Commit d448c919 authored by Michael Banzon's avatar Michael Banzon

Changed implementation of issue #304 fix

It no longer uses regular expressions.
It supports both the Unix `{$ENV_VAR}` _and_ the Windows `{%ENV_VAR%}`
Added test for both Unix and Windows env. syntax.
parent e166ebf6
......@@ -4,14 +4,9 @@ import (
var (
envRegEx = regexp.MustCompile("{\\$[^}]+}")
type parser struct {
block serverBlock // current server block being parsed
......@@ -337,10 +332,23 @@ func (sb serverBlock) HostList() []string {
func getValFromEnv(s string) string {
envRefs := envRegEx.FindAllString(s, -1)
s = replaceEnvReferences(s, "{$", "}")
s = replaceEnvReferences(s, "{%", "%}")
return s
func replaceEnvReferences(s, refStart, refEnd string) string {
index := strings.Index(s, refStart)
for index != -1 {
endIndex := strings.Index(s, refEnd)
if endIndex != -1 {
ref := s[index : endIndex+len(refEnd)]
s = strings.Replace(s, ref, os.Getenv(ref[len(refStart):len(ref)-len(refEnd)]), -1)
} else {
return s
for _, ref := range envRefs {
s = strings.Replace(s, ref, os.Getenv(ref[2:len(ref)-1]), -1)
index = strings.Index(s, refStart)
return s
......@@ -391,6 +391,22 @@ func TestEnvironmentReplacement(t *testing.T) {
[]address{{"", "1234"}},
[]address{{"localhost", "8080"}},
{`{%MY_ADDRESS%}`, [][]address{
{{"", ""}},
{`{%MY_ADDRESS%}:{%MY_PORT%}`, [][]address{
[]address{{"", "8080"}},
{`{%MY_ADDRESS2%}:1234 {
localhost:{%MY_PORT%} {
}`, [][]address{
[]address{{"", "1234"}},
[]address{{"localhost", "8080"}},
} {
p := testParser(test.input)
blocks, err := p.parseAll()
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