Commit 14aa39ea authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

jslint pass command.js (2indent)

parent fbdf009d
var command = function(spec, my) { // -*- jslint: --nomen --todo --maxlen 80 -*-
var that = {}; var command = function (spec, my) {
spec = spec || {}; var that = {},
my = my || {}; priv = {};
// Attributes //
var priv = {};
priv.commandlist = {
// creates the good command thanks to his label
if (spec.label && priv.commandlist[spec.label]) {
priv.label = spec.label;
delete spec.label;
return priv.commandlist[priv.label](spec, my);
priv.tried = 0;
priv.doc = spec.doc || {};
if (typeof priv.doc !== "object") {
priv.doc = {"_id": priv.doc.toString()};
priv.docid = spec.docid || priv.doc._id;
priv.option = spec.options || {};
priv.callbacks = spec.callbacks || {};
priv.success = priv.callbacks.success || function (){};
priv.error = priv.callbacks.error || function (){};
priv.retry = function() {
status:13,statusText:'Fail Retry',error:'fail_retry',
message:'Impossible to retry.',reason:'Impossible to retry.'
priv.end = function() {};
priv.on_going = false;
// Methods //
* Returns a serialized version of this command.
* @method serialized
* @return {object} The serialized command.
that.serialized = function () {
var o = {};
o["label"] = that.getLabel();
o["tried"] = priv.tried;
o["doc"] = that.cloneDoc();
o["option"] = that.cloneOption();
return o;
* Returns the label of the command.
* @method getLabel
* @return {string} The label.
that.getLabel = function() {
return 'command';
* Gets the document id
* @method getDocId
* @return {string} The document id
that.getDocId = function () {
if (typeof priv.docid !== "string") {
return undefined;
return priv.docid.split('/')[0];
* Gets the attachment id
* @method getAttachmentId
* @return {string} The attachment id
that.getAttachmentId = function () {
if (typeof priv.docid !== "string") {
return undefined;
return priv.docid.split('/')[1];
* Returns the label of the command.
* @method getDoc
* @return {object} The document.
that.getDoc = function() {
return priv.doc;
* Returns the data of the attachment
* @method getAttachmentData
* @return {string} The data
that.getAttachmentData = function () {
return priv.doc._data || "";
* Returns the data length of the attachment
* @method getAttachmentLength
* @return {number} The length
that.getAttachmentLength = function () {
return (priv.doc._data || "").length;
* Returns the mimetype of the attachment
* @method getAttachmentMimeType
* @return {string} The mimetype
that.getAttachmentMimeType = function () {
return priv.doc._mimetype;
* Generate the md5sum of the attachment data
* @method md5SumAttachmentData
* @return {string} The md5sum
that.md5SumAttachmentData = function () {
return hex_md5(priv.doc._data || "");
* Returns an information about the document.
* @method getDocInfo
* @param {string} infoname The info name.
* @return The info value.
that.getDocInfo = function (infoname) {
return priv.doc[infoname];
/** spec = spec || {};
* Returns the value of an option. my = my || {};
* @method getOption
* @param {string} optionname The option name.
* @return The option value.
that.getOption = function (optionname) {
return priv.option[optionname];
/** priv.commandlist = {
* Validates the storage. 'post': postCommand,
* @param {object} storage The storage. 'put': putCommand,
*/ 'get': getCommand,
that.validate = function (storage) { 'remove': removeCommand,
if (typeof priv.docid === "string" && 'allDocs': allDocsCommand,
!priv.docid.match(/^[^\/]+([\/][^\/]+)?$/)) { 'putAttachment': putAttachmentCommand
that.error({ };
status:21,statusText:'Invalid Document Id', // creates the good command thanks to his label
error:'invalid_document_id', if (spec.label && priv.commandlist[spec.label]) {
message:'The document id must be like "abc" or "abc/def".', priv.label = spec.label;
reason:'The document id is no like "abc" or "abc/def"' delete spec.label;
}); return priv.commandlist[priv.label](spec, my);
return false; }
if (!that.validateState()) {
return false;
return storage.validate();
/* priv.tried = 0;
* Extend this function priv.doc = spec.doc || {};
*/ if (typeof priv.doc !== "object") {
that.validateState = function() { priv.doc = {
return true; "_id": priv.doc.toString()
}; };
priv.docid = spec.docid || priv.doc._id;
priv.option = spec.options || {};
priv.callbacks = spec.callbacks || {};
priv.success = priv.callbacks.success || function () {};
priv.error = priv.callbacks.error || function () {};
priv.retry = function () {
status: 13,
statusText: 'Fail Retry',
error: 'fail_retry',
message: 'Impossible to retry.',
reason: 'Impossible to retry.'
priv.end = function () {};
priv.on_going = false;
/** // Methods //
* Check if the command can be retried. /**
* @method canBeRetried * Returns a serialized version of this command.
* @return {boolean} The result * @method serialized
*/ * @return {object} The serialized command.
that.canBeRetried = function () { */
return (typeof priv.option.max_retry === 'undefined' || that.serialized = function () {
priv.option.max_retry === 0 || var o = {};
priv.tried < priv.option.max_retry); o.label = that.getLabel();
}; o.tried = priv.tried;
o.doc = that.cloneDoc();
o.option = that.cloneOption();
return o;
/** /**
* Gets the number time the command has been tried. * Returns the label of the command.
* @method getTried * @method getLabel
* @return {number} The number of time the command has been tried * @return {string} The label.
