Commit b3cfe42f authored by Josh Tobin's avatar Josh Tobin

Adds positional only args support (PEP 570)

parent d5da2dbc
......@@ -861,8 +861,9 @@ class CArgDeclNode(Node):
# annotation ExprNode or None Py3 function arg annotation
# is_self_arg boolean Is the "self" arg of an extension type method
# is_type_arg boolean Is the "class" arg of an extension type classmethod
# is_kw_only boolean Is a keyword-only argument
# kw_only boolean Is a keyword-only argument
# is_dynamic boolean Non-literal arg stored inside CyFunction
# pos_only boolean Is a positional-only argument
child_attrs = ["base_type", "declarator", "default", "annotation"]
outer_attrs = ["default", "annotation"]
......@@ -871,6 +872,7 @@ class CArgDeclNode(Node):
is_type_arg = 0
is_generic = 1
kw_only = 0
pos_only = 0
not_none = 0
or_none = 0
type = None
......@@ -3655,6 +3657,7 @@ class DefNodeWrapper(FuncDefNode):
positional_args = []
required_kw_only_args = []
optional_kw_only_args = []
num_pos_only_args = 0
for arg in args:
if arg.is_generic:
if arg.default:
......@@ -3668,6 +3671,9 @@ class DefNodeWrapper(FuncDefNode):
elif not arg.is_self_arg and not arg.is_type_arg:
if arg.pos_only:
num_pos_only_args += 1
# sort required kw-only args before optional ones to avoid special
# cases in the unpacking code
kw_only_args = required_kw_only_args + optional_kw_only_args
......@@ -3685,10 +3691,10 @@ class DefNodeWrapper(FuncDefNode):
all_args = tuple(positional_args) + tuple(kw_only_args)
code.putln("static PyObject **%s[] = {%s,0};" % (
code.putln("static PyObject **%s[] = {%s};" % (
','.join(['&%s' % code.intern_identifier(
for arg in all_args])))
for arg in all_args if not arg.pos_only] + ['0'])))
# Before being converted and assigned to the target variables,
# borrowed references to all unpacked argument values are
......@@ -3706,8 +3712,8 @@ class DefNodeWrapper(FuncDefNode):
min_positional_args, max_positional_args,
has_fixed_positional_count, has_kw_only_args,
all_args, argtuple_error_label, code)
num_pos_only_args, has_fixed_positional_count,
has_kw_only_args, all_args, argtuple_error_label, code)
# --- optimised code when we do not receive any keyword arguments
if (self.num_required_kw_args and min_positional_args > 0) or min_positional_args == max_positional_args:
......@@ -3870,8 +3876,8 @@ class DefNodeWrapper(FuncDefNode):
code.putln('values[%d] = %s;' % (i, arg.type.as_pyobject(default_value)))
def generate_keyword_unpacking_code(self, min_positional_args, max_positional_args,
has_fixed_positional_count, has_kw_only_args,
all_args, argtuple_error_label, code):
num_pos_only_args, has_fixed_positional_count,
has_kw_only_args, all_args, argtuple_error_label, code):
code.putln('Py_ssize_t kw_args;')
code.putln('const Py_ssize_t pos_args = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(%s);' % Naming.args_cname)
# copy the values from the args tuple and check that it's not too long
......@@ -3901,9 +3907,12 @@ class DefNodeWrapper(FuncDefNode):
code.putln('kw_args = PyDict_Size(%s);' % Naming.kwds_cname)
if self.num_required_args or max_positional_args > 0:
last_required_arg = -1
last_required_posonly_arg = -1
for i, arg in enumerate(all_args):
if not arg.default:
last_required_arg = i
if arg.pos_only and not arg.default:
last_required_posonly_arg = i
if last_required_arg < max_positional_args:
last_required_arg = max_positional_args-1
if max_positional_args > 0:
......@@ -3917,6 +3926,12 @@ class DefNodeWrapper(FuncDefNode):
code.putln('case %2d:' % i)
pystring_cname = code.intern_identifier(
if arg.pos_only:
if i == last_required_posonly_arg:
if i == last_required_arg:
if arg.default:
if arg.kw_only:
# optional kw-only args are handled separately below
......@@ -3971,14 +3986,34 @@ class DefNodeWrapper(FuncDefNode):
