Commit 1e09fe28 authored by Thomas Lechauve's avatar Thomas Lechauve

Reorganizing slapos library in order to use grunt

parent 4371fbea
# jQuery Slapos
API to use all your slapos stuff on a web application
## Getting Started
### Requirements
1. [NodeJs]( is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications.
* [How to install NodeJs](
2. [npm]( is a package manager for node. _Comes with nodejs._
3. [Grunt]( a task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects.
* [How to install Grunt](
## Documentation
_(Coming soon)_
## Examples
_(Coming soon)_
## Contributing
_please don't edit files in the "dist" subdirectory as they are generated via grunt. You'll find source code in the "src" subdirectory!_
## Release History
_(Nothing yet)_
## License
Copyright (c) 2012 NEXEDI
Licensed under the MIT, GPL licenses.
/*! jQuery Slapos - v0.1.0 - 2012-05-11
* Copyright (c) 2012 Nexedi; Licensed */
(function ($) {
"use strict";
var methods = {
init: function (options) {
var settings = $.extend({
'host': '',
'access_token': '',
'clientID': ''
}, options);
return this.each(function () {
var setting; = Modernizr.localstorage ? methods.lStore : methods.cStore;
for (setting in settings) {
if (settings.hasOwnProperty(setting)) {
$(this).slapos('store', setting, settings[setting]);
/* Getters & Setters shortcuts */
access_token: function (value) {
return $(this).slapos('store', 'access_token', value);
host: function (value) {
return $(this).slapos('store', 'host', value);
clientID: function (value) {
return $(this).slapos('store', 'clientID', value);
/* Local storage method */
lStore: function (name, value) {
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
return value === undefined ? window.localStorage[name] : window.localStorage[name] = value;
return false;
/* Cookie storage method */
cStore: function (name, value) {
if (value !== undefined) {
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";domain=" + window.location.hostname + ";path=" + window.location.pathname;
} else {
var i, x, y, cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (i = 0; i < cookies.length; i += 1) {
x = cookies[i].substr(0, cookies[i].indexOf('='));
y = cookies[i].substr(cookies[i].indexOf('=') + 1);
x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (x === name) {
return unescape(y);
statusDefault: function () {
return {
0: function () { console.error("status error code: 0"); },
404: function () { console.error("status error code: Not Found !"); }
request: function (type, url, callback, statusCode, data) {
data = data || '';
statusCode = statusCode || this.statusDefault;
return this.each(function () {
url: $(this).slapos('host') + url,
type: type,
contentType: 'application/octet-stream',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
dataType: 'json',
context: $(this),
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
if ($(this).slapos("access_token")) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", $(this).slapos("store", "token_type") + " " + $(this).slapos("access_token"));
xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
statusCode: statusCode,
success: callback
newInstance: function (data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/request', callback, statusEvent, data);
deleteInstance: function (id, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'DELETE', '/instance/' + id, callback, statusEvent);
getInstance: function (id, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/instance/' + id, callback, statusEvent);
getInstanceCert: function (id, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/instance/' + id + '/certificate', callback, statusEvent);
bangInstance: function (id, log, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/instance/' + id + '/bang', callback, statusEvent, log);
editInstance: function (id, data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'PUT', '/instance/' + id, callback, statusEvent, data);
newComputer: function (data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer', callback, statusEvent, data);
getComputer: function (id, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/computer/' + id, callback, statusEvent);
editComputer: function (id, data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'PUT', '/computer/' + id, callback, statusEvent, data);
newSoftware: function (computerId, data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/' + computerId + '/supply', callback, statusEvent, data);
bangComputer: function (id, log, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/' + id + '/bang', callback, statusEvent, log);
computerReport: function (id, data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/' + id + '/report', callback, statusEvent, data);
$.fn.slapos = function (method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.slapos');
/*! jQuery Slapos - v0.1.0 - 2012-05-11
* Copyright (c) 2012 Nexedi; Licensed */
(function(a){"use strict";var b={init:function(c){var d=a.extend({host:"",access_token:"",clientID:""},c);return this.each(function(){var c;;for(c in d)d.hasOwnProperty(c)&&a(this).slapos("store",c,d[c])})},access_token:function(b){return a(this).slapos("store","access_token",b)},host:function(b){return a(this).slapos("store","host",b)},clientID:function(b){return a(this).slapos("store","clientID",b)},lStore:function(a,b){return Modernizr.localstorage?b===undefined?window.localStorage[a]:window.localStorage[a]=b:!1},cStore:function(a,b){if(b!==undefined)document.cookie=a+"="+b+";domain="+window.location.hostname+";path="+window.location.pathname;else{var c,d,e,f=document.cookie.split(";");for(c=0;c<f.length;c+=1){d=f[c].substr(0,f[c].indexOf("=")),e=f[c].substr(f[c].indexOf("=")+1),d=d.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");if(d===a)return unescape(e)}}},statusDefault:function(){return{0:function(){console.error("status error code: 0")},404:function(){console.error("status error code: Not Found !")}}},request:function(b,c,d,e,f){return f=f||"",e=e||this.statusDefault,this.each(function(){a.ajax({url:a(this).slapos("host")+c,type:b,contentType:"application/octet-stream",data:JSON.stringify(f),dataType:"json",context:a(this),beforeSend:function(b){a(this).slapos("access_token")&&(b.setRequestHeader("Authorization",a(this).slapos("store","token_type")+" "+a(this).slapos("access_token")),b.setRequestHeader("Accept","application/json"))},statusCode:e,success:d})})},newInstance:function(b,c,d){return a(this).slapos("request","POST","/request",c,d,b)},deleteInstance:function(b,c,d){return a(this).slapos("request","DELETE","/instance/"+b,c,d)},getInstance:function(b,c,d){return a(this).slapos("request","GET","/instance/"+b,c,d)},getInstanceCert:function(b,c,d){return a(this).slapos("request","GET","/instance/"+b+"/certificate",c,d)},bangInstance:function(b,c,d,e){return a(this).slapos("request","POST","/instance/"+b+"/bang",d,e,c)},editInstance:function(b,c,d,e){return a(this).slapos("request","PUT","/instance/"+b,d,e,c)},newComputer:function(b,c,d){return a(this).slapos("request","POST","/computer",c,d,b)},getComputer:function(b,c,d){return a(this).slapos("request","GET","/computer/"+b,c,d)},editComputer:function(b,c,d,e){return a(this).slapos("request","PUT","/computer/"+b,d,e,c)},newSoftware:function(b,c,d,e){return a(this).slapos("request","POST","/computer/"+b+"/supply",d,e,c)},bangComputer:function(b,c,d,e){return a(this).slapos("request","POST","/computer/"+b+"/bang",d,e,c)},computerReport:function(b,c,d,e){return a(this).slapos("request","POST","/computer/"+b+"/report",d,e,c)}};a.fn.slapos=function(c){if(b[c])return b[c].apply(this,,1));if(typeof c=="object"||!c)return b.init.apply(this,arguments);a.error("Method "+c+" does not exist on jQuery.slapos")}})(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
/*global module:false*/
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkg: '<json:package.json>',
meta: {
banner: '/*! <%= pkg.title || %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - ' +
'<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' +
'<%= pkg.homepage ? "* " + pkg.homepage + "\n" : "" %>' +
'* Copyright (c) <%="yyyy") %> Nexedi;' +
' Licensed <%= _.pluck(pkg.licenses, "type").join(", ") %> */'
concat: {
dist: {
src: ['<banner:meta.banner>', '<file_strip_banner:src/<%= %>.js>'],
dest: 'dist/<%= %>.js'
min: {
dist: {
src: ['<banner:meta.banner>', '<config:concat.dist.dest>'],
dest: 'dist/<%= %>.min.js'
qunit: {
files: ['test/**/*.html']
lint: {
files: ['grunt.js', 'src/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js']
watch: {
files: '<config:lint.files>',
tasks: 'lint qunit'
jshint: {
options: {
curly: true,
eqeqeq: true,
immed: true,
latedef: true,
newcap: true,
noarg: true,
sub: true,
undef: true,
boss: true,
eqnull: true,
browser: true
globals: {
jQuery: true,
Modernizr: true,
console: true,
unescape: true,
// Needed to avoid "not defined error" with sinonJs
sinon: true,
module: true,
test: true,
ok: true,
expect: true,
stop: true,
start: true,
equal: true
uglify: {}
// Default task.
grunt.registerTask('default', 'lint qunit concat min');
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
* Modernizr v2.5.3
* Copyright (c) Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton
* Available under the BSD and MIT licenses:
* Modernizr tests which native CSS3 and HTML5 features are available in
* the current UA and makes the results available to you in two ways:
* as properties on a global Modernizr object, and as classes on the
* <html> element. This information allows you to progressively enhance
* your pages with a granular level of control over the experience.
* Modernizr has an optional (not included) conditional resource loader
* called Modernizr.load(), based on Yepnope.js (
* To get a build that includes Modernizr.load(), as well as choosing
* which tests to include, go to
* Authors Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton
* Contributors Ryan Seddon, Ben Alman
window.Modernizr = (function( window, document, undefined ) {
var version = '2.5.3',
Modernizr = {},
// option for enabling the HTML classes to be added
enableClasses = true,
docElement = document.documentElement,
* Create our "modernizr" element that we do most feature tests on.
mod = 'modernizr',
modElem = document.createElement(mod),
mStyle =,
* Create the input element for various Web Forms feature tests.
inputElem = document.createElement('input'),
smile = ':)',
toString = {}.toString,
// List of property values to set for css tests. See ticket #21
prefixes = ' -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- '.split(' '),
// Following spec is to expose vendor-specific style properties as:
// and the following would be incorrect:
// Webkit ghosts their properties in lowercase but Opera & Moz do not.
// Microsoft uses a lowercase `ms` instead of the correct `Ms` in IE8+
// More here:
omPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms',
cssomPrefixes = omPrefixes.split(' '),
domPrefixes = omPrefixes.toLowerCase().split(' '),
ns = {'svg': ''},
tests = {},
inputs = {},
attrs = {},
classes = [],
slice = classes.slice,
featureName, // used in testing loop
// Inject element with style element and some CSS rules
injectElementWithStyles = function( rule, callback, nodes, testnames ) {
var style, ret, node,
div = document.createElement('div'),
// After page load injecting a fake body doesn't work so check if body exists
body = document.body,
// IE6 and 7 won't return offsetWidth or offsetHeight unless it's in the body element, so we fake it.
fakeBody = body ? body : document.createElement('body');
if ( parseInt(nodes, 10) ) {
// In order not to give false positives we create a node for each test
// This also allows the method to scale for unspecified uses
while ( nodes-- ) {
node = document.createElement('div'); = testnames ? testnames[nodes] : mod + (nodes + 1);
// <style> elements in IE6-9 are considered 'NoScope' elements and therefore will be removed
// when injected with innerHTML. To get around this you need to prepend the 'NoScope' element
// with a 'scoped' element, in our case the soft-hyphen entity as it won't mess with our measurements.
// Documents served as xml will throw if using &shy; so use xml friendly encoded version. See issue #277
style = ['&#173;','<style>', rule, '</style>'].join(''); = mod;
// IE6 will false positive on some tests due to the style element inside the test div somehow interfering offsetHeight, so insert it into body or fakebody.
// Opera will act all quirky when injecting elements in documentElement when page is served as xml, needs fakebody too. #270
fakeBody.innerHTML += style;
//avoid crashing IE8, if background image is used = "";
ret = callback(div, rule);
// If this is done after page load we don't want to remove the body so check if body exists
!body ? fakeBody.parentNode.removeChild(fakeBody) : div.parentNode.removeChild(div);
return !!ret;
// adapted from matchMedia polyfill
// by Scott Jehl and Paul Irish
testMediaQuery = function( mq ) {
var matchMedia = window.matchMedia || window.msMatchMedia;
if ( matchMedia ) {
return matchMedia(mq).matches;
var bool;
injectElementWithStyles('@media ' + mq + ' { #' + mod + ' { position: absolute; } }', function( node ) {
bool = (window.getComputedStyle ?
getComputedStyle(node, null) :
node.currentStyle)['position'] == 'absolute';
return bool;
* isEventSupported determines if a given element supports the given event
* function from
isEventSupported = (function() {
var TAGNAMES = {
'select': 'input', 'change': 'input',
'submit': 'form', 'reset': 'form',
'error': 'img', 'load': 'img', 'abort': 'img'
function isEventSupported( eventName, element ) {
element = element || document.createElement(TAGNAMES[eventName] || 'div');
eventName = 'on' + eventName;
// When using `setAttribute`, IE skips "unload", WebKit skips "unload" and "resize", whereas `in` "catches" those
var isSupported = eventName in element;
if ( !isSupported ) {
// If it has no `setAttribute` (i.e. doesn't implement Node interface), try generic element
if ( !element.setAttribute ) {
element = document.createElement('div');
if ( element.setAttribute && element.removeAttribute ) {
element.setAttribute(eventName, '');
isSupported = is(element[eventName], 'function');
// If property was created, "remove it" (by setting value to `undefined`)
if ( !is(element[eventName], 'undefined') ) {
element[eventName] = undefined;
element = null;
return isSupported;
return isEventSupported;
// hasOwnProperty shim by kangax needed for Safari 2.0 support
var _hasOwnProperty = ({}).hasOwnProperty, hasOwnProperty;
if ( !is(_hasOwnProperty, 'undefined') && !is(, 'undefined') ) {
hasOwnProperty = function (object, property) {
return, property);
else {
hasOwnProperty = function (object, property) { /* yes, this can give false positives/negatives, but most of the time we don't care about those */
return ((property in object) && is(object.constructor.prototype[property], 'undefined'));
// Taken from ES5-shim
// ES-5
if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
Function.prototype.bind = function bind(that) {
var target = this;
if (typeof target != "function") {
throw new TypeError();
var args =, 1),
bound = function () {
if (this instanceof bound) {
var F = function(){};
F.prototype = target.prototype;
var self = new F;
var result = target.apply(
if (Object(result) === result) {
return result;
return self;
} else {
return target.apply(
return bound;
* setCss applies given styles to the Modernizr DOM node.
function setCss( str ) {
mStyle.cssText = str;
* setCssAll extrapolates all vendor-specific css strings.
function setCssAll( str1, str2 ) {
return setCss(prefixes.join(str1 + ';') + ( str2 || '' ));
* is returns a boolean for if typeof obj is exactly type.
function is( obj, type ) {
return typeof obj === type;
* contains returns a boolean for if substr is found within str.
function contains( str, substr ) {
return !!~('' + str).indexOf(substr);
* testProps is a generic CSS / DOM property test; if a browser supports
* a certain property, it won't return undefined for it.
