extends =

parts =

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = zc.buildout
suffix =
scripts =
arguments = sys.argv[1:] + ["bootstrap"]
python = python2.7

recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
shared = true
package_version = 2.7.18
package_version_suffix =
md5sum = fd6cc8ec0a78c44036f825e739f36e5a

# This is actually the default setting for prefix, but we can't use it in
# other settings in this part if we don't set it explicitly here.
prefix = @@LOCATION@@
version = 2.7
executable = ${:prefix}/bin/python${:version}

patch-options = -p1
patches =
url =
configure-options =
# Profiled build:
make-binary =
make-targets = make profile-opt && make install
# Mangle shebang to use installed Python. This is not only a convenience:
# when building system packages (e.g. re6st-node using OBS), some OS like
# recent RedHat would otherwise mangle them, either failing ('python' is
# ambiguous and 'python2' is not supported anymore) or replacing with
# something that's really wrong (/usr/bin/python...).
post-install = cd '${:prefix}' &&
  find -executable -type f -print0 |
  xargs -0 grep -I -m 1 '' |
  sed -n 's,:#! */usr/bin/env \+python2\?$,,p' |
  xargs -d '\n' sed -i '1s,.*,#!${:executable},'

# the entry "-Wl,-rpath=${file:location}/lib" below is needed by python-magic,
# which would otherwise load the system libmagic.so with ctypes
environment =
  CPPFLAGS=-I${zlib:location}/include -I${readline:location}/include -I${libexpat:location}/include -I${libffi:location}/include -I${ncurses:location}/include -I${ncurses:location}/include -I${bzip2:location}/include  -I${gdbm:location}/include -I${openssl:location}/include -I${sqlite3:location}/include -I${gettext:location}/include
  LDFLAGS=-L${zlib:location}/lib -L${readline:location}/lib -L${libexpat:location}/lib -L${libffi:location}/lib -L${ncurses:location}/lib -L${bzip2:location}/lib -L${gdbm:location}/lib -L${openssl:location}/lib -L${sqlite3:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${zlib:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${readline:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${libexpat:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${libffi:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${ncurses:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${bzip2:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${gdbm:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${openssl:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${sqlite3:location}/lib -L${gettext:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${gettext:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${file:location}/lib