Commit ec9bafb3 authored by Albertas Agejevas's avatar Albertas Agejevas

Error message differs on py2 and py3.

parent 2327c877
......@@ -549,11 +549,16 @@ class ZRPCConnectionTests(ZEO.tests.ConnectionTests.CommonSetupTearDown):
'foo', 0, 'history', (1, 2, 3, 4))
# test logging
py2_msg = (
'history() raised exception: history() takes at most '
'3 arguments (5 given)'
py3_msg = (
'history() raised exception: history() takes '
'from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 5 were given'
for level, message, kw in log:
if message.endswith(
') history() raised exception: history() takes at'
' most 3 arguments (5 given)'
if message.endswith(py2_msg) or message.endswith(py3_msg):
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