diff --git a/product/ERP5Banking/tests/testERP5BankingAccountIncident.py b/product/ERP5Banking/tests/testERP5BankingAccountIncident.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 44b03d7b372ceeb5703bdfb5aba37c6600093bc0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/product/ERP5Banking/tests/testERP5BankingAccountIncident.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
-#                    Aurelien Calonne <aurel@nexedi.com>
-# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
-# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
-# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
-# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
-# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
-# Service Company
-# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# import requested python module
-import os
-from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
-from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList
-from Testing.ZopeTestCase.PortalTestCase import PortalTestCase
-from Products.ERP5Banking.tests.TestERP5BankingMixin import TestERP5BankingMixin
-# Needed in order to have a log file inside the current folder
-os.environ['EVENT_LOG_FILE']     = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'zLOG.log')
-# Define the level of log we want, here is all
-os.environ['EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY'] = '-300'
-# Define how to launch the script if we don't use runUnitTest script
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py'))
-class TestERP5BankingAccountIncident(TestERP5BankingMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase):
-  """
-    This class is a unit test to check the module of Account Incident
-    Here are the following step that will be done in the test :
-    - before the test, we need to create some movements that will put resources in the source
-    - create a cash transfer
-    - check it has been created correctly
-    - check source and destination (current == future)
-    - create a "Note Line" (billetage)
-    - check it has been created correctly
-    - check the total amount
-    - create a second Line
-    - check it has been created correctly
-    - check the total amount
-    - create an invalid Line (quantity > available at source)
-    - check that the system behaves correctly
-    - pass "confirm_action" transition
-    - check that the new state is confirmed
-    - check that the source has been debited correctly (current < future)
-    - check amount, lines, ...
-    - pass "deliver_action" transition
-    - check that the new state is delivered
-    - check that the destination has been credited correctly (current == future)
-  """
-  login = PortalTestCase.login
-  # pseudo constants
-  RUN_ALL_TEST = 1 # we want to run all test
-  QUIET = 0 # we don't want the test to be quiet
-  def getTitle(self):
-    """
-      Return the title of the test
-    """
-    return "ERP5BankingAccountIncident"
-  def getIncidentModule(self):
-    """
-    Return the Cash Transer Module
-    """
-    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'incident_module', None)
-  def afterSetUp(self):
-    """
-      Method called before the launch of the test to initialize some data
-    """
-    # Set some variables : 
-    self.initDefaultVariable()
-    # the cahs transfer module
-    self.account_incident_module = self.getIncidentModule()
-    self.createManagerAndLogin()
-    # create categories
-    self.createFunctionGroupSiteCategory()
-    # create resources
-    self.createBanknotesAndCoins()
-    # Before the test, we need to input the inventory
-    inventory_dict_line_1 = {'id' : 'inventory_line_1',
-                             'resource': self.billet_10000,
-                             'variation_id': ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'),
-                             'variation_value': ('emission_letter/p', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
-                             'quantity': self.quantity_10000}
-    inventory_dict_line_2 = {'id' : 'inventory_line_2',
-                             'resource': self.piece_200,
-                             'variation_id': ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'),
-                             'variation_value': ('emission_letter/p', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
-                             'quantity': self.quantity_200}
-    # Overload the default usd quantity to have a measurable amount in the end (exchange rate is extremely low).
