Commit e69bc864 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

ods_style: use DateTimeField to display date in form_view

parent ed1a017c
......@@ -110,8 +110,11 @@
<tal:block tal:condition="python: (not (same_type(value, []) or same_type(value, ()))) and value is not None">\n
<text:p tal:condition="not: item_list" tal:content="value">\n
<tal:block tal:condition="python:field_meta_type == \'DateTimeField\'">\n
<text:p tal:content="python: field.render_pdf(value)"/>\n
<tal:block tal:condition="python: field_meta_type != \'DateTimeField\'">\n
<text:p tal:condition="not: item_list" tal:content="value"></text:p>\n
<tal:block tal:condition="python: value != \'\'">\n
<tal:block tal:condition="item_list">\n
<tal:block tal:define="displayed_value_list python: [str(i[0]).replace(\'&amp;\', \'\') for i in item_list if i[1] == value]">\n
......@@ -124,6 +127,7 @@
<text:p table:style="Default" tal:content="python: \' \'" />\n
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