Commit 708215bb authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Theia: updates improving python language server

Update versions and tweak a bit python language server config.

After some investigation, I understood that completions where slow for us because jedi add some [buildout support]( which walks up directories to find a `buildout.cfg` and inspects the corresponding scripts in `bin` to find python package paths. On web runner I have 98 scripts in `~/bin/`, each of them adding between 30 and 50 entries to `sys.path`.

A quick workaround is to create an empty `buildout.cfg` in the current directory or a parent directory before editing python code.

/reviewed-on !509
parents 8d4fa263 2a74a21d
...@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ md5sum = c35e6baca37c690bce39ef43825ec42b ...@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ md5sum = c35e6baca37c690bce39ef43825ec42b
[yarn.lock] [yarn.lock]
filename = yarn.lock filename = yarn.lock
md5sum = eb30f0839ef6ce19b89757cf027e3302 md5sum = fc2f20d496911241a0d9001c445d6158
[python-language-server-requirements.txt] [python-language-server-requirements.txt]
filename = python-language-server-requirements.txt filename = python-language-server-requirements.txt
md5sum = c21a684783b3e746134c3505ce00b757 md5sum = 242c8359be6893725ad2ac8e3c864eb0
autopep8==1.4.2 appdirs==1.4.3
flake8==3.6.0 attrs==18.2.0
future==0.16.0 black==18.9b0
jedi==0.13.1 Click==7.0
mccabe==0.6.1 mccabe==0.6.1
parso==0.3.1 mypy==0.660
pluggy==0.8.0 mypy-extensions==0.4.1
pycodestyle==2.4.0 parso==0.3.2
pydocstyle==3.0.0 pydocstyle==3.0.0
pyflakes==2.0.0 pyflakes==2.1.0
python-language-server==0.19.0 python-jsonrpc-server==0.1.2
-e git+
rope==0.11.0 rope==0.11.0
six==1.11.0 six==1.12.0
snowballstemmer==1.2.1 snowballstemmer==1.2.1
yapf==0.24.0 toml==0.10.0
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