-    inventory_dict_line_3 = {'id': 'inventory_line_3',
-                             'resource': self.usd_billet_100,
-                             'variation_id': ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'),
-                             'variation_value': ('emission_letter/not_defined', 'cash_status/not_defined') + self.usd_variation_list,
-                             'variation_list': self.usd_variation_list,
-                             'quantity': self.quantity_usd_100}
-    inventory_dict_line_4 = {'id': 'inventory_line_4',
-                             'resource': self.usd_billet_50,
-                             'variation_id': ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'),
-                             'variation_value': ('emission_letter/not_defined', 'cash_status/not_defined') + self.usd_variation_list,
-                             'variation_list': self.usd_variation_list,
-                             'quantity': self.quantity_usd_50}
-    line_list = [inventory_dict_line_1, inventory_dict_line_2]
-    self.vault = self.paris.surface.banque_interne
-    self.final_vault = self.paris.surface.banque_interne.guichet_1.encaisse_des_billets_et_monnaies.entrante
-    #     self.createCashInventory(source=None, destination=self.vault, currency=self.currency_1,
-    #                              line_list=line_list)
-    self.foreign_vault = self.paris.surface.caisse_courante.encaisse_des_devises.usd
-    #     self.createCashInventory(source=None, destination=self.foreign_vault, currency=self.currency_2,
-    #                              line_list=[inventory_dict_line_3, inventory_dict_line_4])
-    # create a person and a bank account
-    self.person_1 = self.createPerson(id='person_1',
-                                      first_name='toto',
-                                      last_name='titi')
-    self.bank_account_1 = self.createBankAccount(person=self.person_1,
-                                                 account_id='bank_account_1',
-                                                 title = 'Bank Account 1',
-                                                 currency=self.currency_1,                                                 
-                                                 amount=100000)
-    # now we need to create a user as Manager to do the test
-    # in order to have an assigment defined which is used to do transition
-    # Create an Organisation that will be used for users assignment
-    self.checkUserFolderType()
-    self.organisation = self.organisation_module.newContent(id='baobab_org', portal_type='Organisation',
-                          function='banking', group='baobab',  site='testsite/paris')
-    # define the user
-    user_dict = {
-        'super_user' : [['Manager'], self.organisation, 'banking/comptable', 'baobab', 'testsite/paris/surface/banque_interne/guichet_1']
-      }
-    # call method to create this user
-    self.createERP5Users(user_dict)
-    self.logout()
-    self.login('super_user')
-    # open counter date
-    self.openCounterDate(site=self.paris)
-    self.openCounter(site=self.vault)
-  def stepCleanupObjects(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Cleanup account_incident_module after a sequence execution so that
-    stepCheckObjects can succeed.
-    """
-    self.account_incident_module.manage_delObjects(ids=[x for x in self.account_incident_module.objectIds()])
-  def stepCheckObjects(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check that all the objects we created in afterSetUp or
-    that were added by the business template and that we rely
-    on are really here.
-    """
-    self.checkResourceCreated()
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident_module.getPortalType(), 'Incident Module')
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.account_incident_module.objectValues()), 0)
-  def stepCheckInitialInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the initial inventory before any operations
-    """
-    self.simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool()
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-#     self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
-#     self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
-#     self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 12.0)
-#     self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 12.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.final_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.final_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.final_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.final_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)    
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(payment=self.bank_account_1.getRelativeUrl()), 100000)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(payment=self.bank_account_1.getRelativeUrl()), 100000)
-  def createAccountIncident(self, resource_value, source_total_asset_price):
-    """
-    Create a cash transfer document and check it
-    """
-    # Cash transfer has usual_cash for source, counter for destination, and a price cooreponding to the sum of banknote of 10000 abd coin of 200 ( (2+3) * 1000 + (5+7) * 200 )
-    self.account_incident = self.account_incident_module.newContent(
-                                          id='account_incident_1', 
-                                          portal_type='Incident', 
-                                          source_total_asset_price=source_total_asset_price,
-                                          description='test',
-                                          destination_payment_value=self.bank_account_1,
-                                          resource_value=resource_value,
-                                          incident_type="account_incident")
-    # execute tic
-    self.stepTic()
-    # set source reference
-    self.setDocumentSourceReference(self.account_incident)
-    # check we have only one cash transfer
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.account_incident_module.objectValues()), 1)
-    # get the cash transfer document
-    self.account_incident = getattr(self.account_incident_module, 'account_incident_1')
-    # check its portal type
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getPortalType(), 'Incident')
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getDestinationPaymentTitle(), 'Bank Account 1')
-    # check that its destination is counter
-    #self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getSource(), 'site/testsite/paris')
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getDestination(), None)
-    # check source reference
-    self.assertNotEqual(self.account_incident.getSourceReference(), '')
-    self.assertNotEqual(self.account_incident.getSourceReference(), None)
-  def stepCreateAccountIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-      Create an account incident document with site default currency.
-    """
-    self.createAccountIncident(resource_value=self.currency_1, source_total_asset_price=52400.0)
-  def stepCreateForeignCurrencyAccountIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-      Create an account incident with a forreign currency.
