Commit fd565517 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

implement coercion between C array and list/tuple

rename : Cython/Utility/CFuncConvert.pyx => Cython/Utility/CConvert.pyx
parent a9a4b5f5
......@@ -3895,10 +3895,17 @@ class SliceIndexNode(ExprNode):
elif base_type.is_ptr:
self.type = base_type
elif base_type.is_array:
if getting:
# we need a ptr type here instead of an array type, as
# array types can result in invalid type casts in the C
# code
self.type = PyrexTypes.CPtrType(base_type.base_type)
# try to assign 'by value' (i.e. make a copy)
if not self.start and not self.stop:
self.type = base_type
self.type = PyrexTypes.CPtrType(base_type.base_type)
self.base = self.base.coerce_to_pyobject(env)
self.type = py_object_type
......@@ -6528,7 +6535,7 @@ class ListNode(SequenceNode):
error(self.pos, "Cannot coerce list to type '%s'" % dst_type)
elif self.mult_factor:
error(self.pos, "Cannot coerce multiplied list to '%s'" % dst_type)
elif dst_type.is_ptr and dst_type.base_type is not PyrexTypes.c_void_type:
elif (dst_type.is_array or dst_type.is_ptr) and dst_type.base_type is not PyrexTypes.c_void_type:
base_type = dst_type.base_type
self.type = PyrexTypes.CArrayType(base_type, len(self.args))
for i in range(len(self.original_args)):
......@@ -11110,6 +11117,7 @@ class CoerceToPyTypeNode(CoercionNode):
# to a Python object.
type = py_object_type
target_type = py_object_type
is_temp = 1
def __init__(self, arg, env, type=py_object_type):
......@@ -11129,22 +11137,17 @@ class CoerceToPyTypeNode(CoercionNode):
self.type = unicode_type
elif arg.type.is_complex:
self.type = Builtin.complex_type
self.target_type = self.type
elif arg.type.is_string or arg.type.is_cpp_string:
if (type not in (bytes_type, bytearray_type)
and not env.directives['c_string_encoding']):
"default encoding required for conversion from '%s' to '%s'" %
(arg.type, type))
self.type = type
self.type = self.target_type = type
# FIXME: check that the target type and the resulting type are compatible
if arg.type.is_memoryviewslice:
# Register utility codes at this point
arg.type.get_to_py_function(env, arg)
self.env = env
self.target_type = type
gil_message = "Converting to Python object"
......@@ -11172,21 +11175,11 @@ class CoerceToPyTypeNode(CoercionNode):
return self
def generate_result_code(self, code):
arg_type = self.arg.type
if arg_type.is_memoryviewslice:
funccall = arg_type.get_to_py_function(self.env, self.arg)
func = arg_type.to_py_function
if arg_type.is_string or arg_type.is_cpp_string:
if self.type in (bytes_type, str_type, unicode_type):
func = func.replace("Object",, 1)
elif self.type is bytearray_type:
func = func.replace("Object", "ByteArray", 1)
funccall = "%s(%s)" % (func, self.arg.result() or 'NULL')
code.putln('%s = %s; %s' % (
code.putln('%s; %s' % (
code.error_goto_if_null(self.result(), self.pos)))
......@@ -11257,15 +11250,8 @@ class CoerceFromPyTypeNode(CoercionNode):
return self.type.is_ptr and self.arg.is_ephemeral()
def generate_result_code(self, code):
function = self.type.from_py_function
operand = self.arg.py_result()
rhs = "%s(%s)" % (function, operand)
if self.type.is_enum:
rhs = typecast(self.type, c_long_type, rhs)
code.putln('%s = %s; %s' % (
code.error_goto_if(self.type.error_condition(self.result()), self.pos)))
self.arg.py_result(), self.result(), self.pos, code))
if self.type.is_pyobject:
This diff is collapsed.