* A supported CSS property returns empty string when its not yet set.
function testProps( props, prefixed ) {
for ( var i in props ) {
if ( mStyle[ props[i] ] !== undefined ) {
return prefixed == 'pfx' ? props[i] : true;
return false;
* testDOMProps is a generic DOM property test; if a browser supports
* a certain property, it won't return undefined for it.
function testDOMProps( props, obj, elem ) {
for ( var i in props ) {
var item = obj[props[i]];
if ( item !== undefined) {
// return the property name as a string
if (elem === false) return props[i];
// let's bind a function
if (is(item, 'function')){
// default to autobind unless override
return item.bind(elem || obj);
// return the unbound function or obj or value
return item;
return false;
* testPropsAll tests a list of DOM properties we want to check against.
* We specify literally ALL possible (known and/or likely) properties on
* the element including the non-vendor prefixed one, for forward-
* compatibility.
function testPropsAll( prop, prefixed, elem ) {
var ucProp = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1),
props = (prop + ' ' + cssomPrefixes.join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' ');
// did they call .prefixed('boxSizing') or are we just testing a prop?
if(is(prefixed, "string") || is(prefixed, "undefined")) {
return testProps(props, prefixed);
// otherwise, they called .prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window[, elem])
} else {
props = (prop + ' ' + (domPrefixes).join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' ');
return testDOMProps(props, prefixed, elem);
* testBundle tests a list of CSS features that require element and style injection.
* By bundling them together we can reduce the need to touch the DOM multiple times.
var testBundle = (function( styles, tests ) {
var style = styles.join(''),
len = tests.length;
injectElementWithStyles(style, function( node, rule ) {
var style = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1],
// IE8 will bork if you create a custom build that excludes both fontface and generatedcontent tests.
// So we check for cssRules and that there is a rule available
// More here: &
cssText = style ? (style.cssRules && style.cssRules[0] ? style.cssRules[0].cssText : style.cssText || '') : '',
children = node.childNodes, hash = {};
while ( len-- ) {
hash[children[len].id] = children[len];
/*>>touch*/ Modernizr['touch'] = ('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch || (hash['touch'] && hash['touch'].offsetTop) === 9; /*>>touch*/
/*>>csstransforms3d*/ Modernizr['csstransforms3d'] = (hash['csstransforms3d'] && hash['csstransforms3d'].offsetLeft) === 9 && hash['csstransforms3d'].offsetHeight === 3; /*>>csstransforms3d*/
/*>>generatedcontent*/Modernizr['generatedcontent'] = (hash['generatedcontent'] && hash['generatedcontent'].offsetHeight) >= 1; /*>>generatedcontent*/
/*>>fontface*/ Modernizr['fontface'] = /src/i.test(cssText) &&
cssText.indexOf(rule.split(' ')[0]) === 0; /*>>fontface*/
}, len, tests);
// Pass in styles to be injected into document
/*>>fontface*/ '@font-face {font-family:"font";src:url("https://")}' /*>>fontface*/
/*>>touch*/ ,['@media (',prefixes.join('touch-enabled),('),mod,')',
'{#touch{top:9px;position:absolute}}'].join('') /*>>touch*/
/*>>csstransforms3d*/ ,['@media (',prefixes.join('transform-3d),('),mod,')',
/*>>generatedcontent*/,['#generatedcontent:after{content:"',smile,'";visibility:hidden}'].join('') /*>>generatedcontent*/
/*>>fontface*/ 'fontface' /*>>fontface*/
/*>>touch*/ ,'touch' /*>>touch*/
/*>>csstransforms3d*/ ,'csstransforms3d' /*>>csstransforms3d*/
/*>>generatedcontent*/,'generatedcontent' /*>>generatedcontent*/
* Tests
* -----
// The *new* flexbox
tests['flexbox'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('flexOrder');
// The *old* flexbox
tests['flexbox-legacy'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('boxDirection');
// On the S60 and BB Storm, getContext exists, but always returns undefined
// so we actually have to call getContext() to verify
tests['canvas'] = function() {
var elem = document.createElement('canvas');
return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext('2d'));
tests['canvastext'] = function() {
return !!(Modernizr['canvas'] && is(document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillText, 'function'));
// this test initiates a new webgl context.
// is tracking a legit feature detect proposal
tests['webgl'] = function() {
try {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
ret = !!(window.WebGLRenderingContext && (canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl') || canvas.getContext('webgl')));
canvas = undefined;
} catch (e){
ret = false;
return ret;
* The Modernizr.touch test only indicates if the browser supports
* touch events, which does not necessarily reflect a touchscreen
* device, as evidenced by tablets running Windows 7 or, alas,
* the Palm Pre / WebOS (touch) phones.
* Additionally, Chrome (desktop) used to lie about its support on this,
* but that has since been rectified:
* We also test for Firefox 4 Multitouch Support.
* For more info, see:
tests['touch'] = function() {
return Modernizr['touch'];
* geolocation tests for the new Geolocation API specification.
* This test is a standards compliant-only test; for more complete
* testing, including a Google Gears fallback, please see:
* or view a fallback solution using google's geo API:
tests['geolocation'] = function() {
return !!navigator.geolocation;
// Per 1.6:
// This used to be Modernizr.crosswindowmessaging but the longer
// name has been deprecated in favor of a shorter and property-matching one.
// The old API is still available in 1.6, but as of 2.0 will throw a warning,
// and in the first release thereafter disappear entirely.
tests['postmessage'] = function() {
return !!window.postMessage;
// Chrome incognito mode used to throw an exception when using openDatabase
// It doesn't anymore.
tests['websqldatabase'] = function() {
return !!window.openDatabase;
// Vendors had inconsistent prefixing with the experimental Indexed DB:
// - Webkit's implementation is accessible through webkitIndexedDB
// - Firefox shipped moz_indexedDB before FF4b9, but since then has been mozIndexedDB
// For speed, we don't test the legacy (and beta-only) indexedDB
tests['indexedDB'] = function() {
return !!testPropsAll("indexedDB",window);
// documentMode logic from YUI to filter out IE8 Compat Mode
// which false positives.
tests['hashchange'] = function() {
return isEventSupported('hashchange', window) && (document.documentMode === undefined || document.documentMode > 7);
// Per 1.6:
// This used to be Modernizr.historymanagement but the longer
// name has been deprecated in favor of a shorter and property-matching one.
// The old API is still available in 1.6, but as of 2.0 will throw a warning,
// and in the first release thereafter disappear entirely.
tests['history'] = function() {
return !!(window.history && history.pushState);
tests['draganddrop'] = function() {
var div = document.createElement('div');
return ('draggable' in div) || ('ondragstart' in div && 'ondrop' in div);
// FIXME: Once FF10 is sunsetted, we can drop prefixed MozWebSocket
tests['websockets'] = function() {
for ( var i = -1, len = cssomPrefixes.length; ++i < len; ){
if ( window[cssomPrefixes[i] + 'WebSocket'] ){
return true;
return 'WebSocket' in window;
tests['rgba'] = function() {
// Set an rgba() color and check the returned value
return contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'rgba');
tests['hsla'] = function() {
// Same as rgba(), in fact, browsers re-map hsla() to rgba() internally,
// except IE9 who retains it as hsla
return contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'rgba') || contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'hsla');
tests['multiplebgs'] = function() {
// Setting multiple images AND a color on the background shorthand property
// and then querying the style.background property value for the number of
// occurrences of "url(" is a reliable method for detecting ACTUAL support for this!
setCss('background:url(https://),url(https://),red url(https://)');
// If the UA supports multiple backgrounds, there should be three occurrences
// of the string "url(" in the return value for elemStyle.background
return /(url\s*\(.*?){3}/.test(mStyle.background);
// In testing support for a given CSS property, it's legit to test:
// `[styleName] !== undefined`
// If the property is supported it will return an empty string,
// if unsupported it will return undefined.
// We'll take advantage of this quick test and skip setting a style
// on our modernizr element, but instead just testing undefined vs
// empty string.
tests['backgroundsize'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('backgroundSize');
tests['borderimage'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('borderImage');
// Super comprehensive table about all the unique implementations of
// border-radius:
tests['borderradius'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('borderRadius');
// WebOS unfortunately false positives on this test.
tests['boxshadow'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('boxShadow');
// FF3.0 will false positive on this test
tests['textshadow'] = function() {
return document.createElement('div').style.textShadow === '';
tests['opacity'] = function() {
// Browsers that actually have CSS Opacity implemented have done so
// according to spec, which means their return values are within the
// range of [0.0,1.0] - including the leading zero.
// The non-literal . in this regex is intentional:
// German Chrome returns this value as 0,55
return /^0.55$/.test(mStyle.opacity);
// Note, Android < 4 will pass this test, but can only animate
// a single property at a time
tests['cssanimations'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('animationName');
tests['csscolumns'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('columnCount');
tests['cssgradients'] = function() {
* For CSS Gradients syntax, please see:
var str1 = 'background-image:',
str2 = 'gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#9f9),to(white));',
str3 = 'linear-gradient(left top,#9f9, white);';
// legacy webkit syntax (FIXME: remove when syntax not in use anymore)
(str1 + '-webkit- '.split(' ').join(str2 + str1)
// standard syntax // trailing 'background-image:'
+ prefixes.join(str3 + str1)).slice(0, -str1.length)
return contains(mStyle.backgroundImage, 'gradient');
tests['cssreflections'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('boxReflect');
tests['csstransforms'] = function() {
return !!testPropsAll('transform');
tests['csstransforms3d'] = function() {
var ret = !!testPropsAll('perspective');
// Webkit's 3D transforms are passed off to the browser's own graphics renderer.
// It works fine in Safari on Leopard and Snow Leopard, but not in Chrome in
// some conditions. As a result, Webkit typically recognizes the syntax but
// will sometimes throw a false positive, thus we must do a more thorough check:
if ( ret && 'webkitPerspective' in ) {
// Webkit allows this media query to succeed only if the feature is enabled.
// `@media (transform-3d),(-o-transform-3d),(-moz-transform-3d),(-ms-transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d),(modernizr){ ... }`
ret = Modernizr['csstransforms3d'];
return ret;
tests['csstransitions'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('transition');
// @font-face detection routine by Diego Perini
// false positives in WebOS:
tests['fontface'] = function() {
return Modernizr['fontface'];
// CSS generated content detection
tests['generatedcontent'] = function() {
return Modernizr['generatedcontent'];
// These tests evaluate support of the video/audio elements, as well as
// testing what types of content they support.
// We're using the Boolean constructor here, so that we can extend the value
// e.g. // true
// // 'probably'
// Codec values from :
// thx to NielsLeenheer and zcorpan
// Note: in some older browsers, "no" was a return value instead of empty string.
// It was live in FF3.5.0 and 3.5.1, but fixed in 3.5.2
// It was also live in Safari 4.0.0 - 4.0.4, but fixed in 4.0.5
tests['video'] = function() {
var elem = document.createElement('video'),
bool = false;
// IE9 Running on Windows Server SKU can cause an exception to be thrown, bug #224
try {
if ( bool = !!elem.canPlayType ) {
bool = new Boolean(bool);
bool.ogg = elem.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"') .replace(/^no$/,'');
bool.h264 = elem.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"') .replace(/^no$/,'');
bool.webm = elem.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"').replace(/^no$/,'');
} catch(e) { }
return bool;
tests['audio'] = function() {
var elem = document.createElement('audio'),
bool = false;
try {
if ( bool = !!elem.canPlayType ) {
bool = new Boolean(bool);
bool.ogg = elem.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/,'');
bool.mp3 = elem.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;') .replace(/^no$/,'');
// Mimetypes accepted:
bool.wav = elem.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"') .replace(/^no$/,'');
bool.m4a = ( elem.canPlayType('audio/x-m4a;') ||
elem.canPlayType('audio/aac;')) .replace(/^no$/,'');
} catch(e) { }
return bool;
// In FF4, if disabled, window.localStorage should === null.
// Normally, we could not test that directly and need to do a
// `('localStorage' in window) && ` test first because otherwise Firefox will
// throw if cookies are disabled
// Also in iOS5 Private Browsing mode, attepting to use localStorage.setItem
// will throw the exception:
// Peculiarly, getItem and removeItem calls do not throw.
// Because we are forced to try/catch this, we'll go aggressive.
// Just FWIW: IE8 Compat mode supports these features completely:
// But IE8 doesn't support either with local files
tests['localstorage'] = function() {
try {
localStorage.setItem(mod, mod);
return true;
} catch(e) {
return false;
tests['sessionstorage'] = function() {
try {
sessionStorage.setItem(mod, mod);
return true;
} catch(e) {
return false;
tests['webworkers'] = function() {
return !!window.Worker;
tests['applicationcache'] = function() {
return !!window.applicationCache;
// Thanks to Erik Dahlstrom
tests['svg'] = function() {
return !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'svg').createSVGRect;
// specifically for SVG inline in HTML, not within XHTML
// test page:
tests['inlinesvg'] = function() {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<svg/>';
return (div.firstChild && div.firstChild.namespaceURI) == ns.svg;
// SVG SMIL animation
tests['smil'] = function() {
return !!document.createElementNS && /SVGAnimate/.test(, 'animate')));
// This test is only for clip paths in SVG proper, not clip paths on HTML content
// demo:
// However read the comments to dig into applying SVG clippaths to HTML content here:
tests['svgclippaths'] = function() {
return !!document.createElementNS && /SVGClipPath/.test(, 'clipPath')));
// input features and input types go directly onto the ret object, bypassing the tests loop.
// Hold this guy to execute in a moment.
function webforms() {
// Run through HTML5's new input attributes to see if the UA understands any.
// We're using f which is the <input> element created early on
// Mike Taylr has created a comprehensive resource for testing these attributes
// when applied to all input types:
// spec:
// Only input placeholder is tested while textarea's placeholder is not.