-    """
-    self.createAccountIncident(resource_value=self.currency_2, source_total_asset_price=sum(self.quantity_usd_100.values()) * 100)
-  def stepCreateIncomingLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Create the cash transfer line 1 with banknotes of 10000 and check it has been well created
-    """
-    self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.account_incident, 'valid_line_1', 'Incoming Incident Line', self.billet_10000,
-            ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/p', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
-            self.quantity_10000)
-    self.stepTic()
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.account_incident.objectValues(
-                         portal_type='Incoming Incident Line')), 1)
-    self.valid_line_1 = getattr(self.account_incident, 'valid_line_1')
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPortalType(), 'Incoming Incident Line')
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getResourceValue(), self.billet_10000)
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPrice(), 10000.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getQuantityUnit(), 'unit')
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_1.objectValues()), 2)
-    for variation in self.variation_list:
-      cell = self.valid_line_1.getCell('emission_letter/p', variation, 'cash_status/valid')
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Cell')
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getBaobabSourceValue(), None)
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getBaobabDestination(), None)
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getResourceValue(), self.billet_10000)
-      if cell.getId() == 'movement_0_0_0':
-        self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 2.0)
-      elif cell.getId() == 'movement_0_1_0':
-        self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 3.0)
-      else:
-        self.fail('Wrong cell created : %s' % cell.getId())
-  def stepCreateForeignIncomingLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Create the cash transfer line 1 with banknotes of 100 and check it has been well created
-    """
-    self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.account_incident,
-                               'valid_line_1',
-                               'Incoming Incident Line',
-                               self.usd_billet_100,
-                               ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'),
-                               ('emission_letter/not_defined', 'cash_status/not_defined') + self.usd_variation_list,
-                               self.quantity_usd_100,
-                               variation_list = self.usd_variation_list)
-    self.stepTic()
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.account_incident.objectValues(
-                         portal_type='Incoming Incident Line')), 1)
-    self.valid_line_1 = getattr(self.account_incident, 'valid_line_1')
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPortalType(), 'Incoming Incident Line')
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getResourceValue(), self.usd_billet_100)
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPrice(), 100)
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getQuantityUnit(), 'unit')
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_1.objectValues()), 1)
-    banknote_quantity = sum(self.quantity_usd_100.values())
-    cell = self.valid_line_1.movement_0_0_0
-    self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Cell')
-    self.assertEqual(cell.getBaobabSourceValue(), None)
-    self.assertEqual(cell.getBaobabDestination(), None)
-    self.assertEqual(cell.getResourceValue(), self.usd_billet_100)
-    self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), banknote_quantity)
-  def stepCheckSubTotal(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the amount after the creation of cash transfer line 1
-    """
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getTotalQuantity(), 5.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getTotalPrice(), 10000 * 5.0)
-  def stepCheckForeignSubTotal(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the amount after the creation of cash transfer line 1
-    """
-    banknote_quantity = sum(self.quantity_usd_100.values())
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getTotalQuantity(), banknote_quantity)
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getTotalPrice(), 100 * banknote_quantity)
-  def stepCreateOutgoingLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Create the cash transfer line 2 wiht coins of 200 and check it has been well created
-    """
-    self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.account_incident, 'valid_line_2', 'Outgoing Incident Line', self.piece_200,
-            ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/p', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
-            self.quantity_200)
-    self.stepTic()
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.account_incident.objectValues(
-                         portal_type='Outgoing Incident Line')), 1)
-    self.valid_line_2 = getattr(self.account_incident, 'valid_line_2')
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getPortalType(), 'Outgoing Incident Line')
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getResourceValue(), self.piece_200)
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getPrice(), 200.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getQuantityUnit(), 'unit')
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_2.objectValues()), 2)
-    for variation in self.variation_list:
-      cell = self.valid_line_2.getCell('emission_letter/p', variation, 'cash_status/valid')
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Cell')
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getBaobabSource(), None)
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getBaobabDestinationValue(), None)
-      if cell.getId() == 'movement_0_0_0':
-        self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 5.0)
-      elif cell.getId() == 'movement_0_1_0':
-        self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 7.0)
-      else:
-        self.fail('Wrong cell created : %s' % cell.getId())
-  def stepTryDeliverAccountIncidentWithBadPrice(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Try to plan the cash transfer with a bad cash transfer line and
-    check the try of plan the cash transfer with the invalid line has failed
-    """
-    self.assertWorkflowTransitionFails(object=self.account_incident, transition_id='deliver_action', workflow_id='incident_workflow', error_message="Price differs between document and cash detail.")
-  def stepTryDeliverAccountIncidentWithNoResource(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-      Check that planing with no resource defined fails.
