Commit 6fa22d7b authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Imported protocol spec.

parent 0092a3c5
The Babel Routing Protocol
Juliusz Chroboczek
19 November 2007
1. Introduction
Babel is a distance vector protocol that is designed to be robust both on
classical wired networks and on wireless mesh networks. By robust, we mean
that Babel has the following properties:
(i) in the absence of multiple gateways to the same destination, Babel
never causes rooting loops, not even transient ones;
(ii) in the presence of multiple gateways to the same destination, loops
can only appear if multiple gateways loose external connectivity at
the same time; such loops disappear after n updates at most, where
n is the size of the loop (there is no ``counting to infinity'');
(iii) any black holes disappear after at most n updates, where n is the
diameter of the network.
These robustness properties are achieved by using a feasibility condition
similar to the one used by the DUAL algorithm [DUAL] used by Cisco's EIGRP
[EIGRP]. Unlike DUAL, however, Babel doesn't use any hard state to make
routes feasible; instead, it uses sequenced updates in a manner similar to
DSDV [DSDV] and AODV [RFC3561].
Additionally, Babel is designed to be a flexible protocol. A large number
of parameters are left to the implementer's discretion, such as the
frequency of link quality sensing ``Hello'' messages, the frequency of
periodic updates, the link quality estimation algorithm, or the route
selection policy. Two implementations with widely differing parameters
will interoperate reliably.
2. Protocol operation
Every Babel speaker has a router id, which is an arbitrary string of 16
bytes that MUST be unique across the routing domain. A simple choice is to
use one of the speaker's IPv6 addresses as the router id; the encoding of
some messages is more efficient when this is indeed the case.
2.1 Message emission and reception
Babel speakers exchange Babel protocol messages. One or more Babel
messages are appended to form a Babel packet, which is sent as a UDP
The source address of a Babel packet is always a link-local unicast
address; a Babel speaker MUST silently discard any packets whose source
address is not a unicast link-local address. Babel packets may be sent to
a well-known link-local multicast address (this is the usual case) or
a link-local unicast address.
With the exception of Hello messages, all Babel messages can be sent either
in unicast and multicast packets, and their semantics does not depend on
whether the destination was unicast or multicast. In other words, a Babel
speaker does not need to determine the destination address of a packet that
it has received.
Hello messages may be sent to multicast addresses only.
2.1.1 Jitter and aggregation
A moderate amount of jitter is applied to messages sent by a Babel speaker.
This is done for two purposes: it avoids synchronisation of multiple Babel
speakers across a network [JITTER], and allows for the aggregation of
multiple messages into a single packet.
The amount of jitter applied to a message depends on whether a message is
urgent or not; urgent messages SHOULD be sent in a timely manner whenever
possible, while non-urgent messages can be delayed by up to half the hello
interval. The following kinds of messages are urgent:
- route retractions (Section 2.3);
- route announcements just after changing gateways (Section 2.3);
- requests for a lost route (Section 2.5);
- replies to requests (Section 2.5).
All other messages are not urgent.
2.2 Adjacency establishment and link quality sensing
Every Babel node maintains a table of neighbours. The neighbour table is
indexed by triples of the form (id, interface, address), where id is the
router-id of the neighbour, interface is the interface over which the
neighbour is reachable, and address is its link-local address.
2.2.1 Inverse link sensing
Every Babel node broadcasts periodic Hello messages. Every Hello message
carries a sequence number and the interval at which Hellos are being
When a hello is received, its sequence number is compared with the next
expected sequence number for this neighbour. If the sequence number of the
received Hello is higher than expected, then one or more Hellos have been
missed. If the sequence number is lower, then this neighbour decreased the
Hello interval without us noticing, and part of the history must be undone.
In order to avoid undoing history, a node SHOULD always send a Hello
immediately after increasing its periodic Hello interval.
When a mobility event is detected (such as a new neighbour appearing),
a node MAY send a gratuitous Hello or temporarily decrease its Hello
interval. Conversely, when no mobility event has happened for an extended
period of time, a node MAY increase its periodic Hello interval.
From the history of received Hellos, a node computes an estimate of the
link quality in the inverse direction. This computation is a purely local
matter, and different nodes MAY use different link quality strategies;
a number of such strategies are suggested in Section 2.2.3 below.
2.2.2 Direct link sensing
In order to ascertain link symmetry and determine link quality in the
direct direction, every Babel node sends periodic IHU (``I Heard You'')
messages to every neighbour. An IHU message contains the link quality in
the direct direction, as estimated by the sending node (see Section 2.2.3),
and the interval at which periodic IHU packets are being sent.
