@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ To serve repositories over SSH there's an add-on application called gitlab-shell
A typical install of GitLab will be on GNU/Linux. It uses Nginx or Apache as a web front end to proxypass the Unicorn web server. By default, communication between Unicorn and the front end is via a Unix domain socket but forwarding requests via TCP is also supported. The web front end accesses `/home/git/gitlab/public` bypassing the Unicorn server to serve static pages, uploads (e.g. avatar images or attachments), and precompiled assets. GitLab serves web pages and a [GitLab API](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/tree/master/doc/api) using the Unicorn web server. It uses Sidekiq as a job queue which, in turn, uses redis as a non-persistent database backend for job information, meta data, and incoming jobs.
The GitLab web app uses MySQL or PostgreSQL for persistent database information (e.g. users, permissions, issues, other meta data). GitLab stores the bare git repositories it serves in `/home/git/repositories` by default. It also keeps default branch and hook information with the bare repository.`/home/git/gitlab-satellites` keeps checked out repositories when performing actions such as a merge request, editing files in the web interface, etc.
The GitLab web app uses MySQL or PostgreSQL for persistent database information (e.g. users, permissions, issues, other meta data). GitLab stores the bare git repositories it serves in `/home/git/repositories` by default. It also keeps default branch and hook information with the bare repository.
The satellite repository is used by the web interface for editing repositories and the wiki which is also a git repository. When serving repositories over HTTP/HTTPS GitLab utilizes the GitLab API to resolve authorization and access as well as serving git objects.
When serving repositories over HTTP/HTTPS GitLab utilizes the GitLab API to resolve authorization and access as well as serving git objects.
The add-on component gitlab-shell serves repositories over SSH. It manages the SSH keys within `/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys` which should not be manually edited. gitlab-shell accesses the bare repositories directly to serve git objects and communicates with redis to submit jobs to Sidekiq for GitLab to process. gitlab-shell queries the GitLab API to determine authorization and access.
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Note: `/home/git/` is shorthand for `/home/git`.
Add a title and a description to your Merge Request:

Select a user to review your Merge Request and to accept or close it. You may also select milestones and labels (they are optional). Then click on the "submit new Merge Request" button:

