.. role:: js(code) :language: javascript .. _naming-conventions: JavaScript Naming Conventions ============================= This document defines JavaScript naming conventions, which are split into essential, coding and naming conventions. Essential Conventions --------------------- Essential conventions include generic patterns that should be adhered to in order to write *readable*, *consistent* and *maintainable* code. Minimizing Globals ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Variable declarations should always be done using *var* to not declare them as global variables. This avoids conflicts from using a variable name across different functions as well as conflicts with global variables declared by third party plugins. .. XXX always pub good+bad or bad+good examples in the same order Good Example .. code-block:: javascript function sum(x, y) { var result = x + y; return result; } Bad Example .. code-block:: javascript function sum(x, y) { // missing var declaration, implied global result = x + y; return result; } Using JSLint ^^^^^^^^^^^^ `JSLint <http://www.jslint.com/>`_ is a quality tool that inspects code and warns about potential problems. It is available online and can also be integrated into several development environments, so errors can be highlighted when writing code. Before validating your code in JSLint, you should use a code beautifier to fix basic syntax errors (like indentation) automatically. There are a number of beautifiers available online. The following ones seem to work best: * `JSbeautifier.org <http://jsbeautifier.org/>`_ * `JS-Beautify <http://alexis.m2osw.com/js-beautify/>`_ In this project, JavaScript sources have to begin with the header: .. code-block:: javascript /*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true */ which means it uses two spaces indentation, 80 maximum characters per line and allows variable names starting with '_'. Other JSLint options can be added in sub functions if necessary. Some allowed options are: * ``ass: true`` if assignment should be allowed outside of statement position. * ``bitwise: true`` if bitwise operators should be allowed. * ``continue: true`` if the continue statement should be allowed. * ``newcap: true`` if Initial Caps with constructor function is optional. * ``regexp: true`` if ``.`` and ``[^...]`` should be allowed in RegExp literals. They match more material than might be expected, allowing attackers to confuse applications. These forms should not be used when validating in secure applications. * ``unparam: true`` if warnings should be silenced for unused parameters. Coding Conventions ------------------ Coding conventions include generic patterns that ensure the written code follows certain formatting conventions. Uses two-space indentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tabs and 2-space indentation are being used equally. Since a lot of errors on JSLint often result from mixed use of space and tab, using 2 spaces throughout prevents these errors up front. Good Example .. code-block:: javascript function outer(a, b) { var c = 1, d = 2, inner; if (a > b) { inner = function () { return { "r": c - d }; }; } else { inner = function () { return { "r": c + d }; }; } return inner; } Bad Example .. code-block:: javascript function outer(a, b) { var c = 1, d = 2, inner; if (a > b) { inner = function () { return { r: c - d }}}}; Using shorthand for conditional statements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An alternative for using braces is the shorthand notation for conditional statements. When using multiple conditions, the conditional statement can be split on multiple lines. Good Example .. code-block:: javascript // single line var results = test === true ? alert(1) : alert(2); // multiple lines var results = (test === true && number === undefined ? alert(1) : alert(2)); var results = (test === true ? alert(1) : number === undefined ? alert(2) : alert(3)); Bad Example .. code-block:: javascript // multiple conditions var results = (test === true && number === undefined) ? alert(1) : alert(2); Opening Brace Location ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Always put the opening brace on the same line as the previous statement. Bad Example .. code-block:: javascript function func() { return { "name": "Batman" }; } Good Example .. code-block:: javascript function func() { return { "name": "Batman" }; } Closing Brace Location ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The closing brace should be on the same indent level as the original function call. Bad Example .. code-block:: javascript function func() { return { "name": "Batman" }; } Good Example .. code-block:: javascript function func() { return { "name": "Batman" }; } Function Declaration Location ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Non anonymous functions should be declared before use. Bad Example .. code-block:: javascript // [...] return { "namedFunction": function namedFunction() { return; } }; Good Example .. code-block:: javascript // [...] function namedFunction() { return; } return { "namedFunction": namedFunction }; Naming Conventions ------------------ Naming conventions include generic patterns for setting names and identifiers throughout a script. Constructors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Constructor functions (called with the ``new`` statement) should always start with a capital letter: .. code-block:: javascript // bad example var test = new application(); // good example var test = new Application(); Methods/Functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A method/function should always start with a small letter. .. code-block:: javascript // bad example function MyFunction() {...