diff --git a/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_accounting/PaySheetTransaction_print.pt b/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_accounting/PaySheetTransaction_print.pt deleted file mode 100755 index 73cc35b5166f5c23ad91be8c1abd7428e54b77c5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_accounting/PaySheetTransaction_print.pt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,233 +0,0 @@ -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> - -<html tal:define="employee python: here.restrictedTraverse(here.getDestinationSectionRelativeUrl()); - employer python: here.restrictedTraverse(here.getSourceSectionRelativeUrl()); - paysheet_details python: here.PaySheetTransaction_getDetails(); - paysheet_categories python: paysheet_details['paysheet_categories']; - urssaf python: here.restrictedTraverse(employer.getDestinationSection()); - start_date python: here.getStartDate()"> - <head> - <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"> - <title tal:content="python: here.getTitleOrId()"/> - <style type="text/css">@import "PaySheet.css";</style> - </head> - - <body> - - <div class="page"> - - <div class="logotitle"> - <table width="100%"> - <tr> - <td><img src="logo.png"></td> - <td><h1>FEUILLE DE SALAIRE</h1></td> - </tr> - </table> - </div> - - <div class="left" tal:condition="python: employer not in (None, '') and employer.getPortalType() == 'Organisation'"> - <div class="details" tal:define="employer_group python: employer.getGroup()"> - <p> - <span class="name" tal:content="python: employer.getCorporateName()"/><br/> - <span id="sub" tal:content="python: employer.getDefaultAddress().getStreetAddress()"/><br/> - <span id="sub" tal:content="python: employer.getDefaultAddress().getZipCode() + ' ' + employer.getDefaultAddress().getCity()"/><br/> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Etablissement : %s' % employer_group" tal:condition="python: employer_group != None"/><span tal:replace="python: 'Etablissement : Etablissement principal'" tal:condition="python: employer_group == None"/><br/> - <!--span tal:replace="python: 'Tel : %s' % employer.getDefaultTelephone().asText()"/><br/><!--optional--> - <!--span tal:replace="python: 'Fax : %s' % employer.getDefaultFax().asText()"/><br/><!--optional--> - <!--span tal:replace="python: 'E-mail : %s' % employer.getDefaultEmail().asText()"/><br/><!--optional--> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Siret : %s' % employer.getGeographicIncorporateCode()"/><br/> - <span tal:replace="python: 'NAF (ex APE) : %s' % employer.getActivityCode()"/><br/> - </p> - <div class="topline"> - <p> - <span tal:replace="python: 'N°URSSAF : %s' % employer.getSocialCode()"/><br/> - <span tal:replace="python:urssaf.getTitle()"/><br/> - <span id="sub" tal:content="python:urssaf.getDefaultAddress().getStreetAddress()"/><br/> - <span id="sub" tal:content="python:urssaf.getDefaultAddress().getZipCode() + ' ' + urssaf.getDefaultAddress().getCity()"/><br/> - </p> - </div> - <div class="topline"> - <p> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Convention collective de branche : %s' % employee.getDefaultCollectiveAgreementTitle()"/><br/> - </p> - </div> - </div> - </div> - - <div class="right" tal:condition="python: employee not in (None, '') and employee.getPortalType() == 'Person'"> - <div class="details"> - <p> - <span class="name" tal:content="python: employee.getTitle()"/><br/> - <span id="sub" tal:content="python:employee.getDefaultAddress().getStreetAddress()"/><br/> - <span id="sub" tal:content="python:employee.getDefaultAddress().getZipCode() + ' ' + employee.getDefaultAddress().getCity()"/><br/> - <!--span tal:replace="python: 'Tel : %s' % employee.getDefaultTelephone().asText()"/><br/><!--optional--> - <!--span tal:replace="python: 'Fax : %s' % employee.getDefaultFax().asText()"/><br/><!--optional--> - <!--span tal:replace="python: 'E-mail : %s' % employee.getDefaultEmail().asText()"/><br/><!--optional--> - <span tal:replace="python: 'N°Secu.Soc. : %s' % employee.getSocialCode()"/><br/> - </p> - <div class="topline"> - <p> - <!--span tal:replace="python: 'Matricule : %s' % employee.getId()"/><br/><!--optional--> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Emploi : %s' % employee.getDefaultCareerTitle()"/><br/> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Qualification : %s' % employee.getCareerGrade().split('/')[-1:][0]"/><br/> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Echelon : %s' % employee.getDefaultCareerSalaryLevel()"/><br/> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Coefficient : %s' % employee.getDefaultCareerSalaryCoefficient()"/><br/> - </p> - </div> - <div class="topline"> - <p> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Periode : du %s au %s' % (start_date, here.getStopDate())"/><br/> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Date de paiement : %s' % here.getTargetStopDate()"/><br/> - <!--span>Type de paiement: ???</span><br/><!