The direct link quality is initialised at infinity. After an IHU message
has been received, it is set to the value carried by that packet. After
three IHU packets have been missed, it is again set to infinity.
2.2.3 Link quality computation
The strategy for computing the link quality is a local matter; different
nodes MAY use different strategies in a single network, and MAY use
different strategies on different interface types. This section suggests
a few such strategies.
In the following, we write rxcost for the inverse cost of a link, and
txcost for the direct cost. From these values, we compute the cost, which
is used for routing.
The sample implementation of Babel uses modified ETX (Section on
wireless links, and 2-out-of-3 (Section on wired links. k-out-of-j
K-out-of-j link sensing is useful for bimodal links, such as wired links,
that are either on or off but on which a packet may occasionally be lost.
It was first used in the EGP [RFC904] external routing protocol.
The k-out-of-j strategy is parameterised by two small integers k and j,
such that 0 < k <= j, and the link cost, a constant K <= 1. A node keeps
a history of the last j hellos; if k or more of those have been correctly
received, the link is assumed to be up, and the rxcost is set to K;
otherwise, the link is assumed to be down, and the rxcost is set to
The cost of such a link is defined as
cost = MAX(rxcost, txcost). ETX
ETX [ETX] computes the cost by estimating the number of times that
a unicast frame will need to be retransmitted using the IEEE 802.11 MAC.
A node performing the Estimated Transmission Count (ETX) metric computes an
exponentially decaying average beta of the probability beta that a Hello
message is successfully received. The rxcost is defined as 1/beta.
Let alpha be MAX(1, 1/txcost), an estimate of the probability of
successfully sending a Hello message. The cost is then computed by
cost = 1/(1/(alpha * beta))
or, equivalently,
cost = MAX(txcost, 1) * rxcost. Modified ETX
Modified ETX computes the cost by estimating half the number of times
a frame will need to be either transmitted or acknowledged using the IEEE
802.11 MAC. Compared to ETX, it slightly deprecates links that have poor
quality in the inverse direction.
Let alpha and beta be as above, and rxcost be 1/beta. Then the cost is
defined by
cost = 1/(2/(alpha * beta) + 2/beta)
or equivalently
cost = (MAX(txcost, 1) * rxcost + rxcost) / 2. Link-specific strategies
A lot of thought has been given by a lot of smart people to using
link-layer information in order to estimate link quality. Common
approaches include:
- discarding neighbour relationships when the link is down;
- using physical layer information, such as the signal/noise ratio;
- using the modulation rate used by the MAC sublayer as input to the link
cost computation.
At the current time, however, the published results on the effectiveness of
such ``cross-layer'' approaches appear to yield contradictory data; hence,
their use should be considered as experimental.
2.3 Reachability information
Reachability information is carried in update and prefix messages. An
update is a quadruple
(id, prefix, seqno, metric)
where id is the router-id of the router that originates this route, prefix
is the destination of the route, seqno is a sequentially increasing (modulo
2^16) sequence number, and metric is the sum of the costs of the links
constituting the path.
If the metric is infinite, the update is in fact a retraction.
2.3.1 Feasibility condition
A source is a pair (id, prefix). A reference distance is a pair (seqno,
metric), ordered lexicographically, with the first component inverted. In
other words,
(seqno, metric) < (seqno', metric')
seqno > seqno' or (seqno = seqno' and metric < metric').
The reference distance of a source is the minimum, according to the
previous order, of the reference distances of all the updates ever sent for
that source.
Every Babel node maintains a table of sources, indexed by (id, prefix)
pairs. Every entry in the source table contains the reference distance of
the source, a pair (seqno, metric).
Whenever an update (id, prefix, seqno', metric') is sent, the corresponding
source table entry is updated according to the following rules:
- if metric' is infinite, then nothing is done;
- if seqno' > seqno, then seqno := seqno', metric := metric', and the
garbage collection timer for the entry is reset ;
- if seqno' = seqno and metric < metric', then seqno := seqno',
metric := metric', and the garbage collection timer for the entry is
- otherwise, the garbage collection timer for the entry is reset.
An update (id, prefix, seqno', metric') received from a neighbouring node
is feasible when either metric' is infinite, or (seqno', metric') is
strictly smaller than the reference distance of (id, prefix). In other
words, an update (id, prefix, seqno', metric') is feasible when one of the
following conditions is true:
- no entry exists in the source table for (id, prefix); or
- metric' is infinite; or
- an entry (id, prefix, seqno, metric) exists, and either
* seqno' > seqno or
* seqno' = seqno and metric' < metric.
