class @LabelManager constructor: (opts = {}) -> # Defaults { @togglePriorityButton = $('.js-toggle-priority') @prioritizedLabels = $('.js-prioritized-labels') @otherLabels = $('.js-other-labels') } = opts @prioritizedLabels.sortable( items: 'li' placeholder: 'list-placeholder' axis: 'y' update: @onPrioritySortUpdate.bind(@) ) @bindEvents() bindEvents: -> @togglePriorityButton.on 'click', @, @onTogglePriorityClick onTogglePriorityClick: (e) -> e.preventDefault() _this = $btn = $(e.currentTarget) $label = $("##{$'domId')}") action = if $btn.parents('.js-prioritized-labels').length then 'remove' else 'add' _this.toggleLabelPriority($label, action) toggleLabelPriority: ($label, action, persistState = false) -> _this = @ url = $label.find('.js-toggle-priority').data 'url' $target = @prioritizedLabels $from = @otherLabels # Optimistic update if action is 'remove' $target = @otherLabels $from = @prioritizedLabels if $from.find('li').length is 1 $from.find('.empty-message').show() if not $target.find('li').length $target.find('.empty-message').hide() $label.detach().appendTo($target) # Return if we are not persisting state return if persistState if action is 'remove' xhr = $.ajax url: url, type: 'DELETE' # If request fails, put label back to Other labels group -> _this.toggleLabelPriority($label, 'remove', true) # Show a message new Flash('Unable to update label prioritization at this time' , 'alert') else @savePrioritySort() onPrioritySortUpdate: -> @savePrioritySort() savePrioritySort: -> xhr = $.post url:'url') data: label_ids: @getSortedLabelsIds() -> new Flash('Unable to update label prioritization at this time' , 'alert') getSortedLabelsIds: -> sortedIds = [] @prioritizedLabels.find('li').each -> sortedIds.push $(@).data 'id' sortedIds