# arguments, this will always do the right thing for unpacking
# keyword arguments, so that we can concentrate on optimising
# common cases above.
# ParseOptionalKeywords() needs to know how many of the arguments
# that could be passed as keywords have in fact been passed as
# positional args.
if num_pos_only_args > 0:
# There are positional-only arguments which we don't want to count,
# since they cannot be keyword arguments. Subtract the number of
# pos-only arguments from the number of positional arguments we got.
# If we get a negative number then none of the keyword arguments were
# passed as positional args.
code.putln('const Py_ssize_t kwd_pos_args = (pos_args < %d) ? 0 : (pos_args - %d);' % (
num_pos_only_args, num_pos_only_args))
elif max_positional_args > 0:
code.putln('const Py_ssize_t kwd_pos_args = pos_args;')
if max_positional_args == 0:
pos_arg_count = "0"
elif self.star_arg:
code.putln("const Py_ssize_t used_pos_args = (pos_args < %d) ? pos_args : %d;" % (
max_positional_args, max_positional_args))
# If there is a *arg, the number of used positional args could be larger than
# the number of possible keyword arguments. But ParseOptionalKeywords() uses the
# number of positional args as an index into the keyword argument name array,
# if this is larger than the number of kwd args we get a segfault. So round
# this down to max_positional_args - num_pos_only_args (= num possible kwd args).
code.putln("const Py_ssize_t used_pos_args = (kwd_pos_args < %d) ? kwd_pos_args : %d;" % (
max_positional_args - num_pos_only_args, max_positional_args - num_pos_only_args))
pos_arg_count = "used_pos_args"
pos_arg_count = "pos_args"
pos_arg_count = "kwd_pos_args"
UtilityCode.load_cached("ParseKeywords", "FunctionArguments.c"))
code.putln('if (unlikely(__Pyx_ParseOptionalKeywords(%s, %s, %s, values, %s, "%s") < 0)) %s' % (
......@@ -2965,7 +2965,7 @@ def p_exception_value_clause(s):
exc_val = p_test(s)
return exc_val, exc_check
c_arg_list_terminators = cython.declare(set, set(['*', '**', '.', ')', ':']))
c_arg_list_terminators = cython.declare(set, set(['*', '**', '.', ')', ':', '/']))
def p_c_arg_list(s, ctx = Ctx(), in_pyfunc = 0, cmethod_flag = 0,
nonempty_declarators = 0, kw_only = 0, annotated = 1):
......@@ -3424,6 +3424,20 @@ def p_varargslist(s, terminator=')', annotated=1):
annotated = annotated)
star_arg = None
starstar_arg = None
if == '/':
if len(args) == 0:
s.error("Got zero positional-only arguments despite presence of "
"positional-only specifier '/'")
# Mark all args to the left as pos only
for arg in args:
arg.pos_only = 1
if == ',':
args.extend(p_c_arg_list(s, in_pyfunc = 1,
nonempty_declarators = 1, annotated = annotated))
elif != terminator:
s.error("Syntax error in Python function argument list")
if == '*':
if == 'IDENT':
# mode: compile
# tag: posonly
# TODO: remove posonly tag before merge (and maybe remove this test,
# since it seems covered by the runs/ test)
def test(x, y, z=42, /, w=43):
def test2(x, y, /):
def test3(x, /, z):
def test4(x, /, z, *, w):
# mode: run
# tag: posonly
# TODO: remove posonly tag before merge
import cython
# TODO: add the test below to an 'error' test
#def test_invalid_syntax_errors():
# def f(a, b = 5, /, c): pass
# def f(a = 5, b, /, c): pass
# def f(a = 5, b, /): pass
# def f(*args, /): pass
# def f(*args, a, /): pass
# def f(**kwargs, /): pass
# def f(/, a = 1): pass
# def f(/, a): pass
# def f(/): pass
# def f(*, a, /): pass
# def f(*, /, a): pass
# def f(a, /, a): pass
# def f(a, /, *, a): pass
# def f(a, b/2, c): pass
def test_optional_posonly_args1(a, b=10, /, c=100):
>>> test_optional_posonly_args1(1, 2, 3)
>>> test_optional_posonly_args1(1, 2, c=3)
>>> test_optional_posonly_args1(1, b=2, c=3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_optional_posonly_args1() got an unexpected keyword argument 'b'
>>> test_optional_posonly_args1(1, 2)
>>> test_optional_posonly_args1(1, b=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_optional_posonly_args1() got an unexpected keyword argument 'b'
return a + b + c
def test_optional_posonly_args2(a=1, b=10, /, c=100):
>>> test_optional_posonly_args2(1, 2, 3)
>>> test_optional_posonly_args2(1, 2, c=3)
>>> test_optional_posonly_args2(1, b=2, c=3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_optional_posonly_args2() got an unexpected keyword argument 'b'
>>> test_optional_posonly_args2(1, 2)
>>> test_optional_posonly_args2(1, b=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_optional_posonly_args2() got an unexpected keyword argument 'b'