2.3.2 The Routing Information Base
Every node maintains a Routing Information Base (RIB), a table of recently
received routing information. The route selection procedure (Section 2.4)
will choose routes from the RIB to include them in the Forwarding
Information Base (FIB), the actual ``routing table''.
The RIB is indexed by triples of the form (neighbour, id, prefix), where
neighbour is the neighbour who sent the update that created this entry (and
also the next hop for this route), id is the router id of the node that
originated the route, and prefix is the destination of the route. An RIB
entry also contains the sequence number of the most recent update for this
route, the time at which this update was received, the reference metric of
the route (the metric carried by the update) and the route's metric, which
is the sum of the route's reference metric and the cost of the neighbour
association over which it was received.
An RIB entry may also carry extra information used for route selection,
such as historical information about the route's stability.
An RIB entry is garbage collected either when its nexthop is removed from
the neighbour table, or when it has not been refreshed by a feasible update
in 180 seconds.
2.3.3 Receiving updates
When a Babel node receives an update (id, prefix, seqno, metric) from
a neighbour neigh with a link cost value equal to cost, it checks whether
it already has in its RIB an entry indexed by (neigh, id, prefix).
If no such entry exists:
- if the update is unfeasible, it is ignored;
- if the metric is infinite, the update is ignored;
- otherwise, a new RIB entry is created, indexed by (neigh, id, prefix),
with seqno seqno, reference metric equal to the metric carried by the
update, and metric equal to metric + cost.
If such an entry exists:
- if the entry is currently selected, and the update is unfeasible, then
the metric of the entry is set to infinity and a different route is
selected; if no different route exists, the route is retracted;
- if the update's metric is infinite and the entry's is not, then the
entry's seqno is incremented, and its metric is set to infinity;
- otherwise, the entry's sequence number, reference metric and metric are
updated. If the update is feasible, the garbage collection timer for
the route is reset.
After the RIB is modified, route selection (Section 2.4) is performed for
the affected destination.
2.3.4 Sending updates
A node that originates a route -- for example a route to itself, a route to
a directly attached network, or a route imported from another routing
protocol -- MUST periodically broadcast an update where
- id is the node's router-id;
- prefix is the destination of the route;
- seqno is an integer that is increased by 1 (modulo 2^16) every time an
update is sent;
- metric is an arbitrary value that reflects the desirability of using
this route; it should normally be 0 for a route to this node, and
a small positive value for a directly attached network.
When a node has selected a route (Section 2.4 below), it SHOULD
periodically broadcast, with an interval no larger than 60 seconds, an
update for this route where:
- id is the id of the selected route;
- prefix is the destination of the selected route;
- seqno is the seqno of the selected route;
- metric is no less than the metric of the selected route.
When a node has retracted a route, or when it changes to a route with
a different router id for a given destination, it MUST urgently send an
update for that destination. When the metric of a selected route changes
by more than 2, it SHOULD send an update for that destination. A node MAY
also send a spontaneous update when it detects a mobility event.
2.4 Route selection
The goal of a routing protocol is to select routes for inclusion in the
Forwarding Information Base, the table of routes used by the system for
forwarding packets.
Babel is designed to allow flexible route selection policies. As long as
only feasible routes are ever selected, Babel will function correctly; the
actual choice of routes to be selected is left to the implementation.
2.4.1 Strategies for route selection
Route selection can be done according to multiple mutually contradictory
- routes with a small metric should be preferred over routes with a large
- routes with a large seqno should be preferred over routes with a small
- stable routes should be preferred over unstable routes;
- routes through stable neighbours should be preferred over routes
through unstable ones;
- switching routes should be avoided;
- changing source ids should be avoided.
Choosing a route selection policy for Babel is an open research problem; at
any rate, the optimal route selection policy will depend on the individual
network being routed. The current version of the sample implementation of
Babel uses the following route selection policy:
- source ids are not changed unless the new route's metric is smaller
by at least 1.5;
- routes are not switched unless the new route's metric is smaller by at
least 0.5;
- routes are not switched unless the new route has been stable for 30
seconds or its metric is smaller by at least 1.5;
- routes with a smaller metric are preferred;
- sequence numbers are ignored when performing route selection.
This strategy is likely to be reconsidered in a future version.
2.5 Accelerating convergence
When a Babel node moves, it is quite likely that most of its routes will
become unfeasible; in that case, it looses connectivity to the rest of the
network until it receives a new sequence number.
In order to recover its routes as promptly as possible, a node that has
lost all feasible routes to a given destination broadcasts a request for
a new sequence number. Any neighbouring node that can satisfy the request
responds with an update; a node that cannot satisfy the request forwards
the request to its next hop for the given source as a unicast packet.