// Currently Safari 4 and Opera 11 have support only for the input placeholder
// Both tests are available in feature-detects/forms-placeholder.js
Modernizr['input'] = (function( props ) {
for ( var i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; i++ ) {
attrs[ props[i] ] = !!(props[i] in inputElem);
if (attrs.list){
// safari false positive's on datalist:
// see also
attrs.list = !!(document.createElement('datalist') && window.HTMLDataListElement);
return attrs;
})('autocomplete autofocus list placeholder max min multiple pattern required step'.split(' '));
// Run through HTML5's new input types to see if the UA understands any.
// This is put behind the tests runloop because it doesn't return a
// true/false like all the other tests; instead, it returns an object
// containing each input type with its corresponding true/false value
// Big thanks to @miketaylr for the html5 forms expertise.
Modernizr['inputtypes'] = (function(props) {
for ( var i = 0, bool, inputElemType, defaultView, len = props.length; i < len; i++ ) {
inputElem.setAttribute('type', inputElemType = props[i]);
bool = inputElem.type !== 'text';
// We first check to see if the type we give it sticks..
// If the type does, we feed it a textual value, which shouldn't be valid.
// If the value doesn't stick, we know there's input sanitization which infers a custom UI
if ( bool ) {
inputElem.value = smile; = 'position:absolute;visibility:hidden;';
if ( /^range$/.test(inputElemType) && !== undefined ) {
defaultView = document.defaultView;
// Safari 2-4 allows the smiley as a value, despite making a slider
bool = defaultView.getComputedStyle &&
defaultView.getComputedStyle(inputElem, null).WebkitAppearance !== 'textfield' &&
// Mobile android web browser has false positive, so must
// check the height to see if the widget is actually there.
(inputElem.offsetHeight !== 0);
} else if ( /^(search|tel)$/.test(inputElemType) ){
// Spec doesnt define any special parsing or detectable UI
// behaviors so we pass these through as true
// Interestingly, opera fails the earlier test, so it doesn't
// even make it here.
} else if ( /^(url|email)$/.test(inputElemType) ) {
// Real url and email support comes with prebaked validation.
bool = inputElem.checkValidity && inputElem.checkValidity() === false;
} else if ( /^color$/.test(inputElemType) ) {
// chuck into DOM and force reflow for Opera bug in 11.00
bool = inputElem.value != smile;
} else {
// If the upgraded input compontent rejects the :) text, we got a winner
bool = inputElem.value != smile;
inputs[ props[i] ] = !!bool;
return inputs;
})('search tel url email datetime date month week time datetime-local number range color'.split(' '));
// End of test definitions
// -----------------------
// Run through all tests and detect their support in the current UA.
// todo: hypothetically we could be doing an array of tests and use a basic loop here.
for ( var feature in tests ) {
if ( hasOwnProperty(tests, feature) ) {
// run the test, throw the return value into the Modernizr,
// then based on that boolean, define an appropriate className
// and push it into an array of classes we'll join later.
featureName = feature.toLowerCase();
Modernizr[featureName] = tests[feature]();
classes.push((Modernizr[featureName] ? '' : 'no-') + featureName);
// input tests need to run.
Modernizr.input || webforms();
* addTest allows the user to define their own feature tests
* the result will be added onto the Modernizr object,
* as well as an appropriate className set on the html element
* @param feature - String naming the feature
* @param test - Function returning true if feature is supported, false if not
Modernizr.addTest = function ( feature, test ) {
if ( typeof feature == 'object' ) {
for ( var key in feature ) {
if ( hasOwnProperty( feature, key ) ) {
Modernizr.addTest( key, feature[ key ] );
} else {
feature = feature.toLowerCase();
if ( Modernizr[feature] !== undefined ) {
// we're going to quit if you're trying to overwrite an existing test
// if we were to allow it, we'd do this:
// var re = new RegExp("\\b(no-)?" + feature + "\\b");
// docElement.className = docElement.className.replace( re, '' );
// but, no rly, stuff 'em.
return Modernizr;
test = typeof test == 'function' ? test() : test;
docElement.className += ' ' + (test ? '' : 'no-') + feature;
Modernizr[feature] = test;
return Modernizr; // allow chaining.
// Reset modElem.cssText to nothing to reduce memory footprint.
modElem = inputElem = null;
// Enable HTML 5 elements for styling in IE & add HTML5 css
/*! HTML5 Shiv v3.4 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed */
;(function(window, document) {
/** Preset options */
var options = window.html5 || {};
/** Used to skip problem elements */
var reSkip = /^<|^(?:button|form|map|select|textarea)$/i;
/** Detect whether the browser supports default html5 styles */
var supportsHtml5Styles;
/** Detect whether the browser supports unknown elements */
var supportsUnknownElements;
(function() {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.innerHTML = '<xyz></xyz>';
//if the hidden property is implemented we can assume, that the browser supports HTML5 Styles
supportsHtml5Styles = ('hidden' in a);
supportsUnknownElements = a.childNodes.length == 1 || (function() {
// assign a false positive if unable to shiv
try {
} catch(e) {
return true;
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
return (
typeof frag.cloneNode == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createDocumentFragment == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createElement == 'undefined'
* Creates a style sheet with the given CSS text and adds it to the document.
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {String} cssText The CSS text.
* @returns {StyleSheet} The style element.
function addStyleSheet(ownerDocument, cssText) {
var p = ownerDocument.createElement('p'),
parent = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || ownerDocument.documentElement;
p.innerHTML = 'x<style>' + cssText + '</style>';
return parent.insertBefore(p.lastChild, parent.firstChild);
* Returns the value of `html5.elements` as an array.
* @private
* @returns {Array} An array of shived element node names.
function getElements() {
var elements = html5.elements;
return typeof elements == 'string' ? elements.split(' ') : elements;
* Shivs the `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment` methods of the document.
* @private
* @param {Document|DocumentFragment} ownerDocument The document.
function shivMethods(ownerDocument) {
var cache = {},
docCreateElement = ownerDocument.createElement,
docCreateFragment = ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment,
frag = docCreateFragment();
ownerDocument.createElement = function(nodeName) {
// Avoid adding some elements to fragments in IE < 9 because
// * Attributes like `name` or `type` cannot be set/changed once an element
// is inserted into a document/fragment
// * Link elements with `src` attributes that are inaccessible, as with
// a 403 response, will cause the tab/window to crash
// * Script elements appended to fragments will execute when their `src`
// or `text` property is set
var node = (cache[nodeName] || (cache[nodeName] = docCreateElement(nodeName))).cloneNode();
return html5.shivMethods && node.canHaveChildren && !reSkip.test(nodeName) ? frag.appendChild(node) : node;
ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment = Function('h,f', 'return function(){' +
'var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;' +
'h.shivMethods&&(' +
// unroll the `createElement` calls
getElements().join().replace(/\w+/g, function(nodeName) {
cache[nodeName] = docCreateElement(nodeName);
return 'c("' + nodeName + '")';
}) +
');return n}'
)(html5, frag);
* Shivs the given document.
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document to shiv.
* @returns {Document} The shived document.
function shivDocument(ownerDocument) {
var shived;
if (ownerDocument.documentShived) {
return ownerDocument;
if (html5.shivCSS && !supportsHtml5Styles) {
shived = !!addStyleSheet(ownerDocument,
// corrects block display not defined in IE6/7/8/9
'article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,nav,section{display:block}' +
// corrects audio display not defined in IE6/7/8/9
'audio{display:none}' +
// corrects canvas and video display not defined in IE6/7/8/9
'canvas,video{display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1}' +
// corrects 'hidden' attribute and audio[controls] display not present in IE7/8/9
'[hidden]{display:none}audio[controls]{display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1}' +
// adds styling not present in IE6/7/8/9
if (!supportsUnknownElements) {
shived = !shivMethods(ownerDocument);
if (shived) {
ownerDocument.documentShived = shived;
return ownerDocument;
* The `html5` object is exposed so that more elements can be shived and
* existing shiving can be detected on iframes.
* @type Object
* @example
* // options can be changed before the script is included
* html5 = { 'elements': 'mark section', 'shivCSS': false, 'shivMethods': false };
var html5 = {
* An array or space separated string of node names of the elements to shiv.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Array|String
'elements': options.elements || 'abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark meter nav output progress section summary time video',
* A flag to indicate that the HTML5 style sheet should be inserted.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivCSS': !(options.shivCSS === false),
* A flag to indicate that the document's `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment`
* methods should be overwritten.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivMethods': !(options.shivMethods === false),
* A string to describe the type of `html5` object ("default" or "default print").
* @memberOf html5
* @type String
'type': 'default',
// shivs the document according to the specified `html5` object options
'shivDocument': shivDocument
// expose html5
window.html5 = html5;
// shiv the document
}(this, document));
// Assign private properties to the return object with prefix
Modernizr._version = version;
// expose these for the plugin API. Look in the source for how to join() them against your input
Modernizr._prefixes = prefixes;
Modernizr._domPrefixes = domPrefixes;
Modernizr._cssomPrefixes = cssomPrefixes;
// tests a given media query, live against the current state of the window
// A few important notes:
// * If a browser does not support media queries at all (eg. oldIE) the mq() will always return false
// * A max-width or orientation query will be evaluated against the current state, which may change later.
// * You must specify values. Eg. If you are testing support for the min-width media query use:
// usage:
//'only screen and (max-width:768)') = testMediaQuery;
// Modernizr.hasEvent() detects support for a given event, with an optional element to test on
// Modernizr.hasEvent('gesturestart', elem)
Modernizr.hasEvent = isEventSupported;
// Modernizr.testProp() investigates whether a given style property is recognized
// Note that the property names must be provided in the camelCase variant.
// Modernizr.testProp('pointerEvents')
Modernizr.testProp = function(prop){
return testProps([prop]);
// Modernizr.testAllProps() investigates whether a given style property,
// or any of its vendor-prefixed variants, is recognized
// Note that the property names must be provided in the camelCase variant.
// Modernizr.testAllProps('boxSizing')
Modernizr.testAllProps = testPropsAll;
// Modernizr.testStyles() allows you to add custom styles to the document and test an element afterwards
// Modernizr.testStyles('#modernizr { position:absolute }', function(elem, rule){ ... })
Modernizr.testStyles = injectElementWithStyles;
// Modernizr.prefixed() returns the prefixed or nonprefixed property name variant of your input
// Modernizr.prefixed('boxSizing') // 'MozBoxSizing'
// Properties must be passed as dom-style camelcase, rather than `box-sizing` hypentated style.
// Return values will also be the camelCase variant, if you need to translate that to hypenated style use:
// str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(str,m1){ return '-' + m1.toLowerCase(); }).replace(/^ms-/,'-ms-');
// If you're trying to ascertain which transition end event to bind to, you might do something like...
// var transEndEventNames = {
// 'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
// 'MozTransition' : 'transitionend',
// 'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd',
// 'msTransition' : 'MsTransitionEnd',
// 'transition' : 'transitionend'
// },
// transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed('transition') ];
Modernizr.prefixed = function(prop, obj, elem){
if(!obj) {
return testPropsAll(prop, 'pfx');
} else {
// Testing DOM property e.g. Modernizr.prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window) // 'mozRequestAnimationFrame'
return testPropsAll(prop, obj, elem);
// Remove "no-js" class from <html> element, if it exists:
docElement.className = docElement.className.replace(/(^|\s)no-js(\s|$)/, '$1$2') +
// Add the new classes to the <html> element.
(enableClasses ? ' js ' + classes.join(' ') : '');
return Modernizr;
})(this, this.document);
* QUnit v1.4.0 - A JavaScript Unit Testing Framework
* Copyright (c) 2012 John Resig, Jörn Zaefferer
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
/** Font Family and Sizes */
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padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em 2.5em;
background-color: #2b81af;
color: #fff;
text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 2px 2px 1px;
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#qunit-tests {
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#qunit-tests b.failed { color: #710909; }
#qunit-tests li li {
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/*** Passing Styles */
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/*** Failing Styles */
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#qunit-tests .fail { color: #000000; background-color: #EE5757; }
#qunit-tests .fail .test-name,
#qunit-tests .fail .module-name { color: #000000; }
#qunit-tests .fail .test-actual { color: #EE5757; }
#qunit-tests .fail .test-expected { color: green; }
#qunit-banner.qunit-fail { background-color: #EE5757; }
/** Result */
#qunit-testresult {
padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 2.5em;
color: #2b81af;
background-color: #D2E0E6;
border-bottom: 1px solid white;
/** Fixture */
#qunit-fixture {
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top: -10000px;
left: -10000px;
width: 1000px;
height: 1000px;
* QUnit v1.4.0 - A JavaScript Unit Testing Framework
* Copyright (c) 2012 John Resig, Jörn Zaefferer
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
(function(window) {
var defined = {
setTimeout: typeof window.setTimeout !== "undefined",
sessionStorage: (function() {
var x = "qunit-test-string";
try {
sessionStorage.setItem(x, x);
return true;
} catch(e) {
return false;
var testId = 0,
toString = Object.prototype.toString,
hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var Test = function(name, testName, expected, async, callback) { = name;
this.testName = testName;
this.expected = expected;
this.async = async;
this.callback = callback;
this.assertions = [];
Test.prototype = {
init: function() {
var tests = id("qunit-tests");
if (tests) {
var b = document.createElement("strong");
b.innerHTML = "Running " +;
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.appendChild( b );
li.className = "running"; = = "test-output" + testId++;
tests.appendChild( li );
setup: function() {
if (this.module != config.previousModule) {
if ( config.previousModule ) {
runLoggingCallbacks('moduleDone', QUnit, {
name: config.previousModule,
failed: config.moduleStats.bad,
passed: config.moduleStats.all - config.moduleStats.bad,
total: config.moduleStats.all
} );
config.previousModule = this.module;
config.moduleStats = { all: 0, bad: 0 };
runLoggingCallbacks( 'moduleStart', QUnit, {
name: this.module
} );
} else if (config.autorun) {
runLoggingCallbacks( 'moduleStart', QUnit, {
name: this.module
} );
config.current = this;
this.testEnvironment = extend({
setup: function() {},
teardown: function() {}
}, this.moduleTestEnvironment);
runLoggingCallbacks( 'testStart', QUnit, {
name: this.testName,
module: this.module
// allow utility functions to access the current test environment
// TODO why??