-    """
-    original_resource_path = self.account_incident.getResource()
-    self.account_incident.setResource('')
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getResourceValue(), None)
-    self.assertWorkflowTransitionFails(object=self.account_incident, transition_id='deliver_action', workflow_id='incident_workflow', error_message="No resource defined.")
-    self.account_incident.setResource(original_resource_path)
-  def stepTryDeliverAccountIncidentWithTwoDifferentLines(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    """
-    # fix amount (10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0 + 5000 * 24)
-    self.account_incident.setSourceTotalAssetPrice('172400.0')
-    self.assertWorkflowTransitionFails(object=self.account_incident, transition_id='deliver_action', workflow_id='incident_workflow', error_message="You can't have excess and deficit on the same document.")
-  def stepTryConfirmAccountIncidentWithTwoDifferentLines(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    """
-    # fix amount (10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0 + 5000 * 24)
-    self.account_incident.setSourceTotalAssetPrice('172400.0')
-    self.assertWorkflowTransitionFails(object=self.account_incident, transition_id='confirm_action', workflow_id='incident_workflow', error_message="You can't have excess and deficit on the same document.")
-  def stepTryConfirmAccountIncidentWithBadPrice(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Try to plan the cash transfer with a bad cash transfer line and
-    check the try of plan the cash transfer with the invalid line has failed
-    """
-    self.assertWorkflowTransitionFails(object=self.account_incident, transition_id='confirm_action', workflow_id='incident_workflow', error_message="Price differs between document and cash detail.")
-  def stepTryConfirmAccountIncidentWithNoResource(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-      Check that planing with no resource defined fails.
-    """
-    original_resource_path = self.account_incident.getResource()
-    self.account_incident.setResource('')
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getResourceValue(), None)
-    self.assertWorkflowTransitionFails(object=self.account_incident, transition_id='confirm_action', workflow_id='incident_workflow', error_message="No resource defined.")
-    self.account_incident.setResource(original_resource_path)
-  def stepDelOutgoingLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Delete the invalid cash transfer line previously create
-    """
-    self.account_incident.deleteContent('valid_line_2')
-  def stepCheckTotal(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the total after the creation of the two cash transfer lines
-    """
-    # Check number of lines (line1 + line2)
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.account_incident.objectValues(
-                         portal_type='Incoming Incident Line')), 1)
-    # Check quantity, banknotes : 2 for 1992 and 3 for 2003, coin : 5 for 1992 and 7 for 2003
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getTotalQuantity(), 5.0)
-    # check the total price
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getTotalPrice(), 10000 * 5.0)
-  def stepPlanAccountIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Plan the cash transfer and check it
-    """
-    self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.account_incident, 'plan_action', wf_id='incident_workflow')
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getSimulationState(), 'planned')
-  def stepOrderAccountIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Order the cash transfer and check it
-    """
-    self.account_incident.setSource(self.vault.getRelativeUrl())
-    self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.account_incident, 'order_action', wf_id='incident_workflow')
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getSimulationState(), 'ordered')
-  def stepConfirmAccountIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Confirm the cash transfer and check it
-    """
-    self.account_incident.setSourceTotalAssetPrice('50000.0')
-    self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.account_incident, 'confirm_action', wf_id='incident_workflow')
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getSimulationState(), 'confirmed')
-  def stepConfirmForeignAccountIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Confirm the cash transfer and check it
-    """
-    # do the Workflow action
-    self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.account_incident, 'confirm_action', wf_id='incident_workflow')
-    # check state is confirmed
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getSimulationState(), 'confirmed')
-  def stepDeliverAccountIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Deliver the cash transfer with a good user
-    and check that the archive of a cash tranfer have achieved
-    """
-    self.account_incident.setSourceTotalAssetPrice('50000.0')
-    self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.account_incident, 'deliver_action', wf_id='incident_workflow')
