Commit c2e9a4d3 authored by Daniel Gruesso's avatar Daniel Gruesso Committed by Evan Read

Application Development Platform docs updates

parent b395ea57
# Application Development Platform # Application Development Platform
The GitLab Application Development Platform refers to the set of GitLab features that can be used by operations teams to The GitLab Application Development Platform refers to the set of GitLab features used to create, configure, and manage
provide a full development environment to internal software development teams. a complete software development environment. It provides development, operations, and security teams with a robust feature set aimed at supporting best practices out of the box.
## Overview ## Overview
The GitLab Application Development Platform aims to reduce and even eliminate the time it takes for an Operations team The GitLab Application Development Platform aims to:
to provide a full environment for software developers. It comprises the following high-level elements:
- Reduce and even eliminate the time it takes for an Operations team
to provide a full environment for software developers.
- Get developers up and running fast so they can focus on writing
great applications with a robust development feature set.
- Provide best-of-breed security features so that applications developed
with GitLab are not affected by vulnerabilities that may lead to security
problems and unintended use.
It is comprised of the following high-level elements:
1. Compute 1. Compute
1. Build, test, and deploy a wide range of applications 1. Build, test, and deploy a wide range of applications
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