QUnit.current_testEnvironment = this.testEnvironment;
if ( !config.pollution ) {
if ( config.notrycatch ) {;
try {;
} catch(e) {
QUnit.pushFailure( "Setup failed on " + this.testName + ": " + e.message, extractStacktrace( e, 1 ) );
run: function() {
config.current = this;
if ( this.async ) {
if ( config.notrycatch ) {;
try {;
} catch(e) {
QUnit.pushFailure( "Died on test #" + (this.assertions.length + 1) + ": " + e.message, extractStacktrace( e, 1 ) );
// else next test will carry the responsibility
// Restart the tests if they're blocking
if ( config.blocking ) {
teardown: function() {
config.current = this;
if ( config.notrycatch ) {;
} else {
try {;
} catch(e) {
QUnit.pushFailure( "Teardown failed on " + this.testName + ": " + e.message, extractStacktrace( e, 1 ) );
finish: function() {
config.current = this;
if ( this.expected != null && this.expected != this.assertions.length ) {
QUnit.pushFailure( "Expected " + this.expected + " assertions, but " + this.assertions.length + " were run" );
} else if ( this.expected == null && !this.assertions.length ) {
QUnit.pushFailure( "Expected at least one assertion, but none were run - call expect(0) to accept zero assertions." );
var good = 0, bad = 0,
li, i,
tests = id("qunit-tests");
config.stats.all += this.assertions.length;
config.moduleStats.all += this.assertions.length;
if ( tests ) {
var ol = document.createElement("ol");
for ( i = 0; i < this.assertions.length; i++ ) {
var assertion = this.assertions[i];
li = document.createElement("li");
li.className = assertion.result ? "pass" : "fail";
li.innerHTML = assertion.message || (assertion.result ? "okay" : "failed");
ol.appendChild( li );
if ( assertion.result ) {
} else {
// store result when possible
if ( QUnit.config.reorder && defined.sessionStorage ) {
if (bad) {
sessionStorage.setItem("qunit-test-" + this.module + "-" + this.testName, bad);
} else {
sessionStorage.removeItem("qunit-test-" + this.module + "-" + this.testName);
if (bad === 0) { = "none";
var b = document.createElement("strong");
b.innerHTML = + " <b class='counts'>(<b class='failed'>" + bad + "</b>, <b class='passed'>" + good + "</b>, " + this.assertions.length + ")</b>";
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.innerHTML = "Rerun";
a.href = QUnit.url({ filter: getText([b]).replace(/\([^)]+\)$/, "").replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, "") });
addEvent(b, "click", function() {
var next = b.nextSibling.nextSibling,
display =; = display === "none" ? "block" : "none";
addEvent(b, "dblclick", function(e) {
var target = e && ? : window.event.srcElement;
if ( target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "span" || target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "b" ) {
target = target.parentNode;
if ( window.location && target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "strong" ) {
window.location = QUnit.url({ filter: getText([target]).replace(/\([^)]+\)$/, "").replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, "") });
li = id(;
li.className = bad ? "fail" : "pass";
li.removeChild( li.firstChild );
li.appendChild( b );
li.appendChild( a );
li.appendChild( ol );
} else {
for ( i = 0; i < this.assertions.length; i++ ) {
if ( !this.assertions[i].result ) {
runLoggingCallbacks( 'testDone', QUnit, {
name: this.testName,
module: this.module,
failed: bad,
passed: this.assertions.length - bad,
total: this.assertions.length
} );
queue: function() {
var test = this;
synchronize(function() {
function run() {
// each of these can by async
synchronize(function() {
synchronize(function() {;
synchronize(function() {
synchronize(function() {
// defer when previous test run passed, if storage is available
var bad = QUnit.config.reorder && defined.sessionStorage && +sessionStorage.getItem("qunit-test-" + this.module + "-" + this.testName);
if (bad) {
} else {
synchronize(run, true);
var QUnit = {
// call on start of module test to prepend name to all tests
module: function(name, testEnvironment) {
config.currentModule = name;
config.currentModuleTestEnviroment = testEnvironment;
asyncTest: function(testName, expected, callback) {
if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
callback = expected;
expected = null;
QUnit.test(testName, expected, callback, true);
test: function(testName, expected, callback, async) {
var name = '<span class="test-name">' + escapeInnerText(testName) + '</span>';
if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
callback = expected;
expected = null;
if ( config.currentModule ) {
name = '<span class="module-name">' + config.currentModule + "</span>: " + name;
if ( !validTest(config.currentModule + ": " + testName) ) {
var test = new Test(name, testName, expected, async, callback);
test.module = config.currentModule;
test.moduleTestEnvironment = config.currentModuleTestEnviroment;
// Specify the number of expected assertions to gurantee that failed test (no assertions are run at all) don't slip through.
expect: function(asserts) {
config.current.expected = asserts;
// Asserts true.
// @example ok( "asdfasdf".length > 5, "There must be at least 5 chars" );
ok: function(result, msg) {
if (!config.current) {
throw new Error("ok() assertion outside test context, was " + sourceFromStacktrace(2));
result = !!result;
var details = {
result: result,
message: msg
msg = escapeInnerText(msg || (result ? "okay" : "failed"));
if ( !result ) {
var source = sourceFromStacktrace(2);
if (source) {
details.source = source;
msg += '<table><tr class="test-source"><th>Source: </th><td><pre>' + escapeInnerText(source) + '</pre></td></tr></table>';
runLoggingCallbacks( 'log', QUnit, details );
result: result,
message: msg
// Checks that the first two arguments are equal, with an optional message. Prints out both actual and expected values.
// @example equal( format("Received {0} bytes.", 2), "Received 2 bytes." );
equal: function(actual, expected, message) {
QUnit.push(expected == actual, actual, expected, message);
notEqual: function(actual, expected, message) {
QUnit.push(expected != actual, actual, expected, message);
deepEqual: function(actual, expected, message) {
QUnit.push(QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message);
notDeepEqual: function(actual, expected, message) {
QUnit.push(!QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message);
strictEqual: function(actual, expected, message) {
QUnit.push(expected === actual, actual, expected, message);
notStrictEqual: function(actual, expected, message) {
QUnit.push(expected !== actual, actual, expected, message);
raises: function(block, expected, message) {
var actual, ok = false;
if (typeof expected === 'string') {
message = expected;
expected = null;
try {
} catch (e) {
actual = e;
if (actual) {
// we don't want to validate thrown error
if (!expected) {
ok = true;
// expected is a regexp
} else if (QUnit.objectType(expected) === "regexp") {
ok = expected.test(actual);
// expected is a constructor
} else if (actual instanceof expected) {
ok = true;
// expected is a validation function which returns true is validation passed
} else if ({}, actual) === true) {
ok = true;
QUnit.ok(ok, message);
start: function(count) {
config.semaphore -= count || 1;
if (config.semaphore > 0) {
// don't start until equal number of stop-calls
if (config.semaphore < 0) {
// ignore if start is called more often then stop
config.semaphore = 0;
// A slight delay, to avoid any current callbacks
if ( defined.setTimeout ) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (config.semaphore > 0) {
if ( config.timeout ) {
config.blocking = false;
}, 13);
} else {
config.blocking = false;
stop: function(count) {
config.semaphore += count || 1;
config.blocking = true;
if ( config.testTimeout && defined.setTimeout ) {
config.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
QUnit.ok( false, "Test timed out" );
config.semaphore = 1;
}, config.testTimeout);
//We want access to the constructor's prototype
(function() {
function F(){}
F.prototype = QUnit;
QUnit = new F();
//Make F QUnit's constructor so that we can add to the prototype later
QUnit.constructor = F;
// deprecated; still export them to window to provide clear error messages
// next step: remove entirely
QUnit.equals = function() {
QUnit.push(false, false, false, "QUnit.equals has been deprecated since 2009 (e88049a0), use QUnit.equal instead");
QUnit.same = function() {
QUnit.push(false, false, false, "QUnit.same has been deprecated since 2009 (e88049a0), use QUnit.deepEqual instead");
// Maintain internal state
var config = {
// The queue of tests to run
queue: [],
// block until document ready
blocking: true,
// when enabled, show only failing tests
// gets persisted through sessionStorage and can be changed in UI via checkbox
hidepassed: false,
// by default, run previously failed tests first
// very useful in combination with "Hide passed tests" checked
reorder: true,
// by default, modify document.title when suite is done
altertitle: true,
urlConfig: ['noglobals', 'notrycatch'],
//logging callback queues
begin: [],
done: [],
log: [],
testStart: [],
testDone: [],
moduleStart: [],
moduleDone: []
// Load paramaters
(function() {
var location = window.location || { search: "", protocol: "file:" },
params = 1 ).split( "&" ),
length = params.length,
urlParams = {},
if ( params[ 0 ] ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
current = params[ i ].split( "=" );
current[ 0 ] = decodeURIComponent( current[ 0 ] );
// allow just a key to turn on a flag, e.g., test.html?noglobals
current[ 1 ] = current[ 1 ] ? decodeURIComponent( current[ 1 ] ) : true;
urlParams[ current[ 0 ] ] = current[ 1 ];
QUnit.urlParams = urlParams;
config.filter = urlParams.filter;
// Figure out if we're running the tests from a server or not
QUnit.isLocal = location.protocol === 'file:';
// Expose the API as global variables, unless an 'exports'
// object exists, in that case we assume we're in CommonJS - export everything at the end
if ( typeof exports === "undefined" || typeof require === "undefined" ) {
extend(window, QUnit);
window.QUnit = QUnit;
// define these after exposing globals to keep them in these QUnit namespace only
extend(QUnit, {
config: config,
// Initialize the configuration options
init: function() {
extend(config, {
stats: { all: 0, bad: 0 },
moduleStats: { all: 0, bad: 0 },
started: +new Date(),
updateRate: 1000,
blocking: false,
autostart: true,
autorun: false,
filter: "",
queue: [],
semaphore: 0
var qunit = id( "qunit" );
if ( qunit ) {
qunit.innerHTML =
'<h1 id="qunit-header">' + escapeInnerText( document.title ) + '</h1>' +
'<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>' +
'<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>' +
'<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>' +
'<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>';
var tests = id( "qunit-tests" ),
banner = id( "qunit-banner" ),
result = id( "qunit-testresult" );
if ( tests ) {
tests.innerHTML = "";
if ( banner ) {
banner.className = "";
if ( result ) {
result.parentNode.removeChild( result );
if ( tests ) {
result = document.createElement( "p" ); = "qunit-testresult";
result.className = "result";
tests.parentNode.insertBefore( result, tests );
result.innerHTML = 'Running...<br/>&nbsp;';
// Resets the test setup. Useful for tests that modify the DOM.
// If jQuery is available, uses jQuery's html(), otherwise just innerHTML.
reset: function() {
if ( window.jQuery ) {
jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" ).html( config.fixture );
} else {
var main = id( 'qunit-fixture' );
if ( main ) {
main.innerHTML = config.fixture;
// Trigger an event on an element.
// @example triggerEvent( document.body, "click" );
triggerEvent: function( elem, type, event ) {
if ( document.createEvent ) {
event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
event.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, elem.ownerDocument.defaultView,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
elem.dispatchEvent( event );
} else if ( elem.fireEvent ) {
// Safe object type checking
is: function( type, obj ) {
return QUnit.objectType( obj ) == type;
objectType: function( obj ) {
if (typeof obj === "undefined") {
return "undefined";
// consider: typeof null === object
if (obj === null) {
return "null";
var type = obj ).match(/^\[object\s(.*)\]$/)[1] || '';
switch (type) {
case 'Number':
if (isNaN(obj)) {
return "nan";
return "number";
case 'String':
case 'Boolean':
case 'Array':
case 'Date':
case 'RegExp':
case 'Function':
return type.toLowerCase();
if (typeof obj === "object") {
return "object";
return undefined;
push: function(result, actual, expected, message) {
if (!config.current) {
throw new Error("assertion outside test context, was " + sourceFromStacktrace());
var details = {
result: result,
message: message,
actual: actual,
expected: expected
message = escapeInnerText(message) || (result ? "okay" : "failed");
message = '<span class="test-message">' + message + "</span>";
var output = message;
if (!result) {
expected = escapeInnerText(QUnit.jsDump.parse(expected));
actual = escapeInnerText(QUnit.jsDump.parse(actual));
output += '<table><tr class="test-expected"><th>Expected: </th><td><pre>' + expected + '</pre></td></tr>';
if (actual != expected) {
output += '<tr class="test-actual"><th>Result: </th><td><pre>' + actual + '</pre></td></tr>';
output += '<tr class="test-diff"><th>Diff: </th><td><pre>' + QUnit.diff(expected, actual) +'</pre></td></tr>';
var source = sourceFromStacktrace();
if (source) {
details.source = source;
output += '<tr class="test-source"><th>Source: </th><td><pre>' + escapeInnerText(source) + '</pre></td></tr>';
output += "</table>";
runLoggingCallbacks( 'log', QUnit, details );
result: !!result,
message: output
pushFailure: function(message, source) {
var details = {
result: false,
message: message
var output = escapeInnerText(message);
if (source) {
details.source = source;
output += '<table><tr class="test-source"><th>Source: </th><td><pre>' + escapeInnerText(source) + '</pre></td></tr></table>';
runLoggingCallbacks( 'log', QUnit, details );
result: false,
message: output
url: function( params ) {
params = extend( extend( {}, QUnit.urlParams ), params );
var querystring = "?",
for ( key in params ) {
if ( ! params, key ) ) {
querystring += encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" +
encodeURIComponent( params[ key ] ) + "&";
return window.location.pathname + querystring.slice( 0, -1 );
extend: extend,
id: id,
addEvent: addEvent
//QUnit.constructor is set to the empty F() above so that we can add to it's prototype later
//Doing this allows us to tell if the following methods have been overwritten on the actual
//QUnit object, which is a deprecated way of using the callbacks.
