import cython cython.declare(PyrexTypes=object, Naming=object, ExprNodes=object, Nodes=object, Options=object, UtilNodes=object, ModuleNode=object, LetNode=object, LetRefNode=object, TreeFragment=object, TemplateTransform=object, EncodedString=object, error=object, warning=object, copy=object) import PyrexTypes import Naming import ExprNodes import Nodes import Options from Cython.Compiler.Visitor import VisitorTransform, TreeVisitor from Cython.Compiler.Visitor import CythonTransform, EnvTransform, ScopeTrackingTransform from Cython.Compiler.ModuleNode import ModuleNode from Cython.Compiler.UtilNodes import LetNode, LetRefNode from Cython.Compiler.TreeFragment import TreeFragment, TemplateTransform from Cython.Compiler.StringEncoding import EncodedString from Cython.Compiler.Errors import error, warning, CompileError, InternalError import copy class NameNodeCollector(TreeVisitor): """Collect all NameNodes of a (sub-)tree in the ``name_nodes`` attribute. """ def __init__(self): super(NameNodeCollector, self).__init__() self.name_nodes = [] def visit_NameNode(self, node): self.name_nodes.append(node) def visit_Node(self, node): self._visitchildren(node, None) class SkipDeclarations(object): """ Variable and function declarations can often have a deep tree structure, and yet most transformations don't need to descend to this depth. Declaration nodes are removed after AnalyseDeclarationsTransform, so there is no need to use this for transformations after that point. """ def visit_CTypeDefNode(self, node): return node def visit_CVarDefNode(self, node): return node def visit_CDeclaratorNode(self, node): return node def visit_CBaseTypeNode(self, node): return node def visit_CEnumDefNode(self, node): return node def visit_CStructOrUnionDefNode(self, node): return node class NormalizeTree(CythonTransform): """ This transform fixes up a few things after parsing in order to make the parse tree more suitable for transforms. a) After parsing, blocks with only one statement will be represented by that statement, not by a StatListNode. When doing transforms this is annoying and inconsistent, as one cannot in general remove a statement in a consistent way and so on. This transform wraps any single statements in a StatListNode containing a single statement. b) The PassStatNode is a noop and serves no purpose beyond plugging such one-statement blocks; i.e., once parsed a ` "pass" can just as well be represented using an empty StatListNode. This means less special cases to worry about in subsequent transforms (one always checks to see if a StatListNode has no children to see if the block is empty). """ def __init__(self, context): super(NormalizeTree, self).__init__(context) self.is_in_statlist = False self.is_in_expr = False def visit_ExprNode(self, node): stacktmp = self.is_in_expr self.is_in_expr = True self.visitchildren(node) self.is_in_expr = stacktmp return node def visit_StatNode(self, node, is_listcontainer=False): stacktmp = self.is_in_statlist self.is_in_statlist = is_listcontainer self.visitchildren(node) self.is_in_statlist = stacktmp if not self.is_in_statlist and not self.is_in_expr: return Nodes.StatListNode(pos=node.pos, stats=[node]) else: return node def visit_StatListNode(self, node): self.is_in_statlist = True self.visitchildren(node) self.is_in_statlist = False return node def visit_ParallelAssignmentNode(self, node): return self.visit_StatNode(node, True) def visit_CEnumDefNode(self, node): return self.visit_StatNode(node, True) def visit_CStructOrUnionDefNode(self, node): return self.visit_StatNode(node, True) # Eliminate PassStatNode def visit_PassStatNode(self, node): if not self.is_in_statlist: return Nodes.StatListNode(pos=node.pos, stats=[]) else: return [] def visit_CDeclaratorNode(self, node): return node class PostParseError(CompileError): pass # error strings checked by unit tests, so define them ERR_CDEF_INCLASS = 'Cannot assign default value to fields in cdef classes, structs or unions' ERR_BUF_DEFAULTS = 'Invalid buffer defaults specification (see docs)' ERR_INVALID_SPECIALATTR_TYPE = 'Special attributes must not have a type declared' class PostParse(ScopeTrackingTransform): """ Basic interpretation of the parse tree, as well as validity checking that can be done on a very basic level on the parse tree (while still not being a problem with the basic syntax, as such). Specifically: - Default values to cdef assignments are turned into single assignments following the declaration (everywhere but in class bodies, where they raise a compile error) - Interpret some node structures into Python runtime values. Some nodes take compile-time arguments (currently: TemplatedTypeNode[args] and __cythonbufferdefaults__ = {args}), which should be interpreted. This happens in a general way and other steps should be taken to ensure validity. Type arguments cannot be interpreted in this way. - For __cythonbufferdefaults__ the arguments are checked for validity. TemplatedTypeNode has its directives interpreted: Any first positional argument goes into the "dtype" attribute, any "ndim" keyword argument goes into the "ndim" attribute and so on. Also it is checked that the directive combination is valid. - __cythonbufferdefaults__ attributes are parsed and put into the type information. Note: Currently does a lot of interpretation and reorganization that can be refactored into this transform if a more pure Abstract Syntax Tree is wanted. """ def __init__(self, context): super(PostParse, self).__init__(context) self.specialattribute_handlers = { '__cythonbufferdefaults__' : self.handle_bufferdefaults } def visit_ModuleNode(self, node): self.lambda_counter = 1 self.genexpr_counter = 1 return super(PostParse, self).visit_ModuleNode(node) def visit_LambdaNode(self, node): # unpack a lambda expression into the corresponding DefNode lambda_id = self.lambda_counter self.lambda_counter += 1 node.lambda_name = EncodedString(u'lambda%d' % lambda_id) collector = YieldNodeCollector() collector.visitchildren(node.result_expr) if collector.yields or isinstance(node.result_expr, ExprNodes.YieldExprNode): body = Nodes.ExprStatNode( node.result_expr.pos, expr=node.result_expr) else: body = Nodes.ReturnStatNode( node.result_expr.pos, value=node.result_expr) node.def_node = Nodes.DefNode( node.pos,, lambda_name=node.lambda_name, args=node.args, star_arg=node.star_arg, starstar_arg=node.starstar_arg, body=body, doc=None) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_GeneratorExpressionNode(self, node): # unpack a generator expression into the corresponding DefNode genexpr_id = self.genexpr_counter self.genexpr_counter += 1 node.genexpr_name = EncodedString(u'genexpr%d' % genexpr_id) node.def_node = Nodes.DefNode(node.pos,, doc=None, args=[], star_arg=None, starstar_arg=None, body=node.loop) self.visitchildren(node) return node # cdef variables def handle_bufferdefaults(self, decl): if not isinstance(decl.default, ExprNodes.DictNode): raise PostParseError(decl.pos, ERR_BUF_DEFAULTS) self.scope_node.buffer_defaults_node = decl.default self.scope_node.buffer_defaults_pos = decl.pos def visit_CVarDefNode(self, node): # This assumes only plain names and pointers are assignable on # declaration. Also, it makes use of the fact that a cdef decl # must appear before the first use, so we don't have to deal with # "i = 3; cdef int i = i" and can simply move the nodes around. try: self.visitchildren(node) stats = [node] newdecls = [] for decl in node.declarators: declbase = decl while isinstance(declbase, Nodes.CPtrDeclaratorNode): declbase = declbase.base if isinstance(declbase, Nodes.CNameDeclaratorNode): if declbase.default is not None: if self.scope_type in ('cclass', 