#################### FromPyStructUtility ####################
cdef extern from *:
ctypedef struct PyTypeObject:
char* tp_name
PyTypeObject *Py_TYPE(obj)
bint PyMapping_Check(obj)
object PyErr_Format(exc, const char *format, ...)
cdef {{struct_name}} {{funcname}}(obj) except *:
cdef {{struct_name}} result
if not PyMapping_Check(obj):
PyErr_Format(TypeError, b"Expected %.16s, got %.200s", b"a mapping", Py_TYPE(obj).tp_name)
{{for member in var_entries:}}
value = obj['{{}}']
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("No value specified for struct attribute '{{}}'")
result.{{member.cname}}{{'[:]' if member.type.is_array else ''}} = value
return result
#################### cfunc.to_py ####################
cdef object {{cname}}({{return_type.ctype}} (*f)({{ ', '.join(arg.type_cname for arg in args) }}) {{except_clause}}):
def wrap({{ ', '.join('{arg.ctype} {}'.format(arg=arg) for arg in args) }}):
"""wrap({{', '.join(('{}: {arg.type_displayname}'.format(arg=arg) if arg.type_displayname else for arg in args)}}){{if return_type.type_displayname}} -> {{return_type.type_displayname}}{{endif}}"""
{{'' if return_type.type.is_void else 'return '}}f({{ ', '.join( for arg in args) }})
return wrap
#################### carray.from_py ####################
cdef extern from *:
object PyErr_Format(exc, const char *format, ...)
cdef int {{cname}}(object o, {{base_type}} *v, Py_ssize_t length) except -1:
cdef Py_ssize_t i = length
i = len(o)
except (TypeError, OverflowError):
if i == length:
for i, item in enumerate(o):
if i >= length:
v[i] = item
i += 1 # convert index to length
if i == length:
return 0
("too many values found during array assignment, expected %zd"
if i >= length else
"not enough values found during array assignment, expected %zd, got %zd"),
length, i)
#################### carray.to_py ####################
cdef extern from *:
ctypedef struct PyObject
PyObject* {{to_py_func}}({{base_type}}) except NULL
tuple PyTuple_New(Py_ssize_t size)
void PyTuple_SET_ITEM(object p, Py_ssize_t pos, PyObject* o)
list PyList_New(Py_ssize_t size)
void PyList_SET_ITEM(object p, Py_ssize_t pos, PyObject* o)
cdef inline list {{cname}}({{base_type}} *v, Py_ssize_t length):
cdef size_t i
l = PyList_New(length)
for i in range(<size_t>length):
PyList_SET_ITEM(l, i, {{to_py_func}}(v[i]))
return l
cdef inline tuple {{to_tuple_cname}}({{base_type}} *v, Py_ssize_t length):
cdef size_t i
t = PyTuple_New(length)
for i in range(<size_t>length):
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, i, {{to_py_func}}(v[i]))
return t
#################### cfunc.to_py ####################
cdef object {{cname}}({{return_type.ctype}} (*f)({{ ', '.join(arg.type_cname for arg in args) }}) {{except_clause}}):
def wrap({{ ', '.join('{arg.ctype} {}'.format(arg=arg) for arg in args) }}):
"""wrap({{', '.join(('{}: {arg.type_displayname}'.format(arg=arg) if arg.type_displayname else for arg in args)}}){{if return_type.type_displayname}} -> {{return_type.type_displayname}}{{endif}}"""
{{'' if return_type.type.is_void else 'return '}}f({{ ', '.join( for arg in args) }})
return wrap
......@@ -311,42 +311,6 @@ static CYTHON_INLINE PyObject * __Pyx_PyInt_FromSize_t(size_t ival) {
/////////////// FromPyStructUtility.proto ///////////////
static {{struct_type_decl}} {{funcname}}(PyObject *);
/////////////// FromPyStructUtility ///////////////