A node SHOULD maintain a list of forwarded requests, and forward the reply
(using unicast or multicast) as soon as it arrives.
2.6 Simplified implementations
Babel is a very economic protocol. Route updates take between 24 and 48
octets per destination; and the RIB takes about 50 bytes per entry. In
other words, a single Ethernet packet can carry roughly 50 route updates,
and a megabyte of memory can contain a 20000-entry RIB.
Babel is also a simple protocol. The current sample implementation
consists of less than 5000 lines of C code, and compiles to less than
32 kB of code on a 32-bit CISC architecture.
However, in some very constrained environments, such as PDAs, microwave
ovens or abacuses, it may be desirable to have subset implementations of
the protocol. The following sections give two examples of such
implementations that do not endanger the integrity of the network.
2.6.1 The simplified feasibility condition
The feasibility condition described in Section 2.3.1 requires maintaining
a table of sources. The following describes a feasibility condition,
DSDV-feasibility, that is strictly stronger than the feasibility condition
in 2.3.1.
An update (id, prefix, seqno', metric') is DSDV-feasible when
- either there is no route with source (id, prefix) in the RIB; or
- there is a route (id, prefix, seqno', metric', nexthop) in the
RIB, and either
- seqno > seqno'; or
- seqno = seqno' and metric < metric'.
Note that the correctness of this condition is dependent on the fact that
retracted routes are not garbage collected too early.
2.6.2 Parasitic implementations
A parasitic implementation is one that uses a Babel network for routing its
packets but does not announce any routes except to itself.
A parasitic implementation SHOULD participate in the Hello and IHU
protocols. It may either maintain a full routing table, or simply select
one of its non-parasitic neighbours (i.e. one that does announce routes
with an id that is not its router-id) as its default gateway.
Since a parasitic implementation cannot possibly participate in routing
loops, it need not evaluate the feasibility condition, and can instead
consider all routes as feasible. It SHOULD, however, be able to reply to
non-specific request messages and request messages for routes that it
3. Packet and message format
Babel aggregates multiple messages into a single transport layer datagram;
we say that multiple Babel messages are sent as a single Babel packet.
3.1 Packet format
Babel packets are sent as link-local UDP datagrams to port ????, using
either multicast to group ???? or unicast to a link-local address. The
meaning of a received message does not depend on the transport being used.
A Babel packet has the following structure:
- magic: 1 octet;
- version: 1 octet;
- reserved: 6 octets;
- body: n * 24 octets.
The magic octet has the arbitrary but carefully chosen value 42; packets
with a first octet different from 42 MUST be silently ignored. Version has
the value 1; packets with a second octet different from 1 MUST be silently
ignored. The reserved field MUST be sent as 0, and ignored upon reception.
The body consists of an arbitrary number of messages (up to the link MTU or
the minimum maximum datagram size, whichever is more) of 24 octets each.
3.2 Message format
All Babel messages have the same format:
type: 1 octet;
h1: 1 octet;
s1: 2 octets;
s2: 2 octets;
s3: 2 octets;
a: 16 octets.
The interpretation of the fields h1, s1, s2, s3 and a depends on the value
of the type field, and is described in the following paragraphs.
Except for Hello messages (Section 3.2.1), all messages can be sent using
unicast or multicast, and their semantics does not depend on the transport
being used. Hello messages may be sent using multicast only.
This document defines the interpretation of messages having a type field
between 0 and 4 inclusive; unknown messages MUST be silently ignored.
3.2.1 Hello messages
type: 1 octet;
reserved: 3 octets;
seqno: 2 octets;
hello interval: 2 octets;
id: 16 octets.
The type field is 0, indicating a Hello message. Seqno indicates the
sequence number of this hello message; it is incremented by one (modulo
2^16) every time a hello is sent. The hello interval indicates a time in
centiseconds after which the next hello will be scheduled; the sending node
MAY send the next hello earlier than that, but MUST NOT send the next hello
later then after 1.5 times this interval. The id field indicates the
router id of the router sending this hello; it MUST be unique within the
routing domain, and SHOULD NOT change over time.
In order to allow accurate link quality measurement, hello messages MUST
NOT be sent using unicast.
3.2.2 IHU messages
type: 1 octet;
reserved: 3 octets;
IHU interval: 2 octets;
txcost: 2 octets.
id: 16 octets
The type field is 1 to indicate an IHU (``I Heard You'') message. The IHU
interval field indicates the interval in centiseconds after which the next
scheduled multicast IHU message will be sent by this router; an IHU MAY be
sent earlier than that, but MUST NOT be sent later than after this interval
plus half the hello interval.
