Commit e0fc38f2 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

Enable the NumPy 1.7 API macro in all NumPy integration tests that do not rely...

Enable the NumPy 1.7 API macro in all NumPy integration tests that do not rely on deprecated C-API internaly.
parent 7d5c3ce2
# tag: numpy
# tag: numpy_old
# You can ignore the previous line.
# It's for internal testing of the cython documentation.
......@@ -254,12 +254,19 @@ def update_linetrace_extension(ext):
return ext
def update_numpy_extension(ext):
def update_old_numpy_extension(ext):
update_numpy_extension(ext, set_api17_macro=False)
def update_numpy_extension(ext, set_api17_macro=True):
import numpy
from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_info
if set_api17_macro:
ext.define_macros.append(('NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API', 'NPY_1_7_API_VERSION'))
# We need the npymath library for numpy.math.
# This is typically a static-only library.
for attr, value in get_info('npymath').items():
......@@ -391,6 +398,7 @@ EXCLUDE_EXT = object()
'tag:numpy' : update_numpy_extension,
'tag:numpy_old' : update_old_numpy_extension,
'tag:openmp': update_openmp_extension,
'tag:cpp11': update_cpp11_extension,
'tag:trace' : update_linetrace_extension,
# ticket: 155
# tag: numpy
# tag: numpy_old
>>> myfunc()
# tag: numpy
# tag: numpy_old
# tag: openmp
cimport cython
# tag: numpy
# tag: numpy_old
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
# tag: numpy
# tag: numpy_old
# cannot be named "numpy" in order to not clash with the numpy module!
cimport numpy as np
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