--optional--> - </p> - </div> - </div> - </div> - - <div class="spacer"> </div> - - <br/> - <br/> - - <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" class="data"> - <tr class="header"> - <td class="text">Nature</td> - <td class="text">Assiette</td> - <td class="number">Montant</td> - <td class="number">Taux part patronale</td> - <td class="number">Part patronale</td> - <td class="number">Taux part salariale</td> - <td class="number">Part salariale</td> - </tr> - <tr class="subtotal"> - <td class="text">Salaire brut</td> - <td class="text"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % paysheet_details['gross_salary']" condition="python: paysheet_details['gross_salary'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - </tr> - <tal:block condition="python: paysheet_categories.has_key('no_cat')"> - <tal:block define="no_cat_lines python: paysheet_categories['no_cat']['lines']"> - <tr tal:repeat="line no_cat_lines"> - <td class="text" id="sub"><tal:block content="python: line['title']"/></td> - <td class="text"><tal:block content="python: line['base_name']"/></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % line['base']" condition="python: line['base'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.3f %%' % line['employer_share_rate']" condition="python: line['employer_share_rate'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % line['employer_share']" condition="python: line['employer_share'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.3f %%' % line['employee_share_rate']" condition="python: line['employee_share_rate'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % line['employee_share']" condition="python: line['employee_share'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - </tr> - </tal:block> - </tal:block> - <tal:block repeat="category paysheet_categories"> - <tr class="category"> - <td class="text"><tal:block content="python: paysheet_categories[category]['title']"/></td> - <td class="text"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - </tr> - <tal:block define="paysheet_lines python: paysheet_categories[category]['lines']"> - <tr tal:repeat="line paysheet_lines"> - <td class="text" id="sub"><tal:block content="python: line['title']"/></td> - <td class="text"><tal:block content="python: line['base_name']"/></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % line['base']" condition="python: line['base'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.3f %%' % line['employer_share_rate']" condition="python: line['employer_share_rate'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % line['employer_share']" condition="python: line['employer_share'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.3f %%' % line['employee_share_rate']" condition="python: line['employee_share_rate'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % line['employee_share']" condition="python: line['employee_share'] not in (None, '')"> </tal:block></td> - </tr> - </tal:block> - </tal:block> - <tr class="subtotal"> - <td class="text">Total des cotisations</td> - <td class="text"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '-%.2f' % paysheet_details['total_employer_share']" condition="python: paysheet_details['total_employer_share'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '-%.2f' % paysheet_details['total_employee_share']" condition="python: paysheet_details['total_employee_share'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - </tr> - <tr class="total"> - <td class="text">Salaire Net</td> - <td class="text"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % paysheet_details['net_salary']" condition="python: paysheet_details['net_salary'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - </tr> - <tal:block repeat="category paysheet_categories"> - <tal:block define="paysheet_lines python: paysheet_categories[category]['lines']"> - <tal:block repeat="line paysheet_lines"> - <tr tal:condition="python: line.has_key('taxable') and line['taxable']=='yes'"> - <td class="text"><tal:block content="python: line['title']"/></td> - <td class="text"><tal:block content="python: line['base_name']"/></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % line['base']" condition="python: line['base'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.3f %%' % line['employee_share_rate']" condition="python: line['employee_share_rate'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '+%.2f' % abs(float(line['employee_share']))" condition="python: line['employee_share'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - </tr> - </tal:block> - </tal:block> - </tal:block> - <tr class="total"> - <td class="text">Salaire Net Imposable</td> - <td class="text"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"> </td> - <td class="number"><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % paysheet_details['taxable_net_salary']" condition="python: paysheet_details['taxable_net_salary'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - </tr> - </table> - - <br/> - <br/> - - <div class="left"> - <table cellspacing="0" class="yearly-sum"> - <caption tal:content="python: 'Cumuls annuels (%s)' % start_date.year()" tal:condition="python: start_date not in ('', None)"/> - <tr class="header"> - <td>Salaire brut</td> - <td>Cotisations salariales</td> - <td>Salaire net</td> - <td>Net imposable</td> - <td>Part patronale</td> - </tr> - <tr class="total"> - <td><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % paysheet_details['yearly_gross_salary']" condition="python: paysheet_details['yearly_gross_salary'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - <td><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % paysheet_details['yearly_employee_share']" condition="python: paysheet_details['yearly_employee_share'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - <td><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % paysheet_details['yearly_net_salary']" condition="python: paysheet_details['yearly_net_salary'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - <td><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % paysheet_details['yearly_taxable_net_salary']" condition="python: paysheet_details['yearly_taxable_net_salary'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - <td><tal:block replace="python: '%.2f' % paysheet_details['yearly_employer_share']" condition="python: paysheet_details['yearly_employer_share'] not in ('', None)"> </tal:block></td> - </tr> - </table> - </div> - - <div class="right"> - <div class="details"> - <p> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Durée des congés payés : ???'"