Commit e5fafb3c authored by PX4BuildBot's avatar PX4BuildBot

autogenerated headers for rev...

autogenerated headers for rev
parent eff36d45
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_PAYLOAD_PLACE=94, /* Descend and place payload. Vehicle moves to specified location, descends until it detects a hanging payload has reached the ground, and then releases the payload. If ground is not detected before the reaching the maximum descent value (param1), the command will complete without releasing the payload. |Maximum distance to descend.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST=95, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY=112, /* Delay mission state machine. |Delay| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Finish Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Target Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE=114, /* Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point. |Distance.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW=115, /* Reach a certain target angle. |target angle, 0 is north| angular speed| direction: -1: counter clockwise, 1: clockwise| 0: absolute angle, 1: relative offset| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_LAST=159, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START=189, /* Mission command to perform a landing. This is used as a marker in a mission to tell the autopilot where a sequence of mission items that represents a landing starts. It may also be sent via a COMMAND_LONG to trigger a landing, in which case the nearest (geographically) landing sequence in the mission will be used. The Latitude/Longitude is optional, and may be set to 0 if not needed. If specified then it will be used to help find the closest landing sequence. |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_RALLY_LAND=190, /* Mission command to perform a landing from a rally point. |Break altitude| Landing speed| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND=191, /* Mission command to safely abort an autonomous landing. |Altitude| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude (meters)| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE=193, /* If in a GPS controlled position mode, hold the current position or continue. |0: Pause current mission or reposition command, hold current position. 1: Continue mission. A VTOL capable vehicle should enter hover mode (multicopter and VTOL planes). A plane should loiter with the default loiter radius.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE=194, /* Set moving direction to forward or reverse. |Direction (0=Forward, 1=Reverse)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION=195, /* Sets the region of interest (ROI) to a location. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. This command can be sent to a gimbal manager but not to a gimbal device. A gimbal is not to react to this message. |Component ID of gimbal device to address (or 1-6 for non-MAVLink gimbal), 0 for all gimbal device components. (Send command multiple times for more than one but not all gimbals.)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude of ROI location| Longitude of ROI location| Altitude of ROI location| */
......@@ -175,18 +175,18 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT=5100, /* Rally point. You can have multiple rally points defined.
|Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_UAVCAN_GET_NODE_INFO=5200, /* Commands the vehicle to respond with a sequence of messages UAVCAN_NODE_INFO, one message per every UAVCAN node that is online. Note that some of the response messages can be lost, which the receiver can detect easily by checking whether every received UAVCAN_NODE_STATUS has a matching message UAVCAN_NODE_INFO received earlier; if not, this command should be sent again in order to request re-transmission of the node information messages. |Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY=30002, /* Control the payload deployment. |Operation mode. 0: Abort deployment, continue normal mission. 1: switch to payload deployment mode. 100: delete first payload deployment request. 101: delete all payload deployment requests.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_USER_1=31010, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_2=31011, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_3=31012, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_PAYLOAD_PLACE=94, /* Descend and place payload. Vehicle moves to specified location, descends until it detects a hanging payload has reached the ground, and then releases the payload. If ground is not detected before the reaching the maximum descent value (param1), the command will complete without releasing the payload. |Maximum distance to descend.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST=95, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY=112, /* Delay mission state machine. |Delay| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Finish Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Target Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE=114, /* Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point. |Distance.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW=115, /* Reach a certain target angle. |target angle, 0 is north| angular speed| direction: -1: counter clockwise, 1: clockwise| 0: absolute angle, 1: relative offset| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_LAST=159, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START=189, /* Mission command to perform a landing. This is used as a marker in a mission to tell the autopilot where a sequence of mission items that represents a landing starts. It may also be sent via a COMMAND_LONG to trigger a landing, in which case the nearest (geographically) landing sequence in the mission will be used. The Latitude/Longitude is optional, and may be set to 0 if not needed. If specified then it will be used to help find the closest landing sequence. |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_RALLY_LAND=190, /* Mission command to perform a landing from a rally point. |Break altitude| Landing speed| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND=191, /* Mission command to safely abort an autonomous landing. |Altitude| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude (meters)| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE=193, /* If in a GPS controlled position mode, hold the current position or continue. |0: Pause current mission or reposition command, hold current position. 1: Continue mission. A VTOL capable vehicle should enter hover mode (multicopter and VTOL planes). A plane should loiter with the default loiter radius.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE=194, /* Set moving direction to forward or reverse. |Direction (0=Forward, 1=Reverse)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION=195, /* Sets the region of interest (ROI) to a location. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. This command can be sent to a gimbal manager but not to a gimbal device. A gimbal is not to react to this message. |Component ID of gimbal device to address (or 1-6 for non-MAVLink gimbal), 0 for all gimbal device components. (Send command multiple times for more than one but not all gimbals.)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude of ROI location| Longitude of ROI location| Altitude of ROI location| */
......@@ -195,18 +195,18 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT=5100, /* Rally point. You can have multiple rally points defined.
|Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_UAVCAN_GET_NODE_INFO=5200, /* Commands the vehicle to respond with a sequence of messages UAVCAN_NODE_INFO, one message per every UAVCAN node that is online. Note that some of the response messages can be lost, which the receiver can detect easily by checking whether every received UAVCAN_NODE_STATUS has a matching message UAVCAN_NODE_INFO received earlier; if not, this command should be sent again in order to request re-transmission of the node information messages. |Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY=30002, /* Control the payload deployment. |Operation mode. 0: Abort deployment, continue normal mission. 1: switch to payload deployment mode. 100: delete first payload deployment request. 101: delete all payload deployment requests.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_USER_1=31010, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_2=31011, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_3=31012, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_PAYLOAD_PLACE=94, /* Descend and place payload. Vehicle moves to specified location, descends until it detects a hanging payload has reached the ground, and then releases the payload. If ground is not detected before the reaching the maximum descent value (param1), the command will complete without releasing the payload. |Maximum distance to descend.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST=95, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY=112, /* Delay mission state machine. |Delay| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Finish Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Target Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE=114, /* Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point. |Distance.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW=115, /* Reach a certain target angle. |target angle, 0 is north| angular speed| direction: -1: counter clockwise, 1: clockwise| 0: absolute angle, 1: relative offset| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_LAST=159, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START=189, /* Mission command to perform a landing. This is used as a marker in a mission to tell the autopilot where a sequence of mission items that represents a landing starts. It may also be sent via a COMMAND_LONG to trigger a landing, in which case the nearest (geographically) landing sequence in the mission will be used. The Latitude/Longitude is optional, and may be set to 0 if not needed. If specified then it will be used to help find the closest landing sequence. |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_RALLY_LAND=190, /* Mission command to perform a landing from a rally point. |Break altitude| Landing speed| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND=191, /* Mission command to safely abort an autonomous landing. |Altitude| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude (meters)| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE=193, /* If in a GPS controlled position mode, hold the current position or continue. |0: Pause current mission or reposition command, hold current position. 1: Continue mission. A VTOL capable vehicle should enter hover mode (multicopter and VTOL planes). A plane should loiter with the default loiter radius.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE=194, /* Set moving direction to forward or reverse. |Direction (0=Forward, 1=Reverse)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION=195, /* Sets the region of interest (ROI) to a location. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. This command can be sent to a gimbal manager but not to a gimbal device. A gimbal is not to react to this message. |Component ID of gimbal device to address (or 1-6 for non-MAVLink gimbal), 0 for all gimbal device components. (Send command multiple times for more than one but not all gimbals.)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude of ROI location| Longitude of ROI location| Altitude of ROI location| */
......@@ -219,18 +219,18 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT=5100, /* Rally point. You can have multiple rally points defined.
|Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_UAVCAN_GET_NODE_INFO=5200, /* Commands the vehicle to respond with a sequence of messages UAVCAN_NODE_INFO, one message per every UAVCAN node that is online. Note that some of the response messages can be lost, which the receiver can detect easily by checking whether every received UAVCAN_NODE_STATUS has a matching message UAVCAN_NODE_INFO received earlier; if not, this command should be sent again in order to request re-transmission of the node information messages. |Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY=30002, /* Control the payload deployment. |Operation mode. 0: Abort deployment, continue normal mission. 1: switch to payload deployment mode. 100: delete first payload deployment request. 101: delete all payload deployment requests.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_USER_1=31010, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_2=31011, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_3=31012, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
......@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_PAYLOAD_PLACE=94, /* Descend and place payload. Vehicle moves to specified location, descends until it detects a hanging payload has reached the ground, and then releases the payload. If ground is not detected before the reaching the maximum descent value (param1), the command will complete without releasing the payload. |Maximum distance to descend.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST=95, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY=112, /* Delay mission state machine. |Delay| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Finish Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Target Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE=114, /* Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point. |Distance.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW=115, /* Reach a certain target angle. |target angle, 0 is north| angular speed| direction: -1: counter clockwise, 1: clockwise| 0: absolute angle, 1: relative offset| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_LAST=159, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
......@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START=189, /* Mission command to perform a landing. This is used as a marker in a mission to tell the autopilot where a sequence of mission items that represents a landing starts. It may also be sent via a COMMAND_LONG to trigger a landing, in which case the nearest (geographically) landing sequence in the mission will be used. The Latitude/Longitude is optional, and may be set to 0 if not needed. If specified then it will be used to help find the closest landing sequence. |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_RALLY_LAND=190, /* Mission command to perform a landing from a rally point. |Break altitude| Landing speed| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND=191, /* Mission command to safely abort an autonomous landing. |Altitude| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude (meters)| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE=193, /* If in a GPS controlled position mode, hold the current position or continue. |0: Pause current mission or reposition command, hold current position. 1: Continue mission. A VTOL capable vehicle should enter hover mode (multicopter and VTOL planes). A plane should loiter with the default loiter radius.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE=194, /* Set moving direction to forward or reverse. |Direction (0=Forward, 1=Reverse)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION=195, /* Sets the region of interest (ROI) to a location. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. This command can be sent to a gimbal manager but not to a gimbal device. A gimbal is not to react to this message. |Component ID of gimbal device to address (or 1-6 for non-MAVLink gimbal), 0 for all gimbal device components. (Send command multiple times for more than one but not all gimbals.)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude of ROI location| Longitude of ROI location| Altitude of ROI location| */
......@@ -795,18 +795,18 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT=5100, /* Rally point. You can have multiple rally points defined.
|Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_UAVCAN_GET_NODE_INFO=5200, /* Commands the vehicle to respond with a sequence of messages UAVCAN_NODE_INFO, one message per every UAVCAN node that is online. Note that some of the response messages can be lost, which the receiver can detect easily by checking whether every received UAVCAN_NODE_STATUS has a matching message UAVCAN_NODE_INFO received earlier; if not, this command should be sent again in order to request re-transmission of the node information messages. |Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY=30002, /* Control the payload deployment. |Operation mode. 0: Abort deployment, continue normal mission. 1: switch to payload deployment mode. 100: delete first payload deployment request. 101: delete all payload deployment requests.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_USER_1=31010, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_2=31011, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_3=31012, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_PAYLOAD_PLACE=94, /* Descend and place payload. Vehicle moves to specified location, descends until it detects a hanging payload has reached the ground, and then releases the payload. If ground is not detected before the reaching the maximum descent value (param1), the command will complete without releasing the payload. |Maximum distance to descend.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST=95, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY=112, /* Delay mission state machine. |Delay| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Finish Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Target Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE=114, /* Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point. |Distance.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW=115, /* Reach a certain target angle. |target angle, 0 is north| angular speed| direction: -1: counter clockwise, 1: clockwise| 0: absolute angle, 1: relative offset| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_LAST=159, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START=189, /* Mission command to perform a landing. This is used as a marker in a mission to tell the autopilot where a sequence of mission items that represents a landing starts. It may also be sent via a COMMAND_LONG to trigger a landing, in which case the nearest (geographically) landing sequence in the mission will be used. The Latitude/Longitude is optional, and may be set to 0 if not needed. If specified then it will be used to help find the closest landing sequence. |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_RALLY_LAND=190, /* Mission command to perform a landing from a rally point. |Break altitude| Landing speed| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND=191, /* Mission command to safely abort an autonomous landing. |Altitude| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude (meters)| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE=193, /* If in a GPS controlled position mode, hold the current position or continue. |0: Pause current mission or reposition command, hold current position. 1: Continue mission. A VTOL capable vehicle should enter hover mode (multicopter and VTOL planes). A plane should loiter with the default loiter radius.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE=194, /* Set moving direction to forward or reverse. |Direction (0=Forward, 1=Reverse)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION=195, /* Sets the region of interest (ROI) to a location. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. This command can be sent to a gimbal manager but not to a gimbal device. A gimbal is not to react to this message. |Component ID of gimbal device to address (or 1-6 for non-MAVLink gimbal), 0 for all gimbal device components. (Send command multiple times for more than one but not all gimbals.)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude of ROI location| Longitude of ROI location| Altitude of ROI location| */
......@@ -192,18 +192,18 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT=5100, /* Rally point. You can have multiple rally points defined.
|Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_UAVCAN_GET_NODE_INFO=5200, /* Commands the vehicle to respond with a sequence of messages UAVCAN_NODE_INFO, one message per every UAVCAN node that is online. Note that some of the response messages can be lost, which the receiver can detect easily by checking whether every received UAVCAN_NODE_STATUS has a matching message UAVCAN_NODE_INFO received earlier; if not, this command should be sent again in order to request re-transmission of the node information messages. |Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| Reserved (set to 0)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY=30002, /* Control the payload deployment. |Operation mode. 0: Abort deployment, continue normal mission. 1: switch to payload deployment mode. 100: delete first payload deployment request. 101: delete all payload deployment requests.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_USER_1=31010, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_2=31011, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_3=31012, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
......@@ -1258,19 +1258,19 @@
<param index="2" label="Accept Radius" units="m" minValue="0">Acceptance radius (if the sphere with this radius is hit, the waypoint counts as reached)</param>
<param index="3" label="Pass Radius" units="m">0 to pass through the WP, if &gt; 0 radius to pass by WP. Positive value for clockwise orbit, negative value for counter-clockwise orbit. Allows trajectory control.</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw" units="deg">Desired yaw angle at waypoint (rotary wing). NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.).</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="17" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>Loiter around this waypoint an unlimited amount of time</description>
