = create(:user, username: 'tom')
@u_tom2 = create(:user, username: 'tom2')
context 'when a user is directly addressed' do
it 'accesses the user object which is mentioned in the beginning of the line' do
subject.analyze('@foo What do you think? cc: @bar, @tom')
expect(subject.directly_addressed_users).to match_array([@u_foo])
it "doesn't access the user object if it's not mentioned in the beginning of the line" do
subject.analyze('What do you think? cc: @bar')
expect(subject.directly_addressed_users).to be_empty
context 'when multiple users are addressed' do
it 'accesses the user objects which are mentioned in the beginning of the line' do
subject.analyze('@foo @bar What do you think? cc: @tom')
expect(subject.directly_addressed_users).to match_array([@u_foo, @u_bar])
it "doesn't access the user objects if they are not mentioned in the beginning of the line" do
subject.analyze('What do you think? cc: @foo @bar @tom')
expect(subject.directly_addressed_users).to be_empty
context 'when multiple users are addressed in different paragraphs' do
it 'accesses user objects which are mentioned in the beginning of each paragraph' do
subject.analyze <<-NOTE.strip_heredoc
@foo What do you think? cc: @tom
- @bar can you please have a look?
@foo2 what do you think? cc: @bar2
@foo3 @foo4 thank you!
> @foo5 well done!
1. @bar3 Can you please check? cc: @tom2
2. @bar4 What do you this of this MR?
expect(subject.directly_addressed_users).to match_array([@u_foo, @u_foo3, @u_foo4])
it 'accesses valid issue objects' do
@i0 = create(:issue, project: project)
@i1 = create(:issue, project: project)
subject.analyze("#{@i0.to_reference}, #{@i1.to_reference}, and #{Issue.reference_prefix}999.")
expect(subject.issues).to match_array([@i0, @i1])
......@@ -58,6 +129,7 @@ describe Gitlab::ReferenceExtractor, lib: true do
@m1 = create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project, source_branch: 'feature_conflict')
subject.analyze("!999, !#{@m1.iid}, and !#{@m0.iid}.")
expect(subject.merge_requests).to match_array([@m1, @m0])
......@@ -67,6 +139,7 @@ describe Gitlab::ReferenceExtractor, lib: true do
@l2 = create(:label)
subject.analyze("~#{}, ~999, ~#{}, ~#{}")
expect(subject.labels).to match_array([@l0, @l1])
......@@ -76,6 +149,7 @@ describe Gitlab::ReferenceExtractor, lib: true do
@s2 = create(:project_snippet)
subject.analyze("$#{}, $999, $#{}, $#{}")
expect(subject.snippets).to match_array([@s0, @s1])
......@@ -127,6 +201,7 @@ describe Gitlab::ReferenceExtractor, lib: true do
it 'handles project issue references' do
subject.analyze("this refers issue #{issue.to_reference(project)}")
extracted = subject.issues
expect(extracted.size).to eq(1)
expect(extracted).to match_array([issue])
......@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
let(:admin) { create(:admin) }
let(:john_doe) { create(:user) }
let(:project) { create(:project) }
let(:mentions) { [author, assignee, john_doe, member, guest, non_member, admin].map(&:to_reference).join(' ') }
let(:mentions) { 'FYI: ' + [author, assignee, john_doe, member, guest, non_member, admin].map(&:to_reference).join(' ') }
let(:directly_addressed) { [author, assignee, john_doe, member, guest, non_member, admin].map(&:to_reference).join(' ') }
let(:directly_addressed_and_mentioned) { member.to_reference + ", what do you think? cc: " + [guest, admin].map(&:to_reference).join(' ') }
let(:service) { }
before do
......@@ -21,8 +23,10 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
describe 'Issues' do
let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project, assignee: john_doe, author: author, description: "- [ ] Task 1\n- [ ] Task 2 #{mentions}") }
let(:addressed_issue) { create(:issue, project: project, assignee: john_doe, author: author, description: "#{directly_addressed}\n- [ ] Task 1\n- [ ] Task 2") }
let(:unassigned_issue) { create(:issue, project: project, assignee: nil) }
let(:confidential_issue) { create(:issue, :confidential, project: project, author: author, assignee: assignee, description: mentions) }
let(:addressed_confident_issue) { create(:issue, :confidential, project: project, author: author, assignee: assignee, description: directly_addressed) }
describe '#new_issue' do
it 'creates a todo if assigned' do
......@@ -52,6 +56,26 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'creates a directly addressed todo for each valid addressed user' do
service.new_issue(addressed_issue, author)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: guest, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: author, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
it 'creates correct todos for each valid user based on the type of mention' do
issue.update(description: directly_addressed_and_mentioned)
service.new_issue(issue, author)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: admin, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
should_create_todo(user: guest, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'does not create todo if user can not see the issue when issue is confidential' do
service.new_issue(confidential_issue, john_doe)
......@@ -63,6 +87,17 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'does not create directly addressed todo if user cannot see the issue when issue is confidential' do
service.new_issue(addressed_confident_issue, john_doe)
should_create_todo(user: assignee, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::ASSIGNED)
should_create_todo(user: author, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: admin, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
context 'when a private group is mentioned' do
let(:group) { create :group, :private }
let(:project) { create :project, :private, group: group }
......@@ -94,12 +129,38 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'creates a todo for each valid user based on the type of mention' do
issue.update(description: directly_addressed_and_mentioned)
service.update_issue(issue, author)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: guest, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
should_create_todo(user: admin, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'creates a directly addressed todo for each valid addressed user' do