/><br/> - <span tal:replace="python: 'Durée des délais de préavis : ???'"/><br/> - </p> - </div> - </div> - - <div class="spacer"> </div> - - <br/> - <br/> - - <div class="disclaimer"> - Dans votre intérêt et pour vous aider à faire valoir vos droits, conservez ce bulletin de paie sans limitation de durée. - </div> - - </div> - </body> -</html> diff --git a/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_accounting/invoice_transaction_print.pt b/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_accounting/invoice_transaction_print.pt deleted file mode 100755 index 2c533182a5e375adcbdef7e6e44369ddba218c01..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_accounting/invoice_transaction_print.pt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> - -<html> - - <head> - <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"> - <title tal:content="here/getTitle">Nexedi</title> - - </head> - - <body bgcolor="#ffffff" - tal:define="packing_list python:here.getDefaultValue('causality',spec=['Sale Packing List']); - from_organisation python:here.restrictedTraverse('/nexedi/organisation/nexedi'); - client_invoice python:here.getDefaultValue('destination_section',spec=['Organisation', 'Person']); - client_delivery python:here.getDefaultValue('destination_section',spec=['Organisation', 'Person']); - total_price python:here.getDefaultTotalPrice()"> - - - <table width=100%> - <tr> - <td colspan=3><img src="logo.png"></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td align=left tal:content="python: from_organisation.getCorporateName()" colspan="2" /> - <td align=right tal:content="python: 'Invoice Date: %s' % here.getStartDate()"/> - </tr> - <tr> - <td align=left tal:content="python: 'Tel : %s' % from_organisation.getDefaultTelephone().asText()" colspan="2"/> - <td align=right tal:content="python: 'Pay Before: %s' % here.getStopDate()"/> - </tr> - <tr> - <td tal:content="python: from_organisation.getDefaultAddress().getStreetAddress()" colspan="2"/> - <td align=right tal:content="python: 'Invoice N°: ERP5/%s' % here.getId()"/> - </tr> - <tr> - <td tal:content="python: '%s %s' % - (from_organisation.getDefaultAddress().getZipCode(), - from_organisation.getDefaultAddress().getCity())" colspan="3"/> - </tr> - - <tr> - <th colspan=3> - <h2>INVOICE</h2> - </th> - </tr> - - </table> - - <br/> - - <table width=100%> - <tr bgcolor=000000> - <th align=left><font color=ffffff>INVOICE ADDRESS</th> - <th align=left><font color=ffffff>DELIVERY ADDRESS</th> - </tr> - - <tr> - <td align=left tal:content="client_invoice/getCorporateName | client_invoice/getTitle"/> - <td align=left tal:content="client_delivery/getCorporateName | client_delivery/getTitle"/> - </tr> - <tr> - <td align=left tal:content="python: client_invoice.getDefaultAddress().getStreetAddress()"/> - <td align=left tal:content="python: client_delivery.getDefaultAddress().getStreetAddress()"/> - </tr> - <tr> - <td align=left tal:content="python: '%s %s' % - (client_invoice.getDefaultAddress().getZipCode(), - client_invoice.getDefaultAddress().getCity())"/> - <td align=left tal:content="python: '%s %s' % - (client_delivery.getDefaultAddress().getZipCode(), - client_delivery.getDefaultAddress().getCity())"/> - </tr> - </table> - - <br/> - - <table width=100%> - <tr bgcolor=000000> - <th align=left nowrap><font color=ffffff>N°</font></th> - <th align=left nowrap><font color=ffffff>Description</font></th> - <th nowrap><font color=ffffff>Quantity</th> - <th nowrap><font color=ffffff>Unit</font></th> - <th nowrap><font color=ffffff>Unit Price</font></th> - <th nowrap><font color=ffffff>Total Price</font></th> - </tr> - <span tal:define="ordered_lines python:packing_list.contentValues(filter={'meta_type':'ERP5 Delivery Line'})" - tal:repeat="ligne ordered_lines"> - <tr valign=top tal:condition="python:ligne.getQuantity()>0"> - - <td align=left tal:content="python:ligne.getId()"></td> - <!-- <td> </td> --> - <td tal:content="python: ligne.getResourceTitle()"></td> - <td align=right tal:content="python: '%.0f' % ligne.getQuantity()"></td> - <td>n/a</td> - <td align=right tal:content="python: '%.0f' % ligne.getPrice()"></td> - <td align=right tal:content="python: '%.0f' % ligne.getTotalPrice()"></td> - </tr> - </span> - <tr> - <td colspan=6><hr noshade></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <th colspan=4 align=right>Total (<span tal:replace="here/l0/getResourceId"/>)</th> - <td colspan=2 align=right tal:content="here/l1/getSourceCredit"></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <th colspan=4 align=right>TVA 19.6 % (<span tal:replace="here/l0/getResourceId"/>)</th> - <td colspan=2 align=right tal:content="here/l2/getSourceCredit"></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td colspan=3> </td> - <td colspan=3><hr noshade></td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td colspan=3>A régler dans <b>0</b> jours au plus tard. - <br><font size="-3">Conditions de réglement: par chèque, à 0 jours date de la facture. Paiement accepté en euros. - Tout retard de règlement donnera lieu à une pénalité de 1,5% du montant dû par mois. - Réserve de propriété: nous conservons la pleine propriété des marchandises jusqu'au paiement intégral du prix, des taxes et accessoires.