extend(QUnit.constructor.prototype, {
// Logging callbacks; all receive a single argument with the listed properties
// run test/logs.html for any related changes
begin: registerLoggingCallback('begin'),
// done: { failed, passed, total, runtime }
done: registerLoggingCallback('done'),
// log: { result, actual, expected, message }
log: registerLoggingCallback('log'),
// testStart: { name }
testStart: registerLoggingCallback('testStart'),
// testDone: { name, failed, passed, total }
testDone: registerLoggingCallback('testDone'),
// moduleStart: { name }
moduleStart: registerLoggingCallback('moduleStart'),
// moduleDone: { name, failed, passed, total }
moduleDone: registerLoggingCallback('moduleDone')
if ( typeof document === "undefined" || document.readyState === "complete" ) {
config.autorun = true;
QUnit.load = function() {
runLoggingCallbacks( 'begin', QUnit, {} );
// Initialize the config, saving the execution queue
var oldconfig = extend({}, config);
extend(config, oldconfig);
config.blocking = false;
var urlConfigHtml = '', len = config.urlConfig.length;
for ( var i = 0, val; i < len; i++ ) {
val = config.urlConfig[i];
config[val] = QUnit.urlParams[val];
urlConfigHtml += '<label><input name="' + val + '" type="checkbox"' + ( config[val] ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ) + '>' + val + '</label>';
var userAgent = id("qunit-userAgent");
if ( userAgent ) {
userAgent.innerHTML = navigator.userAgent;
var banner = id("qunit-header");
if ( banner ) {
banner.innerHTML = '<a href="' + QUnit.url({ filter: undefined }) + '"> ' + banner.innerHTML + '</a> ' + urlConfigHtml;
addEvent( banner, "change", function( event ) {
var params = {};
params[ ] = ? true : undefined;
window.location = QUnit.url( params );
var toolbar = id("qunit-testrunner-toolbar");
if ( toolbar ) {
var filter = document.createElement("input");
filter.type = "checkbox"; = "qunit-filter-pass";
addEvent( filter, "click", function() {
var ol = document.getElementById("qunit-tests");
if ( filter.checked ) {
ol.className = ol.className + " hidepass";
} else {
var tmp = " " + ol.className.replace( /[\n\t\r]/g, " " ) + " ";
ol.className = tmp.replace(/ hidepass /, " ");
if ( defined.sessionStorage ) {
if (filter.checked) {
sessionStorage.setItem("qunit-filter-passed-tests", "true");
} else {
if ( config.hidepassed || defined.sessionStorage && sessionStorage.getItem("qunit-filter-passed-tests") ) {
filter.checked = true;
var ol = document.getElementById("qunit-tests");
ol.className = ol.className + " hidepass";
toolbar.appendChild( filter );
var label = document.createElement("label");
label.setAttribute("for", "qunit-filter-pass");
label.innerHTML = "Hide passed tests";
toolbar.appendChild( label );
var main = id('qunit-fixture');
if ( main ) {
config.fixture = main.innerHTML;
if (config.autostart) {
addEvent(window, "load", QUnit.load);
// addEvent(window, "error") gives us a useless event object
window.onerror = function( message, file, line ) {
if ( QUnit.config.current ) {
QUnit.pushFailure( message, file + ":" + line );
} else {
QUnit.test( "global failure", function() {
QUnit.pushFailure( message, file + ":" + line );
function done() {
config.autorun = true;
// Log the last module results
if ( config.currentModule ) {
runLoggingCallbacks( 'moduleDone', QUnit, {
name: config.currentModule,
failed: config.moduleStats.bad,
passed: config.moduleStats.all - config.moduleStats.bad,
total: config.moduleStats.all
} );
var banner = id("qunit-banner"),
tests = id("qunit-tests"),
runtime = +new Date() - config.started,
passed = config.stats.all - config.stats.bad,
html = [
'Tests completed in ',
' milliseconds.<br/>',
'<span class="passed">',
'</span> tests of <span class="total">',
'</span> passed, <span class="failed">',
'</span> failed.'
if ( banner ) {
banner.className = (config.stats.bad ? "qunit-fail" : "qunit-pass");
if ( tests ) {
id( "qunit-testresult" ).innerHTML = html;
if ( config.altertitle && typeof document !== "undefined" && document.title ) {
// show ✖ for good, ✔ for bad suite result in title
// use escape sequences in case file gets loaded with non-utf-8-charset
document.title = [
(config.stats.bad ? "\u2716" : "\u2714"),
document.title.replace(/^[\u2714\u2716] /i, "")
].join(" ");
// clear own sessionStorage items if all tests passed
if ( config.reorder && defined.sessionStorage && config.stats.bad === 0 ) {
for (var key in sessionStorage) {
if (sessionStorage.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.indexOf("qunit-test-") === 0 ) {
runLoggingCallbacks( 'done', QUnit, {
failed: config.stats.bad,
passed: passed,
total: config.stats.all,
runtime: runtime
} );
function validTest( name ) {
var filter = config.filter,
run = false;
if ( !filter ) {
return true;
var not = filter.charAt( 0 ) === "!";
if ( not ) {
filter = filter.slice( 1 );
if ( name.indexOf( filter ) !== -1 ) {
return !not;
if ( not ) {
run = true;
return run;
// so far supports only Firefox, Chrome and Opera (buggy)
// could be extended in the future to use something like
function extractStacktrace( e, offset ) {
offset = offset || 3;
if (e.stacktrace) {
// Opera
return e.stacktrace.split("\n")[offset + 3];
} else if (e.stack) {
// Firefox, Chrome
var stack = e.stack.split("\n");
if (/^error$/i.test(stack[0])) {
return stack[offset];
} else if (e.sourceURL) {
// Safari, PhantomJS
// hopefully one day Safari provides actual stacktraces
// exclude useless self-reference for generated Error objects
if ( /qunit.js$/.test( e.sourceURL ) ) {
// for actual exceptions, this is useful
return e.sourceURL + ":" + e.line;
function sourceFromStacktrace(offset) {
try {
throw new Error();
} catch ( e ) {
return extractStacktrace( e, offset );
function escapeInnerText(s) {
if (!s) {
return "";
s = s + "";
return s.replace(/[\&<>]/g, function(s) {
switch(s) {
case "&": return "&amp;";
case "<": return "&lt;";
case ">": return "&gt;";
default: return s;
function synchronize( callback, last ) {
config.queue.push( callback );
if ( config.autorun && !config.blocking ) {
function process( last ) {
function next() {
process( last );
var start = new Date().getTime();
config.depth = config.depth ? config.depth + 1 : 1;
while ( config.queue.length && !config.blocking ) {
if ( !defined.setTimeout || config.updateRate <= 0 || ( ( new Date().getTime() - start ) < config.updateRate ) ) {
} else {
window.setTimeout( next, 13 );
if ( last && !config.blocking && !config.queue.length && config.depth === 0 ) {
function saveGlobal() {
config.pollution = [];
if ( config.noglobals ) {
for ( var key in window ) {
if ( ! window, key ) ) {
config.pollution.push( key );
function checkPollution( name ) {
var old = config.pollution;
var newGlobals = diff( config.pollution, old );
if ( newGlobals.length > 0 ) {
QUnit.pushFailure( "Introduced global variable(s): " + newGlobals.join(", ") );
var deletedGlobals = diff( old, config.pollution );
if ( deletedGlobals.length > 0 ) {
QUnit.pushFailure( "Deleted global variable(s): " + deletedGlobals.join(", ") );
// returns a new Array with the elements that are in a but not in b
function diff( a, b ) {
var result = a.slice();
for ( var i = 0; i < result.length; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 0; j < b.length; j++ ) {
if ( result[i] === b[j] ) {
result.splice(i, 1);
return result;
function extend(a, b) {
for ( var prop in b ) {
if ( b[prop] === undefined ) {
delete a[prop];
// Avoid "Member not found" error in IE8 caused by setting window.constructor
} else if ( prop !== "constructor" || a !== window ) {
a[prop] = b[prop];
return a;
function addEvent(elem, type, fn) {
if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
elem.addEventListener( type, fn, false );
} else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {
elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, fn );
} else {
function id(name) {
return !!(typeof document !== "undefined" && document && document.getElementById) &&
document.getElementById( name );
function registerLoggingCallback(key){
return function(callback){
config[key].push( callback );
// Supports deprecated method of completely overwriting logging callbacks
function runLoggingCallbacks(key, scope, args) {
var callbacks;
if ( QUnit.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
QUnit[key].call(scope, args);
} else {
callbacks = config[key];
for( var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++ ) {
callbacks[i].call( scope, args );
// Test for equality any JavaScript type.
// Author: Philippe Rathé <>
QUnit.equiv = (function() {
var innerEquiv; // the real equiv function
var callers = []; // stack to decide between skip/abort functions
var parents = []; // stack to avoiding loops from circular referencing
// Call the o related callback with the given arguments.
function bindCallbacks(o, callbacks, args) {
var prop = QUnit.objectType(o);
if (prop) {
if (QUnit.objectType(callbacks[prop]) === "function") {
return callbacks[prop].apply(callbacks, args);
} else {
return callbacks[prop]; // or undefined
var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (obj) {
return obj.__proto__;
var callbacks = (function () {
// for string, boolean, number and null
function useStrictEquality(b, a) {
if (b instanceof a.constructor || a instanceof b.constructor) {
// to catch short annotaion VS 'new' annotation of a
// declaration
// e.g. var i = 1;
// var j = new Number(1);
return a == b;
} else {
return a === b;
return {
"string" : useStrictEquality,
"boolean" : useStrictEquality,
"number" : useStrictEquality,
"null" : useStrictEquality,
"undefined" : useStrictEquality,
"nan" : function(b) {
return isNaN(b);
"date" : function(b, a) {
return QUnit.objectType(b) === "date" && a.valueOf() === b.valueOf();
"regexp" : function(b, a) {
return QUnit.objectType(b) === "regexp" &&
// the regex itself
a.source === b.source &&
// and its modifers === &&
// (gmi) ...
a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase &&
a.multiline === b.multiline;
// - skip when the property is a method of an instance (OOP)
// - abort otherwise,
// initial === would have catch identical references anyway
"function" : function() {
var caller = callers[callers.length - 1];
return caller !== Object && typeof caller !== "undefined";
"array" : function(b, a) {
var i, j, loop;
var len;
// b could be an object literal here
if (QUnit.objectType(b) !== "array") {
return false;
len = a.length;
if (len !== b.length) { // safe and faster
return false;
// track reference to avoid circular references
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
loop = false;
for (j = 0; j < parents.length; j++) {
if (parents[j] === a[i]) {
loop = true;// dont rewalk array
if (!loop && !innerEquiv(a[i], b[i])) {
return false;
return true;
"object" : function(b, a) {
var i, j, loop;
var eq = true; // unless we can proove it
var aProperties = [], bProperties = []; // collection of
// strings
// comparing constructors is more strict than using
// instanceof
if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) {
// Allow objects with no prototype to be equivalent to
// objects with Object as their constructor.
if (!((getProto(a) === null && getProto(b) === Object.prototype) ||
(getProto(b) === null && getProto(a) === Object.prototype)))
return false;
// stack constructor before traversing properties
// track reference to avoid circular references
for (i in a) { // be strict: don't ensures hasOwnProperty
// and go deep
loop = false;
for (j = 0; j < parents.length; j++) {
if (parents[j] === a[i]) {
// don't go down the same path twice
loop = true;
aProperties.push(i); // collect a's properties
if (!loop && !innerEquiv(a[i], b[i])) {
eq = false;
callers.pop(); // unstack, we are done
for (i in b) {
bProperties.push(i); // collect b's properties
// Ensures identical properties name
return eq && innerEquiv(aProperties.sort(), bProperties.sort());
innerEquiv = function() { // can take multiple arguments
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
if (args.length < 2) {
return true; // end transition
return (function(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return true; // catch the most you can
} else if (a === null || b === null || typeof a === "undefined" ||
typeof b === "undefined" ||
QUnit.objectType(a) !== QUnit.objectType(b)) {
return false; // don't lose time with error prone cases
} else {
return bindCallbacks(a, callbacks, [ b, a ]);
// apply transition with (1..n) arguments
}(args[0], args[1]) && arguments.callee.apply(this, args.splice(1, args.length - 1)));
return innerEquiv;
* jsDump Copyright (c) 2008 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com |
* Licensed under BSD
* ( Date: 5/15/2008
* @projectDescription Advanced and extensible data dumping for Javascript.