-    self.assertEqual(self.account_incident.getSimulationState(), 'delivered')
-  def stepCheckFinalInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the final, nothing should have changed
-    """
-    self.simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool()
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.final_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.final_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.final_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.final_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    # check the inventory of the bank account
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(payment=self.bank_account_1.getRelativeUrl(),resource=self.currency_1.getRelativeUrl()), 150000)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(payment=self.bank_account_1.getRelativeUrl(),resource=self.currency_1.getRelativeUrl()), 150000)
-  def stepCheckInitialForeignCurrencyInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the initial inventory before any operations
-    """
-    self.simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool()
-    quantity_of_100 = sum(self.quantity_usd_100.values())
-    quantity_of_50 = sum(self.quantity_usd_50.values())
-    # check we have USD banknotes of 100 in forreign vault
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.foreign_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource=self.usd_billet_100.getRelativeUrl()), quantity_of_100)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.foreign_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource=self.usd_billet_100.getRelativeUrl()), quantity_of_100)
-    # check we have USD banknotes of 50 in forreign vault
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.foreign_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource=self.usd_billet_50.getRelativeUrl()), quantity_of_50)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.foreign_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource=self.usd_billet_50.getRelativeUrl()), quantity_of_50)
-    # check the inventory of the bank account
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(payment=self.bank_account_1.getRelativeUrl()), 100000)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(payment=self.bank_account_1.getRelativeUrl()), 100000)
-  def stepCheckFinalForeignCurrencyInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    self.simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool()
-    quantity_of_100 = sum(self.quantity_usd_100.values())
-    added_quantity_of_100 = quantity_of_100 # We received the same amount as what was originaly in stock
-    quantity_of_50 = sum(self.quantity_usd_50.values())
-    # check the number of banknotes of 100
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.foreign_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_100.getRelativeUrl()), quantity_of_100 + added_quantity_of_100)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.foreign_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_100.getRelativeUrl()), quantity_of_100 + added_quantity_of_100)
-    # check the number of banknotes of 50
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.foreign_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_50.getRelativeUrl()), quantity_of_50)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.foreign_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_50.getRelativeUrl()), quantity_of_50)
-    # check the inventory of the bank account in the default currency, not in the foreign one !
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(payment=self.bank_account_1.getRelativeUrl(), resource=self.currency_1.getRelativeUrl()), 100000.0 + (added_quantity_of_100 * 100.0 * 650.0)) # XXX: hardcoded exchange rate, extracted from createCurrency.
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(payment=self.bank_account_1.getRelativeUrl(), resource=self.currency_1.getRelativeUrl()), 100000.0 + (added_quantity_of_100 * 100.0 * 650.0)) # XXX: hardcoded exchange rate, extracted from createCurrency.
-  ##################################
-  ##  Tests
-  ##################################
-  def test_01_ERP5BankingAccountIncident(self, quiet=QUIET, run=RUN_ALL_TEST):
-    """
-    Define the sequence of step that will be play
-    """
-    if not run: return
-    sequence_list = SequenceList()
-    # define the sequence
-    sequence_string = 'Tic CheckObjects Tic CheckInitialInventory ' \
-                    + 'CreateAccountIncident ' \
-                    + 'PlanAccountIncident Tic ' \
-                    + 'OrderAccountIncident Tic ' \
-                    + 'CreateIncomingLine CheckSubTotal ' \
-                    + 'CreateOutgoingLine Tic ' \
-                    + 'TryDeliverAccountIncidentWithTwoDifferentLines DelOutgoingLine Tic ' \
-                    + 'TryDeliverAccountIncidentWithBadPrice ' \
-                    + 'TryDeliverAccountIncidentWithNoResource ' \
-                    + 'Tic CheckTotal ' \
-                    + 'DeliverAccountIncident Tic ' \
-                    + 'CheckFinalInventory ' \