<param index="1">Empty</param>
<param index="2">Empty</param>
<param index="3" label="Radius" units="m">Radius around waypoint. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw">Desired yaw angle. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.).</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw" units="deg">Desired yaw angle. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.).</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="18" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>Loiter around this waypoint for X turns</description>
......@@ -1278,9 +1278,9 @@
<param index="2">Empty</param>
<param index="3" label="Radius" units="m">Radius around waypoint. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise</param>
<param index="4">Forward moving aircraft this sets exit xtrack location: 0 for center of loiter wp, 1 for exit location. Else, this is desired yaw angle. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.).</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="19" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>Loiter around this waypoint for X seconds</description>
......@@ -1288,9 +1288,9 @@
<param index="2">Empty</param>
<param index="3" label="Radius" units="m">Radius around waypoint. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise.</param>
<param index="4">Forward moving aircraft this sets exit xtrack location: 0 for center of loiter wp, 1 for exit location. Else, this is desired yaw angle. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.).</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="20" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH" hasLocation="false" isDestination="false">
<description>Return to launch location</description>
......@@ -1308,19 +1308,19 @@
<param index="2" label="Land Mode" enum="PRECISION_LAND_MODE">Precision land mode.</param>
<param index="3">Empty.</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw Angle" units="deg">Desired yaw angle. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.).</param>
<param index="5">Latitude.</param>
<param index="6">Longitude.</param>
<param index="7" units="m">Landing altitude (ground level in current frame).</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude.</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude.</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Landing altitude (ground level in current frame).</param>
<entry value="22" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>Takeoff from ground / hand</description>
<param index="1" label="Pitch">Minimum pitch (if airspeed sensor present), desired pitch without sensor</param>
<param index="2">Empty</param>
<param index="3">Empty</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw">Yaw angle (if magnetometer present), ignored without magnetometer. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.).</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw" units="deg">Yaw angle (if magnetometer present), ignored without magnetometer. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.).</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="23" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND_LOCAL" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>Land at local position (local frame only)</description>
......@@ -1345,12 +1345,12 @@
<entry value="25" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_FOLLOW" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
<description>Vehicle following, i.e. this waypoint represents the position of a moving vehicle</description>
<param index="1" label="Following" increment="1">Following logic to use (e.g. loitering or sinusoidal following) - depends on specific autopilot implementation</param>
<param index="2" label="Ground Speed">Ground speed of vehicle to be followed</param>
<param index="2" label="Ground Speed" units="m/s">Ground speed of vehicle to be followed</param>
<param index="3" label="Radius" units="m">Radius around waypoint. If positive loiter clockwise, else counter-clockwise</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw">Desired yaw angle.</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw" units="deg">Desired yaw angle.</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="30" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_CONTINUE_AND_CHANGE_ALT" hasLocation="false" isDestination="true">
<description>Continue on the current course and climb/descend to specified altitude. When the altitude is reached continue to the next command (i.e., don't proceed to the next command until the desired altitude is reached.</description>
......@@ -1368,9 +1368,9 @@
<param index="2" label="Radius" units="m">Radius. If positive loiter clockwise, negative counter-clockwise, 0 means no change to standard loiter.</param>
<param index="3">Empty</param>
<param index="4" label="Xtrack Location" minValue="0" maxValue="1" increment="1">Forward moving aircraft this sets exit xtrack location: 0 for center of loiter wp, 1 for exit location</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="32" name="MAV_CMD_DO_FOLLOW" hasLocation="false" isDestination="false">
<description>Begin following a target</description>
......@@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@
<param index="2">RESERVED</param>
<param index="3">RESERVED</param>
<param index="4" label="Altitude Mode" minValue="0" maxValue="2" increment="1">Altitude mode: 0: Keep current altitude, 1: keep altitude difference to target, 2: go to a fixed altitude above home.</param>
<param index="5" label="Altitude">Altitude above home. (used if mode=2)</param>
<param index="5" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude above home. (used if mode=2)</param>