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Ariel Flesler
* @link {}
QUnit.jsDump = (function() {
function quote( str ) {
return '"' + str.toString().replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';
function literal( o ) {
return o + '';
function join( pre, arr, post ) {
var s = jsDump.separator(),
base = jsDump.indent(),
inner = jsDump.indent(1);
if ( arr.join ) {
arr = arr.join( ',' + s + inner );
if ( !arr ) {
return pre + post;
return [ pre, inner + arr, base + post ].join(s);
function array( arr, stack ) {
var i = arr.length, ret = new Array(i);
while ( i-- ) {
ret[i] = this.parse( arr[i] , undefined , stack);
return join( '[', ret, ']' );
var reName = /^function (\w+)/;
var jsDump = {
parse: function( obj, type, stack ) { //type is used mostly internally, you can fix a (custom)type in advance
stack = stack || [ ];
var parser = this.parsers[ type || this.typeOf(obj) ];
type = typeof parser;
var inStack = inArray(obj, stack);
if (inStack != -1) {
return 'recursion('+(inStack - stack.length)+')';
if (type == 'function') {
var res = this, obj, stack );
return res;
// else
return (type == 'string') ? parser : this.parsers.error;
typeOf: function( obj ) {
var type;
if ( obj === null ) {
type = "null";
} else if (typeof obj === "undefined") {
type = "undefined";
} else if ("RegExp", obj)) {
type = "regexp";
} else if ("Date", obj)) {
type = "date";
} else if ("Function", obj)) {
type = "function";
} else if (typeof obj.setInterval !== undefined && typeof obj.document !== "undefined" && typeof obj.nodeType === "undefined") {
type = "window";
} else if (obj.nodeType === 9) {
type = "document";
} else if (obj.nodeType) {
type = "node";
} else if (
// native arrays obj ) === "[object Array]" ||
// NodeList objects
( typeof obj.length === "number" && typeof obj.item !== "undefined" && ( obj.length ? obj.item(0) === obj[0] : ( obj.item( 0 ) === null && typeof obj[0] === "undefined" ) ) )
) {
type = "array";
} else {
type = typeof obj;
return type;
separator: function() {
return this.multiline ? this.HTML ? '<br />' : '\n' : this.HTML ? '&nbsp;' : ' ';
indent: function( extra ) {// extra can be a number, shortcut for increasing-calling-decreasing
if ( !this.multiline ) {
return '';
var chr = this.indentChar;
if ( this.HTML ) {
chr = chr.replace(/\t/g,' ').replace(/ /g,'&nbsp;');
return new Array( this._depth_ + (extra||0) ).join(chr);
up: function( a ) {
this._depth_ += a || 1;
down: function( a ) {
this._depth_ -= a || 1;
setParser: function( name, parser ) {
this.parsers[name] = parser;
// The next 3 are exposed so you can use them
quote: quote,
literal: literal,
join: join,
_depth_: 1,
// This is the list of parsers, to modify them, use jsDump.setParser
parsers: {
window: '[Window]',
document: '[Document]',
error: '[ERROR]', //when no parser is found, shouldn't happen
unknown: '[Unknown]',
'null': 'null',
'undefined': 'undefined',
'function': function( fn ) {
var ret = 'function',
name = 'name' in fn ? : (reName.exec(fn)||[])[1];//functions never have name in IE
if ( name ) {
ret += ' ' + name;
ret += '(';
ret = [ ret, QUnit.jsDump.parse( fn, 'functionArgs' ), '){'].join('');
return join( ret, QUnit.jsDump.parse(fn,'functionCode'), '}' );
array: array,
nodelist: array,
'arguments': array,
object: function( map, stack ) {
var ret = [ ], keys, key, val, i;
if (Object.keys) {
keys = Object.keys( map );
} else {
keys = [];
for (key in map) { keys.push( key ); }
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
key = keys[ i ];
val = map[ key ];
ret.push( QUnit.jsDump.parse( key, 'key' ) + ': ' + QUnit.jsDump.parse( val, undefined, stack ) );
return join( '{', ret, '}' );
node: function( node ) {
var open = QUnit.jsDump.HTML ? '&lt;' : '<',
close = QUnit.jsDump.HTML ? '&gt;' : '>';
var tag = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
ret = open + tag;
for ( var a in QUnit.jsDump.DOMAttrs ) {
var val = node[QUnit.jsDump.DOMAttrs[a]];
if ( val ) {
ret += ' ' + a + '=' + QUnit.jsDump.parse( val, 'attribute' );
return ret + close + open + '/' + tag + close;
functionArgs: function( fn ) {//function calls it internally, it's the arguments part of the function
var l = fn.length;
if ( !l ) {
return '';
var args = new Array(l);
while ( l-- ) {
args[l] = String.fromCharCode(97+l);//97 is 'a'
return ' ' + args.join(', ') + ' ';
key: quote, //object calls it internally, the key part of an item in a map
functionCode: '[code]', //function calls it internally, it's the content of the function
attribute: quote, //node calls it internally, it's an html attribute value
string: quote,
date: quote,
regexp: literal, //regex
number: literal,
'boolean': literal
DOMAttrs:{//attributes to dump from nodes, name=>realName
HTML:false,//if true, entities are escaped ( <, >, \t, space and \n )
indentChar:' ',//indentation unit
multiline:true //if true, items in a collection, are separated by a \n, else just a space.
return jsDump;
// from Sizzle.js
function getText( elems ) {
var ret = "", elem;
for ( var i = 0; elems[i]; i++ ) {
elem = elems[i];
// Get the text from text nodes and CDATA nodes
if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) {
ret += elem.nodeValue;
// Traverse everything else, except comment nodes
} else if ( elem.nodeType !== 8 ) {
ret += getText( elem.childNodes );
return ret;
//from jquery.js
function inArray( elem, array ) {
if ( array.indexOf ) {
return array.indexOf( elem );
for ( var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++ ) {
if ( array[ i ] === elem ) {
return i;
return -1;
* Javascript Diff Algorithm
* By John Resig (
* Modified by Chu Alan "sprite"
* Released under the MIT license.
* More Info:
* Usage: QUnit.diff(expected, actual)
* QUnit.diff("the quick brown fox jumped over", "the quick fox jumps over") == "the quick <del>brown </del> fox <del>jumped </del><ins>jumps </ins> over"
QUnit.diff = (function() {
function diff(o, n) {
var ns = {};
var os = {};
var i;
for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
if (ns[n[i]] == null) {
ns[n[i]] = {
rows: [],
o: null
for (i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
if (os[o[i]] == null) {
os[o[i]] = {
rows: [],
n: null
for (i in ns) {
if ( ! ns, i ) ) {
if (ns[i].rows.length == 1 && typeof(os[i]) != "undefined" && os[i].rows.length == 1) {
n[ns[i].rows[0]] = {
text: n[ns[i].rows[0]],
row: os[i].rows[0]
o[os[i].rows[0]] = {
text: o[os[i].rows[0]],
row: ns[i].rows[0]
for (i = 0; i < n.length - 1; i++) {
if (n[i].text != null && n[i + 1].text == null && n[i].row + 1 < o.length && o[n[i].row + 1].text == null &&
n[i + 1] == o[n[i].row + 1]) {
n[i + 1] = {
text: n[i + 1],
row: n[i].row + 1
o[n[i].row + 1] = {
text: o[n[i].row + 1],
row: i + 1
for (i = n.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (n[i].text != null && n[i - 1].text == null && n[i].row > 0 && o[n[i].row - 1].text == null &&
n[i - 1] == o[n[i].row - 1]) {
n[i - 1] = {
text: n[i - 1],
row: n[i].row - 1
o[n[i].row - 1] = {
text: o[n[i].row - 1],
row: i - 1
return {
o: o,
n: n
return function(o, n) {
o = o.replace(/\s+$/, '');
n = n.replace(/\s+$/, '');
var out = diff(o === "" ? [] : o.split(/\s+/), n === "" ? [] : n.split(/\s+/));
var str = "";
var i;
var oSpace = o.match(/\s+/g);
if (oSpace == null) {
oSpace = [" "];
else {
oSpace.push(" ");
var nSpace = n.match(/\s+/g);
if (nSpace == null) {
nSpace = [" "];
else {
nSpace.push(" ");
if (out.n.length === 0) {
for (i = 0; i < out.o.length; i++) {
str += '<del>' + out.o[i] + oSpace[i] + "</del>";
else {
if (out.n[0].text == null) {
for (n = 0; n < out.o.length && out.o[n].text == null; n++) {
str += '<del>' + out.o[n] + oSpace[n] + "</del>";
for (i = 0; i < out.n.length; i++) {
if (out.n[i].text == null) {
str += '<ins>' + out.n[i] + nSpace[i] + "</ins>";
else {
var pre = "";
for (n = out.n[i].row + 1; n < out.o.length && out.o[n].text == null; n++) {
pre += '<del>' + out.o[n] + oSpace[n] + "</del>";
str += " " + out.n[i].text + nSpace[i] + pre;
return str;
// for CommonJS enviroments, export everything
if ( typeof exports !== "undefined" || typeof require !== "undefined" ) {
extend(exports, QUnit);
// get at whatever the global object is, like window in browsers
}( (function() {return this;}.call()) ));
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
* sinon-qunit 1.0.0, 2010/12/09
* @author Christian Johansen (
* (The BSD License)
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Christian Johansen,
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Christian Johansen nor the names of his contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
/*global sinon, QUnit, test*/ = function (msg) {
QUnit.ok(false, msg);
sinon.assert.pass = function (assertion) {
QUnit.ok(true, assertion);
sinon.config = {
injectIntoThis: true,
injectInto: null,
properties: ["spy", "stub", "mock", "clock", "sandbox"],
useFakeTimers: true,
useFakeServer: false
(function (global) {
var qTest = QUnit.test;
QUnit.test = global.test = function (testName, expected, callback, async) {
if (arguments.length === 2) {
callback = expected;
expected = null;
return qTest(testName, expected, sinon.test(callback), async);
* Sinon.JS 1.3.2, 2012/03/11
* @author Christian Johansen (
* (The BSD License)
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Christian Johansen,
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Christian Johansen nor the names of his contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
"use strict";
/*jslint eqeqeq: false, onevar: false*/
/*global sinon, module, require, ActiveXObject, XMLHttpRequest, DOMParser*/
* Minimal Event interface implementation
* Original implementation by Sven Fuchs:
* Modifications and tests by Christian Johansen.
* @author Sven Fuchs (
* @author Christian Johansen (
* @license BSD
* Copyright (c) 2011 Sven Fuchs, Christian Johansen
if (typeof sinon == "undefined") {
this.sinon = {};
(function () {
var push = [].push;
sinon.Event = function Event(type, bubbles, cancelable) {
this.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
sinon.Event.prototype = {
initEvent: function(type, bubbles, cancelable) {
this.type = type;
this.bubbles = bubbles;
this.cancelable = cancelable;
stopPropagation: function () {},
preventDefault: function () {
this.defaultPrevented = true;
sinon.EventTarget = {
addEventListener: function addEventListener(event, listener, useCapture) {
this.eventListeners = this.eventListeners || {};
this.eventListeners[event] = this.eventListeners[event] || [];[event], listener);
removeEventListener: function removeEventListener(event, listener, useCapture) {
var listeners = this.eventListeners && this.eventListeners[event] || [];
for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; ++i) {
if (listeners[i] == listener) {
return listeners.splice(i, 1);
dispatchEvent: function dispatchEvent(event) {
var type = event.type;
var listeners = this.eventListeners && this.eventListeners[type] || [];
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (typeof listeners[i] == "function") {
listeners[i].call(this, event);
} else {
return !!event.defaultPrevented;
* @depend event.js
/*jslint eqeqeq: false, onevar: false*/
/*global sinon, module, require, ActiveXObject, XMLHttpRequest, DOMParser*/
* Fake XMLHttpRequest object
* @author Christian Johansen (
* @license BSD
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Christian Johansen
if (typeof sinon == "undefined") {
this.sinon = {};
sinon.xhr = { XMLHttpRequest: this.XMLHttpRequest };
// wrapper for global
(function(global) {
var xhr = sinon.xhr;
xhr.GlobalXMLHttpRequest = global.XMLHttpRequest;
xhr.GlobalActiveXObject = global.ActiveXObject;
xhr.supportsActiveX = typeof xhr.GlobalActiveXObject != "undefined";
xhr.supportsXHR = typeof xhr.GlobalXMLHttpRequest != "undefined";
xhr.workingXHR = xhr.supportsXHR ? xhr.GlobalXMLHttpRequest : xhr.supportsActiveX
? function() { return new xhr.GlobalActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0") } : false;
var unsafeHeaders = {
"Accept-Charset": true,
"Accept-Encoding": true,
"Connection": true,
"Content-Length": true,
"Cookie": true,
"Cookie2": true,
"Content-Transfer-Encoding": true,
"Date": true,
"Expect": true,
"Host": true,
"Keep-Alive": true,
"Referer": true,
"TE": true,
"Trailer": true,
"Transfer-Encoding": true,
"Upgrade": true,
"User-Agent": true,
"Via": true
function FakeXMLHttpRequest() {
this.readyState = FakeXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
this.requestHeaders = {};
this.requestBody = null;
this.status = 0;
this.statusText = "";
if (typeof FakeXMLHttpRequest.onCreate == "function") {
function verifyState(xhr) {
if (xhr.readyState !== FakeXMLHttpRequest.OPENED) {
throw new Error("INVALID_STATE_ERR");
if (xhr.sendFlag) {
throw new Error("INVALID_STATE_ERR");
// filtering to enable a white-list version of Sinon FakeXhr,
// where whitelisted requests are passed through to real XHR
function each(collection, callback) {
if (!collection) return;
for (var i = 0, l = collection.length; i < l; i += 1) {
function some(collection, callback) {
for (var index = 0; index < collection.length; index++) {
if(callback(collection[index]) === true) return true;
return false;
// largest arity in XHR is 5 - XHR#open
var apply = function(obj,method,args) {
switch(args.length) {
case 0: return obj[method]();
case 1: return obj[method](args[0]);
case 2: return obj[method](args[0],args[1]);
case 3: return obj[method](args[0],args[1],args[2]);
case 4: return obj[method](args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3]);
case 5: return obj[method](args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4]);
FakeXMLHttpRequest.filters = [];
FakeXMLHttpRequest.addFilter = function(fn) {
var IE6Re = /MSIE 6/;
FakeXMLHttpRequest.defake = function(fakeXhr,xhrArgs) {
var xhr = new sinon.xhr.workingXHR();
function(method) {
fakeXhr[method] = function() {
return apply(xhr,method,arguments);
var copyAttrs = function(args) {
each(args, function(attr) {
try {
fakeXhr[attr] = xhr[attr]
} catch(e) {
if(!IE6Re.test(navigator.userAgent)) throw e;
var stateChange = function() {
fakeXhr.readyState = xhr.readyState;
if(xhr.readyState >= FakeXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
if(xhr.readyState >= FakeXMLHttpRequest.LOADING) {
if(xhr.readyState === FakeXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
if(xhr.addEventListener) {
for(var event in fakeXhr.eventListeners) {
if(fakeXhr.eventListeners.hasOwnProperty(event)) {
each(fakeXhr.eventListeners[event],function(handler) {
xhr.addEventListener(event, handler);
} else {
xhr.onreadystatechange = stateChange;
FakeXMLHttpRequest.useFilters = false;
function verifyRequestSent(xhr) {
if (xhr.readyState == FakeXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
throw new Error("Request done");
function verifyHeadersReceived(xhr) {
if (xhr.async && xhr.readyState != FakeXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
throw new Error("No headers received");
function verifyResponseBodyType(body) {
if (typeof body != "string") {
var error = new Error("Attempted to respond to fake XMLHttpRequest with " +
body + ", which is not a string."); = "InvalidBodyException";
throw error;
sinon.extend(FakeXMLHttpRequest.prototype, sinon.EventTarget, {
async: true,
open: function open(method, url, async, username, password) {
this.method = method;
this.url = url;
this.async = typeof async == "boolean" ? async : true;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.responseText = null;
this.responseXML = null;
this.requestHeaders = {};
this.sendFlag = false;
if(sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest.useFilters === true) {
var xhrArgs = arguments;
var defake = some(FakeXMLHttpRequest.filters,function(filter) {
return filter.apply(this,xhrArgs)
if (defake) {
return sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest.defake(this,arguments);
readyStateChange: function readyStateChange(state) {
this.readyState = state;
if (typeof this.onreadystatechange == "function") {
try {
} catch (e) {
sinon.logError("Fake XHR onreadystatechange handler", e);
this.dispatchEvent(new sinon.Event("readystatechange"));