'pyclass', 'struct'): if isinstance(self.scope_node, Nodes.CClassDefNode): handler = self.specialattribute_handlers.get( if handler: if decl is not declbase: raise PostParseError(decl.pos, ERR_INVALID_SPECIALATTR_TYPE) handler(decl) continue # Remove declaration raise PostParseError(decl.pos, ERR_CDEF_INCLASS) first_assignment = self.scope_type != 'module' stats.append(Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode(node.pos, lhs=ExprNodes.NameNode(node.pos,, rhs=declbase.default, first=first_assignment)) declbase.default = None newdecls.append(decl) node.declarators = newdecls return stats except PostParseError, e: # An error in a cdef clause is ok, simply remove the declaration # and try to move on to report more errors self.context.nonfatal_error(e) return None # Split parallel assignments (a,b = b,a) into separate partial # assignments that are executed rhs-first using temps. This # restructuring must be applied before type analysis so that known # types on rhs and lhs can be matched directly. It is required in # the case that the types cannot be coerced to a Python type in # order to assign from a tuple. def visit_SingleAssignmentNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) return self._visit_assignment_node(node, [node.lhs, node.rhs]) def visit_CascadedAssignmentNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) return self._visit_assignment_node(node, node.lhs_list + [node.rhs]) def _visit_assignment_node(self, node, expr_list): """Flatten parallel assignments into separate single assignments or cascaded assignments. """ if sum([ 1 for expr in expr_list if expr.is_sequence_constructor ]) < 2: # no parallel assignments => nothing to do return node expr_list_list = [] flatten_parallel_assignments(expr_list, expr_list_list) temp_refs = [] eliminate_rhs_duplicates(expr_list_list, temp_refs) nodes = [] for expr_list in expr_list_list: lhs_list = expr_list[:-1] rhs = expr_list[-1] if len(lhs_list) == 1: node = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode(rhs.pos, lhs = lhs_list[0], rhs = rhs) else: node = Nodes.CascadedAssignmentNode(rhs.pos, lhs_list = lhs_list, rhs = rhs) nodes.append(node) if len(nodes) == 1: assign_node = nodes[0] else: assign_node = Nodes.ParallelAssignmentNode(nodes[0].pos, stats = nodes) if temp_refs: duplicates_and_temps = [ (temp.expression, temp) for temp in temp_refs ] sort_common_subsequences(duplicates_and_temps) for _, temp_ref in duplicates_and_temps[::-1]: assign_node = LetNode(temp_ref, assign_node) return assign_node def _flatten_sequence(self, seq, result): for arg in seq.args: if arg.is_sequence_constructor: self._flatten_sequence(arg, result) else: result.append(arg) return result def visit_DelStatNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) node.args = self._flatten_sequence(node, []) return node def eliminate_rhs_duplicates(expr_list_list, ref_node_sequence): """Replace rhs items by LetRefNodes if they appear more than once. Creates a sequence of LetRefNodes that set up the required temps and appends them to ref_node_sequence. The input list is modified in-place. """ seen_nodes = cython.set() ref_nodes = {} def find_duplicates(node): if node.is_literal or node.is_name: # no need to replace those; can't include attributes here # as their access is not necessarily side-effect free return if node in seen_nodes: if node not in ref_nodes: ref_node = LetRefNode(node) ref_nodes[node] = ref_node ref_node_sequence.append(ref_node) else: seen_nodes.add(node) if node.is_sequence_constructor: for item in node.args: find_duplicates(item) for expr_list in expr_list_list: rhs = expr_list[-1] find_duplicates(rhs) if not ref_nodes: return def substitute_nodes(node): if node in ref_nodes: return ref_nodes[node] elif node.is_sequence_constructor: node.args = list(map(substitute_nodes, node.args)) return node # replace nodes inside of the common subexpressions for node in ref_nodes: if node.is_sequence_constructor: node.args = list(map(substitute_nodes, node.args)) # replace common subexpressions on all rhs items for expr_list in expr_list_list: expr_list[-1] = substitute_nodes(expr_list[-1]) def sort_common_subsequences(items): """Sort items/subsequences so that all items and subsequences that an item contains appear before the item itself. This is needed because each rhs item must only be evaluated once, so its value must be evaluated first and then reused when packing sequences that contain it. This implies a partial order, and the sort must be stable to preserve the original order as much as possible, so we use a simple insertion sort (which is very fast for short sequences, the normal case in practice). """ def contains(seq, x): for item in seq: if item is x: return True elif item.is_sequence_constructor and contains(item.args, x): return True return False def lower_than(a,b): return b.is_sequence_constructor and contains(b.args, a) for pos, item in enumerate(items): key = item[1] # the ResultRefNode which has already been injected into the sequences new_pos = pos for i in xrange(pos-1, -1, -1): if lower_than(key, items[i][0]): new_pos = i if new_pos != pos: for i in xrange(pos, new_pos, -1): items[i] = items[i-1] items[new_pos] = item def flatten_parallel_assignments(input, output): # The input is a list of expression nodes, representing the LHSs # and RHS of one (possibly cascaded) assignment statement. For # sequence constructors, rearranges the matching parts of both # sides into a list of equivalent assignments between the # individual elements. This transformation is applied # recursively, so that nested structures get matched as well. rhs = input[-1] if not rhs.is_sequence_constructor or not sum([lhs.is_sequence_constructor for lhs in input[:-1]]): output.append(input) return complete_assignments = [] rhs_size = len(rhs.args) lhs_targets = [ [] for _ in xrange(rhs_size) ] starred_assignments = [] for lhs in input[:-1]: if not lhs.is_sequence_constructor: if lhs.is_starred: error(lhs.pos, "starred assignment target must be in a list or tuple") complete_assignments.append(lhs) continue lhs_size = len(lhs.args) starred_targets = sum([1 for expr in lhs.args if expr.is_starred]) if starred_targets > 1: error(lhs.pos, "more than 1 starred expression in assignment") output.append([lhs,rhs]) continue elif lhs_size - starred_targets > rhs_size: error(lhs.pos, "need more than %d value%s to unpack" % (rhs_size, (rhs_size != 1) and 's' or '')) output.append([lhs,rhs]) continue elif starred_targets: map_starred_assignment(lhs_targets, starred_assignments, lhs.args, rhs.args) elif lhs_size < rhs_size: error(lhs.pos, "too many values to unpack (expected %d, got %d)" % (lhs_size, rhs_size)) output.append([lhs,rhs]) continue else: for targets, expr in zip(lhs_targets, lhs.args): targets.append(expr) if complete_assignments: complete_assignments.append(rhs) output.append(complete_assignments) # recursively flatten partial assignments for cascade, rhs in zip(lhs_targets, rhs.args): if cascade: cascade.append(rhs) flatten_parallel_assignments(cascade, output) # recursively flatten starred assignments for cascade in starred_assignments: if cascade[0].is_sequence_constructor: flatten_parallel_assignments(cascade, output) else: output.append(cascade) def map_starred_assignment(lhs_targets, starred_assignments, lhs_args, rhs_args): # Appends the fixed-position LHS targets to the target list that # appear left and right of the starred argument. # # The starred_assignments list receives a new tuple # (lhs_target, rhs_values_list) that maps the remaining arguments # (those that match the starred target) to a list. # left side of the starred target for i, (targets, expr) in