-                      'CleanupObjects'
-    sequence_string_2 = 'Tic CheckObjects Tic CheckInitialForeignCurrencyInventory ' \
-                        'CreateForeignCurrencyAccountIncident ' \
-                        'CreateForeignIncomingLine CheckForeignSubTotal ' \
-                        'ConfirmForeignAccountIncident Tic ' \
-                        'DeliverAccountIncident Tic ' \
-                        'CheckFinalForeignCurrencyInventory ' \
-                        'CleanupObjects'
-    sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string)
-    #sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string_2)
-    # play the sequence
-    sequence_list.play(self)
-# define how we launch the unit test
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  framework()
-  import unittest
-  def test_suite():
-    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestERP5BankingAccountIncident))
-    return suite
diff --git a/product/ERP5Banking/tests/testERP5BankingIncident.py b/product/ERP5Banking/tests/testERP5BankingIncident.py
deleted file mode 100755
index aa8f6a3943e9ad59997cbff6bae5e2800b56e46a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/product/ERP5Banking/tests/testERP5BankingIncident.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
-#                    Aurelien Calonne <aurel@nexedi.com>
-# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
-# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
-# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
-# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
-# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
-# Service Company
-# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# import requested python module
-import os
-from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
-from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList
-from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import Unauthorized, ValidationFailed
-from Testing.ZopeTestCase.PortalTestCase import PortalTestCase
-from Products.ERP5Banking.tests.TestERP5BankingMixin import TestERP5BankingMixin
-# Needed in order to have a log file inside the current folder
-os.environ['EVENT_LOG_FILE']     = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'zLOG.log')
-# Define the level of log we want, here is all
-os.environ['EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY'] = '-300'
-# Define how to launch the script if we don't use runUnitTest script
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py'))
-class TestERP5BankingIncident(TestERP5BankingMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase):
-  """
-    This class is a unit test to check the module of Incident
-  """
-  login = PortalTestCase.login
-  RUN_ALL_TEST = 1 # we want to run all test
-  QUIET = 0 # we don't want the test to be quiet
-  def getTitle(self):
-    """
-      Return the title of the test
-    """
-    return "ERP5BankingIncident"
-  def getIncidentModule(self):
-    """
-    Return the Cash Transer Module
-    """
-    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'incident_module', None)
-  def afterSetUp(self):
-    """
-      Method called before the launch of the test to initialize some data
-    """
-    self.initDefaultVariable()
-    self.incident_module = self.getIncidentModule()
-    self.createManagerAndLogin()
-    self.createFunctionGroupSiteCategory(site_list=['paris'])
-    # create resources
-    self.createBanknotesAndCoins()
-    self.vault = self.paris.surface.banque_interne
-    self.incoming_vault = self.paris.surface.banque_interne.guichet_1.encaisse_des_billets_et_monnaies.entrante
-    self.outgoing_vault = self.paris.surface.banque_interne.guichet_1.encaisse_des_billets_et_monnaies.sortante
-    self.checkUserFolderType()
-    self.organisation = self.organisation_module.newContent(id='baobab_org', portal_type='Organisation',
-                          function='banking', group='baobab',  site='testsite/paris')
-    # define the user
-    user_dict = {
-        'super_user' : [['Manager'], self.organisation, 'banking/comptable', 'baobab', 'testsite/paris/surface/banque_interne/guichet_1']
-      }
-    self.createERP5Users(user_dict)
-    self.logout()
-    self.login('super_user')
-    # open counter date
-    self.openCounterDate(site=self.paris)
-    self.openCounter(site=self.vault)
-  def stepDeleteIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Set the debit required
-    """
-    self.incident_module.manage_delObjects(['incident_1',])
-  def stepDelOutgoingLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Delete the invalid cash transfer line previously create
-    """
-    self.incident.deleteContent('valid_line_2')
-  def stepDelIncomingLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Delete the invalid cash transfer line previously create
-    """
-    self.incident.deleteContent('valid_line_1')
-  def stepCheckObjects(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check that all the objects we created in afterSetUp or
-    that were added by the business template and that we rely
-    on are really here.