service.update_issue(addressed_issue, author)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: guest, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: author, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
it 'does not create a todo if user was already mentioned' do
create(:todo, :mentioned, user: member, project: project, target: issue, author: author)
expect { service.update_issue(issue, author) }.not_to change(member.todos, :count)
it 'does not create a directly addressed todo if user was already mentioned or addressed' do
create(:todo, :directly_addressed, user: member, project: project, target: addressed_issue, author: author)
expect { service.update_issue(addressed_issue, author) }.not_to change(member.todos, :count)
it 'does not create todo if user can not see the issue when issue is confidential' do
service.update_issue(confidential_issue, john_doe)
......@@ -111,6 +172,17 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'does not create a directly addressed todo if user can not see the issue when issue is confidential' do
service.update_issue(addressed_confident_issue, john_doe)
should_create_todo(user: author, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: assignee, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: admin, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: addressed_confident_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
context 'issues with a task list' do
it 'does not create todo when tasks are marked as completed' do
issue.update(description: "- [x] Task 1\n- [X] Task 2 #{mentions}")
......@@ -125,6 +197,19 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: issue, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'does not create directly addressed todo when tasks are marked as completed' do
addressed_issue.update(description: "#{directly_addressed}\n- [x] Task 1\n- [x] Task 2\n")
service.update_issue(addressed_issue, author)
should_not_create_todo(user: admin, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: assignee, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: author, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: member, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: addressed_issue, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
it 'does not raise an error when description not change' do
issue.update(title: 'Sample')
......@@ -244,8 +329,11 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
let!(:second_todo) { create(:todo, :assigned, user: john_doe, project: project, target: issue, author: author) }
let(:confidential_issue) { create(:issue, :confidential, project: project, author: author, assignee: assignee) }
let(:note) { create(:note, project: project, noteable: issue, author: john_doe, note: mentions) }
let(:addressed_note) { create(:note, project: project, noteable: issue, author: john_doe, note: directly_addressed) }
let(:note_on_commit) { create(:note_on_commit, project: project, author: john_doe, note: mentions) }
let(:addressed_note_on_commit) { create(:note_on_commit, project: project, author: john_doe, note: directly_addressed) }
let(:note_on_confidential_issue) { create(:note_on_issue, noteable: confidential_issue, project: project, note: mentions) }
let(:addressed_note_on_confidential_issue) { create(:note_on_issue, noteable: confidential_issue, project: project, note: directly_addressed) }
let(:note_on_project_snippet) { create(:note_on_project_snippet, project: project, author: john_doe, note: mentions) }
let(:system_note) { create(:system_note, project: project, noteable: issue) }
......@@ -276,6 +364,26 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note)
it 'creates a todo for each valid user based on the type of mention' do
note.update(note: directly_addressed_and_mentioned)
service.new_note(note, john_doe)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: note)
should_create_todo(user: admin, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note)
should_create_todo(user: guest, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note)
it 'creates a directly addressed todo for each valid addressed user' do
service.new_note(addressed_note, john_doe)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note)
should_create_todo(user: guest, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note)
should_create_todo(user: author, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note)
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note)
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note)
it 'does not create todo if user can not see the issue when leaving a note on a confidential issue' do
service.new_note(note_on_confidential_issue, john_doe)
......@@ -287,6 +395,17 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_confidential_issue)
it 'does not create a directly addressed todo if user can not see the issue when leaving a note on a confidential issue' do
service.new_note(addressed_note_on_confidential_issue, john_doe)
should_create_todo(user: author, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note_on_confidential_issue)
should_create_todo(user: assignee, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note_on_confidential_issue)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note_on_confidential_issue)
should_create_todo(user: admin, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note_on_confidential_issue)
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note_on_confidential_issue)
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: confidential_issue, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note_on_confidential_issue)
it 'creates a todo for each valid mentioned user when leaving a note on commit' do
service.new_note(note_on_commit, john_doe)
......@@ -296,6 +415,15 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target_id: nil, target_type: 'Commit', commit_id: note_on_commit.commit_id, author: john_doe, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: note_on_commit)
it 'creates a directly addressed todo for each valid mentioned user when leaving a note on commit' do
service.new_note(addressed_note_on_commit, john_doe)
should_create_todo(user: member, target_id: nil, target_type: 'Commit', commit_id: addressed_note_on_commit.commit_id, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note_on_commit)
should_create_todo(user: author, target_id: nil, target_type: 'Commit', commit_id: addressed_note_on_commit.commit_id, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note_on_commit)