<param index="6">RESERVED</param>
<param index="7" label="Time to Land" units="s" minValue="0">Time to land in which the MAV should go to the default position hold mode after a message RX timeout.</param>
......@@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@
<param index="1" label="Local Ctrl" minValue="0" maxValue="2" increment="1">0: Disable local obstacle avoidance / local path planning (without resetting map), 1: Enable local path planning, 2: Enable and reset local path planning</param>
<param index="2" label="Global Ctrl" minValue="0" maxValue="3" increment="1">0: Disable full path planning (without resetting map), 1: Enable, 2: Enable and reset map/occupancy grid, 3: Enable and reset planned route, but not occupancy grid</param>
<param index="3">Empty</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw" units="deg" minValue="0" maxValue="360">Yaw angle at goal</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw" units="deg">Yaw angle at goal</param>
<param index="5">Latitude/X of goal</param>
<param index="6">Longitude/Y of goal</param>
<param index="7">Altitude/Z of goal</param>
......@@ -1441,19 +1441,19 @@
<param index="2" label="Transition Heading" enum="VTOL_TRANSITION_HEADING">Front transition heading.</param>
<param index="3">Empty</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw Angle" units="deg">Yaw angle. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.).</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="85" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_VTOL_LAND" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>Land using VTOL mode</description>
<param index="1">Empty</param>
<param index="2">Empty</param>
<param index="3" label="Altitude">Approach altitude (with the same reference as the Altitude field). NaN if unspecified.</param>
<param index="3" label="Approach Altitude" units="m">Approach altitude (with the same reference as the Altitude field). NaN if unspecified.</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw" units="deg">Yaw angle. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.).</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (ground level)</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Ground Altitude" units="m">Altitude (ground level)</param>
<!-- IDs 90 and 91 are reserved until the end of 2014,
as they were used in some conflicting proposals
......@@ -1485,9 +1485,9 @@
<param index="2">Empty</param>
<param index="3">Empty</param>
<param index="4">Empty</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="95" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST" hasLocation="false" isDestination="false">
<description>NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration</description>
......@@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@
<param index="4">Empty</param>
<param index="5">Empty</param>
<param index="6">Empty</param>
<param index="7">Finish Altitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Target Altitude</param>
<entry value="114" name="MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE" hasLocation="false" isDestination="false">
<description>Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point.</description>
......@@ -1585,9 +1585,9 @@
<param index="2">Empty</param>
<param index="3">Empty</param>
<param index="4">Empty</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="180" name="MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER" hasLocation="false" isDestination="false">
<description>Set a system parameter. Caution! Use of this command requires knowledge of the numeric enumeration value of the parameter.</description>
......@@ -1665,8 +1665,8 @@
<param index="2">Empty</param>
<param index="3">Empty</param>
<param index="4">Empty</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Empty</param>
<entry value="190" name="MAV_CMD_DO_RALLY_LAND" hasLocation="false" isDestination="false">
......@@ -1694,10 +1694,10 @@
<param index="1" label="Speed" units="m/s" minValue="-1">Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default</param>
<param index="2" label="Bitmask" enum="MAV_DO_REPOSITION_FLAGS">Bitmask of option flags.</param>
<param index="3">Reserved</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw">Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (meters)</param>
<param index="4" label="Yaw" units="deg">Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="193" name="MAV_CMD_DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE" hasLocation="false" isDestination="false">
<description>If in a GPS controlled position mode, hold the current position or continue.</description>
......@@ -2313,12 +2313,12 @@
<!-- This message is work-in-progress and it can therefore change. It should NOT be used in stable production environments. -->
<description>Delay mission state machine until gate has been reached.</description>
<param index="1" label="Geometry" minValue="0" increment="1">Geometry: 0: orthogonal to path between previous and next waypoint.</param>
<param index="2" label="Altitude">Altitude: 0: ignore altitude</param>
<param index="2" label="UseAltitude" minValue="0" maxValue="1" increment="1">Altitude: 0: ignore altitude</param>
<param index="3">Empty</param>
<param index="4">Empty</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="5000" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>Fence return point. There can only be one fence return point.
......@@ -2327,9 +2327,9 @@
<param index="2">Reserved</param>
<param index="3">Reserved</param>
<param index="4">Reserved</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<entry value="5001" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_INCLUSION" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
<description>Fence vertex for an inclusion polygon (the polygon must not be self-intersecting). The vehicle must stay within this area. Minimum of 3 vertices required.