-    """
-    self.checkResourceCreated()
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident_module.getPortalType(), 'Incident Module')
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.incident_module.objectValues()), 0)
-  def stepCheckInitialInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the initial inventory before any operations
-    """
-    self.simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool()
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-  def stepCreateIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Create a cash transfer document and check it
-    """
-    self.incident = self.incident_module.newContent(
-                                        id='incident_1', 
-                                        portal_type='Incident', 
-                                        description='test',
-                                        incident_type = "cash sorting incident",
-                                        resource_value=self.currency_1,
-                                        source_total_asset_price=52400.0,)
-    self.stepTic()
-    # Check it
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.incident_module.objectValues()), 1)
-    self.setDocumentSourceReference(self.incident)
-    self.assertNotEqual(self.incident.getSourceReference(), '')
-    self.assertNotEqual(self.incident.getSourceReference(), None)
-    self.incident = getattr(self.incident_module, 'incident_1')
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getPortalType(), 'Incident')
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getSource(), None)
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getDestination(), None)
-  def stepCreateIncomingLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Create the cash transfer line 1 with banknotes of 10000 and check it has been well created
-    """
-    self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.incident, 'valid_line_1', 'Incoming Incident Line', self.billet_10000,
-            ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/p', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
-            self.quantity_10000)
-    self.stepTic()
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.incident.objectValues()), 1)
-    self.valid_line_1 = getattr(self.incident, 'valid_line_1')
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPortalType(), 'Incoming Incident Line')
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getResourceValue(), self.billet_10000)
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPrice(), 10000.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getQuantityUnit(), 'unit')
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_1.objectValues()), 2)
-    for variation in self.variation_list:
-      cell = self.valid_line_1.getCell('emission_letter/p', variation, 'cash_status/valid')
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Cell')
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getBaobabSourceValue(), None)
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getBaobabDestination(), None)
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getResourceValue(), self.billet_10000)
-      if cell.getId() == 'movement_0_0_0':
-        self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 2.0)
-      elif cell.getId() == 'movement_0_1_0':
-        self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 3.0)
-      else:
-        self.fail('Wrong cell created : %s' % cell.getId())
-  def stepCheckSubTotal(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the amount after the creation of cash transfer line 1
-    """
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.incident.objectValues()), 1)
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getTotalQuantity(), 5.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getTotalPrice(), 10000 * 5.0)
-  def stepCreateOutgoingLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Create the cash transfer line 2 wiht coins of 200 and check it has been well created
-    """
-    self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.incident, 'valid_line_2', 'Outgoing Incident Line', self.piece_200,
-            ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/p', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
-            self.quantity_200)
-    self.stepTic()
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.incident.objectValues()), 2)
-    self.valid_line_2 = getattr(self.incident, 'valid_line_2')
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getPortalType(), 'Outgoing Incident Line')
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getResourceValue(), self.piece_200)
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getPrice(), 200.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getQuantityUnit(), 'unit')
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_2.objectValues()), 2)
-    for variation in self.variation_list:
-      cell = self.valid_line_2.getCell('emission_letter/p', variation, 'cash_status/valid')
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Cell')
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getBaobabSource(), None)
-      self.assertEqual(cell.getBaobabDestinationValue(), None)
-      if cell.getId() == 'movement_0_0_0':
-        self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 5.0)
-      elif cell.getId() == 'movement_0_1_0':
-        self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 7.0)
-      else:
-        self.fail('Wrong cell created : %s' % cell.getId())
-  def stepTryDeliverIncidentWithTwoDifferentLines(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    """
-    self.incident.setSourceTotalAssetPrice('172400.0')
-    self.assertWorkflowTransitionFails(object=self.incident, transition_id='deliver_action',
-                                       workflow_id='incident_workflow', error_message="You can't have excess and deficit on the same document.")
-    self.stepTic()
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getSimulationState(), 'ordered')
-  def stepTryDeliverIncidentWithBadPrice(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Try to confirm the cash transfer with a bad cash transfer line and
-    check the try of confirm the cash transfer with the invalid line has failed
-    """
-    self.assertWorkflowTransitionFails(object=self.incident, transition_id='deliver_action',
-                                        workflow_id='incident_workflow',
-                                        error_message="Price differs between document and cash detail.")
-    self.stepTic()
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getSimulationState(), 'ordered')
-  def stepCheckTotalIncoming(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the total after the creation of the two cash transfer lines
-    """
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.incident.objectValues()), 1)
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getTotalQuantity(), 5.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getTotalPrice(), 10000 * 5.0)
-  def stepCheckTotalOutgoing(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the total after the creation of the two cash transfer lines
-    """
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.incident.objectValues()), 1)