setRequestHeader: function setRequestHeader(header, value) {
if (unsafeHeaders[header] || /^(Sec-|Proxy-)/.test(header)) {
throw new Error("Refused to set unsafe header \"" + header + "\"");
if (this.requestHeaders[header]) {
this.requestHeaders[header] += "," + value;
} else {
this.requestHeaders[header] = value;
// Helps testing
setResponseHeaders: function setResponseHeaders(headers) {
this.responseHeaders = {};
for (var header in headers) {
if (headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
this.responseHeaders[header] = headers[header];
if (this.async) {
// Currently treats ALL data as a DOMString (i.e. no Document)
send: function send(data) {
if (!/^(get|head)$/i.test(this.method)) {
if (this.requestHeaders["Content-Type"]) {
var value = this.requestHeaders["Content-Type"].split(";");
this.requestHeaders["Content-Type"] = value[0] + ";charset=utf-8";
} else {
this.requestHeaders["Content-Type"] = "text/plain;charset=utf-8";
this.requestBody = data;
this.errorFlag = false;
this.sendFlag = this.async;
if (typeof this.onSend == "function") {
abort: function abort() {
this.aborted = true;
this.responseText = null;
this.errorFlag = true;
this.requestHeaders = {};
if (this.readyState > sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT && this.sendFlag) {
this.sendFlag = false;
this.readyState = sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
getResponseHeader: function getResponseHeader(header) {
if (this.readyState < FakeXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
return null;
if (/^Set-Cookie2?$/i.test(header)) {
return null;
header = header.toLowerCase();
for (var h in this.responseHeaders) {
if (h.toLowerCase() == header) {
return this.responseHeaders[h];
return null;
getAllResponseHeaders: function getAllResponseHeaders() {
if (this.readyState < FakeXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
return "";
var headers = "";
for (var header in this.responseHeaders) {
if (this.responseHeaders.hasOwnProperty(header) &&
!/^Set-Cookie2?$/i.test(header)) {
headers += header + ": " + this.responseHeaders[header] + "\r\n";
return headers;
setResponseBody: function setResponseBody(body) {
var chunkSize = this.chunkSize || 10;
var index = 0;
this.responseText = "";
do {
if (this.async) {
this.responseText += body.substring(index, index + chunkSize);
index += chunkSize;
} while (index < body.length);
var type = this.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
if (this.responseText &&
(!type || /(text\/xml)|(application\/xml)|(\+xml)/.test(type))) {
try {
this.responseXML = FakeXMLHttpRequest.parseXML(this.responseText);
} catch (e) {
// Unable to parse XML - no biggie
if (this.async) {
} else {
this.readyState = FakeXMLHttpRequest.DONE;
respond: function respond(status, headers, body) {
this.setResponseHeaders(headers || {});
this.status = typeof status == "number" ? status : 200;
this.statusText = FakeXMLHttpRequest.statusCodes[this.status];
this.setResponseBody(body || "");
sinon.extend(FakeXMLHttpRequest, {
// Borrowed from JSpec
FakeXMLHttpRequest.parseXML = function parseXML(text) {
var xmlDoc;
if (typeof DOMParser != "undefined") {
var parser = new DOMParser();
xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml");
} else {
xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xmlDoc.async = "false";
return xmlDoc;
FakeXMLHttpRequest.statusCodes = {
100: "Continue",
101: "Switching Protocols",
200: "OK",
201: "Created",
202: "Accepted",
203: "Non-Authoritative Information",
204: "No Content",
205: "Reset Content",
206: "Partial Content",
300: "Multiple Choice",
301: "Moved Permanently",
302: "Found",
303: "See Other",
304: "Not Modified",
305: "Use Proxy",
307: "Temporary Redirect",
400: "Bad Request",
401: "Unauthorized",
402: "Payment Required",
403: "Forbidden",
404: "Not Found",
405: "Method Not Allowed",
406: "Not Acceptable",
407: "Proxy Authentication Required",
408: "Request Timeout",
409: "Conflict",
410: "Gone",
411: "Length Required",
412: "Precondition Failed",
413: "Request Entity Too Large",
414: "Request-URI Too Long",
415: "Unsupported Media Type",
416: "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
417: "Expectation Failed",
422: "Unprocessable Entity",
500: "Internal Server Error",
501: "Not Implemented",
502: "Bad Gateway",
503: "Service Unavailable",
504: "Gateway Timeout",
505: "HTTP Version Not Supported"
sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest = function () {
sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest.restore = function restore(keepOnCreate) {
if (xhr.supportsXHR) {
global.XMLHttpRequest = xhr.GlobalXMLHttpRequest;
if (xhr.supportsActiveX) {
global.ActiveXObject = xhr.GlobalActiveXObject;
delete sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest.restore;
if (keepOnCreate !== true) {
delete sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest.onCreate;
if (xhr.supportsXHR) {
global.XMLHttpRequest = sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest;
if (xhr.supportsActiveX) {
global.ActiveXObject = function ActiveXObject(objId) {
if (objId == "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" || /^Msxml2\.XMLHTTP/i.test(objId)) {
return new sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest();
return new xhr.GlobalActiveXObject(objId);
return sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest;
sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest = FakeXMLHttpRequest;
if (typeof module == "object" && typeof require == "function") {
module.exports = sinon;
* @depend fake_xml_http_request.js
/*jslint eqeqeq: false, onevar: false, regexp: false, plusplus: false*/
/*global module, require, window*/
* The Sinon "server" mimics a web server that receives requests from
* sinon.FakeXMLHttpRequest and provides an API to respond to those requests,
* both synchronously and asynchronously. To respond synchronuously, canned
* answers have to be provided upfront.
* @author Christian Johansen (
* @license BSD
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Christian Johansen
if (typeof sinon == "undefined") {
var sinon = {};
sinon.fakeServer = (function () {
var push = [].push;
function F() {}
function create(proto) {
F.prototype = proto;
return new F();
function responseArray(handler) {
var response = handler;
if ( != "[object Array]") {
response = [200, {}, handler];
if (typeof response[2] != "string") {
throw new TypeError("Fake server response body should be string, but was " +
typeof response[2]);
return response;
var wloc = window.location;
var rCurrLoc = new RegExp("^" + wloc.protocol + "//" +;
function matchOne(response, reqMethod, reqUrl) {
var rmeth = response.method;
var matchMethod = !rmeth || rmeth.toLowerCase() == reqMethod.toLowerCase();
var url = response.url;
var matchUrl = !url || url == reqUrl || (typeof url.test == "function" && url.test(reqUrl));
return matchMethod && matchUrl;
function match(response, request) {
var requestMethod = this.getHTTPMethod(request);
var requestUrl = request.url;
if (!/^https?:\/\//.test(requestUrl) || rCurrLoc.test(requestUrl)) {
requestUrl = requestUrl.replace(rCurrLoc, "");
if (matchOne(response, this.getHTTPMethod(request), requestUrl)) {
if (typeof response.response == "function") {
var ru = response.url;
var args = [request].concat(!ru ? [] : requestUrl.match(ru).slice(1));
return response.response.apply(response, args);
return true;
return false;
return {
create: function () {
var server = create(this);
this.xhr = sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest();
server.requests = [];
this.xhr.onCreate = function (xhrObj) {
return server;
addRequest: function addRequest(xhrObj) {
var server = this;, xhrObj);
xhrObj.onSend = function () {
if (this.autoRespond && !this.responding) {
setTimeout(function () {
server.responding = false;
}, this.autoRespondAfter || 10);
this.responding = true;
getHTTPMethod: function getHTTPMethod(request) {
if (this.fakeHTTPMethods && /post/i.test(request.method)) {
var matches = (request.requestBody || "").match(/_method=([^\b;]+)/);
return !!matches ? matches[1] : request.method;
return request.method;
handleRequest: function handleRequest(xhr) {
if (xhr.async) {
if (!this.queue) {
this.queue = [];
}, xhr);
} else {
respondWith: function respondWith(method, url, body) {
if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof method != "function") {
this.response = responseArray(method);
if (!this.responses) { this.responses = []; }
if (arguments.length == 1) {
body = method;
url = method = null;
if (arguments.length == 2) {
body = url;
url = method;
method = null;
}, {
method: method,
url: url,
response: typeof body == "function" ? body : responseArray(body)
respond: function respond() {
if (arguments.length > 0) this.respondWith.apply(this, arguments);
var queue = this.queue || [];
var request;
while(request = queue.shift()) {
processRequest: function processRequest(request) {
try {
if (request.aborted) {
var response = this.response || [404, {}, ""];
if (this.responses) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.responses.length; i < l; i++) {
if (, this.responses[i], request)) {
response = this.responses[i].response;
if (request.readyState != 4) {
request.respond(response[0], response[1], response[2]);
} catch (e) {
sinon.logError("Fake server request processing", e);
restore: function restore() {
return this.xhr.restore && this.xhr.restore.apply(this.xhr, arguments);
if (typeof module == "object" && typeof require == "function") {
module.exports = sinon;
/*jslint eqeqeq: false, plusplus: false, evil: true, onevar: false, browser: true, forin: false*/
/*global module, require, window*/
* Fake timer API
* setTimeout
* setInterval
* clearTimeout
* clearInterval
* tick
* reset
* Date
* Inspired by jsUnitMockTimeOut from JsUnit
* @author Christian Johansen (
* @license BSD
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Christian Johansen
if (typeof sinon == "undefined") {
var sinon = {};
(function (global) {
var id = 1;
function addTimer(args, recurring) {
if (args.length === 0) {
throw new Error("Function requires at least 1 parameter");
var toId = id++;
var delay = args[1] || 0;
if (!this.timeouts) {
this.timeouts = {};
this.timeouts[toId] = {
id: toId,
func: args[0],
callAt: + delay
if (recurring === true) {
this.timeouts[toId].interval = delay;
return toId;
function parseTime(str) {
if (!str) {
return 0;
var strings = str.split(":");
var l = strings.length, i = l;
var ms = 0, parsed;
if (l > 3 || !/^(\d\d:){0,2}\d\d?$/.test(str)) {
throw new Error("tick only understands numbers and 'h:m:s'");
while (i--) {
parsed = parseInt(strings[i], 10);
if (parsed >= 60) {
throw new Error("Invalid time " + str);
ms += parsed * Math.pow(60, (l - i - 1));
return ms * 1000;
function createObject(object) {
var newObject;
if (Object.create) {
newObject = Object.create(object);
} else {
var F = function () {};
F.prototype = object;
newObject = new F();
newObject.Date.clock = newObject;
return newObject;
sinon.clock = {
now: 0,
create: function create(now) {
var clock = createObject(this);
if (typeof now == "number") { = now;
if (!!now && typeof now == "object") {
throw new TypeError("now should be milliseconds since UNIX epoch");
return clock;
setTimeout: function setTimeout(callback, timeout) {
return, arguments, false);
clearTimeout: function clearTimeout(timerId) {
if (!this.timeouts) {
this.timeouts = [];
if (timerId in this.timeouts) {
delete this.timeouts[timerId];
setInterval: function setInterval(callback, timeout) {
return, arguments, true);
clearInterval: function clearInterval(timerId) {
tick: function tick(ms) {
ms = typeof ms == "number" ? ms : parseTime(ms);
var tickFrom =, tickTo = + ms, previous =;
var timer = this.firstTimerInRange(tickFrom, tickTo);
var firstException;
while (timer && tickFrom <= tickTo) {
if (this.timeouts[]) {
tickFrom = = timer.callAt;
try {
} catch (e) {
firstException = firstException || e;
timer = this.firstTimerInRange(previous, tickTo);
previous = tickFrom;
} = tickTo;
if (firstException) {
throw firstException;
firstTimerInRange: function (from, to) {
var timer, smallest, originalTimer;
for (var id in this.timeouts) {
if (this.timeouts.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
if (this.timeouts[id].callAt < from || this.timeouts[id].callAt > to) {
if (!smallest || this.timeouts[id].callAt < smallest) {
originalTimer = this.timeouts[id];
smallest = this.timeouts[id].callAt;
timer = {
func: this.timeouts[id].func,
callAt: this.timeouts[id].callAt,
interval: this.timeouts[id].interval,
id: this.timeouts[id].id
return timer || null;
callTimer: function (timer) {
try {
if (typeof timer.func == "function") {;
} else {
} catch (e) {
var exception = e;
if (!this.timeouts[]) {
if (exception) {
throw exception;
if (typeof timer.interval == "number") {
this.timeouts[].callAt += timer.interval;
} else {
delete this.timeouts[];
if (exception) {
throw exception;
reset: function reset() {
this.timeouts = {};
Date: (function () {
var NativeDate = Date;
function ClockDate(year, month, date, hour, minute, second, ms) {
// Defensive and verbose to avoid potential harm in passing
// explicit undefined when user does not pass argument
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
return new NativeDate(;
case 1:
return new NativeDate(year);
case 2:
return new NativeDate(year, month);
case 3:
return new NativeDate(year, month, date);
case 4:
return new NativeDate(year, month, date, hour);
case 5:
return new NativeDate(year, month, date, hour, minute);
case 6:
return new NativeDate(year, month, date, hour, minute, second);
return new NativeDate(year, month, date, hour, minute, second, ms);
return mirrorDateProperties(ClockDate, NativeDate);
function mirrorDateProperties(target, source) {
if ( { = function now() {
} else {
if (source.toSource) {
target.toSource = function toSource() {
return source.toSource();
} else {
delete target.toSource;
target.toString = function toString() {
return source.toString();
target.prototype = source.prototype;
target.parse = source.parse;
target.UTC = source.UTC;
target.prototype.toUTCString = source.prototype.toUTCString;
return target;
var methods = ["Date", "setTimeout", "setInterval",
"clearTimeout", "clearInterval"];
function restore() {
var method;
for (var i = 0, l = this.methods.length; i < l; i++) {
method = this.methods[i];
global[method] = this["_" + method];
function stubGlobal(method, clock) {
clock["_" + method] = global[method];
if (method == "Date") {
var date = mirrorDateProperties(clock[method], global[method]);
global[method] = date;
} else {
global[method] = function () {
return clock[method].apply(clock, arguments);
for (var prop in clock[method]) {
if (clock[method].hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
global[method][prop] = clock[method][prop];
global[method].clock = clock;
sinon.useFakeTimers = function useFakeTimers(now) {
var clock = sinon.clock.create(now);
clock.restore = restore;
clock.methods =,
typeof now == "number" ? 1 : 0);
if (clock.methods.length === 0) {
clock.methods = methods;
for (var i = 0, l = clock.methods.length; i < l; i++) {
stubGlobal(clock.methods[i], clock);
return clock;
}(typeof global != "undefined" && typeof global !== "function" ? global : this));
sinon.timers = {
setTimeout: setTimeout,
clearTimeout: clearTimeout,
setInterval: setInterval,
clearInterval: clearInterval,
Date: Date
if (typeof module == "object" && typeof require == "function") {
module.exports = sinon;
* @depend fake_server.js
* @depend fake_timers.js
/*jslint browser: true, eqeqeq: false, onevar: false*/
/*global sinon*/
* Add-on for sinon.fakeServer that automatically handles a fake timer along with
* the FakeXMLHttpRequest. The direct inspiration for this add-on is jQuery
* 1.3.x, which does not use xhr object's onreadystatehandler at all - instead,
* it polls the object for completion with setInterval. Dispite the direct
* motivation, there is nothing jQuery-specific in this file, so it can be used
* in any environment where the ajax implementation depends on setInterval or
* setTimeout.
