# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2008 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Aurelien Calonne <aurel@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## import socket from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile, get_request from Products.ERP5Type.Tool.BaseTool import BaseTool from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions from Products.ERP5 import _dtmldir from zLOG import LOG, INFO import time, random, md5 from DateTime import DateTime from Products.ERP5Type.Message import translateString from Acquisition import aq_base from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import PersistentMapping from urllib import urlencode class PasswordTool(BaseTool): """ PasswordTool is used to allow a user to change its password """ title = 'Password Tool' id = 'portal_password' meta_type = 'ERP5 Password Tool' portal_type = 'Password Tool' allowed_types = () # Declarative Security security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_overview' ) manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainPasswordTool', _dtmldir ) _expiration_day = 1 _password_request_dict = {} def __init__(self, id=None): if id is None: id = self.__class__.id self._password_request_dict = PersistentMapping() # XXX no call to BaseTool.__init__ ? # BaseTool.__init__(self, id) security.declareProtected('Manage users', 'getResetPasswordUrl') def getResetPasswordUrl(self, user_login, site_url): # generate expiration date expiration_date = DateTime() + self._expiration_day # generate a random string random_url = self._generateUUID() parameter = urlencode(dict(reset_key=random_url, user_login=user_login)) url = "%s/portal_password/%s?%s" % ( site_url, 'PasswordTool_viewResetPassword', parameter) # XXX before r26093, _password_request_dict was initialized by an OOBTree and # replaced by a dict on each request, so if it's data structure is not up # to date, we update it if needed if not isinstance(self._password_request_dict, PersistentMapping): LOG('ERP5.PasswordTool', INFO, 'Updating password_request_dict to' ' PersistentMapping') self._password_request_dict = PersistentMapping() # register request self._password_request_dict[random_url] = (user_login, expiration_date) return url def mailPasswordResetRequest(self, user_login=None, REQUEST=None): """ Create a random string and expiration date for request """ if REQUEST is None: REQUEST = get_request() if user_login is None: user_login = REQUEST["user_login"] site_url = self.getPortalObject().absolute_url() if REQUEST and 'came_from' in REQUEST: site_url = REQUEST.came_from msg = None # check user exists, and have an email user_list = self.getPortalObject().acl_users.\ erp5_users.getUserByLogin(user_login) if len(user_list) == 0: msg = translateString("User ${user} does not exist.", mapping={'user':user_login}) else: # We use checked_permission to prevent errors when trying to acquire # email from organisation user = user_list[0] email_value = user.getDefaultEmailValue( checked_permission='Access content information') if email_value is None or not email_value.asText(): msg = translateString( "User ${user} does not have an email address, please contact site " "administrator directly", mapping={'user':user_login}) if msg: if REQUEST is not None: parameter = urlencode(dict(portal_status_message=msg)) ret_url = '%s/login_form?%s' % \ (site_url, parameter) return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url ) return msg # generate a random string random_url = self._generateUUID() parameter = urlencode(dict(reset_key=random_url)) url = "%s/portal_password/%s?%s" % ( site_url, 'PasswordTool_viewResetPassword', parameter) # generate expiration date expiration_date = DateTime() + self._expiration_day # XXX before r26093, _password_request_dict was initialized by an OOBTree and # replaced by a dict on each request, so if it's data structure is not up # to date, we update it if needed if not isinstance(self._password_request_dict, PersistentMapping): LOG('ERP5.PasswordTool', INFO, 'Updating password_request_dict to' ' PersistentMapping') self._password_request_dict = PersistentMapping() # register request self._password_request_dict[random_url] = (user_login, expiration_date) # send mail subject = translateString("[${instance_name}] Reset of your password", mapping={'instance_name': self.getPortalObject().getTitle()}) subject = subject.translate() message = translateString("\nYou requested to reset your ${instance_name}"\ " account password.\n\n" \ "Please copy and paste the following link into your browser: \n"\ "${reset_password_link}\n\n" \ "Please note that this link will be valid only one time, until "\ "${expiration_date}.\n" \ "After this date, or after having used this link, you will have to make " \ "a new request\n\n" \ "Thank you", mapping={'instance_name':self.getPortalObject().getTitle(), 'reset_password_link':url, 'expiration_date':expiration_date}) message = message.translate() self.getPortalObject().portal_notifications.sendMessage(sender=None, recipient=[user,], subject=subject, message=message) if REQUEST is not None: msg = translateString("An email has been sent to you.") parameter = urlencode(dict(portal_status_message=msg)) ret_url = '%s/login_form?%s' % (site_url, parameter) return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url ) def _generateUUID(self, args=""): """ Generate a unique id that will be used as url for password """ # this code is based on # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/213761 # by Carl Free Jr # as uuid module is only available in pyhton 2.5 t = long( time.time() * 1000 ) r = long( random.random()*100000000000000000L ) try: a = socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname() ) except: # if we can't get a network address, just imagine one a = random.random()*100000000000000000L data = ' '.join((str(t), str(r), str(a), str(args))) data = md5.md5(data).hexdigest() return data def resetPassword(self, reset_key=None, REQUEST=None): """ """ if REQUEST is None: REQUEST = get_request() user_login, expiration_date = self._password_request_dict.get(reset_key, (None, None)) site_url = self.getPortalObject().absolute_url() if REQUEST and 'came_from' in REQUEST: site_url = REQUEST.came_from if reset_key is None or user_login is None: ret_url = '%s/login_form' % site_url return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url ) # check date current_date = DateTime() if current_date > expiration_date: msg = translateString("Date has expire.") parameter = urlencode(dict(portal_status_message=msg)) ret_url = '%s/login_form?%s' % (site_url, parameter) return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url ) # redirect to form as all is ok REQUEST.set("password_key", reset_key) return self.reset_password_form(REQUEST=REQUEST) def removeExpiredRequests(self, **kw): """ Browse dict and remove expired request """ current_date = DateTime() for key, (login, date) in self._password_request_dict.items(): if date < current_date: self._password_request_dict.pop(key) def changeUserPassword(self, user_login, password, password_confirmation, password_key, REQUEST=None): """ Reset the password for a given login """ # check the key register_user_login, expiration_date = self._password_request_dict.get( password_key, (None, None)) current_date = DateTime() msg = None if REQUEST is None: REQUEST = get_request() site_url = self.getPortalObject().absolute_url() if REQUEST and 'came_from' in REQUEST: site_url = REQUEST.came_from if self.getWebSiteValue(): site_url = self.getWebSiteValue().absolute_url() if register_user_login is None: msg = "Key not known. Please ask reset password." elif register_user_login != user_login: msg = translateString("Bad login provided.") elif current_date > expiration_date: msg = translateString("Date has expire.") elif not password: msg = translateString("Password must be entered.") elif password != password_confirmation: msg = translateString("Passwords do not match.") if msg is not None: if REQUEST is not None: parameter = urlencode(dict(portal_status_message=msg)) ret_url = '%s/login_form?%s' % (site_url, parameter) return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url ) else: return msg # all is OK, change password and remove it from request dict self._password_request_dict.pop(password_key) persons = self.getPortalObject().acl_users.erp5_users.getUserByLogin(user_login) person = persons[0] person._forceSetPassword(password) person.reindexObject() if REQUEST is not None: msg = translateString("Password changed.") parameter = urlencode(dict(portal_status_message=msg)) ret_url = '%s/login_form?%s' % (site_url, parameter) return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url ) InitializeClass(PasswordTool)