enumerate(zip(lhs_targets, lhs_args)): if expr.is_starred: starred = i lhs_remaining = len(lhs_args) - i - 1 break targets.append(expr) else: raise InternalError("no starred arg found when splitting starred assignment") # right side of the starred target for i, (targets, expr) in enumerate(zip(lhs_targets[-lhs_remaining:], lhs_args[starred + 1:])): targets.append(expr) # the starred target itself, must be assigned a (potentially empty) list target = lhs_args[starred].target # unpack starred node starred_rhs = rhs_args[starred:] if lhs_remaining: starred_rhs = starred_rhs[:-lhs_remaining] if starred_rhs: pos = starred_rhs[0].pos else: pos = target.pos starred_assignments.append([ target, ExprNodes.ListNode(pos=pos, args=starred_rhs)]) class PxdPostParse(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations): """ Basic interpretation/validity checking that should only be done on pxd trees. A lot of this checking currently happens in the parser; but what is listed below happens here. - "def" functions are let through only if they fill the getbuffer/releasebuffer slots - cdef functions are let through only if they are on the top level and are declared "inline" """ ERR_INLINE_ONLY = "function definition in pxd file must be declared 'cdef inline'" ERR_NOGO_WITH_INLINE = "inline function definition in pxd file cannot be '%s'" def __call__(self, node): self.scope_type = 'pxd' return super(PxdPostParse, self).__call__(node) def visit_CClassDefNode(self, node): old = self.scope_type self.scope_type = 'cclass' self.visitchildren(node) self.scope_type = old return node def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node): # FuncDefNode always come with an implementation (without # an imp they are CVarDefNodes..) err = self.ERR_INLINE_ONLY if (isinstance(node, Nodes.DefNode) and self.scope_type == 'cclass' and in ('__getbuffer__', '__releasebuffer__')): err = None # allow these slots if isinstance(node, Nodes.CFuncDefNode): if u'inline' in node.modifiers and self.scope_type == 'pxd': node.inline_in_pxd = True if node.visibility != 'private': err = self.ERR_NOGO_WITH_INLINE % node.visibility elif node.api: err = self.ERR_NOGO_WITH_INLINE % 'api' else: err = None # allow inline function else: err = self.ERR_INLINE_ONLY if err: self.context.nonfatal_error(PostParseError(node.pos, err)) return None else: return node class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations): """ After parsing, directives can be stored in a number of places: - #cython-comments at the top of the file (stored in ModuleNode) - Command-line arguments overriding these - @cython.directivename decorators - with cython.directivename: statements This transform is responsible for interpreting these various sources and store the directive in two ways: - Set the directives attribute of the ModuleNode for global directives. - Use a CompilerDirectivesNode to override directives for a subtree. (The first one is primarily to not have to modify with the tree structure, so that ModuleNode stay on top.) The directives are stored in dictionaries from name to value in effect. Each such dictionary is always filled in for all possible directives, using default values where no value is given by the user. The available directives are controlled in Note that we have to run this prior to analysis, and so some minor duplication of functionality has to occur: We manually track cimports and which names the "cython" module may have been imported to. """ unop_method_nodes = { 'typeof': ExprNodes.TypeofNode, 'operator.address': ExprNodes.AmpersandNode, 'operator.dereference': ExprNodes.DereferenceNode, 'operator.preincrement' : ExprNodes.inc_dec_constructor(True, '++'), 'operator.predecrement' : ExprNodes.inc_dec_constructor(True, '--'), 'operator.postincrement': ExprNodes.inc_dec_constructor(False, '++'), 'operator.postdecrement': ExprNodes.inc_dec_constructor(False, '--'), # For backwards compatability. 'address': ExprNodes.AmpersandNode, } binop_method_nodes = { 'operator.comma' : ExprNodes.c_binop_constructor(','), } special_methods = cython.set(['declare', 'union', 'struct', 'typedef', 'sizeof', 'cast', 'pointer', 'compiled', 'NULL']) special_methods.update(unop_method_nodes.keys()) def __init__(self, context, compilation_directive_defaults): super(InterpretCompilerDirectives, self).__init__(context) self.compilation_directive_defaults = {} for key, value in compilation_directive_defaults.items(): self.compilation_directive_defaults[unicode(key)] = copy.deepcopy(value) self.cython_module_names = cython.set() self.directive_names = {} def check_directive_scope(self, pos, directive, scope): legal_scopes = Options.directive_scopes.get(directive, None) if legal_scopes and scope not in legal_scopes: self.context.nonfatal_error(PostParseError(pos, 'The %s compiler directive ' 'is not allowed in %s scope' % (directive, scope))) return False else: return True # Set up processing and handle the cython: comments. def visit_ModuleNode(self, node): for key, value in node.directive_comments.items(): if not self.check_directive_scope(node.pos, key, 'module'): self.wrong_scope_error(node.pos, key, 'module') del node.directive_comments[key] directives = copy.deepcopy(Options.directive_defaults) directives.update(copy.deepcopy(self.compilation_directive_defaults)) directives.update(node.directive_comments) self.directives = directives node.directives = directives self.visitchildren(node) node.cython_module_names = self.cython_module_names return node # The following four functions track imports and cimports that # begin with "cython" def is_cython_directive(self, name): return (name in Options.directive_types or name in self.special_methods or PyrexTypes.parse_basic_type(name)) def visit_CImportStatNode(self, node): if node.module_name == u"cython": self.cython_module_names.add(node.as_name or u"cython") elif node.module_name.startswith(u"cython."): if node.as_name: self.directive_names[node.as_name] = node.module_name[7:] else: self.cython_module_names.add(u"cython") # if this cimport was a compiler directive, we don't # want to leave the cimport node sitting in the tree return None return node def visit_FromCImportStatNode(self, node): if (node.module_name == u"cython") or \ node.module_name.startswith(u"cython."): submodule = (node.module_name + u".")[7:] newimp = [] for pos, name, as_name, kind in node.imported_names: full_name = submodule + name if self.is_cython_directive(full_name): if as_name is None: as_name = full_name self.directive_names[as_name] = full_name if kind is not None: self.context.nonfatal_error(PostParseError(pos, "Compiler directive imports must be plain imports")) else: newimp.append((pos, name, as_name, kind)) if not newimp: return None node.imported_names = newimp return node def visit_FromImportStatNode(self, node): if (node.module.module_name.value == u"cython") or \ node.module.module_name.value.startswith(u"cython."): submodule = (node.module.module_name.value + u".")[7:] newimp = [] for name, name_node in node.items: full_name = submodule + name if self.is_cython_directive(full_name): self.directive_names[] = full_name else: newimp.append((name, name_node)) if not newimp: return None node.items = newimp return node def visit_SingleAssignmentNode(self, node): if (isinstance(node.rhs, ExprNodes.ImportNode) and node.rhs.module_name.value == u'cython'): node = Nodes.CImportStatNode(node.pos, module_name = u'cython', as_name = self.visit_CImportStatNode(node) else: self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_NameNode(self, node): if in self.cython_module_names: node.is_cython_module = True else: node.cython_attribute = self.directive_names.get( return node def try_to_parse_directives(self, node): # If node is the contents of an directive (in a with statement or # decorator), returns a list of (directivename, value) pairs. # Otherwise, returns None if isinstance(node, ExprNodes.CallNode): self.visit(node.function) optname = node.function.as_cython_attribute() if optname: directivetype = Options.directive_types.get(optname) if directivetype: args, kwds = node.explicit_args_kwds() directives = [] key_value_pairs = [] if kwds is not None and directivetype is not dict: for keyvalue in kwds.key_value_pairs: key, value = keyvalue sub_optname = "%s.