# frozen_string_literal: true

# Unicorn terminates any request which runs longer than 60 seconds.
# Puma doesn't have any timeout mechanism for terminating long-running
# requests, to make sure that server is not paralyzed by long-running
# or stuck queries, we add a request timeout which terminates the
# request after 60 seconds. This may be dangerous in some situations
# (https://github.com/heroku/rack-timeout/blob/master/doc/exceptions.md)
# and it's used only as the last resort. In such case this termination is
# logged and we should fix the potential timeout issue in the code itself.

if defined?(::Puma) && !Rails.env.test?
  require 'rack/timeout/base'

  Gitlab::Application.configure do |config|
    config.middleware.insert_before(Rack::Runtime, Rack::Timeout,
                                    service_timeout: 60,
                                    wait_timeout: 90)

  observer = Gitlab::Cluster::RackTimeoutObserver.new
  Rack::Timeout.register_state_change_observer(:gitlab_rack_timeout, &observer.callback)