static {{struct_type_decl}} {{funcname}}(PyObject * o) {
{{struct_type_decl}} result;
PyObject *value = NULL;
if (!PyMapping_Check(o)) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Expected %.16s, got %.200s", "a mapping", Py_TYPE(o)->tp_name);
goto bad;
{{for member in var_entries:}}
{{py:attr = "result." + member.cname}}
value = PyObject_GetItem(o, PYIDENT("{{}}"));
if (!value) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, \
"No value specified for struct attribute '%.{{max(200, len(}}s'", "{{}}");
goto bad;
{{attr}} = {{member.type.from_py_function}}(value);
if ({{member.type.error_condition(attr)}})
goto bad;
return result;
return result;
/////////////// ObjectAsUCS4.proto ///////////////
static CYTHON_INLINE Py_UCS4 __Pyx_PyObject_AsPy_UCS4(PyObject*);
......@@ -1935,9 +1935,9 @@ def test_borrowed_slice():
cdef int i, carray[10]
for i in range(10):
carray[i] = i
cdef int i
cdef int[10] carray
carray[:] = range(10)
def from_int_array():
>>> from_int_array()
[1, 2, 3]
cdef int[3] v
v[0] = 1
v[1] = 2
v[2] = 3
return v
cpdef tuple tuple_from_int_array():
>>> tuple_from_int_array()
(1, 2, 3)
cdef int[3] v
v[0] = 1
v[1] = 2
v[2] = 3
assert isinstance(<tuple>v, tuple)
return v
cdef extern from "stdint.h":
ctypedef unsigned long uint32_t
def from_typedef_int_array():
>>> from_typedef_int_array()
[1, 2, 3]
cdef uint32_t[3] v
v[0] = 1
v[1] = 2
v[2] = 3
return v
cpdef tuple tuple_from_typedef_int_array():
>>> tuple_from_typedef_int_array()
(1, 2, 3)
cdef uint32_t[3] v
v[0] = 1
v[1] = 2
v[2] = 3
return v
ctypedef struct MyStructType:
int x
double y
cdef struct MyStruct:
int x
double y
def from_struct_array():
>>> a, b = from_struct_array()
>>> a['x'], a['y']
(1, 2.0)
>>> b['x'], b['y']
(3, 4.0)
cdef MyStructType[2] v
cdef MyStruct[2] w
v[0] = MyStructType(1, 2)
v[1] = MyStructType(3, 4)
assert isinstance(<tuple>v, tuple)
assert isinstance(v, list)
w[0] = MyStruct(1, 2)
w[1] = MyStruct(3, 4)
assert (<object>w) == v
assert w == (<object>v)
return v
def to_int_array(x):
>>> to_int_array([1, 2, 3])
(1, 2, 3)
>>> to_int_array([1, 2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: not enough values found during array assignment, expected 3, got 2
>>> to_int_array([1, 2, 3, 4])
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: too many values found during array assignment, expected 3
cdef int[3] v
v[:] = x[:3]
assert v[0] == x[0]
assert v[1] == x[1]
assert v[2] == x[2]
v[:3] = [0, 0, 0]
assert v[0] == 0
assert v[1] == 0
assert v[2] == 0
v[:] = x
return v[0], v[1], v[2]
def iterable_to_int_array(x):
>>> iterable_to_int_array(iter([1, 2, 3]))
(1, 2, 3)
>>> iterable_to_int_array(iter([1, 2]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: not enough values found during array assignment, expected 3, got 2
>>> iterable_to_int_array(iter([1, 2, 3, 4]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: too many values found during array assignment, expected 3
cdef int[3] v
v[:] = x
return v[0], v[1], v[2]
def to_struct_array(x):
>>> a, b = to_struct_array(({'x': 1, 'y': 2}, {'x': 3, 'y': 4}))
>>> a['x'], a['y']
(1, 2.0)
>>> b['x'], b['y']
(3, 4.0)
cdef MyStructType[2] v
v[:] = x
cdef MyStruct[2] w
w[:] = x
assert w[0].x == v[0].x
assert w[0].y == v[0].y
assert w[1].x == v[1].x
assert w[1].y == v[1].y
return v[0], w[1]
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