* @author Christian Johansen (
* @license BSD
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Christian Johansen
(function () {
function Server() {}
Server.prototype = sinon.fakeServer;
sinon.fakeServerWithClock = new Server();
sinon.fakeServerWithClock.addRequest = function addRequest(xhr) {
if (xhr.async) {
if (typeof setTimeout.clock == "object") {
this.clock = setTimeout.clock;
} else {
this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
this.resetClock = true;
if (!this.longestTimeout) {
var clockSetTimeout = this.clock.setTimeout;
var clockSetInterval = this.clock.setInterval;
var server = this;
this.clock.setTimeout = function (fn, timeout) {
server.longestTimeout = Math.max(timeout, server.longestTimeout || 0);
return clockSetTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
this.clock.setInterval = function (fn, timeout) {
server.longestTimeout = Math.max(timeout, server.longestTimeout || 0);
return clockSetInterval.apply(this, arguments);
return, xhr);
sinon.fakeServerWithClock.respond = function respond() {
var returnVal = sinon.fakeServer.respond.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.clock) {
this.clock.tick(this.longestTimeout || 0);
this.longestTimeout = 0;
if (this.resetClock) {
this.resetClock = false;
return returnVal;
sinon.fakeServerWithClock.restore = function restore() {
if (this.clock) {
return sinon.fakeServer.restore.apply(this, arguments);
"name": "jquery.slapos",
"title": "jQuery Slapos",
"description": "API to use slapos stuff in a web application",
"version": "0.1.0",
"homepage": "",
"author": {
"name": "Thomas Lechauve",
"email": ""
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"licenses": [
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "~1.7",
"sinon": "1.3.2",
"modernizr": "2.5.3"
"keywords": []
(function ($) {
"use strict";
var methods = {
init: function (options) {
var settings = $.extend({
'host': '',
'access_token': '',
'clientID': ''
}, options);
return this.each(function () {
var setting; = Modernizr.localstorage ? methods.lStore : methods.cStore;
for (setting in settings) {
if (settings.hasOwnProperty(setting)) {
$(this).slapos('store', setting, settings[setting]);
/* Getters & Setters shortcuts */
access_token: function (value) {
return $(this).slapos('store', 'access_token', value);
host: function (value) {
return $(this).slapos('store', 'host', value);
clientID: function (value) {
return $(this).slapos('store', 'clientID', value);
/* Local storage method */
lStore: function (name, value) {
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
return value === undefined ? window.localStorage[name] : window.localStorage[name] = value;
return false;
/* Cookie storage method */
cStore: function (name, value) {
if (value !== undefined) {
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";domain=" + window.location.hostname + ";path=" + window.location.pathname;
} else {
var i, x, y, cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (i = 0; i < cookies.length; i += 1) {
x = cookies[i].substr(0, cookies[i].indexOf('='));
y = cookies[i].substr(cookies[i].indexOf('=') + 1);
x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (x === name) {
return unescape(y);
statusDefault: function () {
return {
0: function () { console.error("status error code: 0"); },
404: function () { console.error("status error code: Not Found !"); }
request: function (type, url, callback, statusCode, data) {
data = data || '';
statusCode = statusCode || this.statusDefault;
return this.each(function () {
url: "http://" + $(this).slapos('host') + url,
type: type,
contentType: 'application/octet-stream',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
dataType: 'json',
context: $(this),
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
if ($(this).slapos("access_token")) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", $(this).slapos("store", "token_type") + " " + $(this).slapos("access_token"));
xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
statusCode: statusCode,
success: callback
newInstance: function (data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/request', callback, statusEvent, data);
deleteInstance: function (id, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'DELETE', '/instance/' + id, callback, statusEvent);
getInstance: function (id, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/instance/' + id, callback, statusEvent);
getInstanceCert: function (id, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/instance/' + id + '/certificate', callback, statusEvent);
bangInstance: function (id, log, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/instance/' + id + '/bang', callback, statusEvent, log);
editInstance: function (id, data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'PUT', '/instance/' + id, callback, statusEvent, data);
newComputer: function (data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer', callback, statusEvent, data);
getComputer: function (id, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/computer/' + id, callback, statusEvent);
editComputer: function (id, data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'PUT', '/computer/' + id, callback, statusEvent, data);
newSoftware: function (computerId, data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/' + computerId + '/supply', callback, statusEvent, data);
bangComputer: function (id, log, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/' + id + '/bang', callback, statusEvent, log);
computerReport: function (id, data, callback, statusEvent) {
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/' + id + '/report', callback, statusEvent, data);
$.fn.slapos = function (method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.slapos');
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>jQuery Slapos Test Suite</title>
<!-- Load local jQuery, removing access to $ (use jQuery, not $). -->
<script src="../libs/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script>
<!-- Load local Modernizr -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../libs/modernizr/modernizr-2.5.3.js"></script>
<!-- Load local QUnit (grunt requires v1.0.0 or newer). -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../libs/qunit/qunit.css" media="screen">
<script src="../libs/qunit/qunit.js"></script>
<!-- Load local SinonJs -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../libs/sinon/sinon-1.3.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../libs/sinon/sinon-qunit-1.0.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../libs/sinon/sinon-server-1.3.2.js"></script>
<!-- Load local lib and tests. -->
<script src="../src/jquery.slapos.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.slapos_test.js"></script>
<h1 id="qunit-header">jQuery Slapos Test Suite</h1>
<h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
<div id="qunit-testrunner-toolbar"></div>
<h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2>
<ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
<div id="qunit-fixture">
<span>lame test markup</span>
<span>normal test markup</span>
<span>awesome test markup</span>
var response, responseBody, url, data;
module("Cross-domain Tests");
test("200 response", function(){
url: '',
complete: function() { start(); },
statusCode: {
200: function(){ ok(true, "should get 200 status");}
test("404 response", function(){
url: '',
complete: function() { start(); },
statusCode: {
404: function(xhr){ ok(true, "should get 404 error status status="+xhr.status); },
0: function(){ ok(false, "should get 404 not but receive 0"); }
module("Local Ajax Tests", {
setup: function(){
this.server = sinon.sandbox.useFakeServer();
this.header = {"Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8"};
this.error = [409, this.header, 'ERROR'];
teardown: function(){
test("Requesting a new instance", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
url = "/request";
responseBody = [{instance_id: "anId",status: "started",connection: {}}];
response = [201, this.header, JSON.stringify(responseBody)];
this.server.respondWith("POST", url, response);
jQuery(document).slapos('newInstance', '', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+url);
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback should be called");
ok(callback.calledWith(responseBody), 'should return mainly id and status of an instance');
test("Requesting a new instance - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
url = "/request";
this.server.respondWith("POST", url, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('newInstance', '', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+url);
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Deleting an instance", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
response = [202, this.header, ''];
this.server.respondWith("DELETE", /\/instance\/(\w+)/, response);
jQuery(document).slapos('deleteInstance', 'id', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/instance/id');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback should be called");
test("Deleting an instance - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("DELETE", /\/instance\/(\w+)/, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('deleteInstance', 'id', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/instance/id');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Get instance information", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
responseBody = [{instance_id: "anId", status: "start", software_release: "",
software_type: "type_provided_by_the_software", slave: "False", connection: {
custom_connection_parameter_1: "foo",
custom_connection_parameter_2: "bar"},
parameter: {Custom1: "one string", Custom2: "one float",
Custom3: ["abc", "def"]},
sla: {computer_id: "COMP-0"},
children_id_list: ["subinstance1", "subinstance2"],
partition: {public_ip: ["::1", ""], private_ip: [""],
tap_interface: "tap2"}}];
response = [200, this.header, JSON.stringify(responseBody)];
this.server.respondWith("GET", /\/instance\/(\w+)/, response);
jQuery(document).slapos('getInstance', 'id', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/instance/id');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback should be call");
ok(callback.calledWith(responseBody), "should return informations of an instance");
test("Get instance information - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("GET", /\/instance\/(\w+)/, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('getInstance', 'id', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/instance/id');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Get instance authentication certificates", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
responseBody = [{ ssl_key: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvgIBADAN...h2VSZRlSN\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
ssl_certificate: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIEAzCCAuugAwIBAgICHQI...ulYdXJabLOeCOA=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"}];
response = [200, this.header, JSON.stringify(responseBody)];
this.server.respondWith("GET", /\/instance\/(\w+)\/certificate/, response);
jQuery(document).slapos('getInstanceCert', 'id', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/instance/id/certificate');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback call");
test("Get instance authentication certificates - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("GET", /\/instance\/(\w+)\/certificate/, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('getInstanceCert', 'id', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/instance/id/certificate');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Bang instance", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
response = [200, this.header, ''];
this.server.respondWith("POST", /\/instance\/(\w+)\/bang/, response);
data = '';
jQuery(document).slapos('bangInstance', 'id', data, callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/instance/id/bang');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback should be called");
test("Bang instance - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("POST", /\/instance\/(\w+)\/bang/, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('bangInstance', 'id', data, callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/instance/id/bang');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Modifying instance", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
response = [200, this.header, ''];
this.server.respondWith("PUT", /\/instance\/(\w+)/, response);
data = '';
jQuery(document).slapos('editInstance', 'id', data, callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/instance/id');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback should be called");
test("Modifying instance - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("PUT", /\/instance\/(\w+)/, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('editInstance', 'id', '', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/instance/id');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Register a new computer", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
responseBody = [{computer_id: "COMP-0",
ssl_key: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvgIBADAN...h2VSZRlSN\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
ssl_certificate: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIEAzCCAuugAwIBAgICHQI...ulYdXJabLOeCOA=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"}];
response = [201, this.header, JSON.stringify(responseBody)];
this.server.respondWith("POST", "/computer", response);
jQuery(document).slapos('newComputer', '', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback should be called");
ok(callback.calledWith(responseBody), "should return a computerID, ssl key and ssl certificates");
test("Register a new computer - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("POST", "/computer", this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('newComputer', '', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Getting computer information", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
responseBody = [{computer_id: "COMP-0",
software: [{software_release: "", status: "install"}],
partition: [
{title: "slapart1",instance_id: "foo",status: "start",
software_release: ""},
{title: "slapart2",instance_id: "bar",status: "stop",
software_release: ""}]}];
response = [200, this.header, JSON.stringify(responseBody)];
this.server.respondWith("GET", /\/computer\/(\w+)/, response);
jQuery(document).slapos('getComputer', 'id', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer/id');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback should be called");
ok(callback.calledWith(responseBody), "should return informations of a computer");
test("Getting computer information - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("GET", /\/computer\/(\w+)/, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('getComputer', 'id', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer/id');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Modifying computer", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
response = [200, this.header, ''];
this.server.respondWith("PUT", /\/computer\/(\w+)/, response);
jQuery(document).slapos('editComputer', 'id', '', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer/id');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback should be called");
test("Modifying computer - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("PUT", /\/computer\/(\w+)/, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('editComputer', 'id', '', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer/id');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Supplying new software", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
response = [200, this.header, ''];
this.server.respondWith("POST", /\/computer\/(\w+)\/supply/, response);
data = '';
jQuery(document).slapos('newSoftware', 'id', data, callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer/id/supply');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback should be called");
test("Supplying new software - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("POST", /\/computer\/(\w+)\/supply/, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('newSoftware', 'id', '', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer/id/supply');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Bang computer", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
response = [200, this.header, ''];
this.server.respondWith("POST", /\/computer\/(\w+)\/bang/, response);
data = '';
jQuery(document).slapos('bangComputer', 'id', data, callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer/id/bang');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback should be called");
test("Bang computer - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("POST", /\/computer\/(\w+)\/bang/, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('bangComputer', 'id', '', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer/id/bang');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
test("Report computer usage", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
response = [200, this.header, ''];
this.server.respondWith("POST", /\/computer\/(\w+)\/report/, response);
data = '';
jQuery(document).slapos('computerReport', 'id', data, callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer/id/report');
ok(callback.calledOnce, "callback call");
test("Report computer usage - Fail", function(){
var callback = this.spy();
this.spy(jQuery, 'ajax');
this.server.respondWith("POST", /\/computer\/(\w+)\/report/, this.error);
jQuery(document).slapos('computerReport', 'id', '', callback);
equal(jQuery.ajax.getCall(0).args[0].url, jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host')+'/computer/id/report');
ok(!callback.calledOnce, "callback should not be called");
module("Common Tests");
test("Check if host has been saved", function(){
jQuery(document).slapos({host: ""});
equal(jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host'), "", "should contains host whatever is the method");
test("Modifying host after initialisation at start", function(){
jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host', '');
equal(jQuery(document).slapos('store', 'host'), "", "should contains modified host");
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