%s" % (optname, key.value) if Options.directive_types.get(sub_optname): directives.append(self.try_to_parse_directive(sub_optname, [value], None, keyvalue.pos)) else: key_value_pairs.append(keyvalue) if not key_value_pairs: kwds = None else: kwds.key_value_pairs = key_value_pairs if directives and not kwds and not args: return directives directives.append(self.try_to_parse_directive(optname, args, kwds, node.function.pos)) return directives elif isinstance(node, (ExprNodes.AttributeNode, ExprNodes.NameNode)): self.visit(node) optname = node.as_cython_attribute() if optname: directivetype = Options.directive_types.get(optname) if directivetype is bool: return [(optname, True)] elif directivetype is None: return [(optname, None)] else: raise PostParseError( node.pos, "The '%s' directive should be used as a function call." % optname) return None def try_to_parse_directive(self, optname, args, kwds, pos): directivetype = Options.directive_types.get(optname) if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], ExprNodes.NoneNode): return optname, Options.directive_defaults[optname] elif directivetype is bool: if kwds is not None or len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], ExprNodes.BoolNode): raise PostParseError(pos, 'The %s directive takes one compile-time boolean argument' % optname) return (optname, args[0].value) elif directivetype is str: if kwds is not None or len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], (ExprNodes.StringNode, ExprNodes.UnicodeNode)): raise PostParseError(pos, 'The %s directive takes one compile-time string argument' % optname) return (optname, str(args[0].value)) elif directivetype is dict: if len(args) != 0: raise PostParseError(pos, 'The %s directive takes no prepositional arguments' % optname) return optname, dict([(key.value, value) for key, value in kwds.key_value_pairs]) elif directivetype is list: if kwds and len(kwds) != 0: raise PostParseError(pos, 'The %s directive takes no keyword arguments' % optname) return optname, [ str(arg.value) for arg in args ] else: assert False def visit_with_directives(self, body, directives): olddirectives = self.directives newdirectives = copy.copy(olddirectives) newdirectives.update(directives) self.directives = newdirectives assert isinstance(body, Nodes.StatListNode), body retbody = self.visit_Node(body) directive = Nodes.CompilerDirectivesNode(pos=retbody.pos, body=retbody, directives=newdirectives) self.directives = olddirectives return directive # Handle decorators def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node): directives = self._extract_directives(node, 'function') if not directives: return self.visit_Node(node) body = Nodes.StatListNode(node.pos, stats=[node]) return self.visit_with_directives(body, directives) def visit_CVarDefNode(self, node): if not node.decorators: return node for dec in node.decorators: for directive in self.try_to_parse_directives(dec.decorator) or (): if directive is not None and directive[0] == u'locals': node.directive_locals = directive[1] else: self.context.nonfatal_error(PostParseError(dec.pos, "Cdef functions can only take cython.locals() decorator.")) return node def visit_CClassDefNode(self, node): directives = self._extract_directives(node, 'cclass') if not directives: return self.visit_Node(node) body = Nodes.StatListNode(node.pos, stats=[node]) return self.visit_with_directives(body, directives) def visit_PyClassDefNode(self, node): directives = self._extract_directives(node, 'class') if not directives: return self.visit_Node(node) body = Nodes.StatListNode(node.pos, stats=[node]) return self.visit_with_directives(body, directives) def _extract_directives(self, node, scope_name): if not node.decorators: return {} # Split the decorators into two lists -- real decorators and directives directives = [] realdecs = [] for dec in node.decorators: new_directives = self.try_to_parse_directives(dec.decorator) if new_directives is not None: for directive in new_directives: if self.check_directive_scope(node.pos, directive[0], scope_name): directives.append(directive) else: realdecs.append(dec) if realdecs and isinstance(node, (Nodes.CFuncDefNode, Nodes.CClassDefNode)): raise PostParseError(realdecs[0].pos, "Cdef functions/classes cannot take arbitrary decorators.") else: node.decorators = realdecs # merge or override repeated directives optdict = {} directives.reverse() # Decorators coming first take precedence for directive in directives: name, value = directive if name in optdict: old_value = optdict[name] # keywords and arg lists can be merged, everything # else overrides completely if isinstance(old_value, dict): old_value.update(value) elif isinstance(old_value, list): old_value.extend(value) else: optdict[name] = value else: optdict[name] = value return optdict # Handle with statements def visit_WithStatNode(self, node): directive_dict = {} for directive in self.try_to_parse_directives(node.manager) or []: if directive is not None: if is not None: self.context.nonfatal_error( PostParseError(node.pos, "Compiler directive with statements cannot contain 'as'")) else: name, value = directive if name == 'nogil': # special case: in pure mode, "with nogil" spells "with cython.nogil" node = Nodes.GILStatNode(node.pos, state = "nogil", body = node.body) return self.visit_Node(node) if self.check_directive_scope(node.pos, name, 'with statement'): directive_dict[name] = value if directive_dict: return self.visit_with_directives(node.body, directive_dict) return self.visit_Node(node) class WithTransform(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations): # EXCINFO is manually set to a variable that contains # the exc_info() tuple that can be generated by the enclosing except # statement. template_without_target = TreeFragment(u""" MGR = EXPR EXIT = MGR.__exit__ MGR.__enter__() EXC = True try: try: EXCINFO = None BODY except: EXC = False if not EXIT(*EXCINFO): raise finally: if EXC: EXIT(None, None, None) """, temps=[u'MGR', u'EXC', u"EXIT"], pipeline=[NormalizeTree(None)]) template_with_target = TreeFragment(u""" MGR = EXPR EXIT = MGR.__exit__ VALUE = MGR.