Commit 1d7a4aeb authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

cleanup, ObjectInterruptions to be all created by the same method

parent 2b494f50
......@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@ def createObjects():
loop through all the model resources
......@@ -277,61 +276,6 @@ def createObjects():
# get the successorList for the 'Frames'
coreObject.nextFrameIds=getSuccessorList(element['id'], lambda source, destination, edge_data: edge_data.get('entity') == 'Frame')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# loop through all the nodes to
# search for Event Generator and create them
# this is put last, since the EventGenerator
# may take other objects as argument
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
for (element_id, element) in nodes.iteritems(): # use an iterator to go through all the nodes
# the key is the element_id and the second is the
# element itself
element['id'] = element_id # create a new entry for the element (dictionary)
# with key 'id' and value the the element_id
elementClass = element.get('_class', 'not found') # get the class type of the element
if elementClass=='Dream.EventGenerator': # check the object type
id = element.get('id', 'not found') # get the id of the element / default 'not_found'
name = element.get('name', 'not found') # get the name of the element / default 'not_found'
start = float(element.get('start') or 0)
stop = float(element.get('stop') or -1)
# infinity (had to be done to make it as float)
if stop<0:
interval = float(element.get('interval') or 1)
duration = float(element.get('duration') or 0)
method = (element.get('method', None)) # get the method to be run / default None
method = method.split('.') #the method is given as 'Path.MethodName'
method=getattr(str_to_class(method[0]),method[1]) #and then parsed with getattr
argumentDict=(element.get('argumentDict', {})) # get the arguments of the method as a dict / default {}
EV = EventGenerator(id, name, start=start, stop=stop, interval=interval,
duration=duration, method=method, argumentDict=argumentDict) # create the EventGenerator object
elif elementClass=='Dream.CapacityStationController': # check the object type
id = element.get('id', 'not found') # get the id of the element / default 'not_found'
name = element.get('name', 'not found') # get the name of the element / default 'not_found'
start = float(element.get('start') or 0)
stop = float(element.get('stop') or -1)
# infinity (had to be done to make it as float)
if stop<0:
interval = float(element.get('interval') or 1)
duration = float(element.get('duration') or 0)
dueDateThreshold = float(element.get('dueDateThreshold') or float('inf'))
prioritizeIfCanFinish = bool(element.get('prioritizeIfCanFinish', 0))
argumentDict=(element.get('argumentDict', {})) # get the arguments of the method as a dict / default {}
# create the CapacityStationController object
CSC = CapacityStationController(id, name, start=start, stop=stop, interval=interval,
duration=duration, argumentDict=argumentDict, dueDateThreshold=dueDateThreshold,
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# loop through all the core objects
# to read predecessors
......@@ -732,13 +676,71 @@ def createWIP():
# reads the interruptions of the stations
# ===========================================================================
def createObjectInterruptions():
json_data = G.JSONData
#Read the json data
nodes = json_data['nodes'] # read from the dictionary the dicts with key 'nodes'
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# loop through all the nodes to
# search for Event Generator and create them
# this is put last, since the EventGenerator
# may take other objects as argument
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
for (element_id, element) in nodes.iteritems(): # use an iterator to go through all the nodes
# the key is the element_id and the second is the
# element itself
element['id'] = element_id # create a new entry for the element (dictionary)
# with key 'id' and value the the element_id
elementClass = element.get('_class', 'not found') # get the class type of the element
if elementClass=='Dream.EventGenerator': # check the object type
id = element.get('id', 'not found') # get the id of the element / default 'not_found'
name = element.get('name', 'not found') # get the name of the element / default 'not_found'
start = float(element.get('start') or 0)
stop = float(element.get('stop') or -1)
# infinity (had to be done to make it as float)
if stop<0:
interval = float(element.get('interval') or 1)
duration = float(element.get('duration') or 0)
method = (element.get('method', None)) # get the method to be run / default None
method = method.split('.') #the method is given as 'Path.MethodName'
method=getattr(str_to_class(method[0]),method[1]) #and then parsed with getattr
argumentDict=(element.get('argumentDict', {})) # get the arguments of the method as a dict / default {}
EV = EventGenerator(id, name, start=start, stop=stop, interval=interval,
duration=duration, method=method, argumentDict=argumentDict) # create the EventGenerator object
elif elementClass=='Dream.CapacityStationController': # check the object type
id = element.get('id', 'not found') # get the id of the element / default 'not_found'
name = element.get('name', 'not found') # get the name of the element / default 'not_found'
start = float(element.get('start') or 0)
stop = float(element.get('stop') or -1)
# infinity (had to be done to make it as float)
if stop<0:
interval = float(element.get('interval') or 1)
duration = float(element.get('duration') or 0)
dueDateThreshold = float(element.get('dueDateThreshold') or float('inf'))
prioritizeIfCanFinish = bool(element.get('prioritizeIfCanFinish', 0))
argumentDict=(element.get('argumentDict', {})) # get the arguments of the method as a dict / default {}
# create the CapacityStationController object
CSC = CapacityStationController(id, name, start=start, stop=stop, interval=interval,
duration=duration, argumentDict=argumentDict, dueDateThreshold=dueDateThreshold,
# for the elements in the nodes dict
for (element_id, element) in nodes.iteritems():
element['id'] = element_id
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