} // good example function myFunction() {...} TitleCase, camelCase ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Follow the camel case convention, typing the words in lower-case, only capitalizing the first letter in each word. .. code-block:: javascript // Good example constructor = TitleCase var test = new PrototypeApplication(); // Bad example constructor var test = new PROTOTYPEAPPLICATION(); // Good example functions/methods = camelCase myFunction(); calculateArea(); // Bad example functions/methods MyFunction(); CalculateArea(); Variables ^^^^^^^^^ Variable names with multiple words should always use an underscore between them. .. code-block:: javascript // bad example var deliveryNote = 1; // good example var delivery_note = 1; Confusing variable names should end with the variable type. Example .. code-block:: javascript // implicit type var my_callback = doSomething(); var Person = require("./person"); // confusing names + var type var do_something_function = doSomething.bind(context); var value_list = getObjectOrArray(); // value_list can be an object which can be cast into an array To use camelCase, when sometimes it is not possible to declare a function directly, the function variable name should match some pattern which shows that it is a function. .. code-block:: javascript // good example var doSomethingFunction = function () { ... }; // or var tool = {"doSomething": function () { ... }}; // bad example var doSomething = function () { ... }; Element Classes and IDs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ JavaScript can access elements by their ID attribute and class names. When assigning IDs and class names with multiple words, these should also be separated by an underscore (same as variables). Example .. code-block:: javascript // bad example test.setAttribute("id", "uniqueIdentifier"); // good example test.setAttribute("id", "unique_identifier"); Discuss - checked with jQuery UI/jQuery Mobile, they don't use written name conventions, only * events names should fit their purpose (pageChange for changing a page) * element classes use “-” like in ui-shadow * "ui" should not be used by third party developers * variables and events use lower camel-case like pageChange and activePage Underscore Private Methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Private methods should use a leading underscore to separate them from public methods (although this does not technically make a method private). Good Example .. code-block:: javascript var person = { "getName": function () { return this._getFirst() + " " + this._getLast(); }, "_getFirst": function () { // ... }, "_getLast": function () { // ... } }; Bad Example .. code-block:: javascript var person = { "getName": function () { return this.getFirst() + " " + this.getLast(); }, // private function "getFirst": function () { // ... } }; No Abbreviations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Abbreviations should not be used to avoid confusion. Good Example .. code-block:: javascript // delivery note var delivery_note = 1; Bad Example .. code-block:: javascript // delivery note var del_note = 1; No Plurals ^^^^^^^^^^ Plurals should not be used as variable names. .. code-block:: javascript // good example var delivery_note_list = ["one", "two"]; // bad example var delivery_notes = ["one", "two"]; Use Comments ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Comments should be used within reason but include enough information so that a reader can get a first grasp of what a part of code is supposed to do. Good Example .. code-block:: javascript var person = { // returns full name string "getName": function () { return this._getFirst() + " " + this._getLast(); } }; Bad Example .. code-block:: javascript var person = { "getName": function () { return this._getFirst() + " " + this._getLast(); } }; Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can use `YUIDoc <http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yuidoc>`_ and its custom comment tags together with Node.js to generate the documentation from the script file itself. Comments should look like this: Good Example .. code-block:: javascript /** * Reverse a string * * @param {String} input_string String to reverse * @return {String} The reversed string */ function reverse(input_string) { // ... return output_string; }; Bad Example .. code-block:: javascript function reverse(input_string) { // ... return output_string; }; Additional Readings ------------------- Resources, additional reading materials and links: * `JavaScript Patterns <http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596806767.do>`_, main resource used. * `JSLint <http://www.jslint.com/>`_, code quality tool. * `YUIDoc <http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yuidoc>`_, generate documentation from code.