How to use NFS to make Blobs more efficient

:Author: Christian Theune <ct@gocept.com>


When handling blobs, the biggest goal is to avoid writing operations that
require the blob data to be transferred using up IO resources.

When bringing a blob into the system, at least one O(N) operation has to
happen, e.g. when the blob is uploaded via a network server. The blob should
be extracted as a file on the final storage volume as early as possible,
avoiding further copies.

In a ZEO setup, all data is stored on a networked server and passed to it
using zrpc. This is a major problem for handling blobs, because it will lock
all transactions from committing when storing a single large blob. As a
default, this mechanism works but is not recommended for high-volume

Shared filesystem

The solution for the transfer problem is to setup various storage parameters
so that blobs are always handled on a single volume that is shared via network
between ZEO servers and clients.

Step 1: Setup a writable shared filesystem for ZEO server and client

On the ZEO server, create two directories on the volume that will be used by
this setup (assume the volume is accessible via $SERVER/):

    - $SERVER/blobs

    - $SERVER/tmp

Then export the $SERVER directory using a shared network filesystem like NFS.
Make sure it's writable by the ZEO clients.

Assume the exported directory is available on the client as $CLIENT.

Step 2: Application temporary directories

Applications (i.e. Zope) will put uploaded data in a temporary directory
first. Adjust your TMPDIR, TMP or TEMP environment variable to point to the
shared filesystem:

    $ export TMPDIR=$CLIENT/tmp

Step 3: ZEO client caches

Edit the file `zope.conf` on the ZEO client and adjust the configuration of
the `zeoclient` storage with two new variables::

    blob-dir = $CLIENT/blobs
    blob-cache-writable = yes

Step 4: ZEO server

Edit the file `zeo.conf` on the ZEO server to configure the blob directory.
Assuming the published storage of the ZEO server is a file storage, then the
configuration should look like this::

    <blobstorage 1>
            path $INSTANCE/var/Data.fs
        blob-dir $SERVER/blobs

(Remember to manually replace $SERVER and $CLIENT with the exported directory
as accessible by either the ZEO server or the ZEO client.)


At this point, after restarting your ZEO server and clients, the blob
directory will be shared and a minimum amount of IO will occur when working
with blobs.