>>> test_optional_posonly_args2(1, c=2)
return a + b + c
# TODO: remove the test below? would need to hard-code the function with > 255 posonly args
#def test_syntax_for_many_positional_only():
# # more than 255 positional only arguments, should compile ok
# fundef = "def f(%s, /):\n pass\n" % ', '.join('i%d' % i for i in range(300))
# compile(fundef, "<test>", "single")
# TODO: remove the test below? doesn't seem relevant to Cython implementation
#def test_pos_only_definition(self):
# def f(a, b, c, /, d, e=1, *, f, g=2):
# pass
# self.assertEqual(2, f.__code__.co_argcount) # 2 "standard args"
# self.assertEqual(3, f.__code__.co_posonlyargcount)
# self.assertEqual((1,), f.__defaults__)
# def f(a, b, c=1, /, d=2, e=3, *, f, g=4):
# pass
# self.assertEqual(2, f.__code__.co_argcount) # 2 "standard args"
# self.assertEqual(3, f.__code__.co_posonlyargcount)
# self.assertEqual((1, 2, 3), f.__defaults__)
def test_pos_only_call_via_unpacking(a, b, /):
>>> test_pos_only_call_via_unpacking(*[1,2])
return a + b
def test_use_positional_as_keyword1(a, /):
>>> test_use_positional_as_keyword1(a=1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_use_positional_as_keyword1() takes no keyword arguments
def test_use_positional_as_keyword2(a, /, b):
>>> test_use_positional_as_keyword2(a=1, b=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_use_positional_as_keyword2() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (0 given)
def test_use_positional_as_keyword3(a, b, /):
>>> test_use_positional_as_keyword3(a=1, b=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_use_positional_as_keyword3() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (0 given)
def test_positional_only_and_arg_invalid_calls(a, b, /, c):
>>> test_positional_only_and_arg_invalid_calls(1, 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_and_arg_invalid_calls() takes exactly 3 positional arguments (2 given)
>>> test_positional_only_and_arg_invalid_calls(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_and_arg_invalid_calls() takes exactly 3 positional arguments (1 given)
>>> test_positional_only_and_arg_invalid_calls(1,2,3,4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_and_arg_invalid_calls() takes exactly 3 positional arguments (4 given)
def test_positional_only_and_optional_arg_invalid_calls(a, b, /, c=3):
>>> test_positional_only_and_optional_arg_invalid_calls(1, 2)
>>> test_positional_only_and_optional_arg_invalid_calls(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_and_optional_arg_invalid_calls() takes at least 2 positional arguments (1 given)
>>> test_positional_only_and_optional_arg_invalid_calls()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_and_optional_arg_invalid_calls() takes at least 2 positional arguments (0 given)
>>> test_positional_only_and_optional_arg_invalid_calls(1, 2, 3, 4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_and_optional_arg_invalid_calls() takes at most 3 positional arguments (4 given)
def test_positional_only_invalid_calls(a, b, /):
>>> test_positional_only_invalid_calls(1, 2)
>>> test_positional_only_invalid_calls(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_invalid_calls() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (1 given)
>>> test_positional_only_invalid_calls()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_invalid_calls() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (0 given)
>>> test_positional_only_invalid_calls(1, 2, 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_invalid_calls() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (3 given)
def test_positional_only_with_optional_invalid_calls(a, b=2, /):
>>> test_positional_only_with_optional_invalid_calls(1)
>>> test_positional_only_with_optional_invalid_calls()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_with_optional_invalid_calls() takes at least 1 positional argument (0 given)
>>> test_positional_only_with_optional_invalid_calls(1, 2, 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_positional_only_with_optional_invalid_calls() takes at most 2 positional arguments (3 given)
def test_no_standard_args_usage(a, b, /, *, c):
>>> test_no_standard_args_usage(1, 2, c=3)
>>> test_no_standard_args_usage(1, b=2, c=3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_no_standard_args_usage() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (1 given)
#def test_change_default_pos_only():