......@@ -2338,8 +2338,8 @@
<param index="2">Reserved</param>
<param index="3">Reserved</param>
<param index="4">Reserved</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Reserved</param>
<entry value="5002" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_EXCLUSION" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
......@@ -2349,8 +2349,8 @@
<param index="2">Reserved</param>
<param index="3">Reserved</param>
<param index="4">Reserved</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Reserved</param>
<entry value="5003" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_CIRCLE_INCLUSION" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
......@@ -2360,8 +2360,8 @@
<param index="2">Reserved</param>
<param index="3">Reserved</param>
<param index="4">Reserved</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Reserved</param>
<entry value="5004" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_CIRCLE_EXCLUSION" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
......@@ -2371,8 +2371,8 @@
<param index="2">Reserved</param>
<param index="3">Reserved</param>
<param index="4">Reserved</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Reserved</param>
<entry value="5100" name="MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
......@@ -2382,9 +2382,9 @@
<param index="2">Reserved</param>
<param index="3">Reserved</param>
<param index="4">Reserved</param>
<param index="5">Latitude</param>
<param index="6">Longitude</param>
<param index="7">Altitude</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude</param>
<!-- Values in the range [5200, 5210) should be reserved for UAVCAN. -->
<!-- BEGIN UAVCAN range -->
......@@ -2407,9 +2407,9 @@
<param index="2" label="Approach Vector" units="deg" minValue="-1" maxValue="360">Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.</param>
<param index="3" label="Ground Speed" minValue="-1">Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.</param>
<param index="4" label="Altitude Clearance" units="m" minValue="-1">Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="30002" name="MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY" hasLocation="false" isDestination="false">
<description>Control the payload deployment.</description>
......@@ -2429,9 +2429,9 @@
<param index="2">User defined</param>
<param index="3">User defined</param>
<param index="4">User defined</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="31001" name="MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item.</description>
......@@ -2439,9 +2439,9 @@
<param index="2">User defined</param>
<param index="3">User defined</param>
<param index="4">User defined</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="31002" name="MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item.</description>
......@@ -2449,9 +2449,9 @@
<param index="2">User defined</param>
<param index="3">User defined</param>
<param index="4">User defined</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="31003" name="MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item.</description>
......@@ -2459,9 +2459,9 @@
<param index="2">User defined</param>
<param index="3">User defined</param>
<param index="4">User defined</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="31004" name="MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5" hasLocation="true" isDestination="true">
<description>User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item.</description>
......@@ -2469,9 +2469,9 @@
<param index="2">User defined</param>
<param index="3">User defined</param>
<param index="4">User defined</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="31005" name="MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
<description>User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item.</description>
......@@ -2479,9 +2479,9 @@
<param index="2">User defined</param>
<param index="3">User defined</param>
<param index="4">User defined</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="31006" name="MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
<description>User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item.</description>
......@@ -2489,9 +2489,9 @@
<param index="2">User defined</param>
<param index="3">User defined</param>
<param index="4">User defined</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="31007" name="MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
<description>User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item.</description>
......@@ -2499,9 +2499,9 @@
<param index="2">User defined</param>
<param index="3">User defined</param>
<param index="4">User defined</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="31008" name="MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
<description>User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item.</description>
......@@ -2509,9 +2509,9 @@
<param index="2">User defined</param>
<param index="3">User defined</param>
<param index="4">User defined</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="31009" name="MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5" hasLocation="true" isDestination="false">
<description>User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item.</description>
......@@ -2519,9 +2519,9 @@
<param index="2">User defined</param>
<param index="3">User defined</param>
<param index="4">User defined</param>
<param index="5">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7">Altitude (MSL), in meters</param>
<param index="5" label="Latitude">Latitude unscaled</param>
<param index="6" label="Longitude">Longitude unscaled</param>
<param index="7" label="Altitude" units="m">Altitude (MSL)</param>
<entry value="31010" name="MAV_CMD_USER_1" hasLocation="false" isDestination="false">
<description>User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item.</description>