__enter__() EXC = True try: try: EXCINFO = None TARGET = VALUE BODY except: EXC = False if not EXIT(*EXCINFO): raise finally: if EXC: EXIT(None, None, None) MGR = EXIT = VALUE = EXC = None """, temps=[u'MGR', u'EXC', u"EXIT", u"VALUE"], pipeline=[NormalizeTree(None)]) def visit_WithStatNode(self, node): # TODO: Cleanup badly needed TemplateTransform.temp_name_counter += 1 handle = "__tmpvar_%d" % TemplateTransform.temp_name_counter self.visitchildren(node, ['body']) excinfo_temp = ExprNodes.NameNode(node.pos, name=handle)#TempHandle(Builtin.tuple_type) if is not None: result = self.template_with_target.substitute({ u'EXPR' : node.manager, u'BODY' : node.body, u'TARGET' :, u'EXCINFO' : excinfo_temp }, pos=node.pos) else: result = self.template_without_target.substitute({ u'EXPR' : node.manager, u'BODY' : node.body, u'EXCINFO' : excinfo_temp }, pos=node.pos) # Set except excinfo target to EXCINFO try_except = result.stats[-1].body.stats[-1] try_except.except_clauses[0].excinfo_target = ExprNodes.NameNode(node.pos, name=handle) # excinfo_temp.ref(node.pos)) # result.stats[-1].body.stats[-1] = TempsBlockNode( # node.pos, temps=[excinfo_temp], body=try_except) return result def visit_ExprNode(self, node): # With statements are never inside expressions. return node class DecoratorTransform(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations): def visit_DefNode(self, func_node): self.visitchildren(func_node) if not func_node.decorators: return func_node return self._handle_decorators( func_node, def visit_CClassDefNode(self, class_node): # This doesn't currently work, so it's disabled. # # Problem: assignments to cdef class names do not work. They # would require an additional check anyway, as the extension # type must not change its C type, so decorators cannot # replace an extension type, just alter it and return it. self.visitchildren(class_node) if not class_node.decorators: return class_node error(class_node.pos, "Decorators not allowed on cdef classes (used on type '%s')" % class_node.class_name) return class_node #return self._handle_decorators( # class_node, class_node.class_name) def visit_ClassDefNode(self, class_node): self.visitchildren(class_node) if not class_node.decorators: return class_node return self._handle_decorators( class_node, def _handle_decorators(self, node, name): decorator_result = ExprNodes.NameNode(node.pos, name = name) for decorator in node.decorators[::-1]: decorator_result = ExprNodes.SimpleCallNode( decorator.pos, function = decorator.decorator, args = [decorator_result]) name_node = ExprNodes.NameNode(node.pos, name = name) reassignment = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( node.pos, lhs = name_node, rhs = decorator_result) return [node, reassignment] class AnalyseDeclarationsTransform(CythonTransform): basic_property = TreeFragment(u""" property NAME: def __get__(self): return ATTR def __set__(self, value): ATTR = value """, level='c_class') basic_pyobject_property = TreeFragment(u""" property NAME: def __get__(self): return ATTR def __set__(self, value): ATTR = value def __del__(self): ATTR = None """, level='c_class') basic_property_ro = TreeFragment(u""" property NAME: def __get__(self): return ATTR """, level='c_class') struct_or_union_wrapper = TreeFragment(u""" cdef class NAME: cdef TYPE value def __init__(self, MEMBER=None): cdef int count count = 0 INIT_ASSIGNMENTS if IS_UNION and count > 1: raise ValueError, "At most one union member should be specified." def __str__(self): return STR_FORMAT % MEMBER_TUPLE def __repr__(self): return REPR_FORMAT % MEMBER_TUPLE """) init_assignment = TreeFragment(u""" if VALUE is not None: ATTR = VALUE count += 1 """) def __call__(self, root): self.env_stack = [root.scope] # needed to determine if a cdef var is declared after it's used. self.seen_vars_stack = [] return super(AnalyseDeclarationsTransform, self).__call__(root) def visit_NameNode(self, node): self.seen_vars_stack[-1].add( return node def visit_ModuleNode(self, node): self.seen_vars_stack.append(cython.set()) node.analyse_declarations(self.env_stack[-1]) self.visitchildren(node) self.seen_vars_stack.pop() return node def visit_LambdaNode(self, node): node.analyse_declarations(self.env_stack[-1]) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_ClassDefNode(self, node): self.env_stack.append(node.scope) self.visitchildren(node) self.env_stack.pop() return node def visit_CClassDefNode(self, node): node = self.visit_ClassDefNode(node) if node.scope and node.scope.implemented: stats = [] for entry in node.scope.var_entries: if entry.needs_property: property = self.create_Property(entry) property.analyse_declarations(node.scope) self.visit(property) stats.append(property) if stats: node.body.stats += stats return node def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node): self.seen_vars_stack.append(cython.set()) lenv = node.local_scope node.body.analyse_control_flow(lenv) # this will be totally refactored node.declare_arguments(lenv) for var, type_node in node.directive_locals.items(): if not lenv.lookup_here(var): # don't redeclare args type = type_node.analyse_as_type(lenv) if type: lenv.declare_var(var, type, type_node.pos) else: error(type_node.pos, "Not a type") node.body.analyse_declarations(lenv) self.env_stack.append(lenv) self.visitchildren(node) self.env_stack.pop() self.seen_vars_stack.pop() return node def visit_ScopedExprNode(self, node): env = self.env_stack[-1] node.analyse_declarations(env) # the node may or may not have a local scope if node.has_local_scope: self.seen_vars_stack.append(cython.set(self.seen_vars_stack[-1])) self.env_stack.append(node.expr_scope) node.analyse_scoped_declarations(node.expr_scope) self.visitchildren(node) self.env_stack.pop() self.seen_vars_stack.pop() else: node.analyse_scoped_declarations(env) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_TempResultFromStatNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) node.analyse_declarations(self.env_stack[-1]) return node def visit_CStructOrUnionDefNode(self, node): # Create a wrapper node if needed. # We want to use the struct type information (so it can't happen # before this phase) but also create new objects to be declared # (so it can't happen later). # Note that we don't return the original node, as it is # never used after this phase. if True: # private (default) return None self_value = ExprNodes.AttributeNode( pos = node.pos, obj = ExprNodes.NameNode(pos=node.pos, name=u"self"), attribute = EncodedString(u"value")) var_entries = node.entry.type.scope.var_entries attributes = [] for entry in var_entries: attributes.append(ExprNodes.AttributeNode(pos = entry.pos, obj = self_value, attribute = # __init__ assignments init_assignments = [] for entry, attr in zip(var_entries, attributes): # TODO: branch on visibility init_assignments.append(self.init_assignment.substitute({ u"VALUE": ExprNodes.NameNode(entry.pos, name =, u"ATTR": attr, }, pos = entry.pos)) # create the class str_format = u"%s(%s)" % (, ("%s, " * len(attributes))[:-2]) wrapper_class = self.struct_or_union_wrapper.substitute({ u"INIT_ASSIGNMENTS": Nodes.StatListNode(node.pos, stats = init_assignments), u"IS_UNION": ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value = not node.entry.type.is_struct), u"MEMBER_TUPLE": ExprNodes.TupleNode(node.pos, args=attributes), u"STR_FORMAT": ExprNodes.StringNode(node.pos, value = EncodedString(str_format)), u"REPR_FORMAT": ExprNodes.StringNode(node.pos, value = EncodedString(str_format.replace("%s", "%r"))), }, pos = node.pos).stats[0] wrapper_class.class_name = wrapper_class.shadow = True class_body = wrapper_class.body.stats # fix value type assert isinstance(class_body[0].base_type, Nodes.CSimpleBaseTypeNode) class_body[0] = # fix __init__ arguments init_method = class_body[1] assert isinstance(init_method, Nodes.DefNode) and == '__init__' arg_template = init_method.args[1] if not node.entry.type.is_struct: arg_template.kw_only = True del init_method.args[1] for entry, attr in zip(var_entries, attributes): arg = copy.deepcopy(arg_template) = init_method.args.append(arg) # setters/getters for entry, attr in zip(var_entries, attributes): # TODO: branch on visibility if entry.type.is_pyobject: template = self.basic_pyobject_property else: template = self.basic_property property = template.substitute({ u"ATTR": attr, }, pos = entry.pos).stats[0] = wrapper_class.body.stats.append(property) wrapper_class.analyse_declarations(self.env_stack[-1]) return self.visit_CClassDefNode(wrapper_class) # Some nodes are no longer needed after declaration # analysis and can be dropped. The analysis was performed # on these nodes in a