Your Merge Request will be ready to be approved and published.
### Note
After you created a new branch, you'll immediately find a "create a Merge Request" button at the top of your screen.
You may automatically create a Merge Request from your recently created branch when clicking on this button:
In Git, when you copy a project you say you "clone" it. To work on a git project locally (from your own computer), you will need to clone it. To do this, sign in to [GitLab.com](https://gitlab.com).
In Git, when you copy a project you say you "clone" it. To work on a git project locally (from your own computer), you will need to clone it. To do this, sign in to GitLab.
When you are on your Dashboard, click on the project that you'd like to clone, which you'll find at the right side of your screen.
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Please consider using a virtual machine to run GitLab.
## Ruby versions
GitLab requires Ruby (MRI) 2.0 or 2.1
GitLab requires Ruby (MRI) 2.1
You will have to use the standard MRI implementation of Ruby.
We love [JRuby](http://jruby.org/) and [Rubinius](http://rubini.us/) but GitLab needs several Gems that have native extensions.
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ We love [JRuby](http://jruby.org/) and [Rubinius](http://rubini.us/) but GitLab
### Storage
The necessary hard drive space largely depends on the size of the repos you want to store in GitLab but as a *rule of thumb* you should have at least twice as much free space as all your repos combined take up. You need twice the storage because [GitLab satellites](structure.md) contain an extra copy of each repo.
The necessary hard drive space largely depends on the size of the repos you want to store in GitLab but as a *rule of thumb* you should have at least as much free space as all your repos combined take up.
If you want to be flexible about growing your hard drive space in the future consider mounting it using LVM so you can add more hard drives when you need them.
@@ -6,16 +6,14 @@ This is the directory structure you will end up with following the instructions
| |-- git
| |-- .ssh
| |-- gitlab
| |-- gitlab-satellites
| |-- gitlab-shell
| |-- repositories
*`/home/git/.ssh` - contains openssh settings. Specifically the `authorized_keys` file managed by gitlab-shell.
*`/home/git/gitlab` - GitLab core software.
*`/home/git/gitlab-satellites` - checked out repositories for merge requests and file editing from web UI. This can be treated as a temporary files directory.
*`/home/git/gitlab-shell` - Core add-on component of GitLab. Maintains SSH cloning and other functionality.
*`/home/git/repositories` - bare repositories for all projects organized by namespace. This is where the git repositories which are pushed/pulled are maintained for all projects. **This area is critical data for projects. [Keep a backup](../raketasks/backup_restore.md)**
*Note: the default locations for gitlab-satellites and repositories can be configured in `config/gitlab.yml` of GitLab and `config.yml` of gitlab-shell.*
*Note: the default locations for repositories can be configured in `config/gitlab.yml` of GitLab and `config.yml` of gitlab-shell.*
To see a more in-depth overview see the [GitLab architecture doc](../development/architecture.md).
error: failed to push some refs to '/Users/vsizov/gitlab-development-kit/repositories/gitlabhq/gitlab_git.git'
#### satellites.log
This file lives in `/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/satellites.log` for omnibus package or in `/home/git/gitlab/log/satellites.log` for installations from the source.
In some cases GitLab should perform write actions to git repository, for example when it is needed to merge the merge request or edit a file with online editor. If something went wrong you can look into this file to find out what exactly happened.
October 07, 2014 11:36: Failed to create satellite for Chesley Weimann III / project1817
October 07, 2014 11:36: PID: 1872: git clone /Users/vsizov/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/tmp/tests/repositories/conrad6841/gitlabhq.git /Users/vsizov/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/tmp/tests/gitlab-satellites/conrad6841/gitlabhq
October 07, 2014 11:36: PID: 1872: -> fatal: repository '/Users/vsizov/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/tmp/tests/repositories/conrad6841/gitlabhq.git' does not exist
#### sidekiq.log
This file lives in `/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/sidekiq.log` for omnibus package or in `/home/git/gitlab/log/sidekiq.log` for installations from the source.
A backup creates an archive file that contains the database, all repositories and all attachments.
This archive will be saved in backup_path (see `config/gitlab.yml`).
The filename will be `[TIMESTAMP]_gitlab_backup.tar`. This timestamp can be used to restore an specific backup.
You can only restore a backup to exactly the same version of GitLab that you created it on, for example 7.2.1.
You can only restore a backup to exactly the same version of GitLab that you created it on, for example 7.2.1. The best way to migrate your repositories from one server to another is through backup restore.
You need to keep a separate copy of `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json`
(for omnibus packages) or `/home/git/gitlab/.secret` (for installations
@@ -148,6 +148,23 @@ with the name of your bucket:
## Backup archive permissions
The backup archives created by GitLab (123456_gitlab_backup.tar) will have owner/group git:git and 0600 permissions by default.
This is meant to avoid other system users reading GitLab's data.
If you need the backup archives to have different permissions you can use the 'archive_permissions' setting.
# In /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb, for omnibus packages
gitlab_rails['backup_archive_permissions'] = 0644 # Makes the backup archives world-readable
# In gitlab.yml, for installations from source:
archive_permissions: 0644 # Makes the backup archives world-readable
## Storing configuration files
Please be informed that a backup does not store your configuration
1. Create and publish a blog post, see [patch release blog template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/blob/master/doc/patch_release_blog_template.md)
1. Send tweets about the release from `@gitlab`, tweet should include the most important feature that the release is addressing and link to the blog post
1. Note in the 'GitLab X.X regressions' issue that the patch was published (CE only)
1. Create the 'x.y.0' version on version.gitlab.com
1.[Create new AMIs](https://dev.gitlab.org/gitlab/AMI/blob/master/README.md)
1. Create a new patch release issue for the next potential release
*Make sure you view this [guide from the `master` branch](../../../master/doc/update/mysql_to_postgresql.md) for the most up to date instructions.*
*Make sure you view this [guide from the `master` branch](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/update/mysql_to_postgresql.md#migrating-gitlab-from-mysql-to-postgres) for the most up to date instructions.*
If you are replacing MySQL with Postgres while keeping GitLab on the same server all you need to do is to export from MySQL, convert the resulting SQL file, and import it into Postgres. If you are also moving GitLab to another server, or if you are switching to omnibus-gitlab, you may want to use a GitLab backup file. The second part of this documents explains the procedure to do this.
You can manage the groups and users and their access levels in all of your projects. You can also personalize the access level you give each user, per project.
Here's how to add or import users to your projects.
You should have 'master' or 'owner' permissions to add or import a new user
to your project.
To add or import a user, go to your project and click on "Members" on the left side of your screen:

Select "Add members" or "Import members" on the right side of your screen:

If you are adding a user, select the user and the [permission level](doc/permissions/permissions.md) that you'd like to
give the user:

If you are importing a user, follow the steps to select the project where you'd like to import the user from:
# diffs_namespace_project_merge_request GET /:namespace_id/:project_id/merge_requests/:id/diffs(.:format) projects/merge_requests#diffs
# commits_namespace_project_merge_request GET /:namespace_id/:project_id/merge_requests/:id/commits(.:format) projects/merge_requests#commits
# automerge_namespace_project_merge_request POST /:namespace_id/:project_id/merge_requests/:id/automerge(.:format) projects/merge_requests#automerge
# automerge_check_namespace_project_merge_request GET /:namespace_id/:project_id/merge_requests/:id/automerge_check(.:format) projects/merge_requests#automerge_check
# merge_namespace_project_merge_request POST /:namespace_id/:project_id/merge_requests/:id/merge(.:format) projects/merge_requests#merge
# merge_check_namespace_project_merge_request GET /:namespace_id/:project_id/merge_requests/:id/merge_check(.:format) projects/merge_requests#merge_check
# ci_status_namespace_project_merge_request GET /:namespace_id/:project_id/merge_requests/:id/ci_status(.:format) projects/merge_requests#ci_status
# toggle_subscription_namespace_project_merge_request POST /:namespace_id/:project_id/merge_requests/:id/toggle_subscription(.:format) projects/merge_requests#toggle_subscription
# branch_from_namespace_project_merge_requests GET /:namespace_id/:project_id/merge_requests/branch_from(.:format) projects/merge_requests#branch_from
@@ -233,15 +233,15 @@ describe Projects::MergeRequestsController, 'routing' do