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target_id: nil, target_type: 'Commit', commit_id: addressed_note_on_commit.commit_id, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note_on_commit)
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target_id: nil, target_type: 'Commit', commit_id: addressed_note_on_commit.commit_id, author: john_doe, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_note_on_commit)
it 'does not create todo when leaving a note on snippet' do
should_not_create_any_todo { service.new_note(note_on_project_snippet, john_doe) }
......@@ -324,6 +452,7 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
describe 'Merge Requests' do
let(:mr_assigned) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, author: author, assignee: john_doe, description: "- [ ] Task 1\n- [ ] Task 2 #{mentions}") }
let(:addressed_mr_assigned) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, author: author, assignee: john_doe, description: "#{directly_addressed}\n- [ ] Task 1\n- [ ] Task 2") }
let(:mr_unassigned) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, author: author, assignee: nil) }
describe '#new_merge_request' do
......@@ -350,6 +479,25 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'creates a todo for each valid user based on the type of mention' do
mr_assigned.update(description: directly_addressed_and_mentioned)
service.new_merge_request(mr_assigned, author)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: admin, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'creates a directly addressed todo for each valid addressed user' do
service.new_merge_request(addressed_mr_assigned, author)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: author, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
describe '#update_merge_request' do
......@@ -363,12 +511,37 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'creates a todo for each valid user based on the type of mention' do
mr_assigned.update(description: directly_addressed_and_mentioned)
service.update_merge_request(mr_assigned, author)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: admin, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'creates a directly addressed todo for each valid addressed user' do
service.update_merge_request(addressed_mr_assigned, author)
should_create_todo(user: member, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_create_todo(user: author, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
it 'does not create a todo if user was already mentioned' do
create(:todo, :mentioned, user: member, project: project, target: mr_assigned, author: author)
expect { service.update_merge_request(mr_assigned, author) }.not_to change(member.todos, :count)
it 'does not create a directly addressed todo if user was already mentioned or addressed' do
create(:todo, :directly_addressed, user: member, project: project, target: addressed_mr_assigned, author: author)
expect{ service.update_merge_request(addressed_mr_assigned, author) }.not_to change(member.todos, :count)
context 'with a task list' do
it 'does not create todo when tasks are marked as completed' do
mr_assigned.update(description: "- [x] Task 1\n- [X] Task 2 #{mentions}")
......@@ -384,6 +557,20 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'does not create directly addressed todo when tasks are marked as completed' do
addressed_mr_assigned.update(description: "#{directly_addressed}\n- [x] Task 1\n- [X] Task 2")
service.update_merge_request(addressed_mr_assigned, author)
should_not_create_todo(user: admin, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: assignee, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: author, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: member, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: non_member, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
it 'does not raise an error when description not change' do
mr_assigned.update(title: 'Sample')
......@@ -436,6 +623,11 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
service.reassigned_merge_request(mr_assigned, author)
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'does not create a directly addressed todo for guests' do
service.reassigned_merge_request(addressed_mr_assigned, author)
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
describe '#merge_merge_request' do
......@@ -452,6 +644,11 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
service.merge_merge_request(mr_assigned, john_doe)
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: mr_assigned, action: Todo::MENTIONED)
it 'does not create directly addressed todo for guests' do
service.merge_merge_request(addressed_mr_assigned, john_doe)
should_not_create_todo(user: guest, target: addressed_mr_assigned, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED)
describe '#new_award_emoji' do
......@@ -509,6 +706,7 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
describe '#new_note' do
let(:mention) { john_doe.to_reference }
let(:diff_note_on_merge_request) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: mr_unassigned, author: author, note: "Hey #{mention}") }
let(:addressed_diff_note_on_merge_request) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: mr_unassigned, author: author, note: "#{mention}, hey!") }
let(:legacy_diff_note_on_merge_request) { create(:legacy_diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project, noteable: mr_unassigned, author: author, note: "Hey #{mention}") }
it 'creates a todo for mentioned user on new diff note' do
......@@ -517,6 +715,12 @@ describe TodoService, services: true do
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: mr_unassigned, author: author, action: Todo::MENTIONED, note: diff_note_on_merge_request)
it 'creates a directly addressed todo for addressed user on new diff note' do
service.new_note(addressed_diff_note_on_merge_request, author)
should_create_todo(user: john_doe, target: mr_unassigned, author: author, action: Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED, note: addressed_diff_note_on_merge_request)
it 'creates a todo for mentioned user on legacy diff note' do
service.new_note(legacy_diff_note_on_merge_request, author)
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