</font></td> - - <th colspan=1 align=right nowrap>Somme à régler (<span tal:replace="here/l0/getResourceId"/>)</th> - <th colspan=2 align=right tal:content="here/l0/getSourceDebit"></th> - </tr> - <tr> - <td> </td> - </tr> - </table> - - <table width="100%"> - <tr> - <td><center><h6>RCS Roubaix Tourcoing 440 047 504<br> - Banque: 30027 Guichet: 00039 Compte: 00000013323 RIB: 36<br>IBAN: FR76 3002 7175 3900 0410 2760 135<br> - VAT FR72440047504</h6></center></td> - </tr> - </table> - - - -</body> - -</html> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_html_style/organisation_list.pt b/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_html_style/organisation_list.pt deleted file mode 100755 index 1a13a859782b24b594664cd3f14f951aeff9e2d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_html_style/organisation_list.pt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> -<?xml-stylesheet href="erp5-26_11_01.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"?> - -<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" - xml:lang="en" - xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal" - xmlns:metal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal" - metal:use-macro="here/list_master/macros/master"> - - <head> - <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> - <title tal:content="template/title_or_id">The title</title> - <link href="erp5.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> - </head> - - <body> - <div metal:fill-slot="main"> - <div tal:define="allowed_meta_types python:['ERP5 Organisation']; - list_box_attributes python:['id','Title','Telephone']; - list_box_url_attributes python:['id']; - list_box_function_attributes python:['Title','Telephone']; - list_box_size python:10"> - <div tal:define="list_size python:5" metal:use-macro="here/list_box/macros/list_box">List goes here</div> - </div> - </div> - </body> -</html> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_html_style/organisation_view.pt b/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_html_style/organisation_view.pt deleted file mode 100755 index a476a1fd1264d9dd4d339306384de928a42547bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/product/ERP5/skins/erp5_html_style/organisation_view.pt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" - "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> -<?xml-stylesheet href="erp5.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"?> - -<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" - xml:lang="en" - xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal" - xmlns:metal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal" - metal:use-macro="here/view_master/macros/master"> - - <head> - <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> - <title tal:content="template/title_or_id">The title</title> - <link href="erp5.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> - </head> - - <body><div metal:fill-slot="main"> - <form action="organisation_edit" method="POST" > - <div class="Main"> - <table class="Border" width="100%"> - <tr> - <td>Nom </td> - <td><input type="text" tal:attributes="value here/title" - name="title" value="title of organisation goes here"> </td> - <td>Addresse </td> - <td rowspan="3"><textarea - tal:content="here/default_address/address" wrap="physical" >Address Goes - here</textarea> </td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td>Telephone </td> - <td><input type="text" tal:attributes="value - here/default_telephone/number" name="default_telephone" value="Default Phone - Goes Here"> </td> - <td> </td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - <td>Code Postal </td> - <td><input type="text" name="zip" value="ZIP goes here"> - </td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - <td>Ville </td> - <td><input type="text" tal:attributes="value - here/default_address/city" name="city" value="City goes here"> </td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - <td>Pays </td> - <td><select name="country" > - <option value="fr" >Allemagne</option> - <option value="fr" selected>France</option> - <option value="es">Espagne</option> - </select> </td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - </tr> - <tr> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - <td> </td> - </tr> - </table> - <table class="Border"> - <tr> - <td>Description</td> - <td><textarea tal:content="here/description" - name="description" width="100%">Description goeshere</textarea></td> - </tr> - </table> - - <div tal:define="allowed_meta_types python:['ERP5 Organisation']; - list_box_attributes python:['id','Title','Telephone']; - list_box_url_attributes python:['id']; - list_box_function_attributes python:['Title','Telephone']; - list_box_size python:10"> - <div tal:define="list_size python:5" - metal:use-macro="here/list_box/macros/list_box">List goes here</div> - </div> </div> - </form></div> - </body> -</html>