seperate recursive process from the # enclosing function or module, so we can simply drop them. def visit_CDeclaratorNode(self, node): # necessary to ensure that all CNameDeclaratorNodes are visited. self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_CTypeDefNode(self, node): return node def visit_CBaseTypeNode(self, node): return None def visit_CEnumDefNode(self, node): if node.visibility == 'public': return node else: return None def visit_CNameDeclaratorNode(self, node): if in self.seen_vars_stack[-1]: entry = self.env_stack[-1].lookup( if (entry is None or entry.visibility != 'extern' and not entry.scope.is_c_class_scope): warning(node.pos, "cdef variable '%s' declared after it is used" %, 2) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_CVarDefNode(self, node): # to ensure all CNameDeclaratorNodes are visited. self.visitchildren(node) return None def create_Property(self, entry): if entry.visibility == 'public': if entry.type.is_pyobject: template = self.basic_pyobject_property else: template = self.basic_property elif entry.visibility == 'readonly': template = self.basic_property_ro property = template.substitute({ u"ATTR": ExprNodes.AttributeNode(pos=entry.pos, obj=ExprNodes.NameNode(pos=entry.pos, name="self"),, }, pos=entry.pos).stats[0] = # --------------------------------------- # XXX This should go to AutoDocTransforms # --------------------------------------- if (Options.docstrings and self.current_directives['embedsignature']): attr_name = type_name = entry.type.declaration_code("", for_display=1) default_value = '' if not entry.type.is_pyobject: type_name = "'%s'" % type_name elif entry.type.is_extension_type: type_name = entry.type.module_name + '.' + type_name if entry.init is not None: default_value = ' = ' + entry.init elif entry.init_to_none: default_value = ' = ' + repr(None) docstring = attr_name + ': ' + type_name + default_value property.doc = EncodedString(docstring) # --------------------------------------- return property class AnalyseExpressionsTransform(CythonTransform): def visit_ModuleNode(self, node): node.scope.infer_types() node.body.analyse_expressions(node.scope) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node): node.local_scope.infer_types() node.body.analyse_expressions(node.local_scope) self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_ScopedExprNode(self, node): if node.has_local_scope: node.expr_scope.infer_types() node.analyse_scoped_expressions(node.expr_scope) self.visitchildren(node) return node class ExpandInplaceOperators(EnvTransform): def visit_InPlaceAssignmentNode(self, node): lhs = node.lhs rhs = node.rhs if lhs.type.is_cpp_class: # No getting around this exact operator here. return node if isinstance(lhs, ExprNodes.IndexNode) and lhs.is_buffer_access: # There is code to handle this case. return node env = self.current_env() def side_effect_free_reference(node, setting=False): if isinstance(node, ExprNodes.NameNode): return node, [] elif node.type.is_pyobject and not setting: node = LetRefNode(node) return node, [node] elif isinstance(node, ExprNodes.IndexNode): if node.is_buffer_access: raise ValueError, "Buffer access" base, temps = side_effect_free_reference(node.base) index = LetRefNode(node.index) return ExprNodes.IndexNode(node.pos, base=base, index=index), temps + [index] elif isinstance(node, ExprNodes.AttributeNode): obj, temps = side_effect_free_reference(node.obj) return ExprNodes.AttributeNode(node.pos, obj=obj, attribute=node.attribute), temps else: node = LetRefNode(node) return node, [node] try: lhs, let_ref_nodes = side_effect_free_reference(lhs, setting=True) except ValueError: return node dup = lhs.__class__(**lhs.__dict__) binop = ExprNodes.binop_node(node.pos, operator = node.operator, operand1 = dup, operand2 = rhs, inplace=True) # Manually analyse types for new node. lhs.analyse_target_types(env) dup.analyse_types(env) binop.analyse_operation(env) node = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode( node.pos, lhs = lhs, rhs=binop.coerce_to(lhs.type, env)) # Use LetRefNode to avoid side effects. let_ref_nodes.reverse() for t in let_ref_nodes: node = LetNode(t, node) return node def visit_ExprNode(self, node): # In-place assignments can't happen within an expression. return node class AlignFunctionDefinitions(CythonTransform): """ This class takes the signatures from a .pxd file and applies them to the def methods in a .py file. """ def visit_ModuleNode(self, node): self.scope = node.scope self.directives = node.directives self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_PyClassDefNode(self, node): pxd_def = self.scope.lookup( if pxd_def: if pxd_def.is_cclass: return self.visit_CClassDefNode(node.as_cclass(), pxd_def) else: error(node.pos, "'%s' redeclared" % if pxd_def.pos: error(pxd_def.pos, "previous declaration here") return None else: return node def visit_CClassDefNode(self, node, pxd_def=None): if pxd_def is None: pxd_def = self.scope.lookup(node.class_name) if pxd_def: outer_scope = self.scope self.scope = pxd_def.type.scope self.visitchildren(node) if pxd_def: self.scope = outer_scope return node def visit_DefNode(self, node): pxd_def = self.scope.lookup( if pxd_def and (not pxd_def.scope or not pxd_def.scope.is_builtin_scope): if not pxd_def.is_cfunction: error(node.pos, "'%s' redeclared" % if pxd_def.pos: error(pxd_def.pos, "previous declaration here") return None node = node.as_cfunction(pxd_def) elif (self.scope.is_module_scope and self.directives['auto_cpdef'] and node.is_cdef_func_compatible()): node = node.as_cfunction(scope=self.scope) # Enable this when nested cdef functions are allowed. # self.visitchildren(node) return node class YieldNodeCollector(TreeVisitor): def __init__(self): super(YieldNodeCollector, self).__init__() self.yields = [] self.returns = [] self.has_return_value = False def visit_Node(self, node): return self.visitchildren(node) def visit_YieldExprNode(self, node): if self.has_return_value: error(node.pos, "'yield' outside function") self.yields.append(node) self.visitchildren(node) def visit_ReturnStatNode(self, node): if node.value: self.has_return_value = True if self.yields: error(node.pos, "'return' with argument inside generator") self.returns.append(node) def visit_ClassDefNode(self, node): pass def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node): pass def visit_LambdaNode(self, node): pass def visit_GeneratorExpressionNode(self, node): pass class MarkClosureVisitor(CythonTransform): def visit_ModuleNode(self, node): self.needs_closure = False self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node): self.needs_closure = False self.visitchildren(node) node.needs_closure = self.needs_closure self.needs_closure = True collector = YieldNodeCollector() collector.visitchildren(node) if collector.yields: for i, yield_expr in enumerate(collector.yields): yield_expr.label_num = i + 1 gbody = Nodes.GeneratorBodyDefNode(pos=node.pos,, body=node.body) generator = Nodes.GeneratorDefNode(pos=node.pos,, args=node.args, star_arg=node.star_arg, starstar_arg=node.starstar_arg, doc=node.doc, decorators=node.decorators, gbody=gbody, lambda_name=node.lambda_name) return generator return node def visit_CFuncDefNode(self, node): self.visit_FuncDefNode(node) if node.needs_closure: error(node.pos, "closures inside cdef functions not yet supported") return node def visit_LambdaNode(self, node): self.needs_closure = False self.visitchildren(node) node.needs_closure = self.needs_closure self.needs_closure = True return node def visit_ClassDefNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) self.needs_closure = True return node class CreateClosureClasses(CythonTransform): # Output closure classes in module scope for all functions # that really need it. def __init__(self, context): super(CreateClosureClasses, self).