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getTotalQuantity(), 12.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getTotalPrice(), 200 * 12.0)
-  def stepSetIncomingTotalAssetPrice(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    self.incident.setSourceTotalAssetPrice('50000.0')
-  def stepSetOutgoingTotalAssetPrice(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    self.incident.setSourceTotalAssetPrice('2400.0')
-  def stepPlanIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Confirm the cash transfer and check it
-    """
-    self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.incident, 'plan_action', wf_id='incident_workflow')
-    self.stepTic()
-    state = self.incident.getSimulationState()
-    self.assertEqual(state, 'planned')
-  def stepOrderIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Order the cash transfer and check it
-    """
-    self.incident.setSource(self.vault.getRelativeUrl())
-    self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.incident, 'order_action', wf_id='incident_workflow')
-    self.assertEqual(self.incident.getSimulationState(), 'ordered')
-  def stepConfirmIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Archive the cash transfer with a good user
-    and check that the archive of a cash tranfer have achieved
-    """
-    self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.incident, 'confirm_action', wf_id='incident_workflow')
-    self.stepTic()
-    state = self.incident.getSimulationState()
-    self.assertEqual(state, 'confirmed')
-  def stepDeliverIncident(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Archive the cash transfer with a good user
-    and check that the archive of a cash tranfer have achieved
-    """
-    self.incident.deliver()
-    self.stepTic()
-    state = self.incident.getSimulationState()
-    self.assertEqual(state, 'delivered')
-    # Check we don't have more line than required
-    self.assertEqual(len(self.incident.objectIds()), 1)
-  def stepCheckFinalIncomingInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the final, nothing should have changed
-    """
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-  def stepCheckFinalOutgoingInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the final, nothing should have changed
-    """
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-  def stepCreateOutgoingInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Create an inventory for outgoing lines
-    """
-    inventory_dict_line = {'id' : 'inventory_line',
-                           'resource': self.piece_200,
-                           'variation_id': ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'),
-                           'variation_value': ('emission_letter/p', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
-                           'quantity': self.quantity_200}
-    self.createCashInventory(source=None, destination=self.outgoing_vault, currency=self.currency_1,
-                             line_list=[inventory_dict_line,])
-  def stepCheckOutgoingInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Check the initial inventory before any operations
-    """
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(),
-                                                              resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(),
-                                                             resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(),
-                                                              resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.incoming_vault.getRelativeUrl(),
-                                                             resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(),
-                                                              resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(),
-                                                             resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(),
-                                                              resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 12.0)
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getAvailableInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(),
-                                                             resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 12.0)        
-    self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.outgoing_vault.getRelativeUrl(),
-                                                             resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
-  def stepDeliverIncidentFails(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
-    """
-    Try if we get Insufficient balance
-    """
-    message = self.assertWorkflowTransitionFails(self.incident,
-                                                 'incident_workflow','deliver_action')
-    self.failUnless(message.find('Insufficient balance')>=0)
-  ##################################
-  ##  Tests
-  ##################################
-  def test_01_ERP5BankingIncident(self, quiet=QUIET, run=RUN_ALL_TEST):
-    """
-    Define the sequence of step that will be play
-    """
-    if not run: return
-    sequence_list = SequenceList()
-    # define the sequence with incoming line
-    sequence_string_1 = 'Tic CheckObjects Tic CheckInitialInventory ' \
-                        + 'CreateIncident ' \
-                        + 'PlanIncident Tic ' \
-                        + 'OrderIncident Tic ' \
-                        + 'CreateIncomingLine CheckSubTotal ' \
-                        + 'CreateOutgoingLine ' \
-                        + 'TryDeliverIncidentWithTwoDifferentLines DelOutgoingLine Tic ' \
-                        + 'TryDeliverIncidentWithBadPrice ' \
-                        + 'Tic CheckTotalIncoming ' \
-                        + 'SetIncomingTotalAssetPrice ' \
-                        + 'DeliverIncident ' \
-                        + 'Tic ' \
-                        + 'CheckFinalIncomingInventory '
-    sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string_1)
-    # define the sequence with outgoing line
-    sequence_string_2 = 'Tic DeleteIncident Tic CheckInitialInventory ' \
-                        + 'CreateIncident ' \
-                        + 'PlanIncident Tic ' \
-                        + 'OrderIncident Tic ' \
-                        + 'CreateIncomingLine CheckSubTotal ' \
-                        + 'CreateOutgoingLine ' \
-                        + 'TryDeliverIncidentWithTwoDifferentLines DelIncomingLine Tic ' \
-                        + 'TryDeliverIncidentWithBadPrice ' \
-                        + 'Tic CheckTotalOutgoing ' \
-                        + 'SetOutgoingTotalAssetPrice ' \
-                        + 'DeliverIncidentFails Tic ' \
-                        + 'CreateOutgoingInventory Tic CheckOutgoingInventory ' \
-                        + 'DeliverIncident ' \
-                        + 'Tic ' \
-                        + 'CheckFinalOutgoingInventory '
-    sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string_2)
-    # play the sequence
-    sequence_list.play(self)
-# define how we launch the unit test
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  framework()
-  import unittest
-  def test_suite():
-    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestERP5BankingIncident))
-    return suite