#include "config.h" #include "manifest.h" #include "tools.h" #include <ccan/str/str.h> #include <ccan/tal/link/link.h> #include <ccan/tal/path/path.h> #include <ccan/hash/hash.h> #include <ccan/htable/htable_type.h> #include <ccan/noerr/noerr.h> #include <ccan/foreach/foreach.h> #include <ccan/asort/asort.h> #include <ccan/array_size/array_size.h> #include <ccan/err/err.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <assert.h> static size_t dir_hash(const char *name) { return hash(name, strlen(name), 0); } static const char *manifest_name(const struct manifest *m) { return m->dir; } static bool dir_cmp(const struct manifest *m, const char *dir) { return strcmp(m->dir, dir) == 0; } HTABLE_DEFINE_TYPE(struct manifest, manifest_name, dir_hash, dir_cmp, htable_manifest); static struct htable_manifest *manifests; const char *get_ccan_file_contents(struct ccan_file *f) { if (!f->contents) { f->contents = tal_grab_file(f, f->fullname, &f->contents_size); if (!f->contents) err(1, "Reading file %s", f->fullname); } return f->contents; } char **get_ccan_file_lines(struct ccan_file *f) { if (!f->lines) f->lines = tal_strsplit(f, get_ccan_file_contents(f), "\n", STR_EMPTY_OK); /* FIXME: is f->num_lines necessary? */ f->num_lines = tal_count(f->lines) - 1; return f->lines; } struct ccan_file *new_ccan_file(const void *ctx, const char *dir, char *name) { struct ccan_file *f; unsigned int i; assert(dir[0] == '/'); f = tal(ctx, struct ccan_file); f->lines = NULL; f->line_info = NULL; f->doc_sections = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(f->compiled); i++) f->compiled[i] = NULL; f->name = tal_steal(f, name); f->fullname = path_join(f, dir, f->name); f->contents = NULL; f->simplified = NULL; return f; } static void add_files(struct manifest *m, const char *dir) { DIR *d; struct dirent *ent; char **subs = tal_arr(m, char *, 0); if (dir[0]) d = opendir(dir); else d = opendir("."); if (!d) err(1, "Opening directory %s", dir[0] ? dir : "."); while ((ent = readdir(d)) != NULL) { struct stat st; struct ccan_file *f; struct list_head *dest; bool is_c_src; if (ent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; f = new_ccan_file(m, m->dir, tal_fmt(m, "%s%s", dir, ent->d_name)); if (lstat(f->name, &st) != 0) err(1, "lstat %s", f->name); if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { size_t len = tal_count(subs); tal_resize(&subs, len+1); subs[len] = tal_strcat(subs, f->name, "/"); continue; } if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { tal_free(f); continue; } if (streq(f->name, "_info")) { m->info_file = f; continue; } is_c_src = strends(f->name, ".c"); if (!is_c_src && !strends(f->name, ".h")) { dest = &m->other_files; } else if (!strchr(f->name, '/')) { if (is_c_src) dest = &m->c_files; else dest = &m->h_files; } else if (strstarts(f->name, "test/")) { if (is_c_src) { if (strstarts(f->name, "test/api")) dest = &m->api_tests; else if (strstarts(f->name, "test/run")) dest = &m->run_tests; else if (strstarts(f->name, "test/compile_ok")) dest = &m->compile_ok_tests; else if (strstarts(f->name, "test/compile_fail")) dest = &m->compile_fail_tests; else dest = &m->other_test_c_files; } else dest = &m->other_test_files; } else dest = &m->other_files; list_add(dest, &f->list); } closedir(d); /* Before we recurse, sanity check this is a ccan module. */ if (!dir[0]) { size_t i; if (!m->info_file && list_empty(&m->c_files) && list_empty(&m->h_files)) errx(1, "No _info, C or H files found here!"); for (i = 0; i < tal_count(subs); i++) add_files(m, subs[i]); } tal_free(subs); } static int cmp_names(struct ccan_file *const *a, struct ccan_file *const *b, void *unused) { return strcmp((*a)->name, (*b)->name); } static void sort_files(struct list_head *list) { struct ccan_file **files = tal_arr(NULL, struct ccan_file *, 0), *f; unsigned int i; while ((f = list_top(list, struct ccan_file, list)) != NULL) { tal_expand(&files, &f, 1); list_del(&f->list); } asort(files, tal_count(files), cmp_names, NULL); for (i = 0; i < tal_count(files); i++) list_add_tail(list, &files[i]->list); tal_free(files); } struct manifest *get_manifest(const void *ctx, const char *dir) { struct manifest *m; char *canon_dir; unsigned int len; struct list_head *list; struct path_pushd *old; if (!manifests) { manifests = tal(NULL, struct htable_manifest); htable_manifest_init(manifests); } /* FIXME: Use path_canon, don't chdir! */ old = path_pushd(ctx, dir); if (!old) err(1, "Failed to chdir to %s", dir); canon_dir = path_cwd(old); if (!canon_dir) err(1, "Getting current directory"); m = htable_manifest_get(manifests, canon_dir); if (m) goto done; m = tal_linkable(tal(NULL, struct manifest)); m->info_file = NULL; m->compiled[COMPILE_NORMAL] = m->compiled[COMPILE_NOFEAT] = NULL; m->dir = tal_steal(m, canon_dir); list_head_init(&m->c_files); list_head_init(&m->h_files); list_head_init(&m->api_tests); list_head_init(&m->run_tests); list_head_init(&m->compile_ok_tests); list_head_init(&m->compile_fail_tests); list_head_init(&m->other_test_c_files); list_head_init(&m->other_test_files); list_head_init(&m->other_files); list_head_init(&m->examples); list_head_init(&m->mangled_examples); list_head_init(&m->deps); list_head_init(&m->test_deps); /* Trim trailing /. */ len = strlen(m->dir); while (len && m->dir[len-1] == '/') m->dir[--len] = '\0'; m->basename = strrchr(m->dir, '/'); if (!m->basename) errx(1, "I don't expect to be run from the root directory"); m->basename++; assert(strstarts(m->dir, find_ccan_dir(m->dir))); m->modname = m->dir + strlen(find_ccan_dir(m->dir)) + strlen("ccan/"); add_files(m, ""); /* Nicer to run tests in a predictable order. */ foreach_ptr(list, &m->api_tests, &m->run_tests, &m->compile_ok_tests, &m->compile_fail_tests) sort_files(list); htable_manifest_add(manifests, tal_link(manifests, m)); done: if (!path_popd(old)) err(1, "Returning to original directory"); return m; }