*/ */
that.getTried = function() { that.getLabel = function () {
return priv.tried; return 'command';
}; };
/** /**
* Delegate actual excecution the storage. * Gets the document id
* @param {object} storage The storage. * @method getDocId
*/ * @return {string} The document id
that.execute = function(storage) { */
if (!priv.on_going) { that.getDocId = function () {
if (that.validate (storage)) { if (typeof priv.docid !== "string") {
priv.tried ++; return undefined;
priv.on_going = true; }
storage.execute (that); return priv.docid.split('/')[0];
} };
/** /**
* Execute the good method from the storage. * Gets the attachment id
* Override this function. * @method getAttachmentId
* @method executeOn * @return {string} The attachment id
* @param {object} storage The storage. */
*/ that.getAttachmentId = function () {
that.executeOn = function(storage) {}; if (typeof priv.docid !== "string") {
return undefined;
return priv.docid.split('/')[1];
that.success = function(return_value) { /**
priv.on_going = false; * Returns the label of the command.
priv.success (return_value); * @method getDoc
priv.end(doneStatus()); * @return {object} The document.
}; */
that.getDoc = function () {
return priv.doc;
that.retry = function (return_error) { /**
priv.on_going = false; * Returns the data of the attachment
if (that.canBeRetried()) { * @method getAttachmentData
priv.retry(); * @return {string} The data
} else { */
that.error (return_error); that.getAttachmentData = function () {
} return priv.doc._data || "";
}; };
that.error = function(return_error) { /**
priv.on_going = false; * Returns the data length of the attachment
priv.error(return_error); * @method getAttachmentLength
priv.end(failStatus()); * @return {number} The length
}; */
that.getAttachmentLength = function () {
return (priv.doc._data || "").length;
that.end = function () { /**
priv.end(doneStatus()); * Returns the mimetype of the attachment
}; * @method getAttachmentMimeType
* @return {string} The mimetype
that.getAttachmentMimeType = function () {
return priv.doc._mimetype;
that.onSuccessDo = function (fun) { /**
if (fun) { * Generate the md5sum of the attachment data
priv.success = fun; * @method md5SumAttachmentData
} else { * @return {string} The md5sum
return priv.success; */
} that.md5SumAttachmentData = function () {
}; return hex_md5(priv.doc._data || "");
that.onErrorDo = function (fun) { /**
if (fun) { * Returns an information about the document.
priv.error = fun; * @method getDocInfo
} else { * @param {string} infoname The info name.
return priv.error; * @return The info value.
} */
}; that.getDocInfo = function (infoname) {
return priv.doc[infoname];
that.onEndDo = function (fun) { /**
priv.end = fun; * Returns the value of an option.
}; * @method getOption
* @param {string} optionname The option name.
* @return The option value.
that.getOption = function (optionname) {
return priv.option[optionname];
that.onRetryDo = function (fun) { /**
priv.retry = fun; * Validates the storage.
}; * @param {object} storage The storage.
that.validate = function (storage) {
if (typeof priv.docid === "string" &&
!priv.docid.match("^[^\/]+([\/][^\/]+)?$")) {
status: 21,
statusText: 'Invalid Document Id',
error: 'invalid_document_id',
message: 'The document id must be like "abc" or "abc/def".',
reason: 'The document id is no like "abc" or "abc/def"'
return false;
if (!that.validateState()) {
return false;
return storage.validate();
/** /*
* Is the command can be restored by another JIO : yes. * Extend this function
* @method canBeRestored */
* @return {boolean} true that.validateState = function () {
*/ return true;
that.canBeRestored = function() { };
return true;
/** /**
* Clones the command and returns it. * Check if the command can be retried.
* @method clone * @method canBeRetried
* @return {object} The cloned command. * @return {boolean} The result
*/ */
that.clone = function () { that.canBeRetried = function () {
return command(that.serialized(), my); return (priv.option.max_retry === undefined ||
}; priv.option.max_retry === 0 ||
priv.tried < priv.option.max_retry);
/** /**
* Clones the command options and returns the clone version. * Gets the number time the command has been tried.
* @method cloneOption * @method getTried
* @return {object} The clone of the command options. * @return {number} The number of time the command has been tried
*/ */
that.cloneOption = function () { that.getTried = function () {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(priv.option)); return priv.tried;
}; };
* Clones the document and returns the clone version.
* @method cloneDoc
* @return {object} The clone of the document.
that.cloneDoc = function () {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(priv.doc));
return that; /**
}; * Delegate actual excecution the storage.
* @param {object} storage The storage.
that.execute = function (storage) {
if (!priv.on_going) {
if (that.validate(storage)) {
priv.tried += 1;
priv.on_going = true;
* Execute the good method from the storage.
* Override this function.
* @method executeOn
* @param {object} storage The storage.
that.executeOn = function (storage) {};
that.success = function (return_value) {
priv.on_going = false;
that.retry = function (return_error) {
priv.on_going = false;
if (that.canBeRetried()) {
} else {
that.error = function (return_error) {
priv.on_going = false;
that.end = function () {
that.onSuccessDo = function (fun) {
if (fun) {
priv.success = fun;
} else {
return priv.success;
that.onErrorDo = function (fun) {
if (fun) {
priv.error = fun;
} else {
return priv.error;
that.onEndDo = function (fun) {
priv.end = fun;
that.onRetryDo = function (fun) {
priv.retry = fun;
* Is the command can be restored by another JIO : yes.
* @method canBeRestored
* @return {boolean} true
that.canBeRestored = function () {
return true;
* Clones the command and returns it.
* @method clone
* @return {object} The cloned command.
that.clone = function () {
return command(that.serialized(), my);
* Clones the command options and returns the clone version.
* @method cloneOption
* @return {object} The clone of the command options.
that.cloneOption = function () {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(priv.option));
* Clones the document and returns the clone version.
* @method cloneDoc
* @return {object} The clone of the document.
that.cloneDoc = function () {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(priv.doc));
return that;
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