__version__="$Revision: 1.3 $"[11:-2] from Acquisition import aq_base class LDAPConnectionAccessors: """ getters / setters for LDAP Properties """ __ac_permissions__ = ( ('Access contents information', ('getId','getTitle','getHost','getPort','getBindAs','getBoundAs', 'getPW','getDN','getOpenConnection','getBrowsable', 'shouldBeOpen','getTransactional',),), ('Manage properties', ('setId','setTitle','setHost','setPort', 'setBindAs','setPW', 'setDN','setOpenConnection','setBrowsable','setBoundAs', 'setTransactional',),), ) def getId(self): return self.id def setId(self, id): self.id = id def getTitle(self): return self.title def setTitle(self, title): self.title = title def getHost(self): """ returns the host that this connection is connected to """ return self.host def setHost(self, host): self.host = host def getPort(self): """ returns the port on the host that this connection connects to """ return self.port def setPort(self, port): self.port = port def getBindAs(self): """ return the DN that this connection is bound as """ return self.bind_as getBoundAs = getBindAs def setBindAs(self, bindAs): self.bind_as = bindAs setBoundAs = setBindAs def getPW(self): """ return the password that this connection is connected with """ return self.pw def setPW(self, pw): self.pw = pw def getDN(self): return self.dn def setDN(self, dn): self.dn = dn def getOpenConnection(self): """ self.openc means that the connection is open to Zope. However, the connection to the LDAP server may or may not be opened. If this returns false, we shouldn't even try connecting.""" return getattr(aq_base(self), 'openc', None) def setOpenConnection(self, openc): self._v_openc = openc shouldBeOpen = getOpenConnection def getBrowsable(self): """ if true, connection object is set to be browsable through the management interface """ return getattr(self, '_canBrowse', 0) def setBrowsable(self, browsable): self._canBrowse = browsable def getTransactional(self): """ If transactional returns TRUE, the TransactionManager stuff is used. If FALSE, changes are sent to LDAP immediately. """ # Default to '1', to emulate the original behavior return getattr(self, 'isTransactional', 1) def setTransactional(self, transactional=1): self.isTransactional = transactional self._refreshEntryClass() # We have a fair amount of transaction-sensitive methods that # only want to run during a commit, and these are the ones that # actually send the data to the LDAP server. When in non-transactional # mode, we want these things to run at any time. In a sense, we're # always committing. if not transactional: self._isCommitting = 1 import Globals Globals.default__class_init__(LDAPConnectionAccessors)