# TODO: probably remove this, since we have no __defaults__ in Cython?
# """
# >>> test_change_default_pos_only()
# True
# True
# """
# def f(a, b=2, /, c=3):
# return a + b + c
# print((2,3) == f.__defaults__)
# f.__defaults__ = (1, 2, 3)
# print(f(1, 2, 3) == 6)
def test_lambdas():
>>> test_lambdas()
x = lambda a, /, b: a + b
x = lambda a, /, b=2: a + b
x = lambda a, b, /: a + b
print(x(1, 2))
x = lambda a, b, /, : a + b
print(x(1, 2))
#TODO: need to implement this in the 'error' test
#def test_invalid_syntax_lambda(self):
# lambda a, b = 5, /, c: None
# lambda a = 5, b, /, c: None
# lambda a = 5, b, /: None
# lambda a, /, a: None
# lambda a, /, *, a: None
# lambda *args, /: None
# lambda *args, a, /: None
# lambda **kwargs, /: None
# lambda /, a = 1: None
# lambda /, a: None
# lambda /: None
# lambda *, a, /: None
# lambda *, /, a: None
class Example:
def f(self, a, b, /):
return a, b
def test_posonly_methods():
>>> Example().f(1,2)
(1, 2)
>>> Example.f(Example(), 1, 2)
(1, 2)
>>> try:
... Example.f(1,2)
... except TypeError:
... print("Got type error")
Got type error
>>> Example().f(1, b=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: f() takes exactly 3 positional arguments (2 given)
class X:
def f(self, *, __a=42):
return __a
def test_mangling():
>>> X().f()
def global_pos_only_f(a, b, /):
def test_module_function():
>>> global_pos_only_f()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: global_pos_only_f() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (0 given)
def test_closures1(x,y):
>>> test_closures1(1,2)(3,4)
>>> test_closures1(1,2)(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: g() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (1 given)
>>> test_closures1(1,2)(3,4,5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: g() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (3 given)
def g(x2,/,y2):
return x + y + x2 + y2
return g
def test_closures2(x,/,y):
>>> test_closures2(1,2)(3,4)
def g(x2,y2):
return x + y + x2 + y2
return g
def test_closures3(x,/,y):
>>> test_closures3(1,2)(3,4)
>>> test_closures3(1,2)(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: g() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (1 given)
>>> test_closures3(1,2)(3,4,5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: g() takes exactly 2 positional arguments (3 given)
def g(x2,/,y2):
return x + y + x2 + y2
return g
def test_same_keyword_as_positional_with_kwargs(something, /, **kwargs):
>>> test_same_keyword_as_positional_with_kwargs(42, something=42)
(42, {'something': 42})
>>> test_same_keyword_as_positional_with_kwargs(something=42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: test_same_keyword_as_positional_with_kwargs() takes exactly 1 positional argument (0 given)
>>> test_same_keyword_as_positional_with_kwargs(42)
(42, {})
return (something, kwargs)
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