The txcost field expresses the cost of sending messages from the router
identified by the id field to the router sending this message. It is
specified as a fixed-point number in 16.16 bit format. The value 0xFF.0xFF
(infinity) indicates that the link from the router identified by the id
field to the router sending this message is broken.
3.2.3 Request message
type: 1 octet;
plen: 1 octet;
reserved: 1 octet;
hop count: 1 octet;
seqno: 2 octets;
router-id hash: 2 octets;
prefix: 16 octets.
A request message is used for requesting an update from the receiver.
A reply to a request is a packet consisting of update and prefix messages,
sent either to the well-known multicast address, or to the source address
of the packet carrying the request message, at the sender's discretion.
The type field is 2 to indicate a request message. There are three kinds
of request messages. Full table requests
If plen is 0xFF, then this is a request for a full dump of the routing
table; in this case, hop count must be zero and is ignored on reception.
When a Babel speaker receives such a request, it responds with a full dump
of its routing table. Specific requests
If plen is no more than 128 and hop count is 0, then this is a request for
a route with the destination specified by prefix and plen. If the
receiving Babel speaker has selected a route with that destination, it
replies with an update for this route. Otherwise, it sends a retraction
for that destination. Multi-hop requests
Finally, if plen is no more than 128 and hop count is larger than 0, then
this is a multi-hop request for a particular sequence number. If the
receiver's router-id matches the router-id hash, and it is exporting
a route to the requested destination, it increases its sequence number to
match the seqno field of the request, and sends an update.
Otherwise, If the receiver has selected a route with the destination
specified by prefix and plen, a router id that matches the hash, and
a sequence number no less than seqno, it replies with an update for that
route. If the receiver has a route for that destination with a different
router id, it sends an update for that route.
Otherwise, if the receiver has selected a route to the given destination,
with matching router-id, but a too small seqno, if the hop count is at
least 2, it forwards the request as unicast to its selected successor after
decreasing the hop count by one. If the hop count is 1, it remains silent.
A speaker SHOULD keep track of forwarded multi-hop requests, and forward
the replies whenever a request is satisfied.
Finally, if the receiver has no route to the given destination, it sends
a retraction for that destination.
3.2.4 Update
type: 1 octet;
plen: 1 octet;
reserved: 2 octets;
seqno: 2 octets;
metric: 2 octets;
id: 16 octets.
The type field is 3 to indicate an update message. If plen is 0xFF (the
normal case), the field id establishes the context for the following update
message; all the other fields MUST then be sent as 0 and ignored upon
If plen is between 0 and 0x80, inclusive, the message is an abbreviation
for an update message followed by a prefix message (Section 3.2.5). More
precisely, the message
(3, plen, 0, seqno, metric, id)
is interpreted just like the sequence of two messages
(3, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0, id)
(4, plen, 0, seqno, metric, id)
3.2.5 Prefix information
type: 1 octet;
plen: 1 octet;
reserved: 2 octets;
seqno: 2 octets;
metric: 2 octets;
prefix: 16 octets.
The type field is 4 to indicate a prefix message. A prefix message MUST
immediately follow either an update message, or another prefix message.
The metric field is a fixed-point number in 16.16 bit format, and
represents an additive metric. The value 0xFF.0xFF (infinite) indicates
that this is a route retraction.
An update message specifies an update for the route to destination (prefix,
plen), with a sequence number given by the field seqno, a metric given by
the metric field, and a source indicated by the id field of the preceding
update message.
4. Sample implementation
A sample implementation of the Babel protocol is available from
[JITTER] Sally Floyd and Van Jacobson. The synchronization of periodic
routing messages. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 2, 2 (Apr. 1994),
122-136. 1994.
[DSDV] Charles Perkins and Pravin Bhagwat. Highly Dynamic
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Computers. ACM SIGCOMM'94 Conference on Communications
Architectures, Protocols and Applications, 234-244. 1994
[RFC3561] Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing. C. Perkins,
E. Belding-Royer, S. Das. RFC 3561. July 2003.
[RFC904] Exterior Gateway Protocol formal specification. D. L. Mills.
RFC 904. April 1 1984.
[DUAL] J. J. Garcia Luna Aceves. Loop-Free Routing Using Diffusing
Computations. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 1:1.
February 1993.
[EIGRP] Bob Albrigtson, J. J. Garcia Luna Aceves and Joanne Boyle.
EIGRP -- a Fast Routing Protocol Based on Distance Vectors.
Proc. Interop 94. 1994.
[ETX] D. Defcouto, D. Aguayo, J. Bicket, and R. Morris. A high-
throughput path metric for multi-hop wireless networks.
Proc. MobiCom. 2003.
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