############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """Test the storage's implemenetation of the storage synchronization spec. The Synchronization spec http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Developer/Models/ZODB/ ZODB_Architecture_Storage_Interface_State_Synchronization_Diag.html It specifies two states committing and non-committing. A storage starts in the non-committing state. tpc_begin() transfers to the committting state; tpc_abort() and tpc_finish() transfer back to non-committing. Several other methods are only allowed in one state or another. Many methods allowed only in the committing state require that they apply to the currently committing transaction. The spec is silent on a variety of methods that don't appear to modify the state, e.g. load(), undoLog(), pack(). It's unclear whether there is a separate set of synchronization rules that apply to these methods or if the synchronization is implementation dependent, i.e. only what is need to guarantee a corrected implementation. The synchronization spec is also silent on whether there is any contract implied with the caller. If the storage can assume that a single client is single-threaded and that it will not call, e.g., store() until after it calls tpc_begin(), the implementation can be substantially simplified. New and/or unspecified methods: tpc_vote(): handled like tpc_abort undo(): how's that handled? Methods that have nothing to do with committing/non-committing: load(), loadSerial(), getName(), getSize(), __len__(), history(), undoLog(), pack(). Specific questions: The spec & docs say that undo() takes three arguments, the second being a transaction. If the specified arg isn't the current transaction, the undo() should raise StorageTransactionError. This isn't implemented anywhere. It looks like undo can be called at anytime. FileStorage does not allow undo() during a pack. How should this be tested? Is it a general restriction? """ from transaction import Transaction from ZODB.POSException import StorageTransactionError OID = "\000" * 8 SERIALNO = "\000" * 8 TID = "\000" * 8 class SynchronizedStorage: def verifyNotCommitting(self, callable, *args): self.assertRaises(StorageTransactionError, callable, *args) def verifyWrongTrans(self, callable, *args): t = Transaction() self._storage.tpc_begin(t) self.assertRaises(StorageTransactionError, callable, *args) self._storage.tpc_abort(t) def checkStoreNotCommitting(self): self.verifyNotCommitting(self._storage.store, OID, SERIALNO, "", "", Transaction()) def checkStoreWrongTrans(self): self.verifyWrongTrans(self._storage.store, OID, SERIALNO, "", "", Transaction()) def checkAbortNotCommitting(self): self._storage.tpc_abort(Transaction()) def checkAbortWrongTrans(self): t = Transaction() self._storage.tpc_begin(t) self._storage.tpc_abort(Transaction()) self._storage.tpc_abort(t) def checkFinishNotCommitting(self): t = Transaction() self._storage.tpc_finish(t) self._storage.tpc_abort(t) def checkFinishWrongTrans(self): t = Transaction() self._storage.tpc_begin(t) self._storage.tpc_finish(Transaction()) self._storage.tpc_abort(t) def checkBeginCommitting(self): t = Transaction() self._storage.tpc_begin(t) self._storage.tpc_begin(t) self._storage.tpc_abort(t) # TODO: how to check undo?