__init__(context) self.path = [] self.in_lambda = False self.generator_class = None def visit_ModuleNode(self, node): self.module_scope = node.scope self.visitchildren(node) return node def create_generator_class(self, target_module_scope, pos): if self.generator_class: return self.generator_class # XXX: make generator class creation cleaner entry = target_module_scope.declare_c_class(name='__pyx_Generator', objstruct_cname='__pyx_Generator_object', typeobj_cname='__pyx_Generator_type', pos=pos, defining=True, implementing=True) klass = entry.type.scope klass.is_internal = True klass.directives = {'final': True} body_type = PyrexTypes.create_typedef_type('generator_body', PyrexTypes.c_void_ptr_type, '__pyx_generator_body_t') klass.declare_var(pos=pos, name='body', cname='body', type=body_type, is_cdef=True) klass.declare_var(pos=pos, name='is_running', cname='is_running', type=PyrexTypes.c_int_type, is_cdef=True) klass.declare_var(pos=pos, name='resume_label', cname='resume_label', type=PyrexTypes.c_int_type, is_cdef=True) klass.declare_var(pos=pos, name='exc_type', cname='exc_type', type=PyrexTypes.py_object_type, is_cdef=True) klass.declare_var(pos=pos, name='exc_value', cname='exc_value', type=PyrexTypes.py_object_type, is_cdef=True) klass.declare_var(pos=pos, name='exc_traceback', cname='exc_traceback', type=PyrexTypes.py_object_type, is_cdef=True) import TypeSlots e = klass.declare_pyfunction('send', pos) e.func_cname = '__Pyx_Generator_Send' e.signature = TypeSlots.binaryfunc e = klass.declare_pyfunction('close', pos) e.func_cname = '__Pyx_Generator_Close' e.signature = TypeSlots.unaryfunc e = klass.declare_pyfunction('throw', pos) e.func_cname = '__Pyx_Generator_Throw' e.signature = TypeSlots.pyfunction_signature e = klass.declare_var('__iter__', PyrexTypes.py_object_type, pos, visibility='public') e.func_cname = 'PyObject_SelfIter' e = klass.declare_var('__next__', PyrexTypes.py_object_type, pos, visibility='public') e.func_cname = '__Pyx_Generator_Next' self.generator_class = entry.type return self.generator_class def find_entries_used_in_closures(self, node): from_closure = [] in_closure = [] for name, entry in node.local_scope.entries.items(): if entry.from_closure: from_closure.append((name, entry)) elif entry.in_closure: in_closure.append((name, entry)) return from_closure, in_closure def create_class_from_scope(self, node, target_module_scope, inner_node=None): # skip generator body if node.is_generator_body: return # move local variables into closure if node.is_generator: for entry in node.local_scope.entries.values(): if not entry.from_closure: entry.in_closure = True from_closure, in_closure = self.find_entries_used_in_closures(node) in_closure.sort() # Now from the begining node.needs_closure = False node.needs_outer_scope = False func_scope = node.local_scope cscope = node.entry.scope while cscope.is_py_class_scope or cscope.is_c_class_scope: cscope = cscope.outer_scope if not from_closure and (self.path or inner_node): if not inner_node: if not node.assmt: raise InternalError, "DefNode does not have assignment node" inner_node = node.assmt.rhs inner_node.needs_self_code = False node.needs_outer_scope = False base_type = None if node.is_generator: base_type = self.create_generator_class(target_module_scope, node.pos) elif not in_closure and not from_closure: return elif not in_closure: func_scope.is_passthrough = True func_scope.scope_class = cscope.scope_class node.needs_outer_scope = True return as_name = '%s_%s' % (target_module_scope.next_id(Naming.closure_class_prefix), node.entry.cname) entry = target_module_scope.declare_c_class( name=as_name, pos=node.pos, defining=True, implementing=True, base_type=base_type) func_scope.scope_class = entry class_scope = entry.type.scope class_scope.is_internal = True class_scope.directives = {'final': True} if from_closure: assert cscope.is_closure_scope class_scope.declare_var(pos=node.pos, name=Naming.outer_scope_cname, cname=Naming.outer_scope_cname, type=cscope.scope_class.type, is_cdef=True) node.needs_outer_scope = True for name, entry in in_closure: closure_entry = class_scope.declare_var(pos=entry.pos,, cname=entry.cname, type=entry.type, is_cdef=True) if entry.is_declared_generic: closure_entry.is_declared_generic = 1 node.needs_closure = True # Do it here because other classes are already checked target_module_scope.check_c_class(func_scope.scope_class) def visit_LambdaNode(self, node): was_in_lambda = self.in_lambda self.in_lambda = True self.create_class_from_scope(node.def_node, self.module_scope, node) self.visitchildren(node) self.in_lambda = was_in_lambda return node def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node): if self.in_lambda: self.visitchildren(node) return node if node.needs_closure or self.path: self.create_class_from_scope(node, self.module_scope) self.path.append(node) self.visitchildren(node) self.path.pop() return node class GilCheck(VisitorTransform): """ Call `node.gil_check(env)` on each node to make sure we hold the GIL when we need it. Raise an error when on Python operations inside a `nogil` environment. """ def __call__(self, root): self.env_stack = [root.scope] self.nogil = False return super(GilCheck, self).__call__(root) def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node): self.env_stack.append(node.local_scope) was_nogil = self.nogil self.nogil = node.local_scope.nogil if self.nogil and node.nogil_check: node.nogil_check(node.local_scope) self.visitchildren(node) self.env_stack.pop() self.nogil = was_nogil return node def visit_GILStatNode(self, node): env = self.env_stack[-1] if self.nogil and node.nogil_check: node.nogil_check() was_nogil = self.nogil self.nogil = (node.state == 'nogil') self.visitchildren(node) self.nogil = was_nogil return node def visit_Node(self, node): if self.env_stack and self.nogil and node.nogil_check: node.nogil_check(self.env_stack[-1]) self.visitchildren(node) return node class TransformBuiltinMethods(EnvTransform): def visit_SingleAssignmentNode(self, node): if node.declaration_only: return None else: self.visitchildren(node) return node def visit_AttributeNode(self, node): self.visitchildren(node) return self.visit_cython_attribute(node) def visit_NameNode(self, node): return self.visit_cython_attribute(node) def visit_cython_attribute(self, node): attribute = node.as_cython_attribute() if attribute: if attribute == u'compiled': node = ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=True) elif attribute == u'NULL': node = ExprNodes.NullNode(node.pos) elif attribute in (u'set', u'frozenset'): node = ExprNodes.NameNode(node.pos, name=EncodedString(attribute), entry=self.current_env().builtin_scope().lookup_here(attribute)) elif not PyrexTypes.parse_basic_type(attribute): error(node.pos, u"'%s' not a valid cython attribute or is being used incorrectly" % attribute) return node def _inject_locals(self, node, func_name): # locals()/dir() builtins lenv = self.current_env() entry = lenv.lookup_here(func_name) if entry: # not the builtin return node pos = node.pos if func_name == 'locals': if len(node.args) > 0: error(self.pos, "Builtin 'locals()' called with wrong number of args, expected 0, got %d" % len(node.args)) return node items = [ ExprNodes.DictItemNode(pos, key=ExprNodes.StringNode(pos, value=var), value=ExprNodes.NameNode(pos, name=var)) for var in lenv.entries ] return ExprNodes.DictNode(pos, key_value_pairs=items) else: if len(node.args) > 1: error(self.pos, "Builtin 'dir()' called with wrong number of args, expected 0-1, got %d" % len(node.args)) return node elif len(node.args) == 1: # optimised in return node items = [ ExprNodes.StringNode(pos, value=var) for var in lenv.entries ] return ExprNodes.ListNode(pos, args=items) def visit_SimpleCallNode(self, node): if isinstance(node.function, ExprNodes.NameNode): func_name = if func_name in ('dir', 'locals'): return self._inject_locals(node, func_name) # function = node.function.as_cython_attribute() if function: if function in InterpretCompilerDirectives.unop_method_nodes: if len(node.args) != 1: error(node.function.pos, u"%s() takes exactly one argument" % function) else: node = InterpretCompilerDirectives.unop_method_nodes[function](node.function.pos, operand=node.args[0]) elif function in InterpretCompilerDirectives.binop_method_nodes: if len(node.args) != 2: error(node.function.pos, u"%s() takes exactly two arguments" % function) else: node = InterpretCompilerDirectives.binop_method_nodes[function](node.function.pos, operand1=node.args[0], operand2=node.args[1]) elif function == u'cast': if len(node.args) != 2: error(node.function.pos, u"cast() takes exactly two arguments") else: type = node.args[0].analyse_as_type(self.current_env()) if type: node = ExprNodes.TypecastNode(node.function.pos, type=type, operand=node.args[1]) else: error(node.args[0].pos, "Not a type") elif function == u'sizeof': if len(node.args) != 1: error(node.function.pos, u"sizeof() takes exactly one argument") else: type = node.args[0].analyse_as_type(self.current_env()) if type: node = ExprNodes.SizeofTypeNode(node.function.pos, arg_type=type) else: node = ExprNodes.SizeofVarNode(node.function.pos, operand=node.args[0]) elif function == 'cmod': if len(node.args) != 2: error(node.function.pos, u"cmod() takes exactly two arguments") else: node = ExprNodes.binop_node(node.function.pos, '%', node.args[0], node.args[1]) node.cdivision = True elif function == 'cdiv': if len(node.args) != 2: error(node.function.pos, u"cdiv() takes exactly two arguments") else: node = ExprNodes.binop_node(node.function.pos, '/', node.args[0], node.args[1]) node.cdivision = True elif function == u'set': node.function = ExprNodes.NameNode(node.pos, name=EncodedString('set')) else: error(node.function.pos, u"'%s' not a valid cython language construct" % function) self.visitchildren(node) return node class DebugTransform(CythonTransform): """ Create debug information and all functions' visibility to extern in order to enable debugging. """ def __init__(self, context, options, result): super(DebugTransform, self).__init__(context) self.visited = cython.set() # our treebuilder and debug output writer # (see Cython.Debugger.debug_output.CythonDebugWriter) self.tb = self.context.gdb_debug_outputwriter #self.c_output_file = options.output_file self.c_output_file = result.c_file # Closure support, basically treat nested functions as if the AST were # never nested self.nested_funcdefs = [] # tells visit_NameNode whether it should register step-into functions self.register_stepinto = False def visit_ModuleNode(self, node): self.tb.module_name = node.full_module_name attrs = dict( module_name=node.full_module_name, filename=node.pos[0].filename, c_filename=self.c_output_file) self.tb.start('Module', attrs) # serialize functions self.tb.start('Functions') # First, serialize functions normally... self.visitchildren(node) # ... then, serialize nested functions for nested_funcdef in self.nested_funcdefs: self.visit_FuncDefNode(nested_funcdef) self.register_stepinto = True self.serialize_modulenode_as_function(node) self.register_stepinto = False self.tb.end('Functions') # 2.3 compatibility. Serialize global variables self.tb.start('Globals') entries = {} for k, v in node.scope.entries.iteritems(): if (v.qualified_name not in self.visited and not'__pyx_') and not v.type.is_cfunction and not v.type.is_extension_type): entries[k]= v self.serialize_local_variables(entries) self.tb.end('Globals') # self.tb.end('Module') # end Module after the line number mapping in # Cython.Compiler.ModuleNode.ModuleNode._serialize_lineno_map return node def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node): self.visited.add(node.local_scope.qualified_name) if getattr(node, 'is_wrapper', False): return node if self.register_stepinto: self.nested_funcdefs.append(node) return node # node.entry.visibility = 'extern' if node.py_func is None: pf_cname = '' else: pf_cname = node.py_func.entry.func_cname attrs = dict(, cname=node.entry.func_cname, pf_cname=pf_cname, qualified_name=node.local_scope.qualified_name, lineno=str(node.pos[1])) self.tb.start('Function', attrs=attrs) self.tb.start('Locals') self.serialize_local_variables(node.local_scope.entries) self.tb.end('Locals') self.tb.start('Arguments') for arg in node.local_scope.arg_entries: self.tb.start( self.tb.end( self.tb.end('Arguments') self.tb.start('StepIntoFunctions') self.register_stepinto = True self.visitchildren(node) self.register_stepinto = False self.tb.end('StepIntoFunctions') self.tb.end('Function') return node def visit_NameNode(self, node): if (self.register_stepinto and node.type.is_cfunction and getattr(node, 'is_called', False) and node.entry.func_cname is not None): # don't check node.entry.in_cinclude, as 'cdef extern: ...' # declared functions are not 'in_cinclude'. # This means we will list called 'cdef' functions as # "step into functions", but this is not an issue as they will be # recognized as Cython functions anyway. attrs = dict(name=node.entry.func_cname) self.tb.start('StepIntoFunction', attrs=attrs) self.tb.end('StepIntoFunction') self.visitchildren(node) return node def serialize_modulenode_as_function(self, node): """ Serialize the module-level code as a function so the debugger will know it's a "relevant frame" and it will know where to set the breakpoint for 'break modulename'. """ name = node.full_module_name.rpartition('.')[-1] cname_py2 = 'init' + name cname_py3 = 'PyInit_' + name py2_attrs = dict( name=name, cname=cname_py2, pf_cname='', # Ignore the qualified_name, breakpoints should be set using # `cy break modulename:lineno` for module-level breakpoints. qualified_name='', lineno='1', is_initmodule_function="True", ) py3_attrs = dict(py2_attrs, cname=cname_py3) self._serialize_modulenode_as_function(node, py2_attrs) self._serialize_modulenode_as_function(node, py3_attrs) def _serialize_modulenode_as_function(self, node, attrs): self.tb.start('Function', attrs=attrs) self.tb.start('Locals') self.serialize_local_variables(node.scope.entries) self.tb.end('Locals') self.tb.start('Arguments') self.tb.end('Arguments') self.tb.start('StepIntoFunctions') self.register_stepinto = True self.visitchildren(node) self.register_stepinto = False self.tb.end('StepIntoFunctions') self.tb.end('Function') def serialize_local_variables(self, entries): for entry in entries.values(): if entry.type.is_pyobject: vartype = 'PythonObject' else: vartype = 'CObject' if entry.from_closure: # We're dealing with a closure where a variable from an outer # scope is accessed, get it from the scope object. cname = '%s->%s' % (Naming.cur_scope_cname, entry.outer_entry.cname) qname = '%s.%s.%s' % (entry.scope.outer_scope.qualified_name,, elif entry.in_closure: cname = '%s->%s' % (Naming.cur_scope_cname, entry.cname) qname = entry.qualified_name else: cname = entry.cname qname = entry.qualified_name if not entry.pos: # this happens for variables that are not in the user's code, # e.g. for the global __builtins__, __doc__, etc. We can just # set the lineno to 0 for those. lineno = '0' else: lineno = str(entry.pos[1]) attrs = dict(, cname=cname, qualified_name=qname, type=vartype, lineno=lineno) self.tb.start('LocalVar', attrs) self.tb.end('LocalVar')