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_NAV_PAYLOAD_PLACE=94, /* Descend and place payload. Vehicle moves to specified location, descends until it detects a hanging payload has reached the ground, and then releases the payload. If ground is not detected before the reaching the maximum descent value (param1), the command will complete without releasing the payload. |Maximum distance to descend.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST=95, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DELAY=112, /* Delay mission state machine. |Delay| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Finish Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT=113, /* Ascend/descend at rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached. |Descent / Ascend rate.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Target Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_DISTANCE=114, /* Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point. |Distance.| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW=115, /* Reach a certain target angle. |target angle, 0 is north| angular speed| direction: -1: counter clockwise, 1: clockwise| 0: absolute angle, 1: relative offset| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_CONDITION_LAST=159, /* NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START=189, /* Mission command to perform a landing. This is used as a marker in a mission to tell the autopilot where a sequence of mission items that represents a landing starts. It may also be sent via a COMMAND_LONG to trigger a landing, in which case the nearest (geographically) landing sequence in the mission will be used. The Latitude/Longitude is optional, and may be set to 0 if not needed. If specified then it will be used to help find the closest landing sequence. |Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude| Longitude| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_RALLY_LAND=190, /* Mission command to perform a landing from a rally point. |Break altitude| Landing speed| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND=191, /* Mission command to safely abort an autonomous landing. |Altitude| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude (meters)| */
MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION=192, /* Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. |Ground speed, less than 0 (-1) for default| Bitmask of option flags.| Reserved| Yaw heading. NaN to use the current system yaw heading mode (e.g. yaw towards next waypoint, yaw to home, etc.). For planes indicates loiter direction (0: clockwise, 1: counter clockwise)| Latitude| Longitude| Altitude| */
MAV_CMD_DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE=193, /* If in a GPS controlled position mode, hold the current position or continue. |0: Pause current mission or reposition command, hold current position. 1: Continue mission. A VTOL capable vehicle should enter hover mode (multicopter and VTOL planes). A plane should loiter with the default loiter radius.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_REVERSE=194, /* Set moving direction to forward or reverse. |Direction (0=Forward, 1=Reverse)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION=195, /* Sets the region of interest (ROI) to a location. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. This command can be sent to a gimbal manager but not to a gimbal device. A gimbal is not to react to this message. |Component ID of gimbal device to address (or 1-6 for non-MAVLink gimbal), 0 for all gimbal device components. (Send command multiple times for more than one but not all gimbals.)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Latitude of ROI location| Longitude of ROI location| Altitude of ROI location| */
......@@ -181,18 +181,18 @@ typedef enum MAV_CMD
MAV_CMD_TURN_LIGHT=10013, /* Turns the vehicle's visible or infrared lights on or off. |0: visible lights, 1: infrared lights| 0: turn on, 1: turn off| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| */
MAV_CMD_GET_MID_LEVEL_COMMANDS=10014, /* Requests vehicle to send current mid-level commands to ground station. |Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| */
MAV_CMD_MIDLEVEL_STORAGE=10015, /* Requests storage of mid-level commands. |Mid-level command storage: 0: read from flash/EEPROM, 1: write to flash/EEPROM| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| Reserved (default:0)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in compass heading. A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY=30002, /* Control the payload deployment. |Operation mode. 0: Abort deployment, continue normal mission. 1: switch to payload deployment mode. 100: delete first payload deployment request. 101: delete all payload deployment requests.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL), in meters| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_1=31000, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_2=31001, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_3=31002, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_4=31003, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_WAYPOINT_USER_5=31004, /* User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_1=31005, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_2=31006, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_3=31007, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_4=31008, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_SPATIAL_USER_5=31009, /* User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| Latitude unscaled| Longitude unscaled| Altitude (MSL)| */
MAV_CMD_USER_1=31010, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_2=31011, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
MAV_CMD_USER_3=31012, /* User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item. |User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| User defined| */
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